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Convention 2019: We told you we have BIG news

CONVENTION 2019 We told you we had BIG things in store!

This year was BIG for your association. If you weren’t there, and want to know check out the scoop - or you want to relive the memories - read on!


The Omni Hotel was filled on November 20-22, 2019 with more than 300 attendees for our 123rd Annual Convention & Trade Show.

Many agents and company representatives began their convention festivities with an afternoon of horse racing at historic Churchill Downs. The 4th race was the Kentucky Trusted Choice Classic and IIABA Chair-Elect, Bob Fee, was on-hand to present the trophy.

Convention officially kicked off Wednesday evening at the Emerging Leader Reception sponsored by Arlington/Roe. Outgoing Emerging Leader Chair Nick Rolf welcomed the membership and recognized committee members: Adam Sheridan, Danny Yackey, Danny Neely, Nathan Arant, Robbie Blain, Chandler Cohoon, Josh Dahl, Maddie Dobson, Logan Edelen, Danny Greene, Stephen Hill, Camille Knight, Dustin Million, Diana Norwood, Jared Pursley, Nathan Shanks, and Chip Wilkins. Rolf updated the membership of the many activities and fundraising efforts the committee accomplished in 2019 and welcomed 2019- 20 Emerging Leader Chair, Adam Sheridan (right, top), to the stage. Sheridan outlined his plans for the year and Nick Rolf (right, bottom) was presented with the Michael D. Hepp Outstanding Emerging Leader Award.

Next, CEO Tara Purvis annouced an exciting partnership with the University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business. Beginning in September 2020, an Emerging Leaders Summit will educate the next leaders of our industry in the following areas: Leadership Development and Communications, Essentials of HR Management, Economics of the Insurance Industry, Finance & Accounting for Non-Financial Managers, Sales Leadership. Since this program is only 2 ½ days, it allows for a huge ROI with limited time out of the office. Those who complete the program with a certificate from the accredited UK Gatton College of Business and will be in the inaugural class of this elite and customized series of courses among like-minded insurance professionals to make relationships that will last a lifetime.

The night ended with a casino night, sponsored by Liberty Mutual & Safeco Insurance. Attendees were able to play craps, roulette, Texas Hold’Em, and blackjack. Chandler Cohoon was the night’s 1st place chip holder and took home $300 CASH! Not a bad trade for a few hours of playing with fake money!

Thursday started bright and early at the Welcome Breakfast and General Session. CEO Tara Purvis kicked things off with a BIG annoucement. Independent Insurance Agents of Kentucky is now BIG I KENTUCKY!

“The evolution of the Independent Agents of Kentucky to Big I Kentucky isn’t simply a new logo and name; this starts the next era of delivering what agents need US to be. Big I Kentucky lays the foundation for the future that we are building for our members, their employees and the independent agency system. It is rooted in a vastly understood and respected name, but now as the forefront of our association, the brand has a modern edge that will also stand the test of time. Our voice will be stronger and bigger to advance and protect the interests of independent agencies. I am proud of the direction that our organization has chosen and am excited about the renewed focus on member experience that the re-branding initiative brings. We will channel the collective knowledge, resources and connections available on a local, state and national level to propel our members to the top. There is no question where our members belong and why, because our team does excellent work. By keeping it simple, Big I Kentucky will be a name that agents remember. We are Invested. We are Innovative. We are Independent. WE ARE BIG I KENTUCKY “

Then, Chair Aaron LaRue gave the membership an update on the achievements from 2019, including the expansion of our workforce development effors, Grassroots efforts that helped kill a Louisville Tax Increase, and continued growth of the Emerging Leader program. He also introduced your leadership for 2019- 2020 and recognized members who finished their terms on the Board of Directors: Nick Rolf, Skip McGaw, Mike Johnson, and Jimmy England.

IIABA Chair-Elect Bob Fee followed, informing us of the newest happenings with IIABA and how they bring value to by helping to protect, grow, and enhance all members.

After breakfast, Keynote Speaker Bobby Reagan (right) presented Agency 2025: The Changing Landscape of Insurance. His presentation gave insight to attendees on how to prepare their agencies for what is in store in the not-sodistant future.

