MarkMantra December 2012

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TEAM MARKMANTRA Editor-in-Chief Sidharth Nanda

Managing Editor Prashant Sishodia

Associate Editor Ankit Shah

Support Team Apurva Joshi

Markmantra is the brain-child of IIFT, encompassing various dimensions of marketing and exploring horizons of this integral business function. To bring out the best in the marketing domain from the trivial to the bizarre things that really matter, which is aimed at enlightening the marketers, is the onus of the team. We have a legacy of producing one of the best marketing magazines across all BSchools. Trend analysis and innovation in the market are two prime focus areas of the magazine. These, we think, will make you ponder upon how a company proactively or reactively markets its offerings. Customer value is of paramount importance to every marketer and we as IIFTians strive to provide maximum value proposition to our customers, that is, you. Women today wield enormous power in terms of influencing the buying decisions in their households. Today a woman is not just a woman she is also a mother, wife, manager, team leader, motivator, entrepreneur as she juggles multiple roles she demands more value from service providers for the price she pays. Companies have also realised this fact and are making an effort to reach out to them by launching products which are tailored to suit their sensibilities (ex: Canon EOS-M). Also we have seen a trend to involve women in a variety of initiatives like the Nike women's marathon, Pears Junior's "Kya Kool hai Mum" etc. All these steps point to the fact that women are one segment that marketers just cannot afford to ignore. And in times of slowdown and falling sales, it makes sense to target the queen who calls the shots !! This issue is an attempt to gauge the impact of women on buying decisions and on the psyche of a marketer.

Rakesh Ku. Patnaik

Junior Editorial team Sachet Ahuja Amar Budati

Palnika Hemnani

Online Coordinator Divyang Thakur

Prachi Singh

Rahul Ramanujam


i) Consumer is Queen ……………………...……………………………………………………………………………..……….……………………….1 Ii) Psychology of Women : The Greatest Enigma…………………………………………………………..………....……………………….3 Iii) It’s a Girl - Girl Thing……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………...……………………..6 Iv) She Made IT !! The Story of Women Marketers…………………………………………………..……….…………..………………...9 v) How far will marketers go ?..............................................................................................................................11 vi) Ceat Marketing Strategy..................................................................................................................................16 vii) The Impact of Women on the Sale of Men's Products…………………………………...………………………………………….18 viii) Corporate Speak: Mr. Sanjay Tripathi, Director Marketing, Harley Davidson India……………….....………….……….………………….22 ix) A Step Ahead - Milestone Marketing…………………………………………………………….….……………..………….…………….26 x) Out of the World Marketing……………………………………………………………………………..……………………..………..………..28 xii) Product Launch……………………………………………………………………………………………....………………………..……..……….30 xiii) Marketing Lingos Unveiled……………………………………………………………………………..…………………………..…….……..31 xiv) Ad Making Competition…………………………………………………………………………….……..….………………………...….…….35 xv) LHC: Light Headed Corner……………………………………………………………………………...….………………………...…...……..36

Consumer is QUEEN Understanding the female psychology is said to be a hard nut to crack. In the world of marketing, even a decent understanding of her purchase psychology can set the dividing line between the successful and not-so-successful companies. Marketing to women is a very different ball-game altogether and it would be madness to simply apply time-tested marketing methods, or even orthodox thinking (Pink, ladies??) while targeting the female consumer. Maggi found this out the hard way when it failed to woo the mothers using the 2minute noodles campaign in its initial years.

‘Tis said that hell hath no fury as a woman scorned. Trite, but true, even in the world of marketing.

And how? Well, for starters, women have a tendency of being far more loyal to a particular brand compared to men. A lot of that loyalty and trust is built on emotions, but if the marketing message doesn’t match up to the product performance or service-experience, they would leave faster than they came.

A woman today is worth far, far more than what she is given due for. She is not merely a house-wife, but a homemanager; not merely a trendy consumer, but a trend-setter; not merely an influencer, but also a decision-maker, for herself and for those around her. Although women have for long been associated with the phenomenon of “shopping”, associating them with “buying” is something of the more recent times. Today it’s clear that women are making a majority of not just home, but also business purchases. Which is why marketers are widening their gaze from previously just wallets to now include purses.

Women tend to be more family oriented in their purchases. As written in Fara Warner’s book, “The Power of the Purse”, McDonald’s faced a sales slump in 2002 and realized that it had been targeting women the same way it had been since 1955. This “mom marketing” no longer fit with modern women and they were taking their kids and their dollars elsewhere. McDonald’s quest to “find the woman inside the mom” led them to the highly successful launch of Premium Salads, healthier Happy Meal options and a revamping of PlayPlaces to include comfortable seating and wireless internet access. A willingness to solicit and listen to women’s input and understand that women didn’t see themselves only through the “mom” lens allowed McDonald’s to redefine its relationship with its most important consumer, ultimately winning her business back.


It’s no more about viewing her in a role in relation to someone else, like a bahu, or beti, or maa, but more on respecting her individuality. It’s about valuing her views, her beliefs, her decisions, her actions and her emotions, all the while giving her the perfect platform to showcase her creativity, her talent and her individuality. That is what truly defines what marketing to women is nowadays. That is what will truly determine which firms will manage to cater successfully to the ever-enigmatic feminine gender of humankind.

Then of course there’s the whole concept of the greeneyed devil (read envy) that says that women tend to base a lot of their purchase decisions on what other women have. Perhaps nobody utilizes this fact better than the femaleapparel and jewellery industry. Besides, marketing to women doesn’t mean merely feminizing each and every product. We all would probably agree that Apple iPad sales would stay the same regardless of whether it is coloured white or pink. The inherent social nature of women also presents a great opportunity for marketers, as social media site Pintrest clearly shows. Four out of 10 women feel that the primary benefit of social media is to connect with family and friends. But not far behind, 37% of women think the primary benefit is being alerted to coupons, promotions and deals by connecting with brands on social media.

So really, why should boys have all the fun ???

Good to see that companies are taking all these into account when marketing to women. Canon with its EOS-M (which they intend to use to target women in their 20s-30s), Calcium Sandoz with its women version, Pears with its “Kya Kool Hai Mum” campaign, P&G with its “Thank You Mom” Olympics campaign, the list is endless. Heck, even Gilllette went all out when it launched the Shave India Movement 3 (Shavesutra) in which it involved women in a men-only product.

Sidharth Nanda MBA(IB) 2011-13 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade


Psychology of Women : The Greatest Enigma ‘“The great question which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research, is 'What does a woman want?'" -Sigmund Freud

will just go to a store and think “this is what I want, the price seems right, I’ll buy it’. If the shop owner happens to remember the name of his children that would be nice, but would hardly make a difference to his purchase decisions. However the same things, respect from the owner or mere perception of empathy will greatly influence where a women will buy her next product from. The female mind is oriented towards the conceptual, the underlying dynamics and relationships between things. Women are more interested in what a technology can do for them, rather than the technology itself.

According to findings of the Boston consulting group 2008 survey, women feel vastly underserved and patronized in the market. The same survey also revealed that marketers have traditionally underestimated the female purchasing power and promoted female stereotypes. This, despite the fact that Women account for 85% of all consumer purchases including everything from autos to health care.

“Because the hemispheres in her brain are so connected, she filters ideas and concepts through the lens of her emotions” says, A.K. Pradeep, CEO of NeuroFocus, Inc. , and author of the newly released The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind (Wiley, 2010). To wome, a little extra service will go a long way.

Women play crucial roles in household purchasing decisions. They usually choose the contents of the refrigerator, the appliance to be bought next, interiors of the house, what her children and husband wear, where they go for vacation and when they schedule doctor’s appointments. Her roles are diverse; voice is strong and purchasing power, limitless.

Psychologists reports that men and women literally see things differently, men are better at focussed short vision while women have peripheral vision

Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars Men and women are different, anybody would agree with the simple premise, yet only few have transformed this into marketing implications.

Women are elusive. While they continue to succeed in the corporate world with a strong sense of independence, they still hold onto some of the traditional responsibilities and roles of the past. They cherish family and friends while pushing up the corporate ladder. They hope for an engagement ring as much as they yearn for that next promotion and are confident enough to efficiently juggle both these aspects of life. Understanding this tension between the past and present can be the key for garnering lasting brand loyalty. What motivates a woman to buy? Women are all for frills and flowers, so throw in a dash of pink here and there and you have their attention. Well, not exactly. A woman does not want your product or service. She wants answers to her problems, solutions to her needs, pathways to her desires, or a secret door to her earnest wishes. Women today want to be taken seriously, and have marketers understand their needs and aspirations.

