IIS Interview Magazine Issue #3

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January / February 2012


Main Sponsor of IIS-Turkish Airlines International Football League

January / February 2012


DITORIAL After the first issues of IIS INTERVIEW we have received valuable comments, messages and thanks from our distinguished readers. Firstly I would like to thank to our followers and readers for their motivating and guiding notes and messages on behalf of IIS Interview team.

Issue. 3 January /February 2012 Owner on behalf of International Interaction Society Mesut Gümüşdoğrayan Editor in Chief A. Murat Fatsa Editor Yuzbeny Escobar Altunay Associate Editors Sophie Hempler Sertoğlu Sefa Denizoğlu Creative & Art Director Zelkif Çavuş Kandemir Graphic Duygu Monsefh Yeloğlu Translations Mesut Temiz Public Relations Sophie Hempler Sertoğlu Sefa Denizoğlu Production 0.312 442 75 10

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A. Murat FATSA Publishing Manager and Editor in Chief murat.fatsa@intersociety.net

New Issue of IIS Interview Magazine in 2012, will have a global view in terms of diversity. You will find a bit of everything about Turkey and Turkish culture and the lifestyle of Turkish people as well as global world and culture. Chinese Season 2012 in Turkey will bring a warm Chinese spring not only to Turkey but also to the new issue of Interview. After the cold winter days, we hope that you can find time for social and cultural events organized by IIS. On behalf of vigorous and hardworking INTERVIEW team wish you all the best. A. Murat FATSA

January / February 2012


DITORIAL Welcome to 2012! Another year, most likely another resolution right?...But what exactly is a New Year’s Resolution? To many, is a commitment we make at the start of a new year in regards to something we want to change or achieve. Many of us start a diet and swear to follow such a regime only to find ourselves breaking promises. Others make it a resolution to start saving money, to buy a new car, or even get married. The excitement and joy of the New Year motivates us to strive for these changes and achievements. However, as the days and weeks pass by, many of us lose such motivation if no changes have been observed. So how can we maintain our spirit of motivation throughout the whole year? While there is no one direct and easy way to accomplish this, there are three steps we may find useful in our attempt to accomplishing our resolutions. 1. Give it a workout 2. Make one change at a time 3. Break it up To further understand the dynamics of each step, please continue reading Interview until you stumble upon New Year’s Resolutions: Keep it up!

Yuzbeny Escobar Altunay Editor yuzbeny.altunay@intersociety.net

Yet Another Look on An Emerging Superpower

Technology Overview Pig, Snake or Rat ?




The Arab Exodus:


Forget about the Spring, Watch out for the Golden Calf



New Year’s Resolutions: KEEP IT UP!

Disappearing Traditional

Wedding Ceremonies

of Anatolia

The Legend of

SAINT VALENTINE Residents and Cuisines of the


Fashion Handbags of Fall-Winter 2011/2012

A woman and her handbag

24 28 32

Chinese Ambassador



Xiaosheng GONG


34 36

Occupy WALL STREET Demonstration



50 56 60

Daily Sport


Why Should We Exercise?

66 72 75 76

Fahriye Abla’s recipes

Meetballs with Sumac

January / February 2012


by Edmond Qenani info@intersociety.net

Over the past three decades China has experienced the most rapid economic rise the world has ever seen. This is clearly understood from estimates by the World Bank. Since its first report in 1983, the World Bank happened to underestimate China’s growth potential. For instance, in 2000 China’s total GDP was over 78 percent larger than predicted by the World Bank. Between 1995 and 2001 China’s GDP grew at an average annual rate of 8.5, increasing to 10.7 between 2001 and 2009 . If China’s economic growth continues to increase in this rate, then obviously in the coming decades China will attain a superpower status, thereby ending the era of American hegemony. In other words, the international balance of power is shifting from unipolarity to a multipolar world dominated by USA, China and EU. This will be possible by human resources and human capital, education, science, innovation and technology achievements. The graph below shows the “big picture” of the past, present and future of the world’s major economies.

