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board minutes Board of Control minutes


Approved records from IHSAA board meetings from January 2020

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met January 23, 2020 at the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) office in Boone pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Rod Earleywine, Vice Chairperson Barb Schwamman, Treasurer Brent Cook, Dave Wiebers, Scott Kibby, and Amanda Whaley. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating, Assistant Directors Chad Elsberry and Jared Chizek, Director of Finance Jessican Morgan and Director of Officials Lewie Curtis.

BOARD OF CONTROL WORK SESSION - The Board of Control met at 8:30 am for a special work session to review the IHSAA and IHOP Foundation 990 tax returns and to sign Conflict of Interest statements. Each Board of Control member received a complete copy of the IHSAA and the IHOP Foundation 990 tax returns.

CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Earleywine at 9:00 a.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES - (MM-S) Cook-Schwamman to approve the December 19, 2019, minutes. Motion carried unanimously.


MARTENSDALE-ST. MARYS INELIGIBLE ATHLETE PARTICIPATION & CORRECTIVE ACTION – Executive Director Keating presented correspondence from and response to Martensdale-St. Marys High School regarding the participation of an ineligible athlete in a high school wrestling event.

2020 WRESTLING TOURNAMENT MANUALS – Director of Officials Curtis presented the 2020 postseason wrestling tournament manuals to be used for both the individual and dual team tournaments.

2020 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT MANUAL – Executive Director Keating presented the 2020 postseason basketball tournament manual.

PITNEY-BOWES LEASE AGREEMENT – Executive Director Keating presented a new lease agreement with Pitney-Bowes for IHSAA mailings.

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS – (MM-S) Schwamman-Kibby to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously.


FINANCIAL REPORT – Director of Finance Morgan presented December 31, 2019, financial statements including the Detailed Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Budgetary Activities and Quarterly Investment Report. (MM-S) Wiebers-Kibby to approve the financial report as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously.

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATION– Director of Finance Morgan presented the minutes from the investment committee on December 19, 2019. The committee recommended to sell two investments and to reinvest the proceeds. (MM-S) Schwamman-Cook to approve the committee’s recommendation. Motion carried unanimously.

board minutes Board of Control 2018-19 IHSAA ANNUAL REPORT – Director of Finance Morgan presented the 2018-19 Annual Report. The annual report will be shared and discussed with the Representative Council at their March meeting. (MM-S) Schwamman-Kibby to approve the annual report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2020 REGIONAL DUAL TEAM WRESTLING SITES AND ASSIGNMENTS – Director of Officials Curtis shared the IWCOA ranking process is still live and the deadline to submit rankings is Friday, January 24 at Noon. At that point, Curtis can determine host sites for Class 1A and 2A regional dual team wrestling and Class 3A regional dual team sites and assignments. Class 1A and 2A assignments will be made following the sectional tournament on February 8. (MM-S) Cook-Whaley to take no action on the Class 1A and 2A sites and Class 3A sites and assignments until voting is completed on Friday, January 24 at which time the board will review and vote via email. Motion carried unanimously.

2020 STATE QUALIFYING BOWLING SITES AND ASSIGNMENTS – Executive Director Keating presented the state qualifying bowling meet sites and assignments. (MM-S) Cook-Schwamman to approve the sites and assignments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2020 SPRING GOLF CLASSIFICATIONS – Assistant Director Elsberry presented the classifications to be used for the 2020 spring golf postseason. (MM-S) Wiebers-Cook to approve the classifications as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2020 TENNIS CLASSIFICATIONS – Director of Officials Curtis presented the classifications to be used for the 2020 tennis season. (MM-S) Kibby-Cook to approve the classifications as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2020 SPIRIT OF SPORT NOMINATION – Executive Director Keating shared the IHSAA’s intent to nominate Ashlyn Clark, student at Humboldt High School, as Iowa’s nominee for the NFHS Spirit of Sport Award. (MM-S) Schwamman-Whaley to approve the nomination. Motion carried unanimously.