The notion /definition of the ‘big picture’ appear to be vastly different for men and women. The way men approach a big decision is, focus on the few most important things and discard all of what they consider unnecessary details. A women’s idea, on the other hand, is to have a total grasp and in-depth understanding of the situation. She will harp on the finer nuances and complexities. This way, women are about the important things….and extras. When a woman decides to buy a phone, she will gather information, talk to people, search the net, evaluate all options and hence join the little pieces to complete her own puzzle. This hunger for clarity and information is what makes women tougher customers than men. The minds of men tend to work in a linear fashion. They


the last thing the women of today want is to be pigeon holed into a stereotype. She is an individual with her own idiosyncrasies, which she loves, and is not willing to change herself for anyone.

Why market differently to women? Traditionally we have assumed that men and women operate in the same way, pretty much. It’s now becoming increasingly clear that, especially in the context of consumerism, women have a very different set of priorities, preferences and attitudes. One cannot market to men the same way as they do market to women. It's not just the transformation of changing colours, fonts or packaging.

DeBeers launched the Right Hand Ring campaign in 2003, that catered to this persona perfectly: women are, independent ,powerful and financially capable to buy themselves a diamond ring, yet they maintain love for traditions, like the love of their life gifting them with an engagement ring. Dove’s campaign of real beauty is another example of how a company used the right strategic indicators to appeal to the psyche of women. Every woman has a right to feel beautiful but the stereotypes that have been fed to them for decades have made them feel otherwise. The campaign conveys a message to induce confidence into women about themselves,

showing them how they are beautiful in their own right.

The future for marketers lies in a deeper understanding of how the trends in women’s economic and social status will continue to transform them, and the world around them. So, who is doing it right? Examples. Dove- you deserve something extra'… 'Meow FMthe only radio station dedicated to women'… 'L' Orealbecause I am worth it' The essence of all these extremely successful ad campaigns above appears to be women empowerment. It is a fact that


Nike Women, a campaign launched in 2001 brought about a sort of cultural shift that changed the way female athletes are perceived. Nike realised that women athletes are feminine and tough at the same time and they wanted their running shoes to cater to this nature of theirs. Nike began to develop products designed especially for a woman’s body, shifting away from the generally applied formula to adding pink into the men’s shoes.

It is obvious that these companies have been successful in marketing to women because they were able to look beyond stereotypes and typical gender roles that have been around for decades. They realized that they would have to take risks to entice the elusive female audience. And that is the lesson we all should learn.

Priya Bhat IIM-Kozhikode


It’s a Girl - Girl Thin De Beers' "A Diamond is Forever" campaign is undoubtedly the most memorable slogan of the 20th century.

not strive for extra-perfect skins and body shapes. Dove touched hearts of many by giving them the confidence to be proud of whom they are, unlike other brands in the same category.

Engaging women and retaining their loyalty towards your brand has been a concern for marketers for many years now. Marketers have to come up with vivid marketing campaigns to make that emotional connect with the ladies.

The third phase of campaign, Dove global study, Beauty Comes of Age, , revealed that 91% of women ages 50–64 believe it is time for society to change its views about women and aging. The campaign celebrated the essence of women 50+—wrinkles, age spots, grey hair and all.[1] Through this phase Dove ensured to cover a market segment on which the other brands did not focus much.

“We want to challenge the definition of beauty. We want to defy the stereotype that only the young, blond and tall are beautiful.” said Mr. Philippe Harousseau, Dove’s Marketing Director in an interview regarding Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign. Started In September 2004 with a much talked-about ad campaign featuring real women whose appearances are outside the stereotypical norms of beauty. The ads asked viewers to judge the women’s looks (oversized or outstanding? and wrinkled or wonderful?), and invited them to cast their votes at

One of the best strategies of Dove was not to stretch it after a point and keep coming up with newer additions to the campaign. In 2010, Dove started Dove Movement for Self-Esteem. It provides women everywhere with opportunities to mentor the next generation and celebrate real beauty. There are many ways to become involved. Dove invites women everywhere to join the brand in making its vision a reality. Dove has created self-esteembuilding, educational programs and activities that encourage, inspire and motivate girls around the world. Dove has reached over 7 million girls so far with these programs, and set a global goal of reaching 15 million girls by 2015.[1]

The campaign included advertisements, video, workshops, sleepover events and the publication of a book and the production of a play. The focus was to celebrate the physical variations of real women. Their ads in 2005 modelled not young skinny white models but had women of different skins, age, shape and color. The phase of the campaign was created to debunk the stereotype that only thin is beautiful and it engaged thousands of women.

Moreover, Dove has created an online gallery of Dove Show Your Skin. Women can visit the brand’s Real Beauty Photo Studio on given dates to show off their skin and have a photo taken by professional photographers. At the Studio, women can also get expert tips to help them prep for their skin-baring photo shoot and take home product samples to keep their skin soft and smooth. They can also upload their photos online. Women are encouraged to wear a towel, tank top, pair of shorts, or a dress in their photo – anything that tastefully shows off their skin. With such an online portal which encourages women to come out and be confident of the skin they are in, it makes a direct connect to them.

The campaign has been a marketing hit and has been able to capture the market by this reverse marketing strategy. They connect with the women on the basis of making them realize their natural beauty. In September 2006, HUL’s Dove produced a compelling short film, Evolution, depicting the transformation of a real woman into a model and promoting awareness of how unrealistic perceptions of beauty are created. The campaign reached out to women who were low on esteem because of their looks. It created awareness among girls and women to


Another successful campaign that has been able to make a mark is Nike Women’s Marathon. It bags gold in Marketing to Women and Experiential Marketing. When you search for it, you can find blogs and articles flooded about it. Started back in 2006, NWM is still continuing on an annual basis. At the end of the 26.2 mile marathon each runner gets each runner gets a Finisher's necklace from Tiffany, a little bit of bling that serves as a badge of honor for every woman who fights her way to the finish line. Since it has started, the event has become so successful, it’s grown from 9,000 participants to over 20,000.

Post-race, there's a big party at the finish line with music, more free massages, and lots of good food. Experiential highlights of the proprietary event include • Coat Checks •Foot Care Stations with new socks • DJ Stations • Family Cheering Sections • Little Sister Lane, where hundreds of middle school girls cheer for the runners • 15 Live Music Stations • Scenic Photo Station by the Golden Gate Bridge. Through these Marathons, Nike not only engages a large amount of women, but also creates consumer awareness about Nike’s new releases. The event is talked about all over the internet which brings Nike in the limelight for not only people of San-Francisco, where the event is held every year but people and especially women all across the globe. The marathon provides you various options if one does not wish to run the whole stretch. Half Marathon, Viewer’s Stand are other ways to promote participation. NWM strikes right at the heart of the women by luring them into the world of NIKETOWN, full of sales, discounts and offers. An excellent strategy by Nike and has been growing strong year-on-year.

The Nike Women’s Marathon begins with “Expotique”, a three-day exposition. On Thursday night before the big weekend, participants are invited to the Ladies Night happy hour, featuring drinks, appetizers, and special raffles, including a chance to win diamond earrings from Tiffany & Co. At the Nike Expotique, the racers can sample wine and appetizers, indulge in free massages and manicures and Ghirardelli chocolate, tune up with Nike+ trials, fitness consultations, training and nutrition seminars, and have some fun at the hair and make-up stylist stations. Now in its sixth year, the Nike marathon draws runners from around the world while helping raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


Decades after Cyndi Lauper made it cool for girls to want to have fun, this (then) Hero Honda ad gives girls the freedom for ‘masti’ and asks society a long-overdue question, “Why should boys have all the fun?” So here we have a manufacturer whose marketing department have identified & dared to develop an altogether new sector – a scooter for only Women. With other scooty and scooter manufacturers kept playing safe so as to not let their male segment get affected by the ads, Hero Honda positioned its scooter only for women. With Priyanka Chopra as the brand ambassador and heavy print and media advertisement, the slogan became quite famous in the country.

(wo)manned only by Ladies for the comfort and convenience of fairer sex. They have roped in Hrithik Roshan for the launch in some of these units to attract the young Missis of India. The visuals of the ads have a lot of color and verve and freshness about it. With so lively and full of fun and frolic visuals symbolized by the charm of driving be it from the Wedding or just wooing the big boy on Car.

Hero Honda’s (now Hero Motocorp) Pleasure was released in various colors and their campaign catered to different segments of women.

These are just few of the campaigns that showcase the changing trends in the market and the different strategies marketers rope in to get the attention of the women. The key here is to engage them and allow them to also be a part of the process. These are just brief insights on few campaigns. Today, such campaigns are highly visible all around you. So, keep looking and keep guessing the way to a woman’s heart.

These ads also reflect the changing socioeconomic status of women in India and the increase in the purchasing power of women. All these parameters are kept in mind while creating such campaigns.

