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T r u s t e d C h o i c e . c o m

You've decided to take the next step in increasing your digital visibility with an Advantage subscription on TrustedChoice.com — #1 online resource connecting insurance buyers with independent insurance agents.

Three things to help you get the most out of your profile

1) Attract the right consumers. We want to make sure you're getting recommended to the types of consumers you want to work with the most. Depending on your subscription level, you do this by adjusting your agency ’s appetite settings in your TrustedChoice.com profile. You can indicate the types of consumers you want to hear from based on lines of business, current insurance situation, industry type, and more from the commercial lines settings and/or personal lines settings in your account.

2) Profile Completeness. Once you start showing up in search results for the types of consumers you want, you'll want to be on top of the results to attract prospects. To do this, make sure your profile is fully complete and contains all the information a consumer needs to make an informed decision. You do this by customizing your agency information in your TrustedChoice.com profile. Read more about

UpdateTeam Members List

Advantage subscribers can use the Team Members feature to display team members on their agency profile and/or to give people account access to work with referrals and manage agency information.

the results algorithm and relevance score.

3) Answer the phone or email! This seems like a no-brainer but you ’d be surprised how many consumers reach out to agents and then, a) get a recorded message and hang up, or b) send an email and never hear back from the agent. Making sure your phone calls and emails are going to the right person is critical, and you can edit these settings from the Basic tab right in your TrustedChoice.com profile.



Get started by signing into your shiny new Advantage profile and start attracting online insurance shoppers today.

Update Advantage Profile Settings: Basic Info

The Basic Info tab in the Agency Profile section of your TrustedChoice.com account contains core information about your agency. This information controls what is shown to consumers on your TrustedChoice.com profile so it is important to make sure it is accurate and attractive to potential insurance buyers.

C o n t i n u e d f r o m p a g e 2 4

Update Profile Settings: Personal Lines Settings

Let online consumers who visit TrustedChoice.com know that you offer Personal Lines Coverage.

Update Profile Settings: Commercial Lines Settings

Let online consumers know which lines of business you cover.

Update Profile Settings: Additional Information

The additional Info tab in the Agency Profile section of your TrustedChoice.com account information helps you promote your social media sites, marketing videos, and more. Supplying this information will help you further engage with potential customers on your TrustedChoice.com profile.


Why are some fields already filled out?

We have pre-populated your agency profile with information from the IIABA database to help speed things up for you. It’s important that you review this information for accuracy and update it if needed.

Why are some fields locked?

The fields available to you depend on your subscription level. To unlock these features, simply upgrade your subscription.

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