20-23 May 2013, Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach, Dubai, UAE
A Practical Roadmap to Implementing IFRS in MENA Regional Financial Practitioners
Regional & International Experts Mr. Atiq Juma Nasib Senior Director, Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Deputy Chair, ICC WCF’s International Certificate of Origin Accreditation Committee (ICOAC)
Paul Raftery Divisional Financial Controller - Finance and Corporate Affairs Group Mubadala Rajesh Parek CFO DIFC
Ashruff Jamall Partner PWC
Vijay Raghavan Group Financial Director ARENCO Group
Abbas Ali Mirza Partner Deloitte, Chairman 21st session ISAR/ UNCTAD, United Nations & Chairman Dubai Chamber’s Auditors Group
Adil Madani Senior Manager General Accounting Qatar Telecom
Anthony O’Sullivan Partner Ernst & Young
Casey Blatch Financial Planning, Reporting & Services Manager Almarai Company
Yusuf Hassan Partner - Technical (Department of Professional Practice) KPMG
Uzair Aziz Dawood Manager – External Reporting Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC)
New IFRS Standards effective 2013 will require you to RE-LEARN
Gain A Concise Update On IFRS: Review the biggest changes in the last two years and get to grips with proposed future updates Hear Practical Case Studies & Technical Masterclasses On IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements, IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities, and IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
Are YOU ready?
Plu s
fundamental principles.
Three Essential In-Depth & Interactive Workshops
A Crash Course on IFRS including First Time Adoption B Unraveling Financial Instruments C Adopting and Applying IFRS 10, 11 and 12 Event Partners and Supporters
Attend Technical Masterclasses On Revenue Recognition, Leasing, Financial Instruments, Business Combinations, Hedge Accounting and Islamic Finance Take Part in Vertical Case Study Break Out Sessions. For the first time, learn directly from practitioners how they have successfully implemented IFRS, in exclusive sessions for Oil & Gas, Telecoms and Financial Services
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan
Organised By
PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE World Accounting Summit presents IFRS
20 - 23 May 2013
Workshop A: Crash Course on IFRS including First Time Adoption
20 May 2013
Conference Day 1: Evaluating the Latest Developments with IFRS, their Implementation and Impact – Technical Master Classes and Vertical Case Studies
21 May 2013
Conference Day 2: Addressing Today’s Reality and Assessing Technical Challenges – Technical Master Classes and Vertical Case Study Breakout Sessions
22 May 2013
Workshop B: Unraveling Financial Instruments
23 May 2013
Workshop C: Adopting and Applying IFRS 10, 11 and 12
23 May 2013
Industry Breakdown
Driving Forward the Practical Implementation of IFRS in MENA The adoption of IFRS 10, IFRS 11, IFRS 12 and IFRS 13 effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013 will have a significant impact on your balance sheets. This is your last opportunity to hear from the experts how to implement these changes before mandatory requirements to report according to these modifications!
Oil & Gas
Ensure you stay at the forefront of your industry as a leading accounting and finance professional, by keeping one-step ahead of the latest trends, technical updates, best practice case studies and the potential business impact of IFRSs now and in the future.
Utilities, Power & Electricity
The World Accounting Summit presents IFRS is back for the ninth year and presents a unique and rare opportunity for you to learn how to adopt the latest standards and discuss the practical challenges whilst implementing IFRS.
Why Do You Need To Be There?
Who will you meet?
GAIN FIRST HAND ACCESS to the latest information on upcoming standards and their implication for your business in MENA HARNESS REGIONAL & INTERNATIONAL INSIGHT from leading experts on tricky subjects such as Revenue Recognition, Leasing, Financial Instruments, Business Combinations, Hedge Accounting and Islamic Finance DESIGN ADOPTION STRATEGIES for IFRS 11, IFRS 12 and IFRS 13 through technical masterclasses and practical case studies PLAN IFRS IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES based on proven applications in various industries JOIN REGIONAL PEERS in vital discussions on key IFRS challenges and solutions
Real Estate Banks & Financial Services Manufacturing Healthcare Telecom Accounting Bodies & Associations
Chief Financial Officers, Group Finance Directors & Financial Controllers Chief Management & Senior Accountants Regulators and Standard Setters Analysts, Investors and Portfolio Managers Risk Management, Compliance and Legal Teams Auditors
WHAT PAST DELEGATES SAID ABOUT THE CONFERENCE “It was a real opportunity to network and very informative” Yousif M. Al Dwaikat Financial Auditor, Arabsat
“Refreshing! The event provided a good opportunity to grab tons of knowledge from Gurus” Abrar Malik, Senior Accountant, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
The Residential Package Enjoy three nights accommodation as well as access to the entire conference by booking our residential package. See back page for the details.
