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Recap: Basketball

Recap: Basketball

In these unprecedented times, all of us at the IHSAA extend our best to you and our hope that you and your families are safe and healthy. To say the end of our winter season as well as our entire spring season have been unique experiences would be a gross understatement. Conducting our state basketball championships with a virtually empty arena and the cancellation of our entire spring sports season is something none of us could have imagined. More importantly, the spread of COVID-19 and the impact it has had on individuals, families, communities and the world is like nothing we have seen in our lifetime. The loss of our sports seasons, while important, pale in comparison to those who have been directly affected by this virus – physically, emotionally, socially, and economically.

From the desk

IHSAA Editorial Offering guidance and support to IHSAA member schools, administrators, officials, coaches, and the student-athletes who make interscholastic athletics thrive. Tom Keating Executive Director Iowa High School Athletic Association Seasons like no other

We extend our thank you to so many who continue to work to keep our basic needs met. Call them what you will – Essential Workers, Frontline Workers, First Responders, Service Industry Workers – so many have put themselves at risk for the benefit of the rest of us.

We applaud our school leaders who have been especially challenged as they mobilized quickly to provide students with important learning opportunities in unique ways. As always, our administrators and teachers have stepped up to develop effective strategies and continually adapt to the ever-changing pandemic landscape. Not only are our schools providing these important learning opportunities; they have also gone to great lengths to meet the basic needs of many of their families through meal and supply programs. We offer a special thank you to Director of the Department of Education, Dr. Ann Lebo and her staff for the leadership and guidance they have provided our schools in these most trying times.

Our coaches have remained in touch with their athletes and provide resources to help them stay connected to the activities that mean so much to them. In a time of stress, the opportunity to remain physically active is so important. Our coaches realize this, and also understand the importance of well-being check-ins with the young people in their communities.

The questions we hear the most are, “Will we have a season?” and “When do you think we will be able to start?” It is clear the people in our state have a great passion for high school athletics and are anxious to get back to the activities that bring our young people so much enjoyment. For many, a sports season would bring a sense of normalcy which so many desperately long for. As we have shared throughout this unparalleled situation, decisions based on guidance from the Governor’s office, the Department of Education, the IDPH and the CDC. The health of our students, coaches, officials, administrators and fans will continue to be our number one priority. We will conduct our seasons if and when we believe they can be done without jeopardizing the safety of those involved directly and indirectly.

I’m proud of the IHSAA staff and the IHSAA Board of Control for their tireless work as we assess information and develop contingency plans for situations that seem to change daily. So much of what we have developed, we did not have the chance to implement. That has not and will not deter us from continuing in that thoughtful planning. We look forward to the day when we can all get back to interacting and enjoying so much of life that has been put on hold – including our activities programs!

Sincerely, Tom

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