Mi Gove nis rn t m for ries en FR att t EE en !* d
17 – 19 February 2014 The Address Hotel | Dubai Mall | Dubai | UAE
Drydocks Field Trip included Thursday 20th February 2014
FSRUs-a catalyst for driving the LNG industry forward!
IIR Middle East are proud to host the 2 Annual International FSRU 2014 Summit, the FIRST and ONLY event bringing together industry experts to discuss the latest news about existing and planned FSRU projects around the world. nd
FSRUs are on the rise globally, hear the latest projects and upcoming opportunities within FSRU operations Zaher Sleiman Advisor to the Minister, Head of LNG Unit Ministry of Energy and Water Lebanon
S. Naraynan Managing Director Andra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation India
Melanie Wright LNG Prospecting and Origination Manager MENA GDF SUEZ UK
Djoko Saputro Director of Technology and Development PGN Indonesia
Hyuck-Man Park Deputy Director Ship Marketing Engineering team DSME
Judith Kim Partner Oil & Gas Ashurst UAE
Edward Craddock Director Natural Resources Structured Finance Office for EMEA Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Ali Abdallah, Business Development Manager Middle East & Africa GTT France France
Why You Have To Be There:
Critical Topic Highlights Include:
➜ Hear the latest existing and planned FSRU projects internationally ➜ Meet the key decision makers across the value chain ➜ Identify your place in the market and understand where your services are needed ➜ Increase your market visibility and improve your competitor analysis & benchmarking
➜ Market Overview and commercial indicators for growth LNG & FSRUs ➜ A series of in-depth case-studies which examine the upcoming opportunities within FSRU ➜ Addressing the reality checks within FSRU projects: what leads to the so-called sleepers ➜ Risk Management strategies: how to reduce risk on FSRU projects ➜ Conversions Vs. New-build ➜ Operational engineering challenges: Shipbuilding perspectives
PLUS! Dont miss our industry-leading workshops on 19 February 2014: Support Sponsors
Field Trip & Coffee Break
Media Partners com
Supporting Maritime Authority
AM - Workshop A: OPERATIONS PM - Workshop B: TECHNICAL
consul ing, design, ope ation & maintenance engineering
*Government Ministries may attend the event for free, to confirm your place email: dzena.dzonlic@iirme.com
As the LNG market continues to grow internationally FSRUs have become an increasingly important component, in particular to smaller and growing economies worldwide. With 11 active FSRUs and over 40 approved and planned for the following years, the growth rate for FSRUs is increasing steeply. FSRU operations are likely to surge by 100% in the next two years as Governments and private companies continue to take advantage of a faster, cheaper and more flexible means of re-gasifying LNG. The 2nd Annual FSRU International 2014 Summit is the ONLY FSRU summit taking place in the Middle East, with a larger geographical focus including the Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean, India, Indonesia and Africa. FSRU 2014 provides you with a platform to hear the latest existing and planned FSRU operations in Indonesia, India, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon and other regional hot spots and investment areas. We are pleased to be the ONLY event in the region to draw together the leading international players in this exciting new area of the LNG industry to forge working relationships and fast-track new projects.
Comprehensive Coverage Of the LEBANON Lebanon has become the most recent country in the Middle East to launch international tenders for its first FSRU in the Beddawi area. The FSRU is to supply local power plants with natural gas, as well as the coastal pipeline that will interconnect all coastal existing and future power plants. Zaher Sleiman, Advisor to the Minister, Head of LNG Unit, Ministry of Energy and Water, Lebanon The case-study will include exclusive updates around the latest FSRU developments. From evaluating the thirteen prequalified companies, discussing the major deadlines and milestone, to Lebanon’s roadmap for becoming a future exporter.
