IIABL 2022 June Louisiana Agent Newsletter

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By: Sharon Emek, PhD, CIC CEO and President, Work At Home Vintage Experts WAHVE.com Every month since June of last year, more than 4 million workers quit their jobs. You read that correctly. Four million a month. The mass exodus became known as the “Great Resignation,” and while people were leaving for a variety of reasons, the primary drivers seemed to be new jobs offering more money and more flexibility.

Some of those who quit may have simply been burned out and felt in need of a change, but in their haste to leave failed to do proper due diligence on the new opportunities. Or perhaps new employers lured candidates with promises of flexible cultures and remote work, but the realities of their workplaces didn’t match the new employees’ expectations. Or perhaps the employee was wooed However, according to a recent Harris Poll survey by a higher salary and thought the daily tasks or for USA Today, roughly one in five employees who company culture were less important to them, only quit during the past two years now regrets it. And to discover that those things matter more to them only 26% say they like their new job enough to than they realized. You can’t put a price on feeling stay. It seems many job switchers feel the grass is valued, after all. not always greener—for them, the “great resignation” is more like the “great regret.” Much like the “great resignation,” the “great regret” has highlighted how important it is for The question looms: Why? What happened? employees and employers to be on the same page when it comes to work expectations, culture, There are several theories to explain why so many flexibility and more. Luckily, there are ways to people are unhappy with their job changes. The ensure that, as an employer, you hire only those pandemic, of course, affected us all in many ways. people who are truly the right fit for your organization.

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