Risk 2014

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RISK 2014

 Retail And Investment Banks

Limited places for regulators to attend for FREE! See booking page for details

7 - 9 April 2014 The Address Hotel, Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE

 Investment Businesses

 Insurance Companies


New Insights And Practical Techniques For Measuring, Managing And Embedding Strategic, Credit, Market, Liquidity And Operational Risks


Prashant Govil Financial Sector Specialist Central Bank of Bahrain Bahrain


Jason Shohet VP Global Compliance & Risk Management Citigroup USA

Marc Bonnassieux Chief Risk Officer Qatar First Bank Qatar


Abe Riazati Head of Fixed Income and Liquidity Risk Morgan Stanley Investment Management, USA


❱ The largest gathering of international and regional CROs and risk leaders in the region ❱ Up to the minute supervisory updates to international requirements including Basel III, Solvency II and FATCA ❱ Invaluable networking opportunities with the region’s most influential risk leaders ❱ International thought leadership on risk frameworks, operational risk, ERM and stress testing ❱ Regulatory views on the impact of domestic regulatory changes to liquidity, insurance deposits, real estate, securities trading and credit risk ❱ Leading assessments of how to gain management buy-in and frank debates on risk ownership

Platinum Sponsor

Endorsed By

Media Partner

Alexander Denev Co-author of “Portfolio Management Under Stress”and Senior Team Lead, Risk Models RBS, UK

F E A T u r in g

Prasad Ramani Head of Middle Office Majid Al Futtaim Trust UAE


Credit Risk Management: Balancing Exposures, SMEs, Basel III and Liquidity Coverage Ratios, Capital Adequacy, Stress Testing and Capital Allocation Executing Operational Risk Management: Scenario Analysis, CRSA, KRIs, AML and IT security Implementing Market Risk: Developing Frameworks, Overcoming Modeling Challenges and Risk Breaches Practical Tools For ERM: Creating ERM Frameworks, COSO II versus ISO 31000 and Implementing ERM

Organised By

BOOK BEFORE 9 January 2014 & SAVE $1,398


Providing regional practitioners with critical updates on the latest risk management landscape, up-to-date coverage of regional and international regulations, as well as strategic insight and practical techniques to help improve risk design, management and implementation capabilities in financial institutions.

Featuring International Keynotes Jason Shohet VP Global Compliance & Risk Management Citigroup USA

Abe Riazati Head of Fixed Income and Liquidity Risk, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, USA

', at h W F OsR IN I T

Michael Sicsic Group Operational Risk Director Aviva Plc UK

Sovereign Wealth Funds, Asset Managers and Private Equity Firms?

Investment and Retail Banks? ❱ Ensure compliance with an in-depth understanding of regional Government priorities on international and domestic regulations including Basel III and FATCA ❱ Break down internal silos to create and implement a robust risk framework ❱ Learn leading stress testing and credit portfolio management techniques and understand the impact of operational risk exposures

❱ Drive internal efficiencies by understanding the impact of operational risk exposures and adopting effective management frameworks

❱ Maximise investment returns across portfolios with the latest qualitative and quantitative risk measurement approaches



❱ Prepare for Solvency II and regional regulatory changes and integrate a robust risk framework ❱ Drive counterparty risk effectiveness through the latest qualitative and quantitative risk measurement techniques

❱ Understand tried and tested practices for implementing ERM

❱ Maximise market risk effectiveness with qualitative and quantitative risk measurement


Insurance and Reinsurance Companies?