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: | Web:
Tuesday 21 MAY 2013
Evaluating the Latest Developments in IFRS, their Implementation and Impact Technical Masterclasses and Vertical Case Studies
Registration and Morning Refreshments
Welcome Note and Opening Remarks by Summit Chairman Abbas Ali Mirza, Partner Deloitte, Chairman 21st session ISAR/ UNCTAD, United Nations & Chairman, Dubai Chamberʼs Auditors Group
Inaugural Address Mr. Atiq Juma Nasib, Senior Director, Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Deputy Chair, ICC WCFʼs International Certificate of Origin Accreditation Committee (ICOAC)
IFRS - Where is it all going internationally and regionally? Key updates on the IASB journey Latest news on convergence: process and progress Adoption of IFRS in the region The way forward
Abbas Ali Mirza, Partner Deloitte, Chairman 21st session ISAR/ UNCTAD, United Nations & Chairman, Dubai Chamberʼs Auditors Group
Asher Noor, CFO, Al-Touq Group Sanjeev Agarwala, Director Strategy & Business Development, Al Habtoor Group Rajesh Parek, CFO, DIFC Vijay Raghavan, Group Financial Director, ARENCO Group Nauman Asif, CFO, Morning Refreshments and Networking Break
A Concise Update on IFRS – Outlining what has Changed in the Last Two Years, Upcoming Changes and How these Impact Your Business
Up to date changes in the standard since 2011 How does this impact your company’s corporate financial statements? Update on IASB’s future agenda consultation Interpretations and annual improvements on current agenda projects as well as recently issued standards Post-implementation reviews
Kurt Ramin, Former Director and Advisor, IFRS Foundation at the IASB DELIVERING ACTION POINTS - A concise list of updates and proposed changes will be circulated for attendees to take away
IFRS 10: Consolidated Financial Statements and Disclosures - Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
Analysing the key concepts and changes as well as their interpretation for your organisation − Definition of control − Criteria and focus for control − The ‘De facto’ notion − Contractual rights − Power Potential pitfalls and implications Who will these changes affect? How do you account and report these? − Does this change for different types of entities i.e. associations, subsidiaries, J.Vs etc. and how? Identifying action plans to implement changes
Yusuf Hassan, Partner - Technical - Department of Professional Practice, KPMG 12:45 VERTICAL CASE STUDY
The afternoon sessions focus on issues relating to the impact of recently issued IFRSs on financial statements from annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013 and provide the opportunity to discuss related issues in depth.
Implementing IFRS 10: Do’s and Don’t Asim Rasheed, Head of Financial Policies & Technical Standards, Emirates NBD
Lunch and Networking Break
Implementing IFRS 10: The Road so Far – Challenges, Tools and Impact
Implementing the New and Recently-Issued Standards – Changes, Challenges and Impacts
An interactive panel session inviting a range of industry perspectives to discuss key market trends How has the market changed in the last year? How is the Arab Spring affecting regional organisations – benefit or not? What are the ‘red flags’ that people should be aware of during challenging times and how can you prepare your organisation to face them? Assessing the state of liquidity in the market as well as the current situation of re-financing and the future of investments Mode of raising money – current and future Examining best potential opportunities in the short term and evaluating future trends
How do accounting bodies keep members updated regarding the latest changes in IFRS and what are the impediments to this? Progress in mutual recognition agreements between institutes: are any significant agreements planned for the near future? Helping members to become more globally accepted in terms of licensing Is there a possibility for an international CPA/CA license in the future? How are accounting bodies reacting to the impact of euro prices on IFRS?
