HNN CO 3 OONAGH CREMINS FIHI President's Note 5 NEW TO IHI Members and Business Partners 7 IHI CONSTITUTION Update 11 ON THE RECORD Sarah Marr FIHI
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NTENTS 17 GUESTLINE Digital and contact-free solutions 19 NETAFFINITY Promoting Your Hotel As A Wedding Venue 23 SODEXO Vital Spaces
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PRESIDENT'S NOTE Dear Member I believe that it is very timely that as the industry re opens fully with great excitement this week that change is also afoot here at the Institute. This month of June 2021 marks the end of my presidency of the Institute for the period of 2019 - 2021.These past two years have flown by and have been most enjoyable. This role allowed me insights into the industry I love that I had not had heretofore and for that I most grateful. My two years at the helm have been centered largely in a virtual world. Unfortunately, the limitations of these pandemic years have afforded us little opportunity to physically meet, chat with or just enjoy each other’s company in our normal schedule of annual events. The constraint of having to be virtual forced us as a board to think outside the box and work to engage and support members at every level with the work and focus of the Institute. Our main goal was to support you, our members at either associate, member, or fellow level at a practical level. We were also mindful that all our patrons and business partners needed support and engagement with the industry. From what we hear and understand, our online webinars, virtual coffee mornings and shared learning programmes have struck a chord and there are plans to continue this type of engagement in the future. Our IHITP had a very successful launch in the pandemic and will now become an annual event for the Institute due to its success as a learning and engaging event. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our Patrons and Business Partners, who have been most loyal to the Institute, even in these most difficult of times. You provide very necessary financial support to the Institute whose income streams are limited to memberships, patrons, business partners and events. Clearly the past year has taken its toll on our events income and so we are, even more grateful for the loyalty of our Patrons and Business Partners thus far. In the past 2 years the board and the executive of NEO Tina Maree and Cynthia O’ Neill, Membership & Events Executive have worked closely together to deliver some structural change in the broad governance area. This has been a body of work that I am delighted to report was passed unanimously at our EGM which was held on May 25th 2021. In completing the governance work undertaken in 2020 along with successful acceptance of the resolution of change to our constitution, I believe we have reinforced the working foundation of the Institute for years to come. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the Board 2019- 2021 as well as the executive team for their support and commitment to the Institute. A very big thank to all of you who have dropped me a note or email or text over the past 2 years to commend, to comment or give opinion. It has been just lovely to be in touch with so many of you and to make so many new friendships albeit at a distance. HNN |
On June 15 we will host our AGM and, on that occasion, I will hand the Chain of Office along with what I hope is some good advice over to our incoming President Brian Bowler. I am very grateful to Brian for his support and counsel over the past 2 years and I wish him all the best in his tenure as President.
Our AGM is planned for June 15 this year, so while you will receive paperwork around same in the next week or so, please mark the date in your diary – again we would welcome your attendance there. On a final note, I wish you all the very best of luck with your reopening and with your business not just in the weeks or season ahead but well into the future. 2019- 2021 has been a learning curve for us all, and we have all had to dig deep! Being your president throughout this time has been a terrific experience for me. Thank you most sincerely for that opportunity.!
Oonagh President Irish Hospitality Institute
IHI would like to welcome our newest Members
Ellen Hayes Senior Director, Global Loyalty – Design HotelsTM Marriot International
Helena Rowe Bradley eCommerce Services Manager Netaffinity
15th June 11.00 Member-Only Annual General Meeting
IHI would like to welcome our newest Business Partners
Who Tobaccoland is: Tobaccoland Ltd is Irelands largest independent supplier of tobacco products. We currently service the needs of over 2500 customers in the Hotel, Restaurant, Public Houses, and Retail Stores industry. From our base in Limerick City, we provide a dedicated service to the 26 counties. We currently employ 40 staff on a full-time basis.