❱ Learn proven strategies on developing and integrating a robust risk framework and moving away from silos from leading international and regional investment house

❱ Improve business decision making by using scenario analysis and understand how to better manage risk across your entire portfolio and multiple asset classes


12% Regulators & Central Banks

45% Retail & Investment Banks

30% Institutional Investors, SWFs, Asset & Fund Managers

13% Insurers & Reinsurers


Alexander Denev Co-author of “Portfolio Management Under Stress”and Senior Team Lead, Risk Models, RBS, UK

❱ Discover the impact of operational risk exposures on your business and adopt an effective management framework ❱ Improve business decision making by using scenario analysis and understand how to better manage risk across your entire portfolio and multiple asset classes


Wednesday TWO practical hands-on Post Conference Masterclasses 9 April 2014

Masterclass A Integrated Approach To Stress Testing

Examining leading practices for developing and applying stress testing to achieve strategic objectives in the region

Masterclass B Operational Risk

An integrated approach to and practical strategies for measuring, managing, modeling and embedding operational risk to drive informed decision making

+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438


Conference Day One

Monday 7 April 2014

08:30 Registration and morning refreshments


09:00 Chairman’s opening remarks

INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE 09:10 The Global Risk Makeover: Cutting edge insight on the role of risk management in transforming business decisions making Risk realities: Examining the role of risk and compliance management in the financial community Develop a structure to ensure common understanding of risk tolerance in KPIs and KRIs Driving business performance through the convergence of risk programmes, PMOs and other transformational programmes Jason Shohet, VP Global Compliance & Risk Management, Citigroup, USA

REGULATORY ROUNDTABLE 09:40 Regulatory Update: Evaluating the impact of regional and international regulation on MENA’s financial sector Evaluating how global, regional and domestic regulations have changed over the last year and their impact on bankers, insurers and investment houses with focus on the impact of these changes to factors including liquidity, insurance deposits, consumer lending, real estate finance, securities trading, GRE exposure and credit risk How are regulators developing a framework to support long-term sustainable growth of the financial sector? Evaluating future policy developments in the region for Basel III, Solvency II and FATCA: What are the timelines and requirements? Where will the focus lie? What impact will these changes have on the region’s financial markets? Regulatory and industry perspectives on international and regional regulatory compliance and its impact to the financial sector

Featured Speakers Include

10:30 Designing And Integrating Risk Appetite: Getting maximum value for risk and gaining board level buy-in by effectively developing risk appetite The balancing act: Evaluating the organisation’s capacity for risk, taking into account organisational culture, risk management capability, solvency, regulations, environment and stakeholders expectations Actively developing risk appetite: How can CROs engage with the board to develop risk management as a tool for day-to-day business management by creating board level ownership, understanding, monitoring along with management implementation? Best practices for determining risk tolerance and creating risk appetite statements Integrating risk appetite: Overcoming challenges of operationalising risk appetite across the business and integrating it with corporate governance, reporting frameworks and organisational culture

Featured Speakers Include

Marc Bonnassieux Chief Risk Officer Qatar First Bank Qatar


Jamal Saleh Deputy General Manager Head of Risk Management Commercial Bank of Dubai, UAE

Saleem Sheikh Chief Risk Officer Gulf Bank Kuwait

Vinay Aggarwal Chief Risk Officer and Chief Credit Officer Standard Chartered, UAE

Speed-Networking: Expand your business network and create a competitive edge This exclusive opportunity is a quick and effective way to expand your business network, generate key contacts and win new deals in this critical sector.

11:30 Morning refreshments and networking break

INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE Dr Ali Al Amari Senior Director: Supervision and Authorisation Division, Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority, Qatar

Prasanna Seshachellam Director, Supervision Dubai Financial Services Authority, UAE

Prashant Govil Financial Sector Specialist Central Bank of Bahrain Bahrain MODERATOR

Mustafa Gümüş Head of Investment Services Department Capital Markets Board Turkey

Dr. Amine Awad Executive Board Member Banking Control Commission Lebanon


John Garrett General Manager & Group Chief Compliance Officer National Bank of Abu Dhabi, UAE

12:00 Risk Framework: Assessing leading practices in developing a holistic and robust risk framework to ensure long-term sustainability and viability of your organisation Connecting the dots: Evaluating the need for creating a holistic company-wide risk management framework and not just viewing risk in silos Driving business performance through the convergence of risk programmes and increasing business value by transforming the business model to be more risk adept Embedding risk culture: Developing a risk culture in your organisation by engaging stakeholders to share ownership and recognise shared responsibility ‘Getting a strong rating’: Evaluating the critical elements for measuring and managing a robust risk framework including structure, model, processes as well as uses Abe Riazati, Head of Fixed Income and Liquidity Risk, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, USA

