HR Bulletin Volume 128

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on the role of reverse mentoring in boosting talent retention

Benz's Manu Saale

From diversity and inclusion, to developing technology skills, to retaining young talent, to driving organisational change, experts are increasingly plumping for reverse mentoring to achieve these ambitious organisational goals.

With companies increasingly acquiring a greater global profile, they have started to encourage and embrace diversity more than ever This shift is all about creating an inclusive environment, acceptance of every individual’s difference to enable all employees to achieve their full potential and as a result, allowing the companies to reach their fullest potential. Diversity in the workplace is usually taken to mean race and gender. But age is another important dimension. Generational diversity refers to having employees of several generations - spanning from "Traditionalists" to

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“Generation Z", via "Baby Boomers, and Generations "X" and "Y" (millennials) - represented in the workplace In such cases, it is more important than ever for companies to understand the generational differences that set them apart.

Manu Saale, MD and CEO, Mercedes Benz Research and Development India (MBRDI ) says every person in the group has unique knowledge and skills drawn from life experiences of their generation, and this diverse knowledge base can empower individuals to educate and learn from each other.

“Problem solving becomes better. When different perspectives are combined, one will be able to get creative solutions to problems whenever they arise If an older employee moves on from the organisation, it is beneficial to have younger people on staff knowledgeable about your organisation and committed to its success Senior employees can act as mentors to help younger workers rise into leadership roles,” he contends In an exclusive interaction with People Matters, Saale talks about challenges of generational diversity, how reverse diverse mentoring can improve generational diversity awareness in the workplace, be a key to retaining top talent, and most importantly, how organisations get it right.

Given the wide variant viewpoints, generational diversity would have its share of challenges. What are the major ones?

Each generation has its preferred communication style and tools which can cause a lot of confusion and miscommunication. Mature workers tend to use technology for productivity purposes. On the other hand, younger colleagues prefer digital communication, leaning towards emails and instant messages.

Workers from different generations hold varying expectations for their employment. They may expect to be evaluated in different ways; they may prefer different training methods; or they may value different work processes

Job seekers from different generations approach the job search very differently Younger generations are accustomed to searching for and applying for jobs online However, this can be a challenge for older workers who grew up in a world of paper applications and face-to-face interviews

What is reverse mentoring? How can it help promote generational diversity awareness in the workplace? Mentoring can be an effective way to groom future leaders in companies. Today, it is a two-way street that benefits both mentor and mentee. For companies, it helps elevate work quality, increases efficiency, improves employee retention, and fosters a more positive work environment.

In recent years, formal mentoring programmes are gaining popularity to develop skills, share knowledge, break down silos, and support diversity and inclusion. Traditionally, mentoring involves a more senior, experienced person, advising a more junior person and helping them develop skills, share their experiences and learnings, introduce them to relevant people, and support and encourage them.

However, there are several types of mentoring, and some suit certain purposes within the workplace better than others One of those is reverse mentoring

Reverse mentoring is simply the opposite format of traditional mentoring, one where the senior leader is mentored by a younger or more junior employee The programme acknowledges the skills gaps and opportunities to learn on both sides of a mentoring relationship and flipping the traditional format on its head can be greatly beneficial for both parties.This model of mentoring can also challenge the notion of mentoring being elitist, as it is not about a senior person taking someone under their wing, but a formal relationship for the purpose of skill sharing and professional development.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion are becoming increasingly important to a company's culture and operations. Many organisations are working to break down barriers, promote inclusivity, and find ways to keep current employees. All these areas can benefit from reverse mentoring. Some may prefer a formal structure with specific goals to achieve, while others believe that partnerships can occur more organically and still have a positive impact on culture transformation The programme can help highlight the day-to-day challenges that some employees face these challenges may have previously been overlooked or not considered important enough by senior management to force a change, but they may be the reason highly skilled employees are leaving your workforce When a senior executive is paired with a junior employee from a diverse background, the senior executive gains a better understanding of the issues and challenges that minorities face in the workplace The benefits that have

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Trends that will shape the future of work in India

The corporate environment in India has changed, and leaders can no longer rely on conventional, top-down strategies that place the financial performance of a company above all else Instead, they must adapt to the new reality and focus on other factors, such as employee well-being and sustainability.