What Tobaccoland Provide: In 2020, Tobaccoland identified the growing trend of a cashless society and embarked on a program of installing cashless payment solutions on our FUTURE Vending Machines. Our FUTURE machine was designed by Tobaccoland and manufactured in Spain by GM Solutions. These machines are exclusive to Tobaccoland. Tobaccoland are currently the only Cigarette Vending company to offer this service in Ireland. What this FUTURE machine offers is a hassle free method of dispensing tobacco products for both Hotel/Pub and the consumer. Along with our FUTURE vending machine, Tobaccoland can also provide your premises with a cash for coin service with no fees charged. Contact Declan Costello for more information:
IHI Constitution In 1966, some young managers known anecdotally as the “Young Tigers “- students of either Lausanne or Shannon College of Hotel Management believed that they were neither receiving the living conditions or the professional recognition that their education deserved and so they came together initially to form the Hotel and Restaurant Management Association. The HRMA had a brief but active life and it led some leading members to believe that a better road forward might be through establishing a professional institute for hotel and catering managers. They formalised this in September of that same year by visiting the offices of Arthur Cox and meeting with Daniel J O’Connor (solicitor), to sign the Memorandum of Association of the Irish Hotel and Catering Institute, now the Irish Hospitality Institute. On Monday, 24th May, IHI President Oonagh Cremins FIHI, welcomed members to an ExtraOrdinary General Meeting of the Irish Hospitality Institute. The purpose of the EGM was to present Members with the draft revision of the Memorandum and Articles of Association (Constitution) for ratification. This was the first time a full review of Constitution was undertaken since the Institute’s foundation on the 16th September 1966. The result of the vote was a unanimous and the resolution was approved. It is worth noting that all founding members who signed the original constitution in 1966 will remain the signatories on the new constitution. "Today, I think it is nice to just take a moment so I can read through those signatories who had the fantastic foresight and the initiative to set up our Institute. We hope that our work continues to achieve the original objective and ethos of professional recognition and ongoing learning and development". - Oonagh Cremins FIHI
Signatories: William J. Kelly, The Strand Hotel (Kelly's Resort), Rosslare, Co Wexford (1st President) Eoin Dillion, The Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin Oswald Johnson, The Marine Hotel, Sutton, Dublin John Costello, Powers Royal Hotel, Kildare Street, Dublin David Adare-Fitzgerald, La Touche Hotel, Greystones, Co Wicklow Michael Gerrard Mac Menamin, Hotel & Catering Controller Dermot Thomas Mooney, Strandfield House, Wexford
Matt Ryan, Winifred Bouchier Hayes,WJ Kelly,Mary Davis,Harry Toner, Eoin Dillon, Hector Fabron,Michael Vaughan,Dermot Mooney,John Costelloe,John Bourke, Jorgen E Blum, David Adare Fitzgerald,and Noel Duff.
25th November More details to come.
On the Record Sarah Marr FIHI This month, I had the pleasure of interviewing IHI Fellow Sarah Marr. Sarah is the Group Human Resources Manager for Ireland & UK at PREM Group and a great friend and advocate of the IHI. You are a Fellow of the Institute, how long have you been a member? Coming up on my 20 year anniversary now – September 2002. How did you find your way to a career in hospitality? I worked in the Court Hotel in Killiney from my midteens. I was a part-time commis server in the restaurant. It was a very busy spot with large tours during the summer as well as steady local business throughout the year. The hotel is not there anymore, but the great friendships forged with a number of colleagues still remain – not least with my husband, Joe Kenny, whom I met when I was 17! 28 years and four children later I am very happy I took up that part-time job all those years ago. I really enjoyed the buzz of working in the hotel. When the hotel was in full swing it was like being a part of an orchestra – every section playing their part. It was hard work, but it was fun. I was bitten by the hotel business. I didn’t go into it immediately though, opting to head to UCD to study politics and sociology as part of an Arts degree, followed by a Business Studies post-grad and then onto NCI to get my qualification in HR Management. I spent some time working in the EBS Building Society before heading back to hospitality when Jim Murphy, CEO of PREM Group, gave me the opportunity to take on the HR Manager’s role for the group
You won IHI HR Manager of the Year in 2012. Can you tell us what it meant to you to win and what impact it had on your career? The Founders Banquet and Awards has been a night I have enjoyed for so many years. You can sense the camaraderie in the room as people who don’t see each other often but hold so much in common as hospitality professionals get to catch up and let the hair down. I remember the night of the 2012 Awards in the (then) Four Seasons so well. Along with a group of colleagues my Dad was with me, and Joe. I didn’t think I would win, but I was so, so delighted when I did. It meant a lot to me as there were so many HR professionals that I greatly admired that had won the award before. From a career point of view, it gave me self-confidence. At that point, I had been working in PREM Group for 12 years. The company had grown significantly since I had started, affording me great opportunity to learn and develop as an HR and hospitality professional but it was reassuring to have an external body affirm that I was on the right track with what I was doing and how I was doing it. As someone who has been working with the same company for 20 years, what would you say are the key initiatives that should be implemented to retain staff?