Science And Technology (S&T) Science and technology (S&T) have transformed Chinese society from a stagnant traditional agricultural society to one transitioning toward a knowledge based economy with impressive achievements in innovation. Knowledge has become the most important factor in interpreting the disparities of economic growth among countries and regions. In the knowledge based twenty first century economic race, knowledge will no doubt continue to be central. Knowledge resources are, therefore, the most important resource for promoting economic development in a given

country or region. Conversely, low levels of knowledge resources will inhibit the successful development of a country or region. For sure, China’s human capital in the realm of science and technology will allow it to become one of the world’s largest innovative, or knowledge based, societies. S&T power of a country is defined as the sum of its ability to obtain, utilize, and allocate its S&T resources. It is made up of five capacities. The first capacity is the country’s innovative capacity in science. This is measured by

calculating the number of papers published by that country’s citizens in the more than four thousand international academic publications that cover such areas as physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, engineering technology, and space technology. These publications represent the innovative power of a country and its influence in the world of international science. The more papers published in international academic publications, the greater the impact that country has in the realm of international science and technology. Here, quantity comes first and quality second.

As you see in this graph, China’s economic growth has a U trajectory while USA and EU have both reverse U trajectories.

January / February 2012


What about China? Well, the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, and China can be regarded as the five S&T powers in the present-day world. Combined, they make up over 57 percent of the world’s total of S&T power. Although, their total S&T workforce is only 28 percent of the world’s. These five powers determine the course and orientation of S&T development in the world, as they make the biggest contributions. Of the five big powers, only China is a developing country. Despite its status as a developing country, China has the world’s largest population and boasts the largest reserve of S&T human resources. China used to be a “straggler” in the realms of S&T, and it joined the race only thirty years ago. At the beginning of reform and opening, China produced few papers for publication in international academic journals in science and technology. As of 1980, the number of papers written by Chinese scientists and technical personnel constituted only 0.33 percent of all papers published in international journals, 119 times less than the U.S. scholars and 23 times less than Japanese scholars. By 2008, however, China ranked second in the world. Chinese papers on science and technology have not only increased in quantity, but have also improved in quality. China has edged into the top ten in the world in terms of the quality of its papers. I predict that despite the fact that Chinese scholars have to write in foreign languages to publish in international journals,

within a generation China will become the number-one nation in the world in terms of the publication of research papers. Once it has reached this point, China will serve as a treasure trove of global knowledge, featuring the largest number of first-rate research papers.

Between 1986 and 2007, however, the number of yearly applications surged to an annual rate of 17.7 percent, far exceeding the corresponding application growth rates of the United States (6.5 percent), Japan (1.1 percent), Europe (6.0 percent), and Germany (1.7 percent).

The second capacity is innovative capacity as regards to technology. This is by calculating the number of patent applications filed by the residents of a country with their own patent offices. The number of invention patents filed in a country is indicative of the technical innovative strength of that country and its influence on the world’s technical progress. The implication here is that technology produced domestically spills over into the international arena.

Over the past few years, the number of international patent applications has risen rapidly, with China’s percentage of the world total rising from 1.39 percent in 2004 to 3.7 percent in 2008.

What about China? China began preparations to establish a patent system in 1978 and opened the State Patent Office in 1980. In March 1984, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress adopted the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China. It went into effect April 1, 1985. As of 1986 there were a limited number of patent applications and patents granted. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization data bank, China’s State Patent Office had received only 8,009 invention patent applications as of 1986, 39.5 times less than the number filed in Japan and 15.1 times less than in the United States.

The establishment of the patent system in 1980 has greatly stimulated the growth of independent R&D capacity. The PRC may well become a global center of technical innovation. At present China is rapidly transforming from a technical imitator into a technical innovator. The third capacity is the country’s capacity to use new technologies. This is measured by calculating the number of people using computers in a given country. The number of people using computers, which are the most representative, universal, and popular modern form of technology, demonstrates the power of a country to use new technologies. Once computers are mastered by the people, a country’s labor productivity and international competitiveness will increase.