Palnika Hemnani

They have opened Just4Her outlets at 22 Centres in India

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

MBA(IB) 2012-14


She Made IT !! The Story of Women Marketers facts, opinions, relationships, goals and dreams in a non-linear, web-like manner. So a product for women marketed only by men is going to be lacking in something. As in business, the exclusion of either gender in the marketing process is never a good idea. To market a product well to either gender, women need to be included in the process. Women marketers, by the sheer fact that they are, well…women, will approach marketing a little differently than men do. Anupama Ahluwalia,VP Marketing Coke They will tend to approach it the way they approach life: in a holistically, interconnected “everything matters” kind of way. That does not mean women don’t crunch numbers too. Women marketers do demand statistics, facts and numbers just as much as their male counterparts. But they don’t use the number-crunched outcomes as an all defining influence on their marketing approach. Women marketers will often pay attention to their gut feeling, or react to something that is not reflected in the statistics, because they know – the way women do – that it holds an important element of truth that shouldn’t be ignored. The cardinal rule: really understand your audience. And when possible, BE your audience. A unique case that we may consider to be a success story is that of Gatorade. For most of the last quarter of a century, the branding of the sports drink of choice for hulking linebackers and towering centres has been handled by women. Today, 10 of the key leaders for the PepsiCo brand are women, with their responsibilities ranging from sales and communications to finance and research and development. The fact that women run Gatorade -- a sports brand closely linked to the National Football League and male athletes like Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan -- is unusual. Just 4% of Fortune 500 companies' CEOs are female, Andrea Fairchild the White House Project reports, and scant female leadership exists in sports. “Sport is an incredible motivator for women" Gatorade's Andrea Fairchild, VPglobal sports nutrition group, said. "Everything I've learned about being a leader I've learned from sport. That's why it's so important for us as a brand." And this dynamic has aided with Gatorade's new direction. In 2009, with sales eroding, the brand embarked on an overhaul, redesigning packaging and positioning itself as a brand for sports innovation and nutrition rather than just as a sports drink.

Companies, as per Tom Peters, rarely keep women in mind when it comes to marketing and product design, despite the fact that they make most of the purchasing decisions. The former McKinseyite had a point: 83% of the purchasing decisions for consumer products in the developed world were made by women. One of the key reasons he felt it was going this way was because the decision makers lacked perspective. More significantly, all those firms that had less “diversity” were less successful at adapting to changes in the market as compared to those who had more diversity. By diversity (you would have guessed it by now) I mean the increasing presence of women. Now why is it important to have a woman in the boardroom or in your core team? A lot of it has to do with the simple fact that women understand women better. In the FTSE100, not a single woman was appointed as an executive to the board in the past year. This is compounded by the fact that companies with a female presence at the highest level outperform those with all-male Indra Nooyi, CEO Pepsico boards, according to a July 2012 report by Credit Suisse. It shows that companies with a market capitalisation of more than $10bn (£6.3bn) and with women on their boards did 26 per cent better than those with only men at the top over six years. These figures alone can help one infer how crucial it is to have women as a part of the decision making process, more specifically when it comes to marketing. If we were to probe deeper as to how men and women thought differently when it comes to marketing we can understand the following: Men tend to think in linear, hierarchical terms. They want the facts, the numbers and the statistics. And the same goes for male marketers. Women (and women marketers), on the other hand, tend to approach topics more contextually, interconnecting Tanya Dubash knowledge, experiences,


when you look at women as a segment, as Tom Peters urges you to do, women are breaking age old stereotypes at a very high rate. To understand what this section needs, it would require an enormous amount of effort to keep track of all these changes. So the most efficient way to tackle this challenge would be to have a woman on board. Furthermore, when women who are good at their job get promoted, it not only works well for your company internally – because you have retained quality talent, but also for the company’s reputation as this trend of having women managers is considered progressive. In fact, shareholders increasingly trust such firms more than they used to in the past. Don’t believe me? Ask Marissa Mayer! Abanti Sankaranarayan, Deputy MD Diageo India In the first half of this year, Gatorade's sales volume rose 2.4%, according to Beverage Digest. Additionally, the benefits of having women on your team are that they take certain instinctive decisions that men are not “wired” to make. Carlos Ghosn of Nissan Motors was of this opinion and shared an anecdote: Certain design aspects of some cars at Nissan were given an overhaul after women engineers had a look at it. Not because there was any technical fallacy involved but because it did not have the right “feel” to the final product. On a macro level, such moves benefit not just they but also the shareholders. When looking at the bigger picture, it is not

Punita Lal, Exec Director Marketing, Pepsico India

Vinita Bali, M.D Britannia just marketing that women can contribute to in a special way but also to product design which is a crucial input that any marketing team would want. For without a good product, selling becomes only that much more difficult. On a concluding note, having women as a part of your marketing team was something that was inevitable. Partly because they are as competent as any other man. And partly because


Anisha Motwani,CMO Max New York Life Insurance

Rahul Ramanujam MBA(IB) 2012-14 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

How Far Will Marketers Go? Women are the world’s most powerful consumers – Yes it is official and it is being acknowledged worldwide. They are big spenders, intelligent and totally clear about what to buy and what to avoid. The domain is large enough engulfing households, corporate purchases and other business institutions. This growing market has forced the marketers to go back into their cabins and come out with possible strategies to tap this ever increasing market which comprises half the world’s spending.  Independence of income and ownership among women – women today can spend more as they tend to own more (almost 80% of spending in house is done by women)

The ad for Mellie's Food which came from Scribner's Magazine December, 1897. It is a mom's story about how this brand of baby food helped her daughter to be a healthy, happy, little girl. The photo of a "real baby" adds credibility and solicits an additional emotional response. An added bonus from Mellie is their offer of a free sample.

 Consumer spending power “Hard Facts”: -Women make 52% of all investment decisions. -Women make 56% of all consumer electronic purchases. -Women make 60+% of all new car purchases.

If we indulge into the two basic rules of marketing: understanding the market and understanding the consumer, we can see that generally misconceptions are harbored between marketing for men and marketing for women. The basic difference is the variation in the consumer behavior – men and women differ a lot when it comes to buying a product. Women are radical, intelligent and have totally different sets of preferences and priorities. The products in general do not matter if we go deep into the nuts and bolts of marketing to women, it is the prospect and the value proposition catering to her needs that matter. So it is time to see the writing on the wall: “Men’s Marketing doesn’t work with Women.”

-Women make 65% of all new computer purchases.  More profitable consumers: In the long run if we analyze women are the more loyal consumers and they do spread or advertise through referrals and WOM (More prevalent among women) So after having understood the psyche and reasons involved for the increasing focus on marketing to women, we shall now look into the various strategies and campaigns adopted by marketers to tap into this Gold Rush. -The first thing to keep in mind is to move ahead of Pink themed campaigns, ads and posters. The issue of gender equality sits atop a woman’s mind and no woman nowadays would like to associate herself with pink only. -Technology is the new Pink for women. Busted has been the myth that women are against technology. Facts strongly show that women are better at social networking and building relationships than men and their numbers as electronics and smart phones consumers are increasing day by day. Some facts to strengthen the observation are: 68% of QR code scanner users are women.

So if we sum up the reasons of the increasing need to market to women we can etch out the following points: 

Earning Power: On an average the income of women is rising and women are earning more than they used to.

-75% of women have downloaded an app in the past six months. -27% visit Groupon regularly


If we talk about family women who want to become the Super-Mom, performing all the roles for her house and then going to her work life. Family is still important to her but she wants the best. Today’s women care about money, time and well being and they can be more practical and calculative than men. As quoted by Bernadette King, Global Marketing Dirtor, P&G “When you think about building a relationship with a woman, you have to understand her motive and values. You have to understand what she is trying to get done functionally in life.” An apt example of wrong relationship building: In 2008 Motrin came out with a “we get you” anthem to moms under pressure. The video was seen as patronizing and disrespecting the practice of “babywearing” by citing the back pain it can trigger. Moms revolted via social media to the point where the company had to spend a lot of time in apologizing and recovering from a major brand misstep. Other strategies that have been adopted by financial institutions and banks are &Wealth Partners( wealth advisory firm) launching a community for widows “The Love Story Project” to talk about the emotional and financial aspects of losing their husbands. Bahr Investment Group set up discussion clubs and the nonprofit Women’s Institute for Financial Education, where women can participate in social group learning on the financial topics which they care about and which are important to them. Some innovative and out of the way marketing strategies adopted by companies for marketing to women: Over the past few years, women travelling together has become a major focus of marketing plan in the travel industry. Girlfriend getaways or Mom-Daughter trips have become the current travel trends and more and more travelling offers are being marketed for this growing phenomenon. For example: Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association (BACVA’s) “In Celebration of Women” program offers more than 50 special events and exhibits centered around women’s contributions to the region’s art and culture. Spa treatments are another theme found in many of the getaways designed for women. The Greater Reading & Berks County Visitors Association’s “Girlfriends Getaway” package includes two spa treatments as well as accommodations at either a hotel or a B&B.

café, and gourmet sandwiches; improved apparel area with dedicated cash registers and more spacious dressing rooms; and streamlined checkout. The store also offers a quieter environment, with no in-store radio, fewer PA announcements, and less-obtrusive registers.

