1 minute read
Become a Digital Agency
The IIAW has partnered with the Internet of Insurance to provide you with an extraordinary new member benefit at no extra cost.
A digital agency portal allows you to:
Provide quotes right on your website
Harness your email lists, social media, SEO, and referrals to generate more business
Improve your customer experience
Attract producer and CSR talent
Improve your profitability and efficiency
Claim your portal today, don’t miss out!
Portals are created and agencies are on-boarded on a first come first serve basis! Claim Your Portal Webinar Feb 07, 2020 Join us on
1:00 PM CT
For a step to step guide on how to claim your portal.
Sign up at: link.dais.com/1350
*Webinar recording will be available on IIAW website