1 minute read
The study also found that distracted driving has increased by 30% in the last four years.
Will Jones is IA editor-in-chief.
Louisiana Department of Insurance

02 May 2023
Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon issued fines totaling $2 million yesterday to Texas law firm McClenny Moseley & Associates (MMA), founding partners James McClenny and John Moseley, and Louisiana managing partner William Huye III for engaging in unfair trade practices and insurance fraud involving at least 850 Louisiana homeowners and policyholders. MMA, McClenny, Moseley and Huye were each fined $500,000, the maximum allowed under current law.
"The illegal insurance scheme perpetrated by McClenny Moseley & Associates is frankly one of the most egregious cases that has ever come through this department," said Commissioner Donelon. "The $2 million in fines should put all bad actors on notice that fraudulent behavior will not be tolerated in Louisiana."
According to findings from the Louisiana Department of Insurance’s (LDI) ongoing investigation, MMA admitted to at least 856 fraudulent misrepresentations that it had been retained by Louisiana policyholders to settle claims when MMA did not represent those policyholders. MMA’s fraudulent behavior included presenting demands for payment pursuant to the consumer’s insurance policy, invoking the appraisal provision of the policy, and receiving and negotiating insurance settlement checks without the authority to do so from the policyholder.