Wal-Mart catering to upscale women: Wal-Mart has opened a new supercenter in Plano, TX, that is designed to test new strategies for appealing to affluent female consumers. The store features a different layout than WalMart’s other supercenters; expanded grocery section including a larger selection of natural foods as well as premium wines, cheeses, and meats; in-store sushi bar, Wi-Fi

P&G and Female razors: Having studied in details how women tend to go about shaving legs, P&G came out with women’s razors beyond pink with changeable blades for shower use, a handle designed to angle to curves of legs rather than that of men’s chins and razors that would hold up in showers rather than at sinks. The result – P&G holds over 53% of the female razor and blade market.


Dove Campaign: This innovative campaign changed the perception to marketing to women by focusing on inner and natural beauty than the outward and facial beauty. The idea was to inspire average women to have the confidence to be comfortable with themselves. It also launched the Dove Self-Esteem Fund which claims to change the western perception of beauty from ultra-thin models with perfect features to making every girl feel positive about her looks.

Arijit Agasty MBA(IB) 2012-14 Reebok’s Easy Tone to women in India: In 2011 Reebok came out with this marketing move to break the myth that online media can’t affect women’s behavior. Reebok proved that humor in advertising is not only for men. Reebok was able to carefully craft a comedic tone that was intelligent and launched a cultural movement: “Tone your Butts.” Reebok created a social brand experience by arming women with sharable mobile phone features (Toned Messaging Service) and codes only legible to women for posting on Facebook.

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

Ankit Singh Yaduvanshi MBA(IB) 2012-14 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade


All’s Fair in This War of Brands international brands are associated with campaigns that propagate uniform treatment for all, the very same brands promote fairer skin as an alternative to a better life with all the added perks that are purportedly associated with it. A recent warning issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) says that the common ingredient in skin lightening products — mercury, can have adverse effects such as kidney damage, reduction in the skin's resistance to bacterial and fungal infections, anxiety, depression or psychosis and also peripheral neuropathy. The warning is especially serious for India as 61% of the dermatological market here consists of skin lightening products. Apart from mercury, the creams also contain harmful ingredients such as hydroquinone and ammonia. But warnings like these hardly have any effect on the sales of these creams. The promised fairness combined with the desire to look beautiful has led to robust growth of this sector.

Fairness creams in our country have gained a lot of popularity over the past two decades because of the growing awareness amongst girls and ladies regarding a fair, brighter complexion. The fad for a fairer complexion has its roots in our belief that anything fairer is always good, this belief goes back to our mythology where Lord Krishna is reportedly to have asked his mother as to why he is not as fair as Radha. This was immortalized in the famous song “Yashomati Maiyaa” from the movie “Satyam Shivam Sundaram”. The fairness cream market in India is very competitive and has presence of both local as well as international brands. According to beauticianentrepreneur Shahnaz Husain, CEO of Shahnaz Herbals Inc, the fairness creams market in India is estimated to be around 2,600 crore, growing at the rate of 10 to 15%. South India is the largest market for her company's fairness creams, and has a 37% market share. One of the most commonly used theme for fairness creams is that the application of cream not only

Let us take a look at the different brands that exist in the Indian Market: Fair and Lovely: Fair and Lovely is the most popular fairness cream in India. It is widely chosen by women for a younger, brighter complexion. It has a number of variants like anti marks, skin clarity, multi-vitamin, active sun block, ayurvedic balance and even a fairness cream for men known as Fair and Lovely Menz Active. The Fair & Lovely Foundation has a vision to give an opportunity to as many women as they can to realize their dreams. Garnier: Garnier is a mass market cosmetics brand of L’Oréal that produces hair care and skin care products. Much like other brands from L’Oréal, it is sold in several markets around the world. The Garnier Light Fairness and Dark Spots prevention cream promises to lighten skin, prevent dark

makes one fairer but also confident and provides an entirely new personality. Though the world has gone technicolor but when it comes to marriages, it looks like the average Indian is still stuck in the black and white era. A look at the matrimonial adverts in newspapers confirms this fact. Every ad would have the word “FAIR” mentioned, irrespective of whether it’s a groom or a bride that’s being sought. Though some


Loreal White Perfect:

It claims to have a multi-targeted action to provide a fair and radiant look by offering protection from UVA & UVB rays.

This cream supposedly contains ingredients that are enriched with white micro pearls, melanin-block and vitamin-c which provide users with radiant, fairer skin. L’oreal claims to have discovered the new generation of natural whitening. This is based on the knowledge that skin coloration depends not only on the level of melanin pigments but also on the circulation of blood under the skin.

Olay Natural White: It is one of the top skin care retail brands in the world and is one of P&G's multi-billion dollar brands. Its claim to fame is that it contains twice the mulberry leaf extract which is proven to not only whiten skin but also optimize skin texture. Its POD is the 2X whitening effect. Olay launched an ad campaign where top bollywood celebrities endorsed the product by speaking about how it had brought about a change in their lives.

Lakme Perfect Radiance: Enriched with calming and purifying extracts of White Lotus and Sacred Lily, it includes a number of products in this range. Like the “Intense Whitening” facewash, day cream, UV day cream, night repair cream and the 4-week capsules treatment, all of which combined together promise to give the user radiant and glowing skin.

Pond’s White Beauty: Pond’s has launched an entire range of skin creams under the “White Beauty” umbrella which include a lightening

Fairone: This cream comes from the stable of Shahnaz Hussain and is entirely made up of natural ingredients which are absolutely safe. The cream has a unique blend of saffron, honey, apricot oil, rose, cucumber and lemon distillate. This formulation is said to protect the skin from the darkening effect of the sun. This cream claims to make the user’s skin look fairer and brighter as it not only de-pigemnts but also nourishes and restores damaged skin cells. The Indian consumer is spoilt for choice when it comes to fairness creams and given the affinity for fair skin, this is one segment where pitched battles are on the anvil. On a concluding note “Whoever said beauty is only skin deep probably didn't foresee the popularity of whitening creams in modern India!!!”

cream that claims to provide fair skin, a UV cream that offers protection from harmful UV rays and also a face-lightening foam. Pond’s runs contests from time to time so as to increase user interaction with the brand. Most recently a contest was conducted in association with the movie “Student of the Year” where winners would have an opportunity to meet the cast of the movie. Nivea Sparkling Glow: Nivea, a brand that is synonymous with skin care and is in it’s 100th year. It offers different products under its “Sparkling Glow” range which includes a fairness toner, fairness face wash, age control fairness cream targeted at women who are 30+ and a night care fairness cream as well. The Nivea Visage Sparkling Glow range promises skin three times fairer than usual in just three weeks. It is said to be designed to bring out the skin’s inner glow and make it sparkle.

Amar Budati MBA (IB) 2012-14 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade


CEAT Marketing Strategy RPG Enterprises, established in 1979, is one of the India’s fastest growing conglomerates with Rs 15000 cr turnover. It currently has 15 companies spread across diverse business verticals including Automotive Tyres, Infrastructure, IT, pharmaceuticals, plantations and Power Ancillaries. It has a group of very passionate employees who aim for excellent performance and innovation in order to satisfy the customer’s needs and market requirements. It has a Corporate University which provides timely appropriate training to the RPG’s managers.

It witnessed an increase in its motorcycle share from 12% to 16%. The distributors’ district presence has gone up from 35 districts to 186 districts in motorcycle tyres in 2011-12. It also introduced a premium range of products (PRO series) in truck and “GRIPP” range in motorcycles, which received wide acceptance among customers.

The RPG Group contributes a lot in the CSR initiatives. It has the RPG Foundation, a non-profit organization, which encourages exchange of CSR ideas, using the best practices and learnings. Also, the RPG group promotes sports, art and culture. It has a RPG Academy of Art and culture.

CEAT Limited, the flagship company of the RPG group is the third largest manufacturer of tyres and tubes in India (13% market share) and uses both cross-ply and radial technology. It is also India`s largest tyre exporter. Since the past two years, the company has been restructuring its business by hiving off all non-tyre businesses to concentrate on its core tyre business.

The acquisition of global rights of brand ‘CEAT’ from the Italian tyre maker Pirelli enabled it to sell tyres under CEAT brand to Europe and Latin America. Also, it has established strong presence in Sri Lanka with a 40% market share there. Bangladesh is the second market. It is also planning to expand its operations to Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia.

It produces 10million tyres annually. It also exports to over 130 countries, including USA, Africa, Latin America, Australia and Asia. It has an extensive distribution network comprising 2610 dealers, 38 regional offices and >120 carry and forward agents spread across the country. It has its manufacturing plants in Mumbai, Nasik and Halol.

CEAT is all about strength and vigor and this reflected in its differentiated branding, targeting the young population, who represent India’s driving force. It sponsors multiple youth-focused television programmes (MTV Roadies, MTV Roadies Battle Ground, MTV Stunt Mania and KhatronKeKhiladi) to make the brand relevant to Indian Youth, who comprise around 50% of the population. This differentiated branding has enabled CEAT to gain enhanced eye share and higher recall in India. CEAT’s long association with cricket has endeared it to a cricket-obsessed nation like India. CEAT is one of the top five brands associated with cricket. CEAT Cricket Ratings (CCR) was formed in 1995, with direct intervention of cricketing legends (Clive Lloyd, Ian Chappel and Sunil Gavaskar). It is recognized as world’s first truly international and comprehensive cricket rating system which recognizes the performances on annual basis.