INDIA S. Narayanan, Managing Director, Andra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation, India India’s demand for LNG is growing; these two case-studies will focus on the two most important FSRU projects, the deep-water port at Kakinada and offshore Andhra Pradesh. Both locations are strategically placed and are considered as key markets for importing gas to India. The deep-water port at Kakinada project: The latest developments in the recent submission of the draft Environmental Impact Assessment report and the signing of the Port Services Agreement will be discussed, as well as the commercial arrangements, operational factors of the project and current port facilities. Andhra Pradesh (AP) FSRU project: Andhra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation Ltd have recently entered into a project framework agreement with GDF Suez LNG UK Ltd, for jointly setting up the first FSRU in offshore Andhra Pradesh. This case-study will explore the project stages with exclusive insights from Managing Director of Andra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation Mr. S. Narayanan including challenges and best practices of setting up FSRUs in East India. 2
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: register@iirme.com | Web: www.iirme.com/fsru
IIR Middle East is proud to continue welcoming key FSRU representatives from across the value chain to this growing international summit. Some of last year’s senior level delegates and leading industry speakers included: ➜ Dubai Supply Authority
➜ Warstilla
➜ GTT France
➜ Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
➜ Hoegh LNG
➜ Macquarie Group
➜ Brunei National Petroleum Co.
➜ Drydocks World
➜ Mitsui & Co. Middle East ltd.
➜ Ministry of Oil & Minerals Yemen
➜ Egyptian Natural Gas
➜ Brunei National Petroleum Company
➜ Ministry of Petroleum Egypt
➜ PT Pertamina
➜ Drydocks Worls
➜ Petronet LNG Limited
➜ UAE NationalTransport Authority
➜ Yemen Gas Co.
➜ Osaka Gas Company
➜ Standard Chartered Bank
…and many more!
➜ Dolphin Energy
➜ RINA Group
➜ Shell
➜ Mubadala
Latest FSRU Projects in the Region PHILIPPINES There are currently two potential FSRU locations, Mindanao and Luzon Batagas, both projects are still on the site identification and tendering agreement stages. Laura Saguin, Division Chief, Natural Gas Management Division, DOE, Philippines The case-study outlining the latest FSRU developments in the Philippines will include discussions about the country’s future challenges, its regulated power market, coal dependency and the need to diversify its energy supply though LNG importation. As well as the infrastructure needed for pipeline grid connectivity, an overview of the domestic environment and plans for future frameworks for deploying FSRUs.
INDONESIA “With the actual trend of the new business with FSRUs, the industry was waiting for this type of conference” Pedro Amendola LNG Superintendent, Dubai Supply Authority, UAE
“One of the best gatherings for upcoming projects who are looking for the most economical and competitive solutions”
Höegh LNG will provide PGN with an FSRU and mooring system offshore Sumatra, Indonesia, the FSRU should be operational by 2014. Djoko Saputro, Director Technical & Project Development, PGN, Indonesia The case-study focuses on the latest planned FSRU operations in Indonesia, from examining the FSRUs in construction offshore Sumatra in Indonesia to technical overviews and challenges faced so far.
Olga Vedernikova, Director, Clarksons LNG, UK
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: register@iirme.com | Web: www.iirme.com/fsru
Conference Day One 08:30
Registration and coffee
Opening comments from the Chairman Zaher Sleiman, Lebanese Ministry, Advisor to the Minister, Head of LNG Unit, Ministry of Energy and Water, Lebanon
Panel: Global demand for FSRUs, identifying regional hot spots and investment areas: • Assessing the commercial viability for FSRUs internationally and best strategies used for ensuring profitability, sustainability and ROIs for each investor in the supply chain • Government initiatives to import LNG; what can governments do to increase supply of gas and accelerate contract procedures in order to ensure regional supply • How to ensure business sustainability and best approaches in countries that are currently looking to implement FSRUs • Assessing the performance of longstanding FSRU operations internationally and examining how well these FSRUs are functioning Laura Saguin, Division Chief, Natural Gas Management Division, DOE, Philippines S. Narayanan, Managing Director, Andra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation, India
Panel: Market Overview and commercial indicators for growth LNG & FSRUs; analysing the latest megatrends in LNG supply and demand • Assessing the globalization of LNG and initiatives to develop the business by increasing capacity and utilizing major gas reserves • What are the current drivers, challenges and best practices in the LNG market, are we noticing different patterns of consumption and global market shifts? • Considering gas and oil prices; how will this affect the market on a global scale and are businesses equipped for this? • Assessing the need for more power generation in large economies such as Asia and topographical shifts of importing and exporting LNG Laure Baynes-Clarke, Senior LNG Account Manager, Shell Melanie Wright, LNG Prospecting Manager, GDF Suez Guillaume Dufour, Group Head Global Shipping Group, SMBCE, France