What about China? China’s share of personal computers (PCs) as a proportion of the world’s total was virtually zero in the 1980s. As of 1988 the relative gap between China and the United States in number of PC users was 180 times. But then the share increased to 0.38 percent at a time when the United States could boast a penetration rate of 40 percent, 107 times that of China in 1990. This indicates that China is a latecomer in terms of the use of new information technology. Beginning in the 1990s, however, the number of PC users in China began to surge such that it overtook the United Kingdom and Germany, arriving at third place in 2004. In 2007, China overtook Japan, to rank second in the world, after the United States. That same year, the relative gap between China and the United States narrowed to 3.25 times. With PC costs dropping, quality and performance improving, and per capita incomes rising, rural families have begun to purchase PCs. In 2009, there were 7.5 PCs for every hundred rural households, a situation similar to that found in China’s cities toward the end of the 1990s. In addition, all types of schools in both the cities and the countryside have begun to use computers. The fourth capacity is the capacity of a country to use global information. This is measured by calculating the number of people that access the Internet. Accessing the Internet demonstrates the power of a country to obtain information and its influence on the world’s information network.

The Internet has the function of spreading and magnifying information. Once it is extensively used, it helps to enhance the information capital and knowledge capital of a given country. What about China? China was introduced to the Internet in 1987. The relative gap in the number of Internet users between China and the United States in 1993 was of a factor of 3,000. This gap was narrowed to 412 times by 1995 and further to 5.5 times by 2000 and 1.06 times by 2007. By 2008, the number of Internet users in China had reached nearly 300 million, overtaking the United States. China started using broadband technology in 2000. Oliver Johnson, the CEO of the British online magazine Point Topic, calls it “a major milestone for China,” noting that “launching people into space is spectacular, but having the biggest broadband market down here on earth means a lot more for building a modern, hightech economy.” In the future, China will strive to develop super broadband so as to build the world’s largest network. The fifth capacity is the capacity of a country to invest in research and development (R&D), measured by the country’s R&D expenditures (purchasing power parity, or PPP). There are two methods for calculating these expenditures. The first uses the official, or nominal, exchange rate. The second uses PPP, or the amount of a certain basket of basic goods that can be bought in a given country with the money it produces. Sometimes it is called the international dollar.

What about China? International comparisons show that China’s R&D expenditures as a proportion of GDP exceed those of other rising powers such as India and Brazil. Indeed, China’s R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP is the highest among developing countries, though it is just slightly higher than the world average (1.6 percent) and the OECD average (2.2 percent). The growth of China’s R&D expenditures, however, is among the fastest in the world. During the period lasting from 1981 to 2004, China’s R&D expenditures grew at an average annual rate of 9.9 percent (calculated using the 2000 international dollar price), higher than that of Japan, the United States, and other developed countries. From 1995 to 2009 China’s R&D expenditures grew at an average annual rate of 21.7 percent. Of the five indicators, the first two show the innovative capacity of a country as regards to knowledge and technology, while the latter three reflect a country’s use of knowledge and technology—that is, the economies of scale of science and technology. The first four indicators are both output indicators and physical indicators and can be compared across international borders. The last indicator is both an input and a value indicator. Indicators focused on output take precedence, truly reflecting the S&T power of a country and facilitating international comparisons.

January / February 2012


What about Innovation?

China 2020: An Innovative Country

Thanks to the policies of reform and opening, China has transformed from a straggler to an innovator in science and technology. Indeed, its S&T power has been rising steadily for at least a generation, enabling the country to sustain rapid rates of development. Over the course of this generation, China has caught up to and subsequently overtaken the United Kingdom, Germany, and other Western European industrialized countries to become the third largest S&T power in the world. In the process, the gap between the PRC and countries such as Japan and the United States in terms of S&T power has been narrowed. In the next dozen years China will accelerate its pursuit of these two countries. If China can overtake the United States, it will become a true superpower in the realm of science and technology.