CEAT’s radial plant in Halol, Gujarat started commercial production on March 25, 2011 which is focusing more on radial tyres to strengthen its margins. Its user segments varies from earthmovers to specialty tyres and 2/3 wheeler tyres. In 2012, it set up a world-class research facility at Halol. The launch of truck and radial tyres helped to reach an excellent export growth of 62% [Rs 1000 cr, which is 24% of its revenue] over the last year.


CEAT has also introduced the CCR Best Bowler, CCR Best Batsman, CCR Best Cricketer and CCR Best Cricket Team as well as CEAT Under 19 & T20 ratings. Its tie-up with Neo for the whole year for Asia Cup, TOI score card & points tally branding during IPL & T20 World Cup created a strong footprint for CEAT in the international cricket.

CEAT has very impressive TVCs. Its “Be Idiot Safe” campaign has a direct connect with the younger audience. The ads enhance awareness on road safety & helps create a mass movement against unsafe road conditions created by rash drivers. CEAT bike tyres ‘with superior grip’ are positioned as a part of this pervasive campaign against ‘road idiots’. Pictures & videos of idiots on the road are uploaded on with active presence on social media with Road idiot games, Idiot Directory, regular tweets, etc. Its FB page currently has >2lakh fans& it had 250,000+ visitors in 2011. It conducted the biggest road event of the year "The Grand Indian Road Trip" in association with renowned biker's community xBhp to spread on-ground awareness. It has Below The Line (BTL) campaign at Cafe Coffee Day outlets, hoardings and Point of Sales deployments.

CEAT came up with a lot of customer engagement activities in 2010-11. It has CEAT tyre Retread Center to have a direct agreement with truck owners, etc. for retreading of trucks, buses and LCV tyres for customers. CEAT introduced a unique concept of CEAT Shoppe(for passenger cars)&CEAT Hub(for Truck and LCV tyres): an exclusive retail outlet to provide services & expert tips in order to turn routine purchase into an informed & pleasant buying behavior. The number of Hubs has increased to 335 in 2011 &has planned to expand its CEAT shoppe network from 70 to 200 in FY2013, which will help to increase its sales.

The ‘BeIdiotsafe’ advertisement was awarded ‘cause marketer of the year’ award by CNBC story board awards (2011), a gold award in the prestigious EFFIE 2011 awards in the consumer durables category. This campaign helped to increase sale of CEAT by 4% during the year.

Also, it has CEAT PRO to provide information & resources to fleet owners. In the past 20 months, CEAT PRO has covered 58 cities & benefited 4250 transporters, enjoying wide media publicity. The Dealer Portal helps CEAT helps dealers to get regular updates, etc. with their unique user id & password.

CEAT is also involved in a lot of social responsive activities in various sectors like health, education & environment. It commemorated World Environment Day at the Bhandup Plant by distributing badges, tree plantation drives, distribution of CFL cells to employees at highly subsidized prices [to make them switch to energy conserving illumination]. CEAT organizes workshops, government certified training programmes, and conducts skill-building sessions. Thus, CEAT focuses on improving its product mix & operational efficiencies and communicates it to the consumer through its innovative ad campaigns, and unique consumer engagement activities. This helps CEAT to strengthen its brand & will help it to achieve its FY13 aim of successfully expanding internationally.

The CEAT India Road Transportation Awards (CIRTA) is a first of its initiative that recognizes & felicitates the road transport industry’s achievers. It helps to motivate the fleet owners to work in a more organized & professional manner. Its 2nd edition in 2011 was also a success with more than 732 entries.

Gagandeep Kaur MBA(IB) 2011-13 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade


The Impact of Women on the Sale of Men's Products Today’s woman is expanding her “sphere of influence. Women make or influence 85% of all purchasing decisions, and purchase over 50% of traditional male products, including automobiles, home improvement products and consumer electronics. But 91% of women say that advertisers don’t understand them. Recognizing the power and influence of women needs to be a top priority for marketers if they are going to tap into the market’s full potential.

In the Book “The Power of the Purse: How Smart Businesses Are Adapting to the World’s Most Important Consumer – Women” author Fara Warner asserts that: 

Women account for more than 50 percent of all stock ownership in the United States. By 2010, women will account for half the private wealth in the country, or about $14 trillion. By 2020, you can expect that number to reach $22 trillion as wealth continues to shift from men to women.

When women and men of equal education, abilities, and similar social status are compared, the pay disparity disappears. Those women make as much as, if not more than, their male counterparts. Forty-one percent of the 3.3 million Americans with incomes exceeding $500,000 are women.

Women control or influence 67 percent of household investment decisions. Forty-three percent of Americans with $500,000 or more in investable assets are women.

Women control 48 percent of estates worth more than $5 million.

The charts below show the percentage of buying decisions taken by men and women equally on today’s scenario in developed and emerging economies.

To reach women you must constantly re-examine their attitudes, values, and lifestyles. Women entrepreneurs are often motivated differently from men entrepreneurs: according to the Avon Report, female entrepreneurs are more likely to be concerned with issues of happiness/self-fulfilment (38%), achievement/ challenge (30%), and helping others (20%) than monetary rewards (12%).The role models in promotional activities should strike a chord with how a woman feels about herself or perceives herself. Recognize that personality since it determines a woman's financial decisions. An ad of silver Saab was also used in the research. Analysis found that men went straight to the car's specification, before looking at the car itself and finally the logo in the bottom corner. Women, however, were first drawn to the car, then to its specification, and finally the logo. Marketers make use of these differences in their marketing strategies


Marketers need to acknowledge women’s increasing Influence in buying decisions When women shop, they need to feel comfortable and wanted at every point in the decision-making process and even more so in traditionally male realms, such as technology. Sprint corporate retail stores were narrowly focused on product and technology. Customer-facing communications were dominated by device imagery and complicated industryspecific jargon representing the days when technology was considered male and gadget focused. Over the last couple of years, however, Sprint has refocused everything from the company's retail design to their customer interactions to speak more clearly to women consumers. Mark Rexroat, Director of Retail Communications at Sprint says "Our stores used to be organized around phones for business or for entertainment. We recognized the importance of women in the market. Now, in-store communications tell a more lifestyle-focused story with imagery and customer-centric language that helps customers understands the benefits and relevance of the technology, rather than focusing on the pure tech specs of the devices themselves.�

Be a part of her circle: Women are heavily influenced by other women's opinions throughout the purchasing journey and they look to each other as sources of advice and for realtime reviews of products. As a result of this powerful communication, businesses can quickly decline or improve based on how they adopt to these new realities. In the U.S., women rule the blogosphere-managing, creating, and sharing consumer opinions on products. Once women connect, they engage; once they engage, they embrace; once they embrace, they drive. And that's the future. The graph in the next page shows women’s activities of US female internet users:


Nordstrom is a department store that has realized the influence of women in purchase decisions even for men’s apparel and therefore have made it easier to shop for family members who are not available to try on clothing in the store. It also has unique services like free shoe-tying class for children that give moms the freedom to shop, browse, and relax knowing that their child is being taken care of. It's this holistic approach, either through physical touch points or the smart

design of services that addresses needs and builds positive experiences women want. Kodak’s efforts in engaging women in its campaign made women the most lucrative market segment for photography. They took more pictures than everyone else, printed them, shared them, saved them in albums and displayed them in the living room. The images below helps in breaking the myth that women do not play a key role in buying gadgets

Understand their thought process By understanding how women balance time, money and wellbeing, you understand the unconscious dialogue she goes through at every point in the decision-making process. And from this experience, patterns emerge. When making decisions, especially for the purchases that affect other people around her, women weigh a few common factors in her mind. The companies that address these needs have an opportunity to create a customized offering and a far better shopping experience

No..Focusing on women will not alienate men Women demand more, in terms of customer touch points, from any product, service or marketing campaign. If you incorporate the higher information-delivery and customer service standards of women into the development of your product or service, or its Web site, you are bound to give men a bit more than they even thought to ask for. Marketing materials that use cliché women's colors like pinks and purples do, indeed, alienate men. But women are insulted by that approach as well. Nike ads didn’t lose their rugged feel while they gained loyalty form female fans also.

Offering unique ways to make the shopping experience easier and more fulfilling would serve the purpose. From Continuum's work with Procter & Gamble helping them to find new opportunities to redesign their shopping cart, Continuum comes to know that designing experiences that give a woman consumer a sense of comfort create loyalty.


Do not assume that women are a "niche" category in the product you deal with

Even marketers in real estate business address what women want, they think more about security, less maintenance and organizing hectic lives with amenities like walk-in pantries and "drop zones" for groceries. Builders are trying to catch women's eyes with carefully chosen aesthetic flourishes right down to brass cabinet knobs. All these efforts would revolutionize the way marketing was done earlier.