Case-study Lebanon: Future FSRUs in Lebanon • Overview of Lebanon’s FSRU project stage; outlining tenders, deadlines and the latest developments • Assessing the FSRU locations Maritime Zone of the Tripoli Oil installation, Zahrani oil installation or the Salata region • Outlining FSRU yearly usage, contract types and Lebanon’s expectations for the FSRU • Looking ahead, the road map for becoming a future exporter Zaher Sleiman, Lebanese Ministry, Advisor to the Minister, Head of LNG Unit, Ministry of Energy and Water, Lebanon
Lunch and Networking opportunity
Case-study Philippines: Future FSRU projects in the Philippines and assessing the demand for LNG • Overview of the planned FSRU projects; assessing the stages of the Luzon and Mindanao FSRU projects • Identifying a strategic location and commencing with the infrastructure facility framework in order to meet LNG Supply demands • Challenges ahead and the road map for diversifying the energy supply in the Philippines Laura Saguin, Division Chief, Natural Gas Management Division, DOE, Philippines
Case-study Dubai & Kuwait: Operating FSRUs: existing and operating FSRU terminals in the Gulf • Assessing the performance of longstanding FSRU operations in Dubai • Examining how well these FSRUs are functioning • What makes FSRUs successful and why do countries choose to use them as opposed to on-land regasification plants? Markus Voege, VP Operations and Production, Drydocks, UAE
Presentation: How do the FSRU operations become bankable? • Introduction: A brief overview of Project Finance How are FSRU deals structured? • What are the key feature of a successful FSRU financing? • What are the key issues to address to ensure that finance is available from the bank market? • What are the lessons that can be learnt from the Projects that have been financed to date? • Are there any alternatives to bank funding? Edward Craddock, Director, Natural Resources Structured Finance Office for EMEA, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Refreshment and networking break
Morning Break This section is dedicated to a series of in-depth case-studies which are structured through a sequence of different examples of FSRU project stages; from completed, under-construction, contracted to the so-called sleeper projects. Each case-study aims to address operational issues on what makes FSRU projects successful and the obstacles that cause project delays. The case-studies will look closely at the performance of longstanding FSRU operations and assess how well they are functioning. Discussions will move to an overview of the current FSRUs in construction, the approved and proposed operations and lastly the so-called sleepers.
Monday 17th February 2014
10: 50
Presentation: Challenges and risk allocation in FSRU projects Topic outline: • Market drivers • Latest trends in FSRU projects • Risk allocation in project structuring • Risk allocation in project documentation (time charter parties and direct agreements) Patricia Tiller, Senior Associate, Baker Botts
Case-study India: Operational Case-study: a detailed look at India’s planned FSRU projects: • Challenges and best practices of setting up FSRUs in East India • Latest FSRU developments in the deep-water port at Kakinada and offshore Andhra Pradesh • Top five factors which we must take into consideration and best practices in hedging against risks when operating in a new region • India’s demand for LNG; a key contributor to growth in new market development S. Narayanan, Managing Director, Andra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation, India
16:00 Presentation: Contract Strategies and Management: how to make sure the contract phase is clearly outlined • Clarifying contract structures, the 3 main business models; determining vessel owners, operators, charters and third parties involvement and contractual obligations • Assessing the best approaches in incorporating risk factors within contractual clauses, and greater risk sharing models • Evaluating the commercial viability of your investment, and the impact of contractual obligations and timeframes • Best practices in mitigating the risks involved in FSRU projects, namely: commencement of hire, staying on hire, liabilities and indemnities, warranties, performance and taxes Judith Kim, Partner, Oil & Gas, Ashurst, UAE 16:30
Presentation: Risk Management strategies: how to reduce risk on FSRU projects • Making sure you have appropriate collateral during each phase of the project • Best strategies in mitigating risk during the preliminary phase of the project in order to ensure long-term sustainability of FSRU ships • How to conduct accurate measures in identifying political, construction, operational, financing and performance risks Paul Nicholson, Managing Director, Marsh Energy, UK
