HR Bulletin Volume 144

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Mastering time management: Tips for making every minute count at work

Developing an effective time management method and setting realistic timelines for deliverables at work are the keys to achieving work-life harmony, helping employees get more done and feel less overwhelmed.

Indians spend an average of 53 hours working each week, exceeding the globally set work limit of 48 hours, according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) With so many hours spent on work, it is essential to manage time effectively.As a concept, employees are no stranger to time management. Yet, only a few end up mastering it. At its core, time management isn't just about finishing tasks or meeting deadlines. It's about managing your own capabilities, and leveraging it for the best possible outcome. There were interesting insights from an internal poll we conducted at foundit (formerly Monster APAC & ME). More than 59 per cent employees felt the key to achieving work-life harmony was setting realistic timelines for deliverables at work. Needless to say, developing an effective time management method can help employees get more done and feel less overwhelmed.

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Here are five key ways to manage one’s time more effectively

Plan and prioritise

“Fail to plan and one can plan to fail.”

List down daily tasks and arrange them in the order of priority at the beginning of the day to stay productive at work. At times, the whirlpool of critical tasks can feel overwhelming, but prioritising tasks is the first step to maintaining a work-life balance.

This simple act of visualising your tasks can help diffuse the stress that comes with meeting strict deadlines, and also helps one deliver quality work. Project management apps can be used to organise and track personal tasks, goals, and schedules, with features such as to-do lists, reminders, and calendar.

Set deadlines to alleviate stress

To avoid feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, it's important to set realistic timelines and time-bound goals

Unrealistic or too-tight deadlines can be detrimental to one's mental health and may result in -

To minimise stress and anxiety, it can be helpful to tackle more challenging tasks first and then close the day with easier ones Accounting for additional time when setting deadlines helps too, especially when other unexpected tasks come up that require attention.

Break down big tasks into sizeable ones

Breaking down mammoth tasks into smaller, more manageable to-do's will result in more productive outcomes. This helps focus on the next, smaller step rather than viewing the entire task at once, which can seem mindboggling.

Doing this will also help you prioritise the most important and time-sensitive components, while improving organisation and tracking progress. By focusing on one sub task at a time, each element receives the necessary attention and detail, leading to a more comprehensive end result

Short breaks to boost productivity

Working for long stretches without taking any breaks can be detrimental

One can get easily distracted or feel unmotivated However, taking regular and short breaks can help prevent this from happening, while boosting productivity and improving focus Stepping away from work for a brief period of time allows the mind and body to rest and recharge. This can help to reduce mental fatigue and increase energy levels to a great extent. Balance work and life to avoid burnout

Maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional life to lead a stress-free lifestyle. Set clear boundaries between your work and personal life to prevent burnout and ensure time for hobbies. Hobbies can provide a sense of purpose, reduce stress and anxiety, and elevate your mood, leading to improved overall wellbeing.

Further, leaving work at a reasonable time and avoiding checking work emails or messages outside of work hours can help one maintain work-life equilibrium It is also important to communicate with superiors when feeling overwhelmed By having open conversations with managers, solutions can be identified to reduce the workload and prioritise well-being, leading to increased job satisfaction and motivation

Recent technological advancements have also played a vital role in enhancing employee efficiency, with resources like project management and time-tracking tools By leveraging such tools, employees can cultivate a positive attitude toward both their personal and professional lives, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced lifestyle.

To conclude, time management is a priceless skill that every professional will benefit from implementing. By inculcating these management tips, one can create an efficient flow of work with more clarity and confidence. This, in turn, will boost productivity, reduce stress levels, and contribute significantly to career growth and development…

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5 workplace culture trends to boost employee productivity

Creating a fulfilling employee experience is essential for optimising performance and promoting efficient business growth.

As the world continues to evolve, so does the workplace. Companies are constantly adapting to new technologies, trends, and societal changes to create a work environment that is inclusive, engaging, and productive. Workplace culture is no exception. Businesses must align all aspects of their operations with revenue growth in a high inflationary environment and an impending global slowdown. To optimise performance and ensure efficient business growth, it is crucial to create a highly fulfilling employee experience. The following five workplace culture trends around employee experience will impact customer experience and unlock greater revenue in the future.

Fostering greater trust

In the post-pandemic work environment, employees view their relationship with managers as an indication of their association with the organisation However, managers have been slow to evolve into guardians of trust and affinity, regardless of their industry experience As such, it's crucial to improve manager capability and accountability to enhance the employee experience. Business needs to provide training sessions, leadership development programnes, and events to help managers build their leadership skills, enabling them to play a crucial role in building a sustainable work culture. Offering personalised flexibility

To prioritise employee experience, companies must offer team-wise and individual-wise fluidity instead of one-sizefits-all policies, which require managers to collaborate with their teams...

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Efficient leadership: HR leaders share top qualities

Nearly half of employees in toxic tech companies complain leadership is unaware of the toxicity while expressing their intention to quit, shows a report by TalentLMS

Remote work culture has become prevalent across the world in a post-pandemic world Even after organisations have devised return-to-work plans, people still have the option to work from home. Many of them are opting for work from home to balance their personal and professional lives. However, this trend has led to a blurring of the lines between work and personal life, as managers may be checking their work emails or taking work calls even after office time gets over.

According to research by the University of Florida, the University of Arizona and Florida State University, managers who disconnected from their jobs at home felt more refreshed the next day and they turned out to be efficient managers. “Traditionally, there has been a cultural expectation in India that work is prioritised over personal life, which has resulted in many managers being expected to remain constantly connected to their work even outside of regular working hours However, this expectation is slowly shifting, and there is now a greater emphasis on work-life balance and flexibility,” says Amit Sahoo, Vice President, Global Head of Human Resources of Narwal According to Sahoo, it is important to note that this is not the case for all managers in India, and it largely depends on the industry and company culture Ultimately, it's up to eachEfficient and effective leaders

According to HR leaders, effective and efficient leaders are supposed to possess the ability to guide, motivate, prioritise long and short-term goals, keep a regular connection with the team to align them individual manager to determine how to balance their work and personal responsibilities…

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