Peter Beynon, Regional Director – Middle East, ICAEW James Ravi, Regional Director – Middle East, ICAI Mr. Ahmad Saeed, President, ICAP
How is the Arab Spring Affecting CFOs? Assessing the Current Market and Looking Ahead
Keeping Updated with IFRS and the Latest Technical Thinking - How Accounting Bodies are Providing Clarity and Increased Unity
Regional Keynote Address – Update on the Impact of IFRS to the Regional Financial Market
Market Insight, Standard Updates and Looking Ahead
Mubadala organisation structure – Business/Industry Units Types of investment (subsidiary, JV, associate, AFS, trading) Nature and coverage of internal reviews carried out by Mubadala Investee specific case studies
Paul Raftery, Divisional Financial Controller - Finance and Corporate Affairs Group, Mubadala
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: | Web:
Tuesday 21 MAY 2013
Analysing the key concepts and changes as well as their interpretation for your organisation − Joint arrangements − Other developments Potential pitfalls and implications − Internal – joint arrangements, complexity and review of contracts etc − External – users issues, financial ratios, tax impacts, investments in joint ventures etc Who will these changes affect? How to account and report these? − Does this change for different types entities ie associations, subsidiaries, J.Vs etc and how? Identifying action plans to implement changes
Casey Blatch, Financial Planning, Reporting & Services Manager, Almarai Company 15:25
Afternoon Refreshment and Networking Break
IFRS 12: Disclosures of Interests in Other Entities
IFRS 11: Joint Arrangements
Analysing the key concepts and major changes to existing standards − Contractual and non-contractual interest − Structured entities − Interpretation and implications for your organisation Potential pitfalls and implications Identifying action plans to implement changes
Arif Ahmed, Professor and Director, South Asian Management Technologies Foundation 16:25 TECHNICAL MASTERCLASS
IFRS 13: Fair Value Measurement - Is This the Answer to Our Problems?
Analysing the key concepts and major changes to existing fair value standards Understanding the transitional arrangements for measurement and comparatives Effectively checking the disclosure changes Identifying action plans to implement changes Providing information to engage stakeholders
Akil Vanthliwala, Director, KPMG 17:05
Chairman’s Closing Remarks and End of Day One
Wednesday 22 May 2013
Evaluating the Latest Developments inAssessing IFRS, theirPractical Implementation and Impact Addressing Today’s Reality and Challenges Masterclasses andCase Vertical Case StudiesSessions Technical Technical Masterclasses and Vertical Study Breakout
Evaluating the Real Picture in the Lack of Mandatory Requirement
VERTICAL CASE STUDY BREAK OUT SESSIONS Learn directly from practitioners how they have successfully implemented IFRS. Industry specific case studies will be followed by an interactive break out session which gives you the chance to put in practice and question what you have learnt about IFRS implementation.
Welcome and Opening Remarks by Summit Chairman James Mathews, Partner, Crowne Horwath & Vice-President, ICAI Dubai Chapter
Evaluating the Realities of Reporting In the MENA Region and the Importance of IFRS
Oil & Gas - Uzair Aziz Dawood, Manager - External Reporting, Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC)
How are organisations reporting in the region? What have their experience been? How do different standards affect the valuation of a company? Globalisation of financial reporting The role and importance of IFRS Condorsement of IFRS in the region Anthony OʼSullivan, Partner, Ernst & Young Yusuf Hassan, Partner - Technical (Department of Professional Practice), KPMG Ashruff Jamall, Partner, PWC Padmanabha Acharya, Partner, Deloitte & Touche
Banking & Financial Service - Asim Rasheed, Head of Financial Policies & Technical Standards, Emirates NBD
Lessons Learnt from IFRS Implementation
Choose one of the following industries:
The Status of Convergence Between IFRS and U.S. GAAP Will the United States adopt IFRS? Points of convergence between IFRS and U.S. GAAP – Business Combinations, segment reporting and more Status of convergence projects - revenue recognition, financial instruments and leases Points of divergence - impairment models Matthew Zinkus, Partner, KPMG
Morning Refreshments and Networking Break