Networking Reception
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: register@iirme.com | Web: www.iirme.com/fsru
Conference Day Two 08:15
Registration and coffee
Lunch and networking opportunity
Opening comments from the Chairman Zaher Sleiman, Lebanese Ministry, Advisor to the Minister, Head of LNG Unit, Ministry of Energy and Water, Lebanon
Presentation: Operational engineering challenges: Shipbuilding perspectives • Best practices and strategies in overcoming challenges and delivering high quality and economic products • Introduction of Shipyard’s standard LNG RV & FSRU projects • Some technical issues and Latest technological initiatives on the design of the FSRU Hyuck-Man Park, Deputy Director, Ship Marketing Engineering team, DSME, South Korea
Presentation: Improvements in FSRU operations and logistics • Reassessing the safety requirements in FSRU operations • Best practices in logistical measures, crew selection procedures and training for efficient FSRU maritime operations • Combating external threats, ship to ship interfaces, environment and political risks in order to ensure operational sustainability and satisfaction • Securing off-take agreements, vessel authorization and aligning government regulations and port authorities Jaksa Begovic, Head of LNG Crewing and Training, V.Ships Offshore, Croatia Presentation: Customized FSRUs: tailor made solutions from technology providers: • The rise of customised optimised solutions, identifying new trends in customized Vs flexible vessels • Understanding the concept of varied technical solutions on a client to client basis • Depicting the large variety of technical possibilities that are efficient, environmentally sustainable, flexible and economically viable Subajan Sivandran, Offshore Business Development Manager, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, France
Tuesday 18th February 2014
Presentation: Main issues in feasibility studies concerning offshore FSRU • Selecting the most suitable location on the basis of metocean data, site (sea bed) investigation, shore approach, environmental limitations, etc. • Selecting the most suitable FSRU mooring system and mooring configuration of the feeding LNG carriers • Identifying the need of a breakwater, of a jetty or other civil structures • Selecting FSRU size on the basis of gas demand and logistic aspects • Evaluating impact on the local ship traffic • Adopting novel technologies Stefano Cappellozza, Oil & Gas Facilities Unit Manager, D’Appolonia Spa (RINA Group)
Morning Break
Presentation: FSRU GTT Mark III and NO96 containment systems: advanced technology for energy storage • Thermal efficiency, shape and structural strengthening: how to customize the performance of the containment system? • An overview on existing and on-stream FSRU/FSU projects • Application of the technologies: from the small scale to the ultra large FSRU • Flexible, fast track, and cost effective solutions: key attributes of the GTT’s membrane containment system Ali Abdallah, Business Development Manager, Middle East & Africa, GTT France
Presentation: Wärtsilä Oil & Gas FSRU systems • New developments on propane based systems • Overview over propane based regas systems delivered and under delivery by Wärtsila. • Experiences so far • Assessing the benefits of using propane based systems Per-Helge Madsen, Business development Manager, Wärtsilä Oil and Gas Systems AS
Presentation: Conversions vs. New-build: technology vessel analysis; developments in different types of vessels and business models • Best practices and criteria when considering candidate vessels for conversion; new builds vs conversions • Assessing alternative types of storage carriers that have re-gas units connected to them and how they compare to FSRUs in terms of cost and efficiency • Technical overview of jetty barges and super tankers; when is it best to use each type, assessing the infrastructure facilities of the country in question, offshore location, side-by-side transfer and weather issues • Outlining where FSRUs fit in and where onshore terminals fit in and the possible phasing S. Narayanan, Managing Director, Andra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation, India
Refreshment and networking break
Presentation: Successful financing strategies for FSRU projects Potential financing structures, from corporate financings, to asset-type financings and non-recourse financings: • implementing the right financing structure on the right project • Ensuring a proper risk mitigation through robust structure and contractual framework • Focus on 1. Project-on-project risk for integrated projects 2. Redeployment / residual value risk for shorter-term projects • Identifying the right liquidity sources for FSRU projects • The importance of ECAs and multilateral institutions to address funding needs, and cover specific risks Guillaume Dufour, Group Head Global Shipping Group, SMBCE, France
Closing Remarks
“A great opportunity to network with peers from the region ” Lea Lonsted, Maersk Oil Qatar
“Very well organised. Very informative.”