As with all Conventions, we never leave our guests and spouses without something to do. This year, they enjoyed a candle-making class at Maddox & Rose, followed by lunch and shopping in Louisville’s Butchertown neighborhood.

Back at the Omni, it was time for some awards. Aaron LaRue presented Chair Awards to Alex LaRue, Jennifer Lucas, Mike Johnson, David Clarke, Carolyn Reynolds, Adam Murphy, and Cassie Young in recognition of their impact on him and the association during his time as Chair.

Skip McGaw took the stage to present the 2019 CSR of the Year Award. This award is given to a person working in Big I Kentucky member agency as a customer service representative who typifies the ideals of service. The welldeserved 2019 CSR of the Year award went to Paula Crick of Riddle Insurance in Madisonville.

But the excitement didn’t stop there - it was time for the Silent Auction and Wine & Bourbon Toss. A $20 donation to the Kentucky Agents Foundation awarded participants 3 tosses in hopes that their ring would land them a bottle of their favorite spirit. While some remained thirsty, we had some definite ringers! The 35 silent auction items and ring toss were able to raise more than $11,900 for Kentucky Agents Foundation. A huge thank you to the Emerging Leaders Committee and everyone who participated!

Next was the Leadership Dinner which opened with the ceremonial “Passing of the Gavel”, which recognizes past association Presidents and Chairs in attendance.

Ray Robertson took the stage to present the 2019 CSR of the Year Award to Cheryl Thornsburg of Limestone Agency in Mt. Sterling. (bottom, left)

Then, it was time to present the E. Starling Holloway award to honor an individual who has made a significant industry contribution, enhanced the ideals and reputation of the insurance industry and made a significant contribution to their state. Steve Kinkade took the stage to present outgoing Treasurer, Jimmy England, with this prestigious honor. (bottom, center)

A new award was added this year, the KAPAC Trailblazer Award. This award will go to individuals who contribute the maximum amount to KAPAC for that calendar year. The innaguarl recipient of this award was Alex LaRue. (bottom, right) Ray Robertson, CIC of Limestone Agency, Inc. in Mt. Sterling was inducted as our newest Chair. Installed alongside Robertson were Kevin Desmond of Desmond Brothers, Inc. in Bellevue as Chair-Elect and Whitney Floyd, CIC of Field & Main Insurance in Henderson as Vice Chair. Philip Anderton of Sterling Thompson in Louisville The following member were appointed as members of the 2019-2020 Board of Directors: (full Board of Directors list on page 14) • Allen J. Crawford, CIC, CSRM • Philip Anderton • Eric Schumacher • John Purdom • Adam Sheridan

After officially being handed the gavel, Robertson addressed attendees with his plans for his year as Chair. (Turn to page 25 to get to know Ray a little better!)

Friday morning began with a Legislative Breakfast. Former DOI Commissioner Nancy Atkins and Congressman James Comer updated members on accomplishments of the Department of Insurance as well as the overall happenings in Frankfort and Washington, D.C.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the help and support of our Industry Partners. Thank you to all attendees, company representatives and all of our generous sponsors.

Thank You Trade Show Exhibitors

Aetna AFCO Anthem Arlington/Roe Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Bolton and Company Burns & Wilcox, LTD Capital Premium Financing Columbia Insurance Group Commercial Sector Ins Brokers DEVsource Technology Solutions Diversified Brokerage Specialists Eastern Kentucky University ePayPolicy First Connect Insurance Employer Blueprint HIIG Imperial PFS

Irwin Siegel Agency, Inc. J.M. Wilson Kentucky National Insurance Co. Kentucky Retail Federation SIF KY Department of Insurance Liberty Mutual & Safeco Insurance Market Finders Insurance Pennsylvania Lumbermens Prime Insurance Company Provident Insurance Risk Placement Services, Inc. RT Specialty Group Selective State Auto Insurance Company Swiss Re Corporate Solutions Titan Web Marketing Solutions Trusted Choice United Home Insurance Company

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