+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438


MULTISTAKEHOLDER ROUNDTABLE 12:40 Basel III: Reviewing the progress of the Basel III framework as well as adoption and implications for the regional banking sector Understanding the differences between Basel II and Basel III and their impact on market, credit and operational risk; trade finance; regulatory capital; leverage and liquidity; ICAAP and credit exposures for Islamic and conventional banking The impact of Basel III on a bank’s customers and counterparties: Implications of scarcer capital, financial product exposures, bankruptcy laws and bank resolution legislation Assessing the impact of Basel III on the central counterparties and their bank members within the context of G20’s OTC reform Understanding reform requirements and timelines from regional Central Banks as well as regulatory and industry perspectives on international and regional regulatory compliance, its impact to business and advice for meeting the requirements in a cost effective way?

Dr Ali Al Amari, Senior Director; Supervision and Authorisation Division, Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority, Qatar Dr. Amine Awad, Executive Board Member, Banking Control Commission, Lebanon Dr. Mehmet Ayhan Altıntaş, Director Central Risk and Collateral Management, Istanbul Settlement and Custody Bank -Takasbank, Turkey Gerard Rizk, Group Chief Risk Officer, Blom Bank, Lebanon H.V. Sheshadri, D.G.M. Risk, Bank Sohar, Oman 13:20 Lunch and networking break

See www.iirme.com/risk2014 for full speaker biographies

In Depth Practical Streams On Cutting Edge Risk Management, Measurement And Modeling Techniques For Credit Risk And Operational Risk Time

Stream 1: Credit risk

Stream 2: Operational Risk


Credit Risk Portfolio Management: Best-in-class methods for ensuring competitiveness by balancing exposures and credit concentration  Assessing the concentration and exposures of credit portfolios in GCC countries: Government related entities (GREs), real estate and trade finance  Developing policies and procedures specific to each business to reflect the different risk environments and portfolio characteristics  Planning ahead: Balancing exposure to GREs and mortgages in the GCC to remain competitive while complying with upcoming regulations  Evaluating the impact of the anticipated rise in the cost of capital under the key ratios of Basel III on trade finance

Scenario Analysis: Practical examples for effectively deploying scenario analysis to drive informed decision making  Evaluating the relative merits of operational risk measurement techniques including Loss Distribution Approach, Scenario Analysis  Assessing methodologies for conducting scenario analysis and understandings the dangers of bad assumptions or irrelevant scenarios in stress testing  Recommendations for setting exposures for primary and secondary events; incorporating ‘unknown’ events; determining top-down versus bottom-up approaches; using historical versus hypothetical scenarios; and reverse stress testing H.V. Sheshadri, DGM. Risk, Bank Sohar, Oman


SMEs Risks And Rewards: Effective methods for developing business value for SMEs by managing risk and boosting profit  Understanding the inherent challenges of financing SMEs in the Middle East: Lack of financial information, increased sensitivity to external environment, higher risk and capital allocation requirements  Evaluating how to assess SMEs, establish appropriate risks as well as balance risks and rewards in an unstructured market  Exploring tried and tested risk management approaches and systems to scale up financing for SMEs on a sustainable basis Nigel Rusby, Global Principal Consultant, Experian Decision Analytics

Control Risk Self-Assessment: Developing and driving a robust CRSA methodology to create transparency and minimise operational risk  Evaluating the relative merits of operational risk assessments including third party review, facilitated assessments and self-assessments  Assessing best practices for implementing CRSA as well as understanding the benefits and drawbacks of the methods employed including workshops, interviews and questionnaires  Recommendations for overcoming cultural issues and value perception as well as certain administrative hurdles by automation Syed Rehan Ashraf, Head of Credit & Risk Management, United Gulf Bank, Bahrain