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: register@iirme.com | Web: www.iirme.com/fsru
Workshop B:
Wednesday 19 February
Wednesday 19th February
Registration will be at 08:00. The workshop will run from 08:30 to 12:30 with appropriate breaks for prayer and refreshments. Lunch will be served at 12:30 – 13:30.
Registration will be at 13:30. The workshop will run from 14:00 to 17:30 with appropriate breaks for prayer and refreshments. Lunch will be served at 12:30 - 13:30.
As global demand for LNG increases, FSRUs are fast becoming a preferred LNG importation solution due to their cost competitiveness, speed, efficiency and flexibility. As more countries opt for FSRUs, the demand for tailor made contracts and solutions are increasing. This operational workshop will provide you with a clear picture of the technical and economical drivers that will deliver further successful FSRU projects.
As new builds seem to be overtaking conversions, technical challenges and solutions are continuously arising within the LNG FSRU industry. Understanding the latest technical development within FSRU operations seems to be a key consideration in moving ahead in the industry. This master class will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of the latest technical challenges to successfully complete FSRU projects.
Topics to be covered include:
Attendees will benefit from:
Best practices in key project issues from the contractual phase to the end product
Overview of the current and planned FSRU projects internationally
Cost and schedule breakdown
Latest technologies offering more tailor made solutions
Detailed comparison with onshore terminals and offshore
Judith Kim, Partner Oil & Gas, Ashurst, UAE Daniel Reinbott, Partner, Ashurst, UAE Renad Younes, Counsel, Ashurst, UAE
Different types of vessels and containment systems Conversions vs. New builds Safe and efficient methods of transferring cargo Reliability, availability and maintainability of regas plants and marine environment • Assessing safety issue • Understanding the concept of varied technical solutions on a client to client basis Subajan Sivandran, Offshore Business Development Manager, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, France Ali Abdallah, Business Development Manager, Middle East & Africa, GTT • • • •
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: register@iirme.com | Web: www.iirme.com/fsru
Who Will I Meet?
Support Sponsor With a history going back 150 years, RINA is a global corporation. Within RINA design, engineering advice, operations and maintenance are assigned to D’Appolonia S.p.A. and to its subsidiaries. D’Appolonia S.p.A. is a team of engineers, consultants, designers, planners and specialists supporting Clients, both public and private, from concept to consulting, design, operation & maintenance engineering decommissioning, through consultancy, design, management, operation & maintenance engineering. D’Appolonia brand, which origins go back to 1956, belongs to RINA since 2011. The company operates mainly in the markets of Energy, Transport and Infrastructures and Investors, providing services ranging from feasibility and specialistic studies, through all design phases, PMC and site engineering and operation and management of the assets. Through about 700 scientists, engineers and specialists located in 20 offices worldwide, D’Appolonia offers international top level services to investors, promoters, operators and contractors, as well as insurers and public administrations to support their initiatives. Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising technological innovation and total efficiency, Wärtsilä maximises the environmental and economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers. In 2011, Wärtsilä’s net sales totalled EUR 4.2 billion with approximately 18,000 employees. The company has operations in nearly 170 locations in 70 countries around the world. Wärtsilä is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Finland.