The pandemic disrupted global economies and businesses, and the workforce has been heavily affected by it. Organisations have had to reimagine their strategies and focus on employee well-being, engagement, and sustainable business models. The year has seen high levels of unemployment and economic uncertainty, leading many to fear a potential recession. The post-pandemic era is likely to be remembered as a pivotal time in the history of the Indian corporate scene. Here are some of the key changes and developments that have emerged as a result of the pandemic:

•Increased focus on remote work and digital technologies

•Changes in consumer behaviour and market demands

•Ashift towards more sustainable and socially responsible business practices

•Heightened awareness of the importance of employee well-being

There is a clear shift towards purpose-driven jobs and prioritizing individual well-being In 2021, there was a significant increase in resignations across the globe, and this trend continued into 2022 Many people sought out jobs that provided financial security, mental satisfaction, and opportunities for social contribution As a result, India's attrition rate remains elevated at 20% even today. In response, organisations have revised their HR policies…

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Today's growing focus on well-being has transformed employee wellness into core employee demand. The latest Microsoft Work Trend Index notes that robust wellness initiatives are a crucial part of employee expectations from their employers and a demand for flexibility. It plays a vital role in attracting, engaging, retaining talent and driving a robust experience. In the age of work where skilled individuals are challenging to attract and retain, going beyond prescriptive models of employee wellness. With talent attraction, engagement, and retention becoming challenging, companies that can provide the right health and well-being initiatives stand to differentiate themselves and create better experiences for their employees

Implement employee mental health programs

While companies across the board have expanded their wellness mandate to include mental health concerns, research shows that employees still face significant challenges According to the latest World Economic Forum research in 2022, over 49% of employees still feel overwhelmed by a substantial mental overload Additionally, 46% feel isolated from their colleagues, and 49% believe they are at risk of burnout due to professional or personal mental load. Enabling employees to reduce digital exhaustion and burnout today can help create the right environment for

… With employee well-being today becoming a cornerstone of an impactful talent attraction and management strategy, how can companies stand out from the rest by creating the right programs? Read more at: 5 H U M A N E - R | V O L U M E 128
key steps in ensuring your well-being programs are the next big talent differentiator

HR trends from 2022 and what to expect in 2023

The year 2023 will witness the continuation of initiatives designed for employee engagement and retention

2022 has seen some significant developments in the talent industry, which has led to HR leaders and decision-makers revisiting their plans

Three fundamental areas captured the focus of organizations in 2022 in terms of HR trends. The first is a greater emphasis on wellness. The physical and mental well-being of employees, managers, and leaders is essential for uninterrupted service delivery, effective project management, and thoughtful decision-making. The implementation of wellness programs reduced healthcare costs for 72% of employers, according to a career discovery platform. The second focus area was the emergence of HR technologies. Organisations are leveraging the potential of these tools in the virtual-dominated era to experiment in various fields. According to a leading global media publication, investments in HR tech have increased by 57% since last year These experiments are in the areas of: Employee communication, benefits, and self-service supporting the hybrid work model Recruitment to provide seamless candidate experiences and create a global pool of talent Learning and development to ensure growth, capability building, and upskilling of the workforce in a hybrid work environment

Employee engagement to facilitate virtual interactions and continue providing a bilateral conversation and listening culture

The third focus area in 2022 is sharper focus on HR business partnerships. HR is no longer just a general function, it has acquired strategic importance over the years, and the latter half of this year made that evident. Crucial HR agenda…

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Half of Indian companies turn to contract workers amid mass layoffs

Contract staffing has emerged as a viable short-term staffing solution for businesses as 50% Indian firms are willing to adopt the formula though it is not a long-term fix for the slowdown, it definitely settles the situation, says a new report.

The fear of market downside is weighing heavily on the minds of Indian firm owners as 50% of companies showed a tendency to hire contract workers amid mass layoffs Astudy by Spectrum Talent Management, a one-stop solution for global-local human talent management, corroborated the fact Businesses do not have the bandwidth to increase their fixed costs by hiring full-time employees (FTEs) The current demand is hence met by the people readily available via layoffs, as per the report Contract staffing has emerged as a viable short-term staffing solution. Although this is not a long-term fix for the slowdown, it definitely settles the situation.

States such as Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Rajasthan have witnessed the highest demand for contractual staffing, as per the report.

Compared to last year, the demand range has a variance of 10%. The demand is higher in FMCG, followed by sectors like e-commerce, manufacturing, retail, logistics and healthcare. IT sector is yet to catch up as compared to other developed nations.

No specific industry comes at the top for contract hires Industries are season-driven and directly influenced by a subsequent demand spike, such as Big Billion Sale events, the report said

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