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2019-2020 Board of Directors
14 | Kentucky IA - Winter 2019 2019 - 2020 BIG I KY BOARD OF DIRECTORS
RAY A. ROBERTSON, CIC Limestone Agency, Inc Mt. Sterling Phone: 859-498-3410 Email: ray.robertson@limestoneagency.com
Immediate Past Chair
AARON LARUE LaRue-Carey Insurance Group LLC Bardstown Phone: 502-348-0050 Email: aaron@laruecareyinsurance.com
KEVIN T. DESMOND Desmond Brothers, Inc. Bellevue Phone: 859-491-5199 Email: kevin.desmond@desmondinsurance.com
Vice Chair
WHITNEY L. FLOYD, CIC Field & Main Insurance Services Henderson Phone: 270-827-3543 Email: wfloyd@fieldandmaininsurance.com
ALLEN J. CRAWFORD, CIC, CSRM Reed Brothers Insurance Services Somerset Phone: 606-679-6311 Email: acrawford@rbisomerset.com
National Director
STEPHEN R. KINKADE, CPCU, AAI Kinkade-Cornell Insurance Agency, Inc. Leitchfield Phone: 270-259-5465 Email: steve@kinkadecornell.com
Director at Large
PHILIP ANDERTON Sterling Thompson Insurance Louisville Phone: 502-585-3277 Email: philipanderton@sterlingthompson.com
Director at Large
MARK LINKOUS Glass & Thompson Insurance Edmonton Phone: 270-432-3491 Email: mark@glassthompson.com
Director at Large
ERIC SCHUMACHER Schumacher Insurance Agency, Inc. Maysville Phone: 606-759-5663 Email: eschumacher@maysvilleky.net
Emerging Leader Chair
Director at Large
JOHN PURDOM The Murray Insurance Agency Murray Phone: 270-753-4751 Email: john@themurrayinsuranceagency.com
Director at Large
CAROLYN REYNOLDS Reynolds Insurance Agency, Inc. Richmond Phone: 859-623-8485 Email: carolynins1@reynoldsinsuranceagency.com
Director at Large
CHRIS J. WISEMAN, CIC Van Meter Insurance Agency Bowling Green Phone: 270-781-2020 Email: cwiseman@higusa.com
Director at Large
LAURA H. YOUNT, CIC, CISR Mountain Valley Insurance London Phone: 606-878-0100 Email: laura@mountainvalleyinsurance.com
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A trusted choice digital review
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A robust website from web.com with 3 months of service
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