2020 IHSAA AWARD RECIPIENTS – Executive Director Keating presented the recommendations for the following awards. 2020 IHSAA School Administrator Award: Mike Haluska, Decorah; Dr. Jen Lindaman, Ankeny Centennial; Brian VanderSluis, Twin Cedars, Bussey; Dr. Mary Wilcyinski, Cedar Rapids, Kennedy; and Mike Winker, Xavier, Cedar Rapids. (MM-S) Cook-Wiebers to accept the recommendations as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

OFFICIALS HALL OF FAME COMMITTEE – Executive Director Keating shared the minutes and recommendations of the Officials Hall of Fame Committee. (MM-S) Wiebers-Cook to receive the minutes and approve the induction of Jim Bruck, Harlan; Jay Flora, Marshalltown; Jeff Frese, Norway; Cary Griffith, Nashua; John “Jack” Jaspers, Cedar Rapids; Royce Ranninger, Sioux City; Dan Severidt; Adel; and Kurt Walderbach; Mason City. Motion carried unanimously.


I.A.S.B. REPORT – Board member Whaley shared IASB’s Day at the Hill is January 28th.

I.H.S.A.D.A. REPORT – Board member Cook shared the state athletic directors conference will be held in Coralville March 28-31.

LET’S CONNECT CONFERENCE – Assistant Directors Elsberry and Chizek shared about their experience at the recent Let’s Connect Conference in Chicago.

NFHS WINTER MEETING REPORT – Executive Director Keating presented on the NFHS Winter Meeting recently held in Austin, Texas.


1) Director of Officials Curtis provided an updated list of 2019-20 winter sports ejections. 2) Assistant Director Chizek presented information from the IHSBCA Convention he was a part of earlier in the month. 3) Executive Director Keating provided a preliminary schedule for the 2020 NFHS Summer Meeting. 4) Executive Director Keating provided information regarding the number of insurance claims filed under the Head Strong Insurance program as of January 1. 5) Executive Director Keating discussed Senate File 2015 requiring information be shared to parents and students regarding sudden cardiac arrest.

6) Executive Director Keating provided articles sent from the NFHS since the board’s last meeting. 7) Executive Director Keating shared Sidney is appealing the board’s decision regarding football classification to the Representative Council. 8) Executive Director Keating updated the board on a wrestling official involved in a concussion lawsuit. 9) Executive Director Keating provided the board with the classification survey results and summary, which was followed by board discussion. 10) Executive Director Keating and Director of Officials Curtis shared options for future state dual team wrestling tournaments. 11) The administrative staff led a discussion on the football advisory committee recommendations and the recent 4A football meeting held in the IHSAA office. 12) Executive Director Keating informed the board on SF2044, which would require the IHSAA and IGHSAU to investigate weighting non-public school enrollment for sport classifications. 13) Executive Director Keating shared he was meeting with Ken Krogman of the IHSSN to discuss the recently proposed contract from Krogman. board minutes Board of Control

NEXT MEETING DATE - The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held March 12, 2020 at Hy-Vee Hall in Des Moines, held in conjunction with the state basketball tournament.

ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Earleywine at 12:00 p.m.

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, January 23, 2020.


The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met January 29, 2020, by telephone conference call, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Rod Earleywine, Vice-Chairperson Barb Schwamman, Treasurer Brent Cook, Scott Kibby, Andy Crozier, and Amanda Whaley. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Director Jared Chizek. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel.

CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Earleywine at 9:00 a.m.

(1) EAST MILLS – Jack A. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Amanda A., appellant; Tim Hood, Superintendent; and Dale Scott, Principal, participated in the hearing. The participants were informed Board Member Wise had recused himself from the hearing and had not received any materials pertaining to the hearing. The participants were also informed Board Member Wiebers had recused himself from the hearing. (MM-S) Schwamman-Cook that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously.

ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Earleywine at 9:40 a.m.

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Wednesday, January 29, 2020.


board minutes Board of Control Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Todd Tharp and Jared Chizek.

CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Earleywine at 1:30 p.m.