Liquidity Coverage Ratio: Assessing the impact of Basel III implementation on the region’s conventional and Sharia compliant banks  Understanding Basel III liquidity requirement, Central Bank guidelines and evaluating the key challenges minimum liquidity standard in the GCC  Understanding the impact of the LCR to a bank’s business, funding strategy and product characterization/developments and granular MIS  Discussing the Cost of maintaining HQLA (Liquidity-buffer) and challenges for banks to fine-tune their existing FTP system to capture it appropriately.  Islamic versus conventional: Assessing how the lack of liquid instruments and markets coupled with non-rated issues in the region will impact Islamic and conventional banks Sanjay Kumar Thakur, Head of Treasury Product Control , Balance Sheet Risk and FTP, The Saudi Investment Bank, KSA

Key Risk Indicators: Developing a structured approached for building predictive KRIs to facilitate monitoring and control of risks  Best practice for analysing KRIs: Understanding key elements to create a structured approach including identifying and improving metrics, assessing gaps, determining and validating triggers as well as establishing a control plan  Assessing best practices to implement KRI including lack of data, setting thresholds and timelines as well as reconciling loss that has not been reported  Recommendations for ensuring predictability of risk indicators Shahab Syed, Senior Vice President, Head of Operational Risk, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, UAE


+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438



Afternoon refreshments and networking


Capital Adequacy: Demonstrating best practices for implementing ICAAP under Basel III  Developing a framework: Assessing the best approach and key success factors for establishing a robust Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)  Evaluating the impact of impairment on capital adequacy ratios including Common Equity Ratio, Tier 1 Capital Ratio, AT1, Tier 2 and Capital Adequacy Ratios (CARs)  Practical demonstration: Evaluating how banks are using regulatory capital and economic capital framework for decision making  Presenting key tools for implementing ICAAP and stress testing Mohammed Azem, Head of Risk Management, Jordan Kuwait Bank, Jordon

Key Risk Indicators: The 'YMCA' rule on creating KRIs to successfully predict risks  Y – Why spending resources on KRIs implementation: Your Company's future through a crystal ball  M - Modify your KRIs to support economic decision making: Moving from Lagging to Leading Indicators  C - Company Objectives should be your number one priority: Importance of the Key Performance Indicators  A - Agreement on Roles and Responsibilities with the business is essential; never work on siloes Jaime Echeverri, Senior Director CEMEA, Enterprise Risk Management, VISA, UAE


Stress testing: Effectively managing risk by improving and implementing a robust stress testing programme  Assessing how banks are currently building frameworks for stress testing  Unraveling common approaches, pitfalls and ways of improving your stress testing approach by making informed tradeoffs between key goals, resources and approaches as well as understanding their implications on scenario selection, modeling methodology and validation  Demonstrating best practices in stress testing methodology and embedding stress testing into risk culture  Learning from experience: Recommendations for macro or internal parameters for stress testing and how to leverage them for better decision making Abe Riazati, Head of Fixed Income and Liquidity Risk, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, USA

Anti-Money Laundering: Demonstrating the success factors of effective compliance and enforcement of AML to enhance capacity  Assessing recent developments in GCC AML and CFT systems as well as reputational and financial risks of noncompliance  Creating a more stringent AML programme: Setting up an effective tracking system that satisfies regulatory requirements, spans the enterprise, identifies suspicious behaviour and is easy to use  Laying out an effective process for responding to suspicious transactions, aligning ALM with asset management risk, accurately projecting risks as well as integrating into systems and processes Ramkumar Pavothil, Head, Operational Risk & Compliance Risk Management, National Bank of Fujairah, UAE


Capital Allocation: Optimising capital allocation strategies by using economic-capital models to aid business decision making  Optimising capital allocation using Risk Adjusted Return On Capital (RAROC)  Evaluating critical factors in modeling including how to set risk thresholds (asset classes, segments and corporations); how to preserve P&L; and the implications to capital budgeting and performance evaluation  Recommendations for overcoming challenges to economic capital models including embedding into organisational culture, reconciling risk data as well as gathering sufficient data on loss distribution Tarun Dara, Vice President, Economic Capital and Risk Analytics, Mubadala GE Capital, UAE