Employee turnover is a major issue for our industry. At the moment we are facing great challenges as we re-open to leisure business. We are used to competing with retail for employees, but this time around we are finding that we are competing with health sector recruiters as well as other sectors who have more employment opportunities as a result of growth during the Pandemic. The basics, such as pay, have to be right to retain team members, but in addition to this, we have to be prepared to be flexible in terms of working hours. There’s great talk about hybrid working arrangements for office-based workers. It’s impossible to provide ‘work-from-home' options to employees who have to be customer-facing to do their jobs, but we can provide flexibility in start and finish times as well as varied working days. It’s important for team leaders to try to come up with win-win rostering arrangements that other industries and sectors can’t provide, not being 24/7 operations. One key way to retain the team is to provide a working environment that people enjoy being a part of. If you are heading to work a shift in a hotel and you know that you will probably have some fun while getting the work done, you are far more likely to stay in that job. The same goes for appreciation – if you feel appreciated you’re more likely to stay in the job. If you are pursuing a hospitality career and feel you are learning and being developed, you will probably want to keep working for that company. If you are a senior hotel professional and you feel you are contributing to the overall strategic success of the business, and are being rewarded for it, you will probably want to stay with that company. A certain amount of turnover is to be expected in any organisation but, in my experience, where team members feel appreciated, valued and trusted, retention will never be a major business concern.
In practical terms, appreciation and a sense of value and trust is fostered through good communication. One of the processes we have adopted in PREM Group to try to ensure better communication is what we call ‘check ins’ – basically it is a structured, but less formal, approach to giving and receiving feedback about how someone is doing in their role. It’s also about building a positive and trusting relationship between the ‘reviewer’ and ‘reviewee’, setting personal goals for both the short and long term and communicating wider company goals. It’s an opportunity to ensure that everyone knows how the work they do contributes to the success of the wider team. It’s also a time to listen to ideas that the reviewee might have for the business. The key point is it is about two-way communication. Our team leaders are communicating on a daily basis with their team members, but the check in meetings, which ideally should take place 3 times a year, are an opportunity to take some time out together to show appreciation, reflect on what’s going well and what areas might need more attention, and set goals for the coming months and beyond. Prem Group’s ethos is “Do the Right Thing”. Can you tell us how you apply this ideology in your own role? The PREM Ethos was defined by the PREM team following an extended period of consultation across all our teams in Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium. As an organization we know we aren’t 100% perfect 100% of the time but we work very hard to make business decisions with positive implications for all stakeholders. From a team point of view we endeavour to provide an enjoyable working environment where team members feel respected and can thrive. This can only happen where a positive culture beats through the organization. The tone of an organisation is often set by the leaders but the atmosphere within the business emanates from every team member’s experience when they come to work every day. HNN |
A sense of respect, I believe, is key to ensuring people’s everyday experience is positive. When there is importance placed on respect then ‘doing the right thing’ comes more naturally to people in all the little decisions we make, not just at work but outside of work too. PREM Group is very lucky to partner with a wonderful not-for-profit organisation called LIFT Ireland. Their aim is to raise the level of personal leadership across Ireland by providing access to a 10 part learning programme to people in business, schools, colleges, sports clubs, community groups and beyond. For PREM this means a number of us are trained as ‘facilitators’ and we set up weekly roundtables which we run either in person or online. Facilitators invite three or four other colleagues to join them at the roundtables and using a LIFT provided