In 2006, the Chinese government made a major strategic decision to build an innovative country. That decision was based on the following assumptions: the first twenty years of this century represent a period of strategic opportunity for China and its S&T development; and the national development strategy—namely establishing independent, innovative capacity as the foundation of the development of S&T—will stimulate industrial restructuring, lead to a shift in the economic growth model, and help build a more resource efficient and environment-friendly society. For this purpose, in 2006 the Chinese government formulated a program for medium- and long-term S&T development, with “building an innovative country by 2020” as its goal. In doing so, the Chinese government drew a clear road map

to develop from a “big world S&T power” to a “strong world S&T power.” The ultimate goal is to enhance China’s comprehensive national power and international competitiveness. The future of the world lies with China. The future of China lies in innovation. And innovation depends on knowledge contributions. China’s most important goal in the twenty-first century is to make contributions to human knowledge, like its four major inventions of yesteryear—the compass, gunpowder, papermaking, and printing. Climate change is one of the greatest threats ever faced by society. As human technology caused the problem, so too can human technology find the solution. China, with be the world’s largest human resources in S&T, should work with the rest of the world to launch a new green revolution and take the lead in carrying out green innovations to address global climate change.

by Karolina Janiak info@intersociety.net

Interest in horoscopes has persisted throughout the centuries and today its popularity is stronger than ever. Some may regard horoscopes as superstitious nonsense, contemporary magic and senseless stories to be found in magazines for housewives. Others glance at them briefly and others read them faithfully every day. Regardless of the personal approach, it shall be admitted that undoubtedly people have an interest in knowing their future. Furthermore, there is the desire to find ways to understand themselves in a deeper sense.

Nowadays, experts provide us with a wide range of astrological forecasts, basing their predictions on various dimensions. Nonetheless, over the decades it was the old Chinese horoscope that remained popular irrespectively of the nationality or age. As the New Year approaches, the wisdom of Chinese astrologers is peculiarly in demand. According to the Chinese horoscope, the period between the 23rd of January 2012 and 9th of February 2013 is a year of the Water Dragon. This may sound odd for members of Western societies accustomed to zodiac that has its roots in the Roman era. However, they can find it useful to know some basics in Eastern astrology and use it as a tool that motivates and shows the right path of life. Getting through the labyrinth of the Chinese zodiac may lead to opening one’s mind to new possibilities that were not taken into consideration beforehand. It might also give a glimpse of how will the world appeared in the future from a planetary perspective. In a nutshell, the main difference between the Chinese and Western horoscope lies in a celestial body that is used to make predictions. Unlike Western astrologers who established Sun signs, Chinese based their calculations on the cycles of the Moon. Ergo Western zodiac consists of the month signs, whereas Chinese astrology assumes there are year signs.

According to the old calendar, Chinese zodiac is cyclical – each cycle lasts twelve years and is divided into twelve periods. Every each year belongs to different symbolic animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog or Pig. These creatures are perceived as astrological signs; hence, they represent general personality types. Any person born in a year associated with a particular animal is believed to share that animal’s qualities. It is said that these animals were chosen by the Buddha to accompany him for the New Year. Unfortunately, Chinese astrology does not provide us with any ancient texts describing the reasons for choosing these specific creatures. Probably, astrologers observed human behaviors and consequently came up with twelve types for every each cycle; thereafter, they considered which animal best exemplified each type. One shall bear in mind though that animal stereotypes in the East and West are sometimes similar (the loyal Dog), however there are certain differences. For instance, the Snake and Rat are prestigious signs without negative connotations. Chinese children are taught in schools that dragons are friendly and supportive and they symbolize happiness and power. On the contrary, in the Western fairy tales these creatures are wicked and cruel.