CLASS 4A FOOTBALL – Assistant Directors Tharp and Chizek provided two different scheduling options for Class 4A football and the feedback on those scheduling options received from Class 4A athletic directors. Discussion ensued regarding the desire to go to a one-year redistricting cycle to review classification structure and to review whatever Class 4A model was adopted after the 2020 season. (MM-S) Crozier-Schwamman to adopt a 40-team success tiering scheduling option for Class 4A football for only the 2020 season. Motion carried unanimously.

EIGHT-PLAYER THROUGH CLASS 3A FOOTBALL PLAYOFF RECOMMENDATION – Executive Director Keating discussed the football advisory committee’s recommendation of changing the regular season and playoff structure from nine regular season games and 16 playoff qualifiers to eight regular season games and 32 playoff qualifiers. (MM-S) Crozier-Cook to deny the football advisory committee’s recommendation. Motion carried 6-1 with Wiebers voting nay.

EIGHT-PLAYER THROUGH CLASS 3A FOOTBALL DISTRICT ASSIGNMENTS – Assistant Directors Tharp and Chizek presented the district assignments for Class 8-Player, A, 1A, 2A, and 3A football. (MM-S) Cook-Schwamman to approve the district assignments for the 2020 season only. Motion carried unanimously.

ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Earleywine at 3:25 p.m.

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Wednesday, February 5, 2020.


The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met March 12, 2020, at the Iowa Hall of Pride in Des Moines, Iowa, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Rod Earleywine, Vice Chairperson Barb Schwamman, Treasurer Brent Cook, Dave Wiebers, Andy Crozier, Amanda Whaley, Deron Durflinger and Ryan Wise (non-voting). Association staff member present was Executive Director Tom Keating; Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Chad Elsberry and Jared Chizek; and Director of Officials Lewie Curtis. Brian Humke, IHSAA Legal Counsel was also present.

CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Earleywine at 8:00 a.m.

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Marion – Isaac C. – Scholarship Rule 36.15(2). Pursuant to a letter received from Chad Zrudsky, Marion High School. Chad Zrudsky, Marion head track and field coach and associate high school principal; Mike Manderscheid, Marion activities director; Greg Semler, Marion high school principal; Dave C., father of student; Teresa C., mother of student and Isaac C., student, participated in the hearing. The participants were informed Board Member Wise had recused himself from the hearing and had not received any materials pertaining to the hearing. (MM-S) Wiebers-Cook that in accordance with 36.15(2), the appeal requesting an extension of eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously.

EXECUTIVE SESSION - (MM-S) Crozier-Wiebers to proceed to executive session to discuss a personnel matter. (MM-S) Durflinger-Schwamman to adjourn the Executive Session.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES - (MM-S) Schwamman-Cook to approve the January 23, 2020; January 29, 2020; and February 5, 2020 minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

CHARACTER COUNTS COACH OF THE YEAR – Assistant Director Elsberry presented that Matt Miller of Fort Dodge was named Character Counts State Coach of the Year.

NFHS COACHES ASSOCIATION – Assistant Director Tharp presented the list of Iowa Coaches of the Year as named by the NFHS Coaches Association.

2020 STATE QUALIFYING TRACK AND FIELD SITES– Assistant Director Chizek presented the state qualifying track and field sites. Assignments will be made after classifications are finalized.

2020 SPRING SPORTS MANUAL – The administrative staff presented the 2020 Spring Sports Manual for approval. The manual contains information for Golf, Tennis, Track & Field, Soccer, and Baseball.

MAQUOKETA INELIGIBLE ATHLETE PARTICIPATION & CORRECTIVE ACTION – Executive Director Keating presented correspondence from and response to Maquoketa High School regarding the participation of an ineligible athlete in a high school wrestling event.

ALGONA INELIGIBLE ATHLETE PARTICIPATION & CORRECTIVE ACTION – Executive Director Keating presented correspondence from and response to Algona High School regarding the participation of an ineligible athlete in a number of sub-varsity basketball games.

BOARD MEMBER RESIGNATION – Executive Director Keating presented correspondence from Greg Darling resigning from the Board of Control.

