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In 2013, the IIDA Indiana Chapter focused on internal reorganization and rebranding. In 2014, the focus shifted to invigorate, to inspire, and to stay in touch with our Members. This Board of Directors has worked diligently to enhance the value of IIDA, the interior design profession, and the engagement of the Chapter’s Membership. Specifically, the Board of Directors included positions on the Board this year that supported the corresponding Vice-Presidency Positions. As a result of this addition, VP of Communications was supported by three “director” positions. Marketing, Newsletter, and Social Media are now all specific outlets from the Board that communicate regularly on behalf of the Chapter. As a result, our social media community engagement has continually increased over the last year, and our Membership engagement at the Chapter level continues to grow.
"I like to think of Interior Design as creative freedom in a controlled setting. IIDA allows me as a passionate and artistic individual, to share these sentiments with likeminded professionals while building long lasting, steadfast relationships again providing me with an outlet to express my creative freedom in a controlled setting.” – McKenzie Swihart, Industry IIDA
2014 Annual Budget: $11,300 2013 Annual Budget: $11,100
Our members spoke and we listened. Our number one complaint: “I didn’t get that email.” IIDA Indiana Chapter implemented a new email marketing system, Constant Contact in 2013. In 2014, Vice President of Communications, Tracey Kessens systematically updated the chapter’s contact list with current contacts. Tracey reached out to each group of contacts to make sure IIDA email communications are being recieved and troubleshooting issues with those having issues recieving emails.