Women also purchase 50% or better in traditional "male" categories like automobiles, consumer electronics, and PCs. If your business generates $100 million a year and women purchase and/or influence 80% of all your goods and services, women are an $80 million factor in your business. Work the numbers into a visual comparison to give you and your management a clear, and dramatic, picture of the role women play in your current success and future growth.

“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman” ― Virginia Woolf

Below is a print ad of Molson beer campaign which implicitly influences the women’s perception of men who drink Molson and hence indirectly have a say in the buying decision of men.

Esha Gupta T. A. Pai Management Institute


Corporate Speak Mr. Sanjay Tripathi Director Marketing Harley Davidson India

Harley-Davidson India is a wholly-owned subsidiary of HarleyDavidson, Inc. Founded in 1903. Since early 2011, HarleyDavidson has been assembling motorcycles in India at its CKD (Completely-Knocked-Down) assembly. Harley-Davidson currently offers a range of 14 models from each of its 5 families – Sportster, Dyna, Softail, V-Rod and Touring. Each of the five Harley-Davidson motorcycle families boasts of a distinct character and caters to the varied sensibilities of broad range of customers. Mr. Sanjay Tripathi is a veteran in Motorcycle industry with fourteen years of work experience in Marketing, Product planning and Development. As Director Marketing at HarleyDavidson India he headed the marketing and brand development for motorcycles, parts, accessories and apparel / merchandise . Having worked with various distinguished motorcs ycle brands and being a biking enthusiast, Mr. Tripathi has been instrumental in popularizing the biking culture in India.


It has been said that by adopting a focused differentiation strategy, Harley was able to command a premium for its products. Can you please elaborate on a few of these strategies employed by Harley. Harley Davidson is not a mototrcycle, its a culture on 2 wheels, so by enhancing that culture in various properties, whether it was harley rock riders, the freedom film festival or the the HOG rides( Harley Owners Group) they were able to totally differentiate their product and their offering of the brand image. They didnot offer it as a product, It was a lifestyle, a cultural tool. This is where Harley has been very successful internationally.

What worked in the US for Harley Davidson might not work in India? With respect to the Indian consumer behavior what are the challenges you foresee for occupying market share in India? The basic challenges are infrastucture, road condition, culture, demand and usage pattern. These are extremely different for the people of India from the US. The earning capacity and the price sensitivity of the market for any product is different from what is there in US and what has been there in India. Products like Harley Davidson are new to India and the same is part and parcel of the cultural meleau in US. To be successful in India, they have to become the part and parcel of the culture of the country, valid for any premium product.

Do you see them customize the way they function when in India, or changing the name of some of the models because when one says Fat Bob, I dont know how much connect will it form with the Indians-Do you foresee customization and localization? They might bring in customization in future because Harley is a kind of a product which is an extension of your personality, so when you drive a harley bike, it is reflecting your personality. In future to be successful in a premium product like that you will finally have to go in for customization.

With intense competition everywhere one needs to correctly forecast the future the market. In your opinion what is the future of the premium bike industry in India? Future is good. One of the reasons is in 2009-10 the market size for such bikes was 1000 bikes. Today it has risen to 3000 bikes. Bikes above 600 cc are great specifically when the prices of bikes are coming down. Biking as a culture is developing, biking groups and clubs are coming up, infrastructure is improving, Formula One circuit and Moto GP circuit is coming up, motorsports is improving, weekend biking in the leisure segment is coming up. Along with all this various manufacturers like Yamaha, Ducati, Honda are also exploring the Indian market. These are simply not any motorcycle, they are a passion and a lot of young people with earning capacity are going in to fulfill their passion. Therefore the bikes are going in from the commuter and becoming a part and parcel of the lifestyle by entering into the popular culture and psyche of the people. You see film stars riding superbikes and once this catches on there going to be growth in this category.


Indians have deep pockets, but incase of premium bikes do you think that it’s more about awareness and developing a passion for premium bikes? Oh yes, that is certainly needed. Initial customers who come buy your bike not your customers, they are your lovers and ambassadors. But to get more and more customers coming in you have to do an education. How that education is done is through marketing, events and various manufacturers are already doing it and I think they should do it in a more rigorous manner for the market to expand.

How active is HOG( Harley owners Group) in India. Your insights on how it became from just a group to a cult with made Harley occupy 50% market share in the US? Its a more than 25 year old group. There is HOG, there is GODS ( Group of Delhi Superbikers), Vespa club, Black Piston club. These are a subculture within a culture- Like minded people, little bit of bohemian lifestyle, freedom, moving away from the mundane life. The biking groups will expand because as more and more stress and pressure come into the society, you need to find means to release that pressure. These biking groups do help you to release that pressure.

Having worked across various companies like Yamaha, Hero and Piaggio, do you feel that the importance a company gives to marketing drastically changes? Ya, it does. In some companies, there is hardly any difference between Sales and Mktg. Particularly, the kind of companies looking at the Mass markets. For them, what matters is the number of units sold per day. Some other, however, have very well-defined Mktg strategies and they do differentiate between Sales and Mktg functions. They realize that they need to market their product. As long as they don’t do, people won’t be interested in taking their dealerships and/or buying the product. The positioning of the product, the brand image of the product is very important and it needs to be created accordingly. A very strong base (foundation) has to crated for these brands. So, from Royal Enfield to Piaggio to Honda to Yamaha to Harley, I have seen different thought processes, different ways of Mktg, different ways of selling; the philosophies of the companies have been very different it’s a 360degree approach that I have gained over these 15 years, with these companies.

How different was the experience in these companies and please reveal some of the interesting marketing strategies you implemented during your tenure? I feel Royal Enfield has great Mktg skills. They have these touring and trip concepts, the bashes in Goa; they have now launched their own clothing and merchandise. Piaggio, on the other hand, was a very sales-oriented company. Honda was very focused on its Engineering – they sell their products on the power of their engineering Expertise. Yamaha is great, in the sense that it has a very good balance between Engineering and Mktg. Their products are well-engineered, while their Mktg stands for youth, passion, energy, Moto GP, Valentino Rossi, Rock shows, Funky Colours and Products, Graphics – that’s how Yamaha sells its products. HD is an iconic product. It’s more of an international symbol arriving in India. So, diff. companies have diff. approaches and you need to adapt accordingly. However, it is extremely important that these brands must adapt as per Indian culture. You have to adapt as per the psyche of the Indian Consumer, something that I explained earlier. You may think that a 25 Lakh car, which was iconic in Europe in the 60’s, will work wonders in India, it will not sell. You have to create the environment to make it sell. Creating the environment does take time and effort, and you need to keep patience. If the right environment is created, the product will do well.


While on your sabbatical, please enlighten us on what are you seeking – following your passion, exploring new passions.? Well, I have worked for 15 years now, and it has been quite stressful. I have neglected my family a bit, to be honest. So, I want to take some time out for my family and my passion, i.e. biking. When you are working, there is too much on your plate and you can’t do biking. Especially in the last 3-4 years, I have moved away from biking. I have 3-4 bikes. I am consulting for a few US-based firms, helping a lot of young people, riding and customizing bikes. I am actually making my own bike, which does not have a brand per se, but it will reflect my personality. I may get back into the Corporate World after 6 months or so; but I want to ensure that I am full of energy, ‘josh’ and vigor when I join back so that I can give it my 200%! That is important. My msg to the young people would be – Don’t Burn out! There will be times when you will be devoting 200% of your time to the Core work and rest will spent in handling administrative hassles. But, live your dream, live your passion and you will be successful. I see the Indian youth dominating the next two decades and I say so based on my experience, in which I have travelled around the world. Enjoy your life to the fullest. Wherever you go, take strong, sound decisions. While money and compensation matter, if you are not in the right place, you will very soon become frustrated. So, don’t make your career decision just on the compensation. You may cut down on your shopping, weekend cinema, drinks in the Pub and the new iPhone, but job satisfaction is of paramount importance.