script we take about 45 minutes, once a week, to collectively self-reflect on a personal leadership theme. There are currently 8 LIFT themes with two more being launched around now – my favourites of these are ‘listening’, ‘positive attitude’, ‘respect’, ‘resilience’ and the newly launched ‘diversity & inclusion’. It’s hard to explain the impact of LIFT, but in a nutshell, for PREM it establishes a common understanding across the group of what sort of behaviours we should expect of each other. LIFT is for everyone in the Group – it’s just as important for our CEO to take part (and he does) as the person who is working in a part-time summer job – the more of us who are living LIFT in PREM Group, the easier it is to ‘do the right thing’ more often. As we re-open our industry, what are you most looking forward to? I have so much admiration for our teams in operations in all our hotels. We have an incredible team of General Managers in our Group who lead teams of people who are highly committed to delivering exceptional guest experiences. HNN |
Last summer they took on the challenge of providing our leisure guests with relaxed and enjoyable stays while ensuring that all Failte Ireland safety protocols were adhered to – guest feedback proved that the teams aced it and I am greaatly looking forward to watching the magic happen all over again. It’s a good opportunity for me to say thanks to one and all in PREM Hospitality who go above and beyond all of the time - thank you! Lastly, we all have big plans for our staycations in Ireland. Can you tell us where you think you might head and why? Like many of us we haven’t seen enough of our extended family in the last year, so I’ll be heading to Lough Ennell in Mullingar for some catch up time with family there. My Dad has a boat moored in Carrick on Shannon – there’s nothing like being on the river on a warm, sunny day – so we’ll pack the sun-screen in hope and spend some time there too. For a bit of luxury after the boat life we might head to Killarney and the gorgeous Cahernane House Hotel. We really are lucky here in Ireland to have so many beautiful places a short enough journey away. Here’s hoping for a great summer season for all our colleagues involved in the hospitality industry. Good luck all!
It’s time to evolve New times call for new tools as hotels take bold, strategic action toward profit optimisation and commercial success. Download our new infographic and discover why the future is yours for the taking. Whether you’re looking for a new RMS now or in the coming months, it’s time to re/invent what’s possible.
Digital and contact-free solutions revealed as hotelier’s top priorities for technology and operations ahead of re-opening New research from Guestline identifies how the pandemic has impacted hotelier’s re-opening plans as it announces latest upgrade to its contact-free check-in/out and payments solution GuestStay As hoteliers prepare to open their doors, new research by the leading hospitality software company Guestline released today, reveals the future of operations and guest management is firmly digital and contact-free. Implementing effective digital marketing strategies alongside contactless and online solutions, both for staff and guests, are set to play key roles in re-opening plans in the weeks and months ahead. More specifically, of those hoteliers surveyed across the Guestline customer base in the UK and Ireland, when asked what their priority is in terms of technology and operations for the year ahead, over a quarter (27%) stated it was digital marketing (including enhancing the website and social media presence), whilst a fifth (20%) stated it was overseeing and managing a contact-free guest experience (including a more digital approach to guest communications, upselling, utilising feedback and check-in/out). Contactless and cloud solutions The impact of the pandemic, and shift towards a greater adoption of contactless and cloud solutions over the past year, looks set to have a lasting impression. A fifth (20%) of those surveyed confirmed that contactless payments was the technology that saw their biggest investment throughout 2020, followed by contactless check-in / check-out (18%) and a cloud-based property management system (18%). Likewise for those hoteliers planning to invest in technology in 2021, over a third (38%) stated it would be in contactless payments, whilst 18% are planning to invest further in online check-in / check-out software. Positive response from guests The survey also revealed guests have responded positively to the innovations and advances in technology across the industry. The technologies that saw the greatest adoption by