The importance of IFRS Standards that apply to the sector The growing pains of first time adoption of IFRS An overview of the adaption of the critical IFRSs to the sector: − Revenue Recognition − Impairment of fixed assets − Treatment of leases − Borrowing expenses − Fair value adjustments for financial assets − Components of financial statements − Balance sheet classification issues PRACTICAL VERTICAL WORKING GROUPS
Think Tank Round Tables Break Out Session to Discuss Issues and Re-State Accounts These sessions give you the chance to put in practice and question what you have learnt about IFRS implementation by re-stating accounts
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: | Web:
Wednesday 22 May 2013
Analysing the key concepts What has changed in the standard − Goods and services as a single performance obligation − Performance obligations satisfied over time and onerous performance obligations − Variable consideration Recognition issues and the concept of substance over form Measurement of revenue Revenue recognition on Royalty, Dividend and Interest Construction contracts − Measurement of stage of completion − Lease hold & free hold property Providing information to stakeholders
Sunder Manikandan, Senior Manager Accounting & Reporting, Baker Hughes Adil Madani, Senior Manager General Accounting, Qatar Telecom Surendra Jain, Group Finance Director, ARENCO Group Nauman Asif, CFO, Sydney Bolton, Finance Manager, United Precision Drilling Company Moderated By: Yusuf Hassan, Partner - Technical - Department of Professional Practice, KPMG 13:05
Lunch and Networking Break
Revised Exposure Draft - Changes in Lease Accounting
A review of the global leasing market and current lease accounting standards A study of the IASB’s project agenda for “leasing” What are the areas of changes so far and their implications − The definition of a lease − How the lessee recognises lease expense in its statement of comprehensive income for some leases − The lessor accounting model − The accounting for variable lease payments and renewal options In-depth analysis of the proposed accounting for lessee including the “right to use” asset and liabilities An analysis of the differing proposed accounting for lessor What will the further changes be?
Kurt Ramin, Former Director and Advisor, IFRS Foundation at the IASB
Business Combinations (IFRS 3)
Purchase method Identifying the acquirer Allocating the cost to net assets Recognition and measurement of goodwill Transitional provisions
Islamic Finance - Is IFRS Capturing the ShariaCompliant Instruments Market?
Defining the problem of using IFRS in Sharia-compliant instruments What are IFRS doing about it? What inroads have IFRS made with relevant bodies, associations and institutions to this effect?
Dr Khaled Al Fakih, Secretary General & CEO, Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions(AAOIFI) 15:45
Afternoon Refreshment and Networking Break
IFRS 9 and IAS 39 – Financial Instruments – Back to Square One?
Practical Examples of How Different Industries Recognise Revenue Under IAS 18 - Understanding Principles, Evaluating Recognition Issues and, Assessing How to Deal with Inconsistencies
Analysis of the background to IFRS 9 The IFRS 9 model for assets and equity instruments How things are different to IAS 39 – what you need to know Disclosures on transfers of financial assets − How extensive are the new requirements? − What are the disclosures requirements on financial instruments for transferred assets that are not derecognised? − What are the disclosure requirements for the transferred assets Liabilities − Fair value and transition provisions − Present value calculation − Hybrid instruments − Calculation of unwinding effect Effective date Impairment General hedge accounting Macro hedge accounting Asset and liability offsetting
Santhanakrishnan S, Managing Partner, PKF Sridhar & Santhanam, Chairman of Accounting Standard Board, ICAI Central Council 16:50 TECHNICAL MASTERCLASS
Understanding Hedge Accounting under IFRS 9 (Including Exposure Draft)
Criteria for hedge accounting Categories of hedges Hedge effectiveness/ineffectiveness Discontinuing hedge accounting
Arif Ahmed, Professor and Director, South Asian Management Technologies Foundation Chairman’s Closing Remarks and End of Conference
CA D.K. Astik, CEO & Director, i2i IFRS Management Services Private Limited
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: | Web:
WORKSHOPS Monday 20 May 2013
Workshop A
08:30 – 12:30
Crash Course on IFRS including First Time Adoption The workshop covers all aspects of first time adoption and overcoming critical challenges such as education, translation and fair value measurement. It provides you with the opportunity to discuss related issues in depth and highlights key elements through interactive examples and illustrations.