Baker Botts’ lawyers are at the forefront of the LNG industry’s most innovative projects. We have advised on more than 150 significant LNG transactions in over 30 countries. Our global practice includes advising clients with regards cutting edge projects, such as the first liquefaction project in the United States to have taken FID in over 40 years and the first LNG projects in South America, Angola, and Equatorial Guinea. We have also assisted clients with securing the first LNG supply into new terminals across the globe and have advised on the purchase and charter of over 70 new-build LNG tankers, including some of the first floating LNG storage and regasification vessels and one of the first proposed floating liquefaction vessels. BakerBotts.com - See more at: http://www.iirme.com/fsru/sponsorship-opportunities/sponsor#sthash.S75ZJX8l.dpuf
Oil & Gas Companies
Government representatives
Shipbuilders/Ship Owners/Operators
Technology/Service/Classification providers 13% EPCs
Consultants/ Lawyers/Banks/Finance
Geographical Breakdown
Coffee & Field Trip Sponsor
Drydocks World Drydocks World is one of the most prominent names in the maritime industry. Over the past 30 years Drydocks World, with facilities in the Middle East and Southeast has become one of the most prolific shipyards in the world providing marine & maritime services to the shipping and offshore oil, gas and energy sectors. The range of services provided include Offshore and Engineering, Ship and Rig Repair and Maintenance, Shipbuilding and Conversion, Rig Building and Refurbishment , FPSO/FSO Conversion, Offshore Fabrication, Maritime Clusters and Yacht Repairs and Fleet Operations.
Maritime World Maritime World oversees Dubai Maritime City, a purposebuilt entity, which is strategically located to serve the maritime industry of the world with its state-of-the-art facilities and expertise. The City was engineered to cater for the maritime industry needs by having the marine district and commercial district specially developed for multi- purpose use to support the maritime culture.
Sponsorship Opportunities To discuss Sponsorship opportunities please contact: Faariss Khalil Sponsorship Manager IIR Holdings Limited Email: sponsorship@iirme.com Direct Line: +971 (0)4 407 2516 Mobile: +971 (0)56 796 1039
Middle East East Med / Europe South East Asia Far East Africa South America North America/ Rest of the world
50% 18% 15% 7% 5% 3% 2%
Key Job titles: Business Development, FSRU Vice President, Marine Division LNG Prospecting Manager General Manager Conversion Director technical & Development Director LNG Downstream Planning Manager LNG logistics Manager Ministry Department Head, LNG & Gas Economics FSRU Project Manager LNG Business Modeler Senior LNG Account Manager Engineering Inspector Partner, Law Firms LNG Consultants
Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: register@iirme.com | Web: www.iirme.com/fsru
17 – 19 February 2014 The Address Hotel | Dubai Mall | Dubai | UAE
Five Easy Ways To Register +971 4 335 2437
+971 4 335 2438
IIR Holdings Ltd. P.O Box 9428, Dubai, UAE
www.iirme.com/fsru AY2020
PLEASE þ THE SESSION/S YOU WISH TO ATTEND: Book before 1 December 2013
Book before 1 January 2014
Book before 1 February 2014
Final Price
¨ Conference + 2 Workshops
US$3,535 SAVE US$1,490
US$3,735 SAVE US$1,290
US$3,935 SAVE US$1,090
US$4,135 SAVE US$890
¨ Conference + 1 Workshop
US$2,680 SAVE US$1,195
US$2,880 SAVE US$995
US$3,080 SAVE US$795
US$3,280 SAVE US595
¨ Conference Only
US$2,125 SAVE US$600
US$2,325 SAVE US$400
US$2,525 SAVE US$200
¨ Workshop Only (Per Workshop)
US$850 SAVE US$300
US$950 SAVE US$200
US$1,050 SAVE US$100
Drydocks Field Trip
Sponsorship Opportunities To discuss Sponsorship opportunities please contact:
Faariss Khalil Sponsorship Manager IIR Holdings Limited Email: sponsorship@iirme.com Direct Line: +971 (0)4 407 2516 Mobile: +971 (0)56 796 1039
GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE CALL: +971 4 335 2483 EMAIL: a.watts@iirme.com
Conference fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at www.iirme.com/terms. Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.
*Government Ministries may attend the event for free, to confirm your place email: dzena.dzonlic@iirme.com
Job Title: Company: Address: Postal Code: Tel:
City: Mobile:
If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations cancelled 7 days or less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time. All registrations are subject to acceptance by IIR which will be confirmed to you in writing. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and IIR reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers or topics.
EVENT VENUE: The Address Hotel, Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 4367777
ACCOMMODATION DETAILS We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid last minute inconvenience. You can contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on: Tel: +971 4 407 2693 Fax: +971 4 407 2517 Email: hospitality@iirme.com
Oil & Gas
© Copyright I.I.R. HOLDINGS B.V. D
A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event.