guests were identified as free Wi-Fi and TV streaming services available in-room (40%), followed by contactless payments (20%) and online check-in / check-out (18%). Encouragingly, across the board, over half (56%) of hoteliers also revealed guests have responded positively to the wider implementation of technology, whilst over two-thirds (68%) stated staff have had a positive response. Looking longer term, when asked how guest relations will change post-Covid, nearly half (42%) said they expected there will be an equal balance between technology and human / face-to-face interaction whilst over a third (38%) expected a greater shift towards the use of contactless / low-touch technology. Checking in/out and paying online The results come as Guestline announces an upgrade to its online check-in solution GuestStay to include check-out and payments. Built to offer hoteliers and their guests a frictionless experience, GuestStay delivers an online check-in and check-out process with the added benefits of reduced queues, more efficient administration and more sophisticated compliance against a host of regulations including GDPR and PSD2. HNN |
Guests will not only be able to check-in online but also digitally register key data including car registration, passport number, estimated time of arrival and any particular preferences as well as secure proof of residency, all in advance of arrival. Likewise, ahead of departure and working in conjunction with Guestline’s online payment solution GuestPay, guests can also review their itemised balance against items such as room service, drinks and spa treatments, with the option to pay their bill ahead of departure for a quicker, more efficient check-out. Smarter and safer guest experiences Andrew Metcalfe, Chief Technical Officer at Guestline comments: “The last 12 months have necessitated the need for smarter and safer guest experiences. One of the lasting legacies of the pandemic will no doubt be the development of new technologies and platforms to achieve this, which are set to pave the way for recovery as hoteliers finally prepare to re-open and welcome guests back. “Certainly the contactless experience, whether that be check-in, check-out or payments has been one of the defining developments of the past year. It is encouraging to see that both hoteliers and their guests recognise the benefits that this technology offers and have been keen to adopt it. Likewise, delivering a positive guest experience is at the heart of any decision for a hotelier in terms of operations, service and functions. Contactless software has been, and will continue to be, critical to achieving that as we now look forward. Ensuring we are delivering both a positive guest and hotelier experience was critical in the thinking and development of GuestStay. Guests can benefit from more time devoted to enjoying their stay rather than its administration, whilst hoteliers can enjoy the benefit of more time to devote to guests, the guest experience and building revenues, all important factors for what we sincerely hope are brighter days ahead.” Beneficial data Outside of technology, the other main areas that hoteliers confirmed in the survey they would be focusing their budget on in 2021, are refurbishments and upgrades of leisure facilities, rooms and their F&B areas (36%) and property maintenance (26%). In addition, when taking a retrospective view and hoteliers were asked what data they didn’t have available which would have proved beneficial in light of the pandemic, cancellations data (18%), competitor data (13%) and business performance data (13%) were listed as the top three areas.
Promoting Your Hotel As A Wedding Venue It’s been a stressful time for those planning a wedding! Many couples in the UK are already scrambling to reschedule their big days until after June 21st following the lockdown roadmap announcement. Traditionally, May to October is peak wedding season, however due to Covid circumstances, it looks like wedding season in 2021 will span from now until the end of the year. According to Wedding Dates, some good news for Irish hotels is that they are up 5% as chosen wedding venues this year, after dropping slightly from 2018 to 2020, and weddings in Ireland have never been more popular. One thing to consider is how complex the last year or so has been for couples trying to plan their weddings. For those couples, and all the couples beyond, it’s important to try and simplify their experience, creating no extra hassle for them to deal with – your goal is to make things easy. Here are a few more tips on how to up your wedding game when it comes to your strategy, packages, and how you manage them.