Workshop Highlights: Practical application of complex requirements of IFRS 1 » Mapping the change » Preparing an opening balance sheet on transition date − Choosing the accounting policies − Fair Value measurement − Impairment testing − Preparing the comparatives » Making adjustments required to move from previous GAAP to IFRS: derecognition, recognition, reclassification and measurement » Implementing the exceptions to basic measurements − Mandatory exceptions − Optional exemptions » Identifying changes in disclosures
» Preparing IFRS estimates Disclosures in financial statements of the First-time adopter » Interim statements » Final statements Interactive case studies with practical scenarios The workshop provides you with the opportunity to discuss related issues in depth and highlights key elements through interactive examples and illustrations.
Workshop Leader: Veena Hingarh, Professor & Joint Director, South Asian Management Technologies Foundation Veena Hingarh has been a consultant on World Bank projects in the South-Asian region and has assisted numerous corporates with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) related issues. She has co-authored numerous books such as Wiley’s IFRS convergence: A practical perspective, Handbook on IFRS, Manual on Information Systems Audit, Wiley’s Understanding and Conducting Information System Audit.
Thursday 23 May 2013
Workshop B
08:30 – 12:30
Unraveling Financial Instruments This interactive workshop will bring you up to speed with all the latest developments and proposals relating to financial instruments. Case studies and examples will be used throughout to create an understanding on how apply these changes in practice.
Workshop Leader:
Workshop Highlights:
How extensive are the new requirements? What are the disclosures requirements on financial instruments for transferred assets that are not derecognised? What are the disclosure requirements for the transferred assets Liabilities Fair value and transition provisions Present value calculation Hybrid instruments
Calculation of unwinding effect Case studies using practical examples of key updates
Santhanakrishnan S, Managing Partner, PKF Sridhar & Santhanam, Chairman of Accounting Standard Board, ICAI Central Council Santhanakrishnan has more than 30 years of experience in Global Assurance and Consulting and is a member of the central council of the institute of chartered accountants of India. He is actively involved in numerous industry oriented initiatives of the Reserve Bank of India and the Ministry of Company Affairs.
Thursday 23 May 2013
Workshop C
13:30 – 17:30
Adopting and Applying IFRS 10, 11 and 12 IFRS 10, 11 & 12 were issued by IASB in May 2011 with an objective of enhancing transparency in corporate reporting and convergence with US GAAP. Implementation of these standards would require management to exercise significant judgment in determining units that are controlled, classification of joint arrangements and reporting entities are likely to incur cost because many disclosures did not exist in previous standards. This workshop focuses on the challenges in adopting and applying IFRS 10, 11 & 12, and will provide an opportunity to preparers, auditors and users of IFRS financial statements to gain a sound understanding on how these consolidation standards are applied in practice. The program is interactive and incorporates examples/case studies to enable participants to have a better understanding of concepts and their application.
Workshop Highlights:
Understanding of Control principle: Definition, relevant activities, substantive & protective rights Application of control: Voting rights, Structured entities, Franchises, Delegated rights Investment entities: Definition and application guidance Joint arrangements: Definition, classification and accounting Disclosures: Subsidiary; Joint arrangements, associated, unconsolidated structured entities
Workshop Leader: CA D.K.Astik, CEO & Director, i2i IFRS Management Services Private Limited Dilip Kumar Astik is an accomplished international IFRS trainer and a Consultant. He has shouldered responsibility of a Course Director and a resource person for IFRS Training programs conducted for professional bodies (ICAI, ICSI, ICWAI and MIPA), Comptroller & Auditor General office, Director General (P & T) and other large body corporate in UAE, Mauritius and India.
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: | Web:
MEET YOUR SPEAKER FACULTY A cross section of industry financial professionals, experts from accounting firms, accounting bodies, educational institutes and NGOs.