IT Security: Implementing security layers and fraud-repellent systems to protect your organisation and clients  Evaluating how IT risks are evolving in the region for both financial institutions and their customers  Understanding how IT integration assists with risk management, fraud prevention and also provides transparency and control  Dissecting fraud into component requirements for use of current and future technology applications  Automating forensics for due diligence, performance and suspicious activity detection Yawar Gardezi, Group Head of Operational Risk, Al Rajhi Bank, KSA


Chairman's closing remarks and end of day one



Personalise the Agenda to your learning needs

Talk to Michael Moffat to tailor a package to your precise needs and objectives.

Our concurrent streams allow you to select the sessions most suited to you


Call Michael on +971 (0)4 407 2716 or email him at sponsorship@iirme.com

+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438


Conference Day TWO

Tuesday 8 April 2014

09:00 Chairman’s opening remarks


CRO ROUNDTABLE 09:10 Risk Autonomy: Assessing the evolving role, responsibilities and reporting lines of CROs in the region Following the financial crisis, there has been a fundamental transformation of the view that risk management is mainly a compliance tool. Globally, CROs have raised their stature within the organisation and have developed clearer lines of communication and reporting with the board of directors, and are engaging in business and strategy setting. Realities in the region: Evaluating how risk is currently getting reported to the board Best structure to demonstrate independence: Understanding the structure; evaluating the channel through which risk information reaches the board and the channel for board level responses as well as; examining the right channels for emerging and existing risk The CRO experience: Practical insight from CROs on how they have made the transition including major changes, hurdles and impacts achieved as well as recommendations to you

Featured Speakers Include

Joseph Montalto EVP Group Chief Risk Officer Al Hilal Bank UAE

Gerard Rizk Group Chief Risk Officer Blom Bank Lebanon

Prasant Sarkar Chief Risk Officer National Bank of Fujairah UAE

HEAD TO HEAD 10:00 Business Briefing On Risk: Understanding how business functions view risk and embedding a coherent framework to address risk management Business heads and risk personnel go ‘head to head’ outlining their perspectives on risk ownership and successful risk management in the context of the Middle Eastern economic, regulatory and competitive environment Understanding business leaders perspectives on risk management, responsibility, ownership, change management in correlation with resources Examining risk personnel’s point of view: Vision and benchmarks for the successful implementation of a risk management framework Creating a mutually beneficial relationship by establishing effective strategies that provide clear guidance on goals, expectations and responsibilities Optimising the execution and integration of risk management in organisational culture for longterm business sustainability Yasser Faisal Al Sharif, Board Member and CEO, Manafea Holding Company, KSA Ahmed Emara, CEO & Managing Director, ReAya Holding, KSA Lamees Al Baharna, VP: Risk Management, Mumtalakat, Bahrain Fulya Koch Plas, SVP: Head of Risk Management, Seera Investment Bank, Bahrain Chakib Aabouche, Executive Director, Waha Capital, UAE


10:50 Optimising The Risk Management Team: Focus on recruitment, retention and development of risk personnel by identifying key talents, skill sets and capabilities in the region In this session the audience will get the chance to vote on a set of questions regarding building competency for risk personnel in the region. This will be followed by a moderated pan audience discussion, where you can share challenges that you are face in developing talented teams in the region as well as best practices on recruitment, retention and staff development 11:10

Morning refreshments and networking break

11:40 Middle Eastern Market Outlook: Assessing the impact of evolving global economic and geopolitical landscapes on Middle Eastern financial markets Update: To what extent are global trends including the European debt crisis, U.S. fiscal cliff and economic slowdown in the emerging markets impacting the financial markets, inflation and the formation of asset bubbles in the Middle East? Regional update on FY 2013 liquidity, equity markets, credit markets and primary markets as well as projections for FY 2014 How has the renewed regional geo-political uncertainty in MENA affected the flow of capital and trade? Assessing how demand from the US and geo political uncertainties in MENA are impacting key sectors including real estate and construction, petro-chemical and telecoms Evaluating which industry sectors and geographies are likely to outperform the market over the next five years?