How can you promote your hotel as a wedding venue? Updating your website Continue to update your wedding pages with new, bright & relevant content Your visual representation is so important. Create a wedding gallery of previous weddings held at your hotel to enhance your profile as a wedding venue Make sure your copy is written to be inclusive of LGBTQ+ weddings and not focused only on the traditional bride & groom terms Same goes for your visuals – try and represent more than just the traditional couple Create a wedding testimonials page – reviews always play a key part in a customer’s decision on a product, and weddings are no different. Testimonials are a smart way of showcasing what your hotel has to offer in the words of someone else. Couples are likely to base their final booking decisions on recommendations. If possible, reach out to previous couples and ask for a review, and permission to use their picture too Double check all your hyperlinks, make sure they are active According to Wedding Dates, 70% of of engaged couples were new to virtual tours in 2020, and 41% of them said the tours were a great idea. It’s something you might want to consider looking into going forward – even though we might be exiting lockdown, people will continue to look for hassle-free, digital options across all aspects of life
Social media activity As part of your organic social media strategy, consider the following content: Testimonials and reviews from previous couples Beautiful, eye-catching wedding-themed visuals that show off the space and grounds you have Food and drinks – what kind of cocktails can you offer? What kind of menus are you capable of creating? What are your champagne options? Who are your local food/drink suppliers? If you can use photography from previous weddings, take advantage of this Instagram – create a story highlights section for ‘Weddings’ and add to this regularly Facebook – upload wedding images to a wedding album Virtual tours of your venue’s space When it comes to Instagram, don’t just use the story highlights section. Instagram has overtaken Pinterest as the number 1 source for wedding inspiration – think about how you can involve yourself in this inspiration process by using the right visuals and hashtags.
Taking the smaller wedding into account While we are exiting lockdown and wedding guest numbers will increase, they won’t skyrocket overnight. Continue offering and promoting smaller wedding packages
Sourcing the right booking engine that will enhance the performance of your wedding packages In case you weren’t convinced as to the benefits of promoting your hotel as a wedding venue, consider this: 30% of all hotel bookings made via our booking engine between January and May 2021 were wedding bookings* Wedding rate plans generated 20% of total room nights booked in this period* Wedding rate plans generated 10% of total revenue in this period* (*Source: NA clients who use wedding rate plans actively) As part of our booking engine, you can set up the packages module in relation to weddings to be automated, which will save you a lot of time. The module allows you to create a code to give to your customer which will bring them to a page dedicated entirely to their wedding with their images, description and dates, meaning you don’t need to create a separate rate plan for every wedding. This benefits your wedding party because: The rates are personalised to their requirements Their wedding guests can book whenever they want This benefits your hotel because: It stops wedding guests making their booking through any 3rd party sites It’s less administration work for your reservations team (which means the team will have more time to please guests!) It allows you to control your wedding bookings separately from other general bookings It helps to close out specific dates within your booking engine It means your rates can be controlled within the booking engine It helps to track your bookings and the reports that will be generated Why not give our booking engine a whirl with a 30 day free trial? HNN |
ZEN AIR ACTIVEPURE TECHNOLOGY, HOW DOES IT DIFFER? ActivePure Technology is an advanced air purification solution that enables businesses to go on the offence, attacking airborne contaminants such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with over 99.9% success rate in as little as 3 minutes. The ZEN AIR range of air purifiers with ActivePure Technology is an ideal solution to accompany the slow rollout of vaccinations and to speed up your business recovery process with the return of your workforce and the peace of mind of your customers.
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PORTABLE SOLUTIONS Portable ActivePure products are available as a customised solution for individual rooms or businesses Read more >
INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS Integrated ActivePure products are available to be installed as part of your existing HVAC duct system. Suitable for businesses where larger areas need protection Read more >
From as little as €1.00 per day* for a hotel room. *based on the installation of a fixed Zenair device into an existing air conditioner. This device will cover up to 40 square meters.
The Covid-19 crisis showed us just how interlinked human, business and planetary health are. Increasingly, companies are recognizing the role they can play in tackling sustainability issues and the speed with which they must “climate change proof” their business models if they are to survive. In our report, Sustainability Shifts from Business Imperative to Mission Critical, we investigate the impact that the pandemic and events of 2020 have had on organizational attitudes and approaches to CSR and sustainability. Inside you’ll find: Why purpose drives performance How responsibility breeds resilience Three approaches to accelerate corporate sustainability Four actions to spur your own CSR agenda Download your copy today for insights and actionable strategies that will help you drive change and operate with purpose.
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