A Step Ahead - Milestone Marketing Celebrity based advertising has been used for years by marketers in commercials, print campaigns and promotions. We have seen a lot of successful celebrity marketing examples like Sachin Tendulkar, Tiger Woods, MS Dhoni, William sisters and the list is long. Billions of dollars are spent yearly in celebrity marketing and now marketers have gone one step ahead by cashing on the short lived euphoria created by the “Milestones” achieved by

golden can celebrating his 100th ton. That was the first time when Coca-Cola had put a celebrity’s face on its cans in India. Sportswear major Adidas also launched a new marketing campaign featuring Sachin. “Milestone” marketing is not limited to just individuals but marketers have been successful to rope in teams and their achievements to endorse the brands. The official sponsors of football, cricket, and rugby teams have been able to

these celebrities. Remember Sachin’s 100th International Century, it was not just the fans that were celebrating it but the brands endorsed by the master blaster were also rejoicing in his glory as they had huge money put into the planning of marketing campaigns, advertisements, print campaigns celebrating the feat.

capitalize on the team wins. A lot of planning goes behind the scene before the start of any series and there lay a great challenge for marketers to plan the campaigns even before the results are out. This also calls for a heavy investment on the planning and conceptualizing the campaign with huge risk because of the uncertainty of the outcomes. The rivalry thus not only remains between the involved teams but it also reaches the The beverage maker Coca-Cola rolled out a series of its special brands backing them up and many a times it’s the other way edition Coca-Cola “happiness” cans celebrating the special cenround. The famous family feud between Puma and Adidas conturies achieved by Sachin with the 10th can in series being the tinues till date and gives a fighting spirit to both the brands making them capitalize on every single opportunity to promote their brand and bolster sales. In India Milestone marketing is seen as a new trend with many global and local brands trying to benefit from the various feats of the players in recent London Olympics. The medal winners Sushil Kumar, Vijay Kumar, Gagan Narang, MC Mary Kom, Yogeshwar Dutt and Saina Nehwal have been felicitated by various brands and have been able to secure deals with them. The brands have thus found new poster boys and girls for their promotion campaigns. They are thus hoping to benefit from the national sentiments aroused by these players with India’s best ever performance at Olympics. According to Mckinsey, the TV advertisements now are less effective than they used to be in nineties because of the greater availability of channels. This now calls for newer and innovative methods of promotion and advertising. Milestone marketing, since is based on the milestones, wins and records, and is short lived can pay huge dividends and bolster sales. However the risks involved is also huge because of the uncertainties involved with the outcomes.


paigns when he won five portraying integrity and high performance. Thus it was difficult for Accenture to use Woods as its brand ambassador since this would have tarnished the clean image of Accenture and would have hurt it as a brand. Accenture had to revamp its marketing and promotion strategy replacing Woods and had to come up with new campaign for the damage control. A huge investment is made by brands on the promotional campaigns of the sponsored teams even before the match. The companies now want to be ready beforehand to cash in on such opportunities. But many times the huge investments get wasted because of the negative outcome than anticipated. Worse happens when the plans of such campaigns come out in public causing embarrassment to the team and the brand. However marketers have now gone way ahead to use even the failures and mistakes of their brand ambassadors in advertisements. Nike Inc. used the “mistakes” of Tiger Woods in their advertisement campaign when latter decided to return to golf. The advertisements where Earl asks questions to his son Tiger and the tag line “Did you learn anything” was unsuccessful to make a mark on the viewers and campaign failed. One of the risks involved with the celebrity and milestone mar- Milestone marketing is the new trend in the marketing world keting is the image of the brand gets carried by someone or and a lot is being done to gain as much as possible from it. As something you cannot control. One of the best examples to for it being good or bad is on the future to decide upon. explain this is Tiger Woods, who led the list of worst celebrity endorsements of 2010. Accenture ended its six years relationship with Tiger Woods after his alleged infidelities surfaced and he announced an indefinite leave from the sport to work on his marriage. Accenture had used Woods in its marketing camPrachi Singh MBA (IB) 2012-14 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade


Out of the World Marketing Mo Farah of Great Britain stood on the podium embellished in the most coveted of sporting honours, the Olympic Gold Medal. He had just won the 5000 meter race. Later, he would go on to the win the 10,000 Meter event as well much to the joy of the British folks. As the chaos of British glory unveiled its full might for a second time in London, an Italian Mr. Martin Lotti, knew he had struck gold as well.

in the balloons to get their free copies one week before the game hits the stores officially.

Marketing, in this age of free flowing information, has two new dimensions to play with. One, the amazingly huge number of new markets and their ease of accessibility and two, the equally overwhelming competition that the above brings in to the equation. Conventional marketing takes a backseat then and the creativity of marketing ideas catapult brands into popularity as much as the effectiveness of their execution. But who pioneered, or to rephrase that, dramatically patronized this free thinking? Who broke the shackles of conventions and climbed out of the box. The Olympics is arguably the toughest of sporting challenges for the athletes and much the same way, it is for the brands too. With advertising of any kind prohibited on the hallowed grounds of the Olympic arena, global brands have little to work with. Fortunately for Nike, Mr Lotti thought otherwise. Everyone had seen the striking bright neon spikes all through the course of the Olympics and the all too famous ‘swoosh’ knitted on them. Nike had armed its artillery with the Nike Flyknit Volt and launched it to the world on the feet of hundreds of athletes. The neon greenish yellow colour was chosen after testing it to be the most visible colour to the human eye. My heart goes out to Adidas, who spent an immoral amount of money on getting the official sponsor title only to get trumped by Nike through this absolutely out-of-the-world marketing idea. Nike is not alone on the “moon” though. Electronic Arts, the publishers of the latest game from Bioware – Mass Effect 3, have resorted to a marketing campaign that gets as close to out-of-the-world marketing as possible, literally. Copies of the latest version would be floated into the skies using weather balloons fitted with GPS tracking facility. Fans of the game could then track the game descending down


“1984”, a George Orwell classic inspired ad, featured during the super bowl in 1984, changed the game forever. The Apple Macintosh was revealed to the world in a stunning Ridley Scott movie. The video shows a dystopian setting in which the leader, shown on a giant screen, is addressing the orderly crowd and his speech outlines the conformity to conventions and rules that is followed in the land.

Then, a model in a white tank-top (arguably symbolizing the Macintosh) runs towards the screen and throws a hammer at screen, destroying it. The rebel, game-changer image that Apple carries to this day was spawned by that 58 second video. This unconventional marketing strategy also played a significant role in making super bowl ad spots the costliest in the U.S. The ad was showed only once for the purpose but has become a YouTube classic and is touted as the best commercial ever by many an advertising great. We are bombarded with a zillion advertisements day in and day out. Most marketing efforts take the tried and tested routes but fail to make an impression amongst the many of a kind. Unconventional, out-of-the-world marketing efforts cut through the inertia and steals the attention of consumers. Getting the attention ensures that the customer gives it a few seconds of thought and that in turn, if the product is good enough, results in a sale. Here is one for example. Mitsubishi came up with a marketing campaign for its Triton pickup truck in 2009. The campaign said “Get your Goat�. Mitsubishi offered a free goat with every sale of its pickup. The sales went up 65% in 2010. ThE bizarre offer of a free goat could not have been the incentive for buyers. But it definitely had caught their attention, and like I argued above, a few seconds attention captured is half a sale done. Marketing has seen great changes over the last century. You don’t see utilitarian advertisements anymore that simply tell you why to buy this product or that. From utilitarian ads, we went to ones appealing to our finer senses and today we stand at the threshold of another makeover for global marketing efforts. Shockvertising is only the pavement we are standing on. Up ahead, as has always been, there is more.

Sharan Suresh MBA(IB) 2011-13 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade




Oriflame launches Giordani Gold Jewel Lipstick The exquisite new range is specially crafted keeping in mind the Indian woman and their love for jewellery with an eye on the celebrations of the festive season. French jewellery designer Helene Courtaigne Delalande who has worked for many prestigious brands is the one who has worked on this range designed exclusively for oriflame. The lipstick is presented in a luxurious golden case that includes a metallic casing adorned with elegant patterns. The design of Giordani Gold Jewel Lipstick, with its impeccable shine and sparkle, encompasses the feel of a precious jewel which promises to be the most treasured product in one’s vanity kit. Available in seven intense and vibrant shades, Giordani Gold Jewel Lipstick is a stunning addition to Oriflame’s classic Giordani Gold range.

Pierre Cardin launches new watch collections Pierre Cardin has launched a new collection of watches, both for men as well as women. The new Pierre Cardin Time Watch collections for women sticks to the heritage of the Pierre Cardin name while appealing to today’s style-savvy consumers. The watches, crafted for the house by a renowned Swiss design studio, are housed in gleaming stainless steel cases fastened by a sumptuous patterned leather strap or, perhaps, one of a sleek satin. The watches in Pierre Cardin’s latest collections for men are distinctive – clean, simple designs instantly recognized for their French heritage and core values. The brand is grounded in the basics of good taste - polished stainless steel teamed with genuine leather for non-fussy masculine collectables that stand out whatever the time of day or occasion and never go out of fashion.

