HR Bulletin Volume 111

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Despite an increasing number of women adhering closer and longer than ever to the route of career success higher education, industry selection, technical qualification and upskilling the process of closing the gender gap remains Eventedious.the expected expressways to the top corporate echelons such as B School Education don’t seem to provide the same traction and pace to female professionals as their male counterparts. Arecent research study published in the journal Organisation Science, earlier this year, suggests that undervaluing high achieving women is one likely culprit. The authors surveyed former and current hiring managers and recruiters to evaluate a set of candidate profiles that were Biases should not be allowed to become internalised over time and crystallise into our second nature How selectively favouring overqualified women in hiring is undervaluing them


They concluded from their findings that recruiters are more comfortable accepting women applicants to positions that they are overqualified for, compared to their male counterparts. The reason is gender biased assumptions about loyalty, ambition and commitment. Although this may seem like a positive insight at first, it ultimately means that even highly qualified women tend to be paid less for performing the same roles as men of equal merit and functionally the same skill sets

The classical typecast of women being considerate, caring, compassionate, conciliatory, and cooperative and men being aggressive, competitive, expeditious, and adventurous, though significantly eroded in its direct traditional form still manifests in myriad insidious ways, not in the least prominent, in the corporate sector

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Men are more likely to switch for career advancement: The study showed that the general opinion of people is that men give more importance to advancing their careers than staying in a particular company It found that extraordinarily highly qualified males were perceived to have an average 19 per cent higher likelihood of switching jobs when a better opportunity presents itself than those with just the adequate qualification for the given role. Men with exceptional qualifications are seen by hiring managers as being mercurial with their jobs. Hence, overqualified men are often rejected by recruiters for the simple reason that the latter believe that such candidates would likely jump ship at the first better opportunity. The study reported that male candidates who possess exceptional qualification for a particular designation have a 25 per cent less chance of being hired vis àvis comparatively less but sufficiently qualified female candidates.

While men are seen as career committed inherently ambitious and hence likely to use the job as a launchpad or accelerator for their careers even highly qualified women are taken by default to be firm committed and less likely to switch to more lucrative opportunities.

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Women are less aggressive & adventurous:

What are the assumptions? Men are more competitive & ambitious: People, in general, are likely to assume that a man would be more competitive, ambitious, and egocentric about his career progress compared to a woman with practically identical qualifications. Such assumptions are rooted in gender stereotypes, which in turn, stem from norm prescriptive parochial sociocultural beliefs and a traditional gender essentialist notion of attitudes and personal values.

Women are inherently loyal: On the other hand, people are generally not anxious about the likelihood of women departing from a workplace to seek greener pastures Although, people believed in the correlation between exceptional candidature and career commitment, they ascribe a different priority order of matters to women Hiring managers treat extraordinary qualifications as a strong sign of career commitment for women as well, yet take their persistence at the firm for granted, assuming that women candidates are inherently loyal to the firm The findings of the study indicated that exceptional women are viewed as 20 per cent less likely to leave the firm and 26 per cent more likely to be consequently selected for the position, when compared to their male counterparts. Thus, in general, recruiters tend to assume that overqualified male applicants would be likelier than overqualified female applicants to switch in the future, due to a difference in the general perception of characteristic attitudes, thus favouring the latter while hiring.

The assumed dichotomy of women being collectivists and men being individualists leads to women being critically scrutinised for their career loyalty and men for their firm loyalty This essentialist typecasting belief in men being ambitious, individualistic and competitive and women being loyal, community oriented, and attached could potentially stagnate women’s career growth within the firm, making them less likely to receive a raise or promotion, thus reinforcing the gender pay gap

Read increase communication-boost-engagement/

Despite the talk of ‘increasing digitization and automation’ and ‘Industrial Revolution 4 0’, the ground reality is that enterprises and corporations are not taking steps that transforms the very fabric and work culture of the enterprise; they are simply adopting digital technologies sporadically


• Increasing efficiency in employee training

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Chatbots increase communication, boost engagement

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• Enhancing the everyday work experience

• Optimizing and enhancing interaction amongst employees and enterprise; specifically, HR

A look at the scope of how conversational AI and chatbot can fundamentally change the way we work Workspaces, like classrooms and factory floors, are intellectually dynamic places Yet, barring a few cosmetic changes, their essential structure has remained similar for a very long time, which is rigid and limiting in its very nature

This is where conversational AI, popularly known as chatbots, can be used as potent tools.