Industry Professionals Paul Raftery Divisional Financial Controller - Finance and Corporate Affairs Group Mubadala
Rajesh Parek CFO DIFC
Vijay Raghavan Group Financial Director ARENCO Group
Asim Rasheed Head of Financial Policies & Technical Standards Emirates NBD
Casey Blatch Financial Planning, Reporting & Services Manager Almarai Company
Uzair Aziz Dawood Manager – External Reporting Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC)
Asher Noor CFO Al-Touq Group
Sanjeev Agarwala CFO Al Habtoor Group
Yousif Mahmoud Yousif Al Dwaikat Chief Auditor Financial Arabsat
Nauman Asif CFO
Sydney Bolton Finance Manager United Precision Drilling Company
Adil Madani Senior Manager General Accounting Qatar Telecom
Surendra Jain Group Finance Director ARENCO Group
Sunder Manikandan Senior Manager Accounting & Reporting Baker Hughes
Abbas Ali Mirza Partner Deloitte, Chairman 21st session ISAR/UNCTAD, United Nations & Chairman Dubai Chamber’s Auditors Group
Anthony O’Sullivan Partner Ernst & Young
Yusuf Hassan Partner – Technical - Department of Professional Practice KPMG
Ashruff Jamall Partner PWC
CA D.K.Astik CEO & Director i2i IFRS Management Services Private Limited
Santhanakrishnan S Managing Partner, PKF Sridhar & Santhanam, Chairman of Accounting Standard Board ICAI Central Council
Matthew Zinkus Partner KPMG
Padmanabha Acharya Partner Deloitte & Touche
Accounting Firms
Accounting Bodies, NGOs & Educational Institutions Peter Beynon Regional Director – Middle East ICAEW
James Ravi Regional Director – Middle East ICAI
Mr. Ahmad Saeed Presiden ICAP
Ahmed Bin Abdulla Al Moghames Secretary General, Saudi Organisation for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA)
Arif Ahmed Professor and Director South Asian Management Technologies Foundation
Veena Hingarh Professor & Joint Director South Asian Management Technologies Foundation
Kurt Ramin former Director and Adviser IFRS Foundation at the IASB
Dr Khaled Al Fakih Secretary General & CEO Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions(AAOIFI)
Mr. Atiq Juma Nasib Senior Director, Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Deputy Chair, ICC WCF’s International Certificate of Origin Accreditation Committee (ICOAC)
Tatiana Krylova Head of the Enterprise Branch, Division on Investments and Enterprise United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Professor S. Sundararajan Director Institute of Cost and Management Accountants
Raise Your Company Profile In The Region And Position Yourself As A Leader In IFRS The 9th Annual World Accounting Summit Present IFRS gives you a platform for a targeted marketing approach to promoting your corporate image, products and services as well as creating greater market awareness. Our sponsorship packages are designed to give your brand targeted exposure and increase your client base with networking opportunities.
Contact or call +971 4 407 2608 for more details Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: | Web:
Wo r l d A c c ou n t i n g Sum m i t P re se nts
IFRS 20 - 23 May 2013
Möve n pi ck Ho tel J um e i r a h Be a c h , D ub a i , UA E
Five Easy Ways To Register +971 4 335 2437
+971 4 335 2438
IIR Holdings Ltd. P.O Box 21743, Dubai, UAE
PLEASE THE SESSION/S YOU WISH TO ATTEND: Tuesday 21 May 2013 & Wednesday 22 May 2013
Monday 20 May 2013 Workshop A
Thursday 23 May 2013
Workshop B - AM
Workshop C - PM
4 Night Residential Package* including Conference plus three workshops
Book by 21 February 2013
Book by 4 April 2013
Book from 5 April onwards
4 Night Residential Package* including Conference plus three workshops
US$ 3,989
US$ 4,189
US$ 4,553
Conference & 3 Workshops
US$ 3,499
US$ 3,699
US$ 3,899
Conference & 2 Workshops
US$ 2,999
US$ 3,199
US$ 3,399
Conference & 1 Workshop
US$ 2,499
US$ 2,699
US$ 2,899
Conference Only
US$ 1,999
US$ 2,199
US$ 2,399
Workshop Only
US$ 799
US$ 899
US$ 999
GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE CALL: +971 4 335 2483 E-MAIL: Conference fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance. All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.
*Residential Package includes three nights accommodation and access to the Conference plus three workshops.
Job Title: Company: Address: Postal Code: Tel:
City: Mobile:
PAYMENTS A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event.
Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible. Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to process.
Mövenpick Hotel JBR, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 449 8888
If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations cancelled 7 days or less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time.
We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid last minute inconvenience. You can contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on: Tel: +971 4 407 2693 Fax: +971 4 407 2517 Email:
© Copyright I.I.R. HOLDINGS B.V. D
All registrations are subject to acceptance by IIR which will be confirmed to you in writing. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and IIR reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers or topics.