THOUGHT LEADERSHIP 12:20 The Risk In Risk Management: An ‘under the hood’ analysis of hidden risks and assumptions in the quantitative approach Measuring risk: Understanding the impact of randomness, ambiguity and the illusion of certainty When models fail: Assessing the hidden risks in the quantitative approach Misunderstanding and overconfidence: Evaluating the influence of behavioral biases while interpreting risk metrics Constant vigilance and skepticism: Discussing uses and limitations of quantitative techniques to build informative models Prasad Ramani, Head of Middle Office, Majid Al Futtaim Trust, UAE 13:00 Lunch and networking break 14:00 Global Sanctions: Assessing best practices for complying, implementing and monitoring sanctions for regional banks Fundamentals of sanctions programs that is imposed by United Nations, OFAC, European Union Restrictions imposed under these Sanction program Risk associated with violation of Sanctions program Ways and methods to implement procedures/guidelines to abide by international sanctions Deploying technological/tools to control and monitor sanction risks. Khalid Shaikh, Head of Compliance & Bank MLRO, Mashreq Bank, UAE

+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438


Sharing Experiences For Implementing Market Risk Frameworks And Enterprise Risk Management Stream 1: Market Risk

Stream 2: Enterprise Risk Management


Developing A Robust Framework: A practical guide to setting up a strong market risk framework in the Middle East  A-Z: Developing a strong market risk framework that is adaptable to the Middle Eastern culture and environment  Evaluating what is relevant for mandate in the Middle East  Key elements to consider while developing policies and procedures including business strategy, risk appetite, size and complexity of activities as well as sophistication of market risk monitoring and management systems  Assessing techniques to measure and define risks in portfolios to changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices and credit spreads, as well as understanding their correlations and implied volatilities Dr. Rajesh Shah, Head of Market Risk, The Saudi Investment Bank, KSA

Beyond The Risk Register: Practical tools for creating and implementing a holistic ERM framework and embedding a strong risk management culture throughout the organisation  Evaluating common challenges faced while implementing ERM in organisations including the tone at the top, risk appetite in organisational culture, top-down versus bottom-up considerations as well as resource and time constraints  Evaluating the eight critical components for moving away from silos and introducing an effective ERM framework  Achieving an optimal value-added ERM framework for a sustainable and adaptable approach Susan Daniel, Chief Risk and Compliance Officer, State General Reserve Fund, Oman


Market Risk Management: Overcoming modeling, data management and reporting challenges in VaR to gain better market risk insight  Evaluating approaches to Value at Risk (VaR) including local versus full valuation, delta-normal, historical as well as Monte Carlo simulation  Analysing the relative importance of risk factors in determining portfolio loss  Assessing the effect of both static and dynamic hedges and trade strategies, and determining optimal portfolios by utilising back-testing and scenario-testing models  Exploring the effect of changing risk factors on the value of positions in the portfolio using stress testing  Establishing and automating processes of accessing, cleansing and merging data Ahmed Al Batal, Regional Director of Market Risk, EFG-Hermes, UAE

COSO II Versus ISO 31000: Understanding the differences in key principles, requirements and processes between the two leading ERM frameworks  Evaluating requirements of ISO 31000 versus those of COSO II  Understanding the differences in focus: Performance based risk management versus risk management principles based on own risk management plan  Critically assessing the shift from “an event” to “the effect risk and risk management has on an organisation’s objectives”  Evaluating the implications of ISO 31000 putting emphasis on risk management as a strategic discipline for making risk-adjusted decisions, rather than a compliance-based function of COSO II Michael Sicsic, Group Operational Risk Director, Aviva Plc, UK





Risk Breaches And Other Challenges: Tools for avoiding and managing market risk breaches In this session you will get the chance to vote on a set of questions regarding risk breaches globally and in the region. This will be followed by a moderated pan audience discussion, where you have the opportunity to share the challenges and experiences with developing and implementing systems, checks and procedures for potential risk breeches in your organisation