Sony unveils Xperia tipo smartphone Sony India announced its latest smartphone – Xperia tipo – in the Indian market. The Xperia tipo, powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, which is now available across the country, is designed for music and multimedia lovers who want to listen to playlists, and watch their favourite music videos, on-the-go. The new smartphone comes with the latest Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system that enhances the user experience, and is built on strong battery life and expandable storage of up to 32GB, in addition to a free 50GB cloud offer from Box. The Xperia™ tipo comes bundled up with pre-loaded apps such as Bollywood Hungama, Dainik Jagran, and Cricbuzz, on both – single and dual SIM devices. In addition to this, Xperia™ tipo users will enjoy access to appXtra, for exclusive access to music applications. Prashant Sishodia MBA(IB) 2011-13 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade


Marketing Lingos Unveiled 1. Flank Attack Flanking marketing warfare strategies are a type of marketing warfare strategy designed to minimize confrontational losses. Flanking strategies can be either offensive or defensive: Flanking Attack (offensive) - This is designed to pressure the flank of the enemy line so the flank turns inward. You make gains while the enemy line is in chaos. In doing so, you avoid a head-on confrontation with the main force. The disadvantage with a flanking attack is that it can draw resources away from your center defense, making you vulnerable to a head-on attack. In business terms, a flanking attack involves competing in a market segment that the target does not consider mission critical. The target competitor will not be as concerned about your activities if they occur in market niches that it considers peripheral. It usually involves subtle advertising campaigns and other discrete promotional measures, like personal selling and public relations. It often entails customizing a product for that particular niche. Rather than finding uncontested market niches, the attacker could also look for uncontested geographical areas.

The strategy is suitable when: 

The market is segmented

There are some segments that are not well served by the existing competitors

The target competitor has relatively strong resources and is well able to withstand a head-on attack

The attacker has moderately strong resources, enough to successfully defend several niches

Flanking Position (defensive) - This involves the redeployment of your resources to deter a flanking attack. You strengthen your flank if you think it is vulnerable. The disadvantage of this defense is that it can distract you from your primary objective and siphon resources away from where they are needed most. In business terms, this involves the introduction of new products, product lines, or brands, the defensive re-positioning of existing products, or additional promotional activity in a market niche. It requires market segmentation and/or product differentiation. You protect against potential loss of market share in a segment by strengthening your competitive position there. 2. Scalejacking Dave Balter coined this term. It describes the quest of marketers for size at all costs. Because marketers were raised on the scale of mass—TV, radio, newspapers— they have a churn and burn mentality. The internet turns this upside down. The internet is about who, not how many. The internet lets you take really good care of 100 people instead of harassing 2,000. Yet, panicked marketers still look for scale (How many followers can we get? What can we do with a Facebook fan page?) and then hijack that attention, hoping to filter out the masses and get a few sales. Scalejacking inevitably tarnishes most communities, because individuals (people) hate being treated like numbers just standing by to be filtered. 3. Flighting is an advertising term for a timing pattern in which commercials are scheduled to run during intervals that are separated by periods in which no advertising messages appear for the advertised item. Any period of time during which the messages are appearing is called a flight, and a period of message inactivity is usually called a hiatus. The advantage of the flighting technique is that it allows an advertiser who does not have funds for running spots continuously to conserve money and maximize the impact of the commercials by airing them at key strategic times. Advertisers will often employ less costly media such as radio or newspaper during a television flighting hiatus. This method of media planning allows the messages and themes of the advertising campaign to continue to reach consumers while conserving advertising funds. 4. Warm market is used in both the sales and direct marketing industries. In direct marketing it is similar to using the phrase "permission marketing", which is also the title of a best-selling book by Seth Godin. In sales and direct marketing your warm market is said to be people you know, which could be friends, relatives and existing customers, even referrals are said to be warm. "Cold market" refers to a sales person's future or prospective customers.


5. Permission marketing is a term popularized by Seth Godin (but found earlier) used in marketing in general and emarketing specifically. The undesirable opposite of permission marketing is interruption marketing. Marketers obtain permission before advancing to the next step in the purchasing process. For example, they ask permission to send email newsletters to prospective customers. It is mostly used by online marketers, notably email marketers and search marketers, as well as certain direct marketers who send a catalog in response to a request. This form of marketing requires that the prospective customer has either given explicit permission for the marketer to send their promotional message (like an email or catalog request) or implicit permission (like querying a search engine). This can be either via an online email opt-in form or by using search engines, which implies a request for information which can include that of a commercial nature.

6. Referral marketing is a structured and systematic process to maximize word of mouth potential. Referral marketing does this by encouraging, informing, promoting and rewarding customers and contacts to think and talk as much as possible about their supplier, their company, product and service and the value and benefit the supplier brings to them and people they know. Referral marketing takes word of mouth from the spontaneous situation to one where maximum referrals are generated. Online referral marketing, using digital marketing as a platform, is the internet based approach to traditional referral marketing. Given the advances in tracking

customer behavior online through the use of web browser cookies, online referral marketing provides a high degree of tracking and accountability. To illustrate, consider someone who searches for "buy shoes." Online shoe stores have searchers' permission to make an offer that solves their shoe problem. Marketers feel that this is a more efficient use of their resources because the offers are sent to people only if actually interested in the product. This is one technique used by marketers that have a personal marketing orientation. Marketers feel that marketing should be done on a one-to-one basis rather than using broad aggregated concepts like market segment or target market. In the United Kingdom, an opt-in is required for email marketing.

E.g: In 2009, Dropbox implemented a referral program to encourage their users to tell their friends about Dropbox. Their referral program had a two-sided incentive for sharing: the person who signs up for Dropbox through a referral link gets more space than through a normal sign up, and the referrer gets additional space as well. According to Drew Houston, the Co-founder and CEO of Dropbox, the referral program was inspired by the Paypal Sign up Bonus program. The referral program permanently increased their signups by 60%. Referrals account for roughly 35% of their daily signups (as of April 2010).


7. Double-loop marketing is based upon the notion that in today's information-rich world, marketing must of necessity be people and knowledge-driven rather than product driven. A company must first develop "mind share” by building a site that offers genuinely-useful information and advice to consumers. This is the first loop of the firm's interaction with customers. Only after such a site achieves credibility among its community of readers can the company, in the second loop of customer interaction, try to convert that "mind share" into "wallet share." In other words, first community, then commerce. Double Loop Marketing is an idea of online-marketing consultant, Christian Sarkar. It is related to relationship marketing. 8. Contextual Advertising is a method of serving advertisements based on the content (i.e., overall context or theme) of a web page. In the early days of online advertising, ads served on web pages were placed on a first-come, first-served basis. That is, the first advertiser chooses where and when his ads will be displayed with little regard to what’s the actual content of the page where his ads will be shown. This system is very similar, if not identical, to how newspaper advertisements work. Then Google came. Google AdSense was the first advertisement service that introduced the inclusion of a page’s overall context in determining which type of ad campaigns will be rolled out for that page. For example, if a web surfer goes to a page about laptops, then Google AdSense may also serve advertisements about laptops or other related electronic equipment. Because the ads are relatively more relevant to what the user is interested in, then it is hoped that the ad’s click rate will drastically improve. However, there are times when contextual advertising do not work effectively. Some software programs used by ad services are still incapable of "reading between the lines". That is, content that contains irony or sarcasm are difficult to detect, forcing the contextual advertising system to serve potentially offending ads. For example, an ad for life or health insurance may be served on an obituary page, or a low-fat animal-derived food product may be served on a page about vegetarianism.

9. Remarketing/ Retargeting. When a user visits your website, a cookie is set on their computer. Even after they leave your website and continue searching around the Web, your ads will pop up wherever they are. This keeps your site in their mind. 10. Visual merchandising is the activity and profession of developing the floor plans and three-dimensional displays in order to maximise sales. Both goods and services can be displayed to highlight their features and benefits. The purpose of such visual merchandising is to attract, engage and motivate the customer towards making a purchase. Visual merchandising commonly occurs in retail spaces such as retail stores and trade shows.


The purpose of visual merchandising is to: 

Make it easier for the customer to locate the desired category and merchandise.

Make it easier for the customer to self-select.

Make it possible for the shopper to co-ordinate and accessorise.

Recommend, highlight and demonstrate particular products at strategic locations.

Educate the customer about the product in an effective & creative way.

Make proper arrangements in such a way to increase the sale of unsought goods. Double jeopardy is an empirical law in marketing where, with few exceptions, the lower market share brands in a market have both far fewer buyers in a time period and also lower brand loyalty. The term was originally coined by social scientist William McPhee in 1963 who observed the phenomenon, first in awareness and liking scores for Hollywood actors, and later in behaviours (e.g. reading of comic strips and listening to radio presenters). Shortly afterwards Andrew Ehrenberg discovered the Double Jeopardy law generalised to brand purchasing. Subsequently Double Jeopardy has been shown to apply across categories as diverse as laundry detergent to aviation fuel, across countries and time. This empirical law-like phenomenon is due to a statistical selection effect that occurs if brands are broadly substitutable selling to much of the same types of people (often referred to as a lack of Product differentiation and market partitioning). The Double Jeopardy empirical generalization is explained and predicted by the NBD-Dirichlet theory of repeat purchase.

Ankit Shah MBA (IB) 2011-13 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade


Ad Making Competition

Swati Jain FORE School of Management


Rohit Trivedi NMIMS Hyderabad

Hema Sehgal Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi


Light-Headed Corner

Answers will be published in the next issue. However, you may also refer to the Facebook page of Markmantra for the answers.

Laugh Till You Pop !!!



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