Essentially, conversational AI solutions have helped in three frontiers:

Let’s take a closer look at how conversational bots are driving the future of work: Bots for employee engagement and HR operations

To ensure that we build a digital first workplace environment, one needs to address the fundamental aspect of employee engagement, especially with the millennial workforce, which puts significant value on this aspect before joining an organization. More importantly, enterprises need to adopt more digitally engaging solutions, as the new age workforce is digitally native and more adept at interacting with automated interfaces than preceding generations.


Justifying the hiring of underrepresented groups because of "business case" reasons can backfire, according to a new study by theAmerican Psychological Association Members of the LGBTQIA+ community, women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, and Black students may feel that they are being judged because of their social identity if they join the company

The term "bottom line" in business is the company's net income or corporate profit. "Business case" explanations justify why companies value diversity by saying that it helps companies better serve their customers and improve their bottom line. Meanwhile, "fairness case" explanations show that companies value diversity because it's the right thing to do.

Valuing a diverse workforemployees. Here's why.ce just to improve a company's "bottom line" may increase the chances of alienating diverse more at:

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Token hire? Study shows diversity should NOT be about bottom line

The study explained that business case justifications are very popular but do more harm than good. The researchers gathered the online diversity statements of every company on the Fortune 500 list. They used artificial intelligence based language analysis to evaluate whether each diversity statement presented a business case justification or a fairness case justification. Researchers found that about 80% of companies in the Fortune 500 offered a business case justification, while less than 5% offered a fairness case justification The rest of the companies did not put out a diversity statement or offer any explanation

Managing humans, their work behaviour and performance is a relatively new challenge in the history of employment. When people had lesser skill sets and little or no opportunities to work elsewhere, worsened by challenges of geographical mobility, they continued to work for their employer even if they were abused or exploited in the pre modern era of work. Employers never found a need to ‘manage people better’ as there were similar skills available in abundance and at the same or cheaper cost

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The impact of hybrid working on HR philosophy and practices

Modern studies and research of the 20th century have attempted to give structure to managing people better and the need of doing so Throughout the evolution of organisations through various eras from mechanisation to industrialisation to information to digitalisation (industry 4 0) and now the new normal post COVID, professionals have kept asking prudent questions and been pushed to add different tools to their armory to achieve performance and results

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Digitisation and now COVID has brought strong acceptance of work from anywhere as an acceptable norm, but this leaves the entire ecosystem to grapple with newer questions and challenges from layoffs, to hiring freeze in the pandemic, to the Great Resignation, to the talent/compensation war and so on.

The impact on people's practices is also an outcome of change in several other areas including social, political, environmental, regulatory, cultural and many more. These determine changes in behavior patterns, needs, and aspirations of people, which in turn impel professionals in HR to adapt, influence, and innovate…

How HR can leverage people analytics in new world of work

Data science based on predictive algorithms that explain the classification or clustering of employee profiles is one of the highly effective ways to identify at risk employees

Retention efforts that are based on data driven approaches have proven to have a higher success rate

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As induced by the pandemic, organisations are going through rapid digital transformation, and the skill search has offset the demand supply equilibrium, as more and more organisations move from legacy to cutting edge tech Companiesplatforms. across the globe are looking to curate a best in class talent retention strategy that builds a vibrant and innovative work culture to harness employee stickiness and retention There is a huge impetus for organic talent development Flexible working principles and practices, progressive wellness and benefits, new age self learning, and long term incentives are on a rise Internal career mobility, both local as well as global, customised career and learning paths, employee engagement as well as enhanced communication find their place at the heart and centre of the overall talent retention strategy.

Retention efforts that are based on data driven approaches have proven to have a higher success rate. Reactive data analysis focused on identifying and representing the number of people who are leaving is as important as understanding the reasons behind employee separation. A game changer could be where data is leveraged to predict employees that are at the highest risk of attrition so that a targeted retention effort could be made to ring fence key players in the organisation.

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