1 minute read
COMMITTEE Member Survey Results
By Shannon Churchill
Almost two-thirds of the responses were Patra with Coverdesk, ResourcePro, and WAHVE coming in with 12.5%. The on-going list of options grows every month it seems. Here are some other players in the game: Agency VA, Eureka Virtual Assistants, Lava Automation, Marblebox, Savvital, and Virtual Intelligence.
Shannon Churchill is the Director of Information & Technology for the IIA of IL. She can be reached at schurchill@iiaofil.org.
The IIA of IL Technology Committee is working to provide a resource to help agencies when considering implementing new technology. The guide will include vendors for a variety of tech related products with listings of agencies in Illinois you can contact for true testimonials on how the product is working for them.
Which virtual employee vendor are you using?
Many factors are playing into agencies looking to outsource some of the remedial tasks so their staff can focus on more important things such as building relationships with customers. We saw an uptick coming out of the pandemic, and as the systems grow and more and more agencies expand their thoughts around incorporating virtual employees, we have seen a boom in the market. There are many things to consider when looking at hiring a virtual employee. IIA of IL offers a variety of resources available around this topic.
We will continually update our survey results so that we can monitor our member’s technology issues and needs, work to help provide solutions, and keep our new guide updated. But in order to do that, we need your help!
Have you completed the technology survey yet? If not, request that the survey be sent to you.
Interested in sharing your knowledge and helping to spearhead technology for members? Join the Technology Committee!
We’re also adding additional resources to the IIA of IL Solution Center! We cover items included in this article and so much more.
Find everything at www.iiaofil.org/Technology.