ERM In Practice: Best practices for implementing ERM and rising above traditional risk management silos  Getting top level buy in by demonstrating sufficient ERM value and justifying implementation costs  Tips for balancing risk visibility and legal exposures  Establishing a formal risk management framework, common terminology, ownership and risk reporting  Assessing the value and drawbacks of the different approaches and tools for enterprise risk assessments including surveys, interviews and historical analysis  Recommendations for deciding on time horizons, scenarios as well as between qualitative and quantitative metrics Jason Shohet, VP Global Compliance & Risk Management, Citigroup, USA

Chairman’s closing remarks and end of Risk 2014 Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and IIR reserves the rights to alter the venue and/or speakers or topics.

“Great opportunity to meet as well as listen to local and global experts in risk management.” Xavier Verdeyen, Head of Risk Management, National Commercial Bank, KSA


“Good opportunity to discuss the lastest trends in risk management.”

“This is one of the rare conferences really focused on Risk Management.” Dr Ryan Lemand Head of Risk Management Securities and Commodities Authority, UAE

Amit Tyagi, Vice President, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, UAE

+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438



Wednesday 9 April 2014

Our post-conference technical masterclasses are run in small groups so that each participant gets one-to-one attention and has the opportunity to raise questions and get an in-depth understanding of how to develop and implement complex risk frameworks in the Middle East

Masterclass A

Seminar A runs from 08.30 – 12.30, with lunch served afterwards. Registration begins at 08.00

Integrated Approach To Stress Testing: Examining leading practices for developing and applying stress testing to achieve strategic objectives in the region Globally, evolving regulatory and market environments have heightened attention on strengthening stresstesting strategies, systems and procedures. Stress testing as a tool is becoming more and more valuable to help financial institutions steer their businesses through a highly volatile economic landscape. This half day workshop is designed specifically to create solutions for developing, implementing and integrating stress testing at the group level of your organisation by:  Raising the consciouness about the difference between stress testing and scenario analysis, VaR and other measures for credit, market and liquidity risks  Developing enterprise-wide integrated framework that aggregates stress scenarios across all asset classes  Assessing available modeling approaches and techniques  Evaluating models’ key parameters, data requirements, granularity of input and output parameters

Masterclass B

 Suggesting potential solutions for difficulties in finding, extracting and aggregating data, designing plausible but realistic scenarios as well as keeping resources, time and costs in check  Giving recommendations for setting scenarios across countries and business units as well as calculating the effect for each portfolio/business line, and increasing the variety of scenarios to reflect potential risk across risk types and geographies  Creating management reports based on stress testing and incorporating into decisions on strategic areas including risk management, capital allocation and planning, risk appetite, business unit planning  Featuring real-life case studies involving stress testing Alexander Denev, Co-author of “Portfolio Management Under Stress”and Senior Team Lead, Risk Models, RBS, UK

Seminar B runs from 13.30 – 17.30, Registration begins at 12.30

Operational Risk: An integrated approach to and practical strategies for measuring, managing, modeling and embedding operational risk for drive informed decision making Unlike other risks, the definition of operational risk given by Basel II only represents a potential loss, making the real benefits of its management difficult to demonstrate. Additionally, staff and systems are considered to be the causes of operational losses and are not seen to be best placed to measure and manage this risk, resulting in the lack of a universal methodology for managing operational risk. This workshop is designed to deliver real life solutions to key challenges faced with operational risk by:  Identifying core concepts involved in the Three Pillar Framework and Basel III for allocation of capital to operations risk  Comparing and contrasting Basel III measurement methodologies for operations risk including Basic Indicator Approach, Standardised Approach and Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA)

 Evaluating the relative merits of operational risk measurement techniques including Loss Distribution Approach, Scenario Analysis, Risk Control Self Assessment (CRSA), Key Risk Indicators (KRI) for Operational Risk Management (ORM)  Working out and implementing a core theoretical quantitative/qualitative mix of statistical and business process management methods for the management of operations risk in a financial institution  Comparing and contrasting advantages and challenges of Basel III implementation  Practical session: Framing solutions for real-life case studies involving operations risk Michael Sicsic, Group Operational Risk Director, Aviva Plc, UK

