The "Invest in ME" user's logo

Invest in ME

Hampshire, United Kingdom

We are an independent UK charity campaigning for bio-medical research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), as defined by WHO-ICD-10-G93.3. We have links nationwide and also internationally. Invest in ME are one of the founding members of The European ME Alliance. Our aim is to bring together like-minded individuals and groups to campaign for research and funding to establish an understanding of the Aetiology, Pathogenesis and Epidemiology of M.E. This should lead to the development of a universal "thumb-print" test for diagnosis of M.E. and, subsequently, medical treatments to cure or alleviate the effects of the illness. Invest in ME want to establish a national strategy of biomedical research into M.E. and establish a UK and European Centre of Excellence for biomedical research into M.E. Please help make M.E. an illness which is properly understood and where adequate funding is provided for biomedical research into ME allowing treatments and cures to be found.