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS - (MM-S) Schwamman-Whaley to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously.


2020 DISTRICT TENNIS SITES – Director of Officials Curtis presented the district tennis sites. Assignments will be made later this spring. (MM-S) Wiebers-Crozier to approve the sites as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2020 SECTIONAL & DISTRICT GOLF SITES & ASSIGNMENTS– Assistant Director Elsberry presented the sectional and district golf sites and assignments. (MM-S) Cook-Whaley to approve the sites and assignments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

BOARD OF CONTROL ELECTION — Executive Director Keating presented the formal report of the Board of Control election committee for the special election for the Central District.



Deron Durflinger Superintendent Van Meter Dr. Jesse Ulrich Superintendent Fort Dodge Scott Dryer Principal South Hamilton, Jewell Erik Anderson Superintendent Colfax-Mingo 17 6 2 1

I, Chairperson of the Election Committee for the Board of Control, certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the elections for the Board of Control.

board minutes Board of Control (MM-S) Wiebers-Schwamman to receive the report and declare Deron Durflinger elected to the Board of Control. Motion carried unanimously.

STUDENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Executive Director Keating presented a proposal to create a student advisory committee made up of 12 students from across the state. (MM-S) Durflinger-Whaley to create a student advisory committee. Motion carried unanimously.

2019-20 BEDS DOCUMENT – Assistant Director Tharp presented the BEDS Document that will be used for classification for the 2020-21 school year. In case of ties in enrollment, the first alphabetical school goes into the larger classification. (MM-S) Cook-Wiebers to approve the BEDS Document to be used for 2020-21 classifications. Motion carried unanimously.

ARCASEARCH PROPOSAL – Executive Director Keating presented a bid from ArcaSearch out of Minnesota to digitize IHSAA Summary Books from 1967-2005. Funding would come from the Iowa Hall of Pride Foundation. (MM-S) Crozier-Durflinger to accept the bid from ArchaSearch and to proceed with the digitization of old IHSAA Summary Books. Motion carried unanimously.

IOWA EVENTS CENTER AGREEMENT – Executive Director Keating presented a contract renewal from the Iowa Events Center and Spectra to continue hosting state wrestling and basketball at Wells Fargo Arena. The proposed agreement would be for five years with the opportunity to extend the contract for up to five additional years. (MM-S) Crozier-Cook to sign the proposed agreement with the Iowa Events Center and Spectra as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


No reports were at this meeting as they will be given at the Representative Council meeting on March 13, 2020.


1) Director of Officials Curtis shared the winter sports ejection report. 2) Ken Krogman provided an update on the Iowa High School Sports Network. 3) Executive Director Keating presented correspondence sent to member schools regarding cooperative sharing and whole grade sharing programs for the 2020-21 school year. 4) Assistant Director Elsberry shared correspondence sent to member schools about the Governor’s Scholar Program. 5) Assistant Director Tharp shared the NFHS football rule changes for the 2020 season. 6) Assistant Director Tharp shared the NFHS soccer rule changes for the 2021 season. 7) Assistant Director Tharp presented information on the recently held youth football summit. 8) Executive Director Keating presented an overview of administrative and support staff responsibilities. 9) Executive Director Keating provided information regarding the number of insurance claims filed under the Head Strong Insurance program as of March 1. 10) Executive Director Keating shared preliminary information about a regional June Scholastic Basketball NCAA Evaluation Event to be held in Kansas City on June 19-21, 2020. 11) Executive Director Keating shared the March 13, 2020 Representative Council agenda. 12) Executive Director Keating provided the board with the state basketball tournament awards schedule. 13) Executive Director Keating shared weekly articles authored by the NFHS. 14) Executive Director Keating provided information regarding a situation at a substate final basketball game between Waterloo, West and North Scott.

NEXT MEETING DATE - The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held April 22, 2020 at the IHSAA Office in Boone.

ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Earleywine at 11:05 a.m.

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, March 12, 2020.

Jared Chizek Assistant Director

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