See www.iirme.com/risk2014 for full workshop leaders biographies



7 - 9 April, The Address Hotel, Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE


E-MAIL: a.watts@iirme.com

Monday 7 April 2014

Please √ the desired sessions

Tuesday 8 April 2014 Summit

Wednesday 9 April 2014 A



Super Early Bird Book before 9 January 2014

Early Bird 1 Book before 6 February 2014

Early Bird 2 Book before 6 March 2014

Standard Price 6 March 2014

Conference & 2 Masterclasses





Conference & 1 Masterclass





Conference Only





1 Masterclass Only





Conference fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance. All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at www.iirme.com/ terms. Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.

Limited places for regulators to attend for FREE! email: register@iirme.com to request a pass



Job Title: Company: Address:



PAYMENTS A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event.

AVOID VISA DELAYS – BOOK NOW Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible. Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to process.

CANCELLATION If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations cancelled 7 days or less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time.


Email: EVENT VENUE: The Address Hotel, Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 438 8888

ACCOMMODATION DETAILS We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid last minute inconvenience. You can contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on: Tel: +971 4 407 2693 Fax: +971 4 407 2517 Email: hospitality@iirme.com







Postal Code:

Partnership Opportunities Do your services or solutions support risk management and compliance for banking and non-banking financial organisations? Risk 2014 is a unique opportunity and the largest gathering of Regulators, CROs, Supervisors, Academics and Leading Risk Practitioners in the Middle East. Establish yourself as a thought leader in the region by:  Chairing the summit  Hosting closed door by-invitation-only meetings  Presenting during main program  Hosting panel sessions  Leading in-depth workshops  Moderating think tanks and audience discussions

Platinum Sponsor

Increase your visibility through:

Talk to Michael Moffat to tailor a package to your precise needs and objectives. Call Michael on +971 (0)4 407 2716 or email him at sponsorship@iirme.com

 Tailored speed networking  Hosted daytime and evening receptions  Launch reports and relevant research  Focused branding

Experian is the leading global information services company, providing data and analytical tools to clients around the world. The Group helps businesses to manage credit risk, prevent fraud, target marketing offers and automate decision making. Experian also helps individuals to check their credit report and credit score, and protect against identity theft. Experian plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange (EXPN) and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index. Total revenue for the year ended 31 March 2013 was US $4.7 billion. Experian employs approximately 17,000 people in 40 countries and has its corporate headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, with operational headquarters in Nottingham, UK; California, US; and São Paulo, Brazil. Since 2010, Experian Dubai Office is delivering its services to its clients in the Middle East. For more information, visit http://www.experianplc.com/http://www.experian.ae

INTERACTIVE Opportunities FACT! 35+

CROs and Heads of Risk Management discussing tomorrow’s strategies and exchanging transformational expertise on the future for finance and risk

HEAD TO HEAD DEBATE Between Management And Risk Personnel GAIN MANAGEMENT BUY IN: Understand what management in the region thinks of risk ownership and management in relation to their resources – NECESSITY? NICE-TO-HAVE? WASTE OF TIME?

NEW INTERNATIONAL INSIGHT Invaluable practical insight from keynote speakers on Risk Appetite, ERM, Operational Risk and Stress Testing

BRAND NEW speakers discussing


CRO Roundtables Head To Head Debates Regulatory Roundtables Multi-Perspective Roundtables

   

Speed Networking Pan-Audience Discussions Content Streams More time for Q&A


Practical examples for IMPLEMENTATION

Risk 2014 promises to deliver great value through learning and networking opportunities

Portfolio Management Stress Testing Scenario Analysis Liquidity Lending To SMEs ERM Implementation Market Risk Management Capital Adequacy CRSA and KRIs


NEW Speakers strategic, credit, market, liquidity and operational risk management as well as ERM


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