There is another legend about the animals in the Chinese zodiac. The story talks about a struggle between twelve animals that were about to be solved by a peculiar contest held by gods. In order to attain a high position in the cycle of years, the animals had to reach the opposite bank of the river as fast as they could. Eventually, it was the foxy Rat who won the race and the lazy Pig ended up last. Hence, the Rat ranges as the head of the Chinese zodiac. On the other hand, Pigs are equated with people who are not active - this combined with their excessive behaviors causes them to gain weight. Our animal patron defines our nature: how we make decisions, coexist with others, what is a chance to achieve a success for us, what are our abilities and life expectations. All animals represent strong and weak qualities, advantages as well as disadvantages, and virtues that are unique and outstanding. There is a strong belief among Chinese astrologers that the year of birth determines basic physical and mental attributes. Apart from that, other specific factors have significant influence on our fate: internal ones (namely free will), likewise external factors such as financial status of the family or culture. These aspects play a leading role in many fields.

January / February 2012


Chinese zodiac gives general advices as far as self-development is concerned. It shows a right path by highlighting specific ways for self-improvement. The horoscope shows which occupations suit each sign, and this can be helpful while establishing future goals. Astrologers focus on what will happen to people in various stages of their lives and how they shall behave on a particular year, month or even a day. Such horoscope can be a great tool to be used as a general guideline for living. It is necessary to know your animal sign while seeking for a spouse. Contrary to popular belief, astrologers do not assume that a perfect match of the signs equals, analogically, a perfect marriage.

therefore, they enable us to gather information about our personalities and life. They are inseparably associated with five planets: Jupiter, Mars Saturn, Venus and Mercury. Every element has an essential impact on animal signs – namely it slightly changes the meaning of a particular sign. Therefore it is necessary not only to check what animal is the year named by, but also to match the proper element. The abovementioned conceptions are also connected with the Yin Yang philosophy – the philosophy of balance so common among Chinese people. It envisions the permanent existence of opposed factors and attempts to establish a perfect coexistence between them.

Parallel to twelve-years cycle, another significant combination exists. A sixty-years is relevant as it depicts a natural process: Wood produces Fire; Fire produces Earth; Earth produces Metal, Metal produces Water, and Water produces Wood, thus continuing the cycle. These energies constitute integrating part of the Chinese horoscope and have crucial influence on astrological signs;

The description of certain elements is comprehensive and complex. Nevertheless, we can indicate certain virtues typical for each one of them. Water has an artistic soul. It is shy and mysterious, sensitive and vulnerable, at the same time demanding towards its partners. Wood represents balance and harmony. It is energetic, social and lives its life to the fullest. Fire is full of

passion and enthusiasm; however, its decisions are conscious and advised. Earth can be equated with constancy, security, responsibility as well as fertility. It attaches importance to family life. Finally, metal equals strictness, strong will and shrewdness. It is seemingly cool and goodtempered, but full of inner energy and emotions at the same time. The New Year’s Eve is the best time for fortune telling – some people read horoscopes just for entertainment, but others take them more seriously and take them into consideration while planning major life events. The uniqueness of the Chinese horoscope lies on its form: it does not only try to anticipate what will happen in nearly days or months, but also provides us with a broad analysis of individuals’ personalities, behaviors, beliefs, goals and expectations. It shows the way to become a better person, one who is able to peacefully coexist with others. Try to find some tips given by wise Chinese astrologers while making New Year’s resolutions!

January / February 2012


Born in: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008... It ranged as the head of the Chinese zodiac. Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming but they have a tendency to become aggressive and overly critical. Rats are great bosses. Good career choices: director, manager, writer, musician. Anyone hoping to partner with a Rat must be able to keep up with the Rat’s active nature. Rat is however truly generous to the person he loves.


Born in : 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009... Virtues: dependability, strength and determination. Oxen are strong individuals who overall are healthy and live long, fulfilled lives. They are born leaders, conservative and methodical.They prefer work that is routine. They are more productive when allowed to work alone. Good career choices: interior designer, painter, archeologist, mechanic, engineer, broker, real estate agent. Oxen aren’t very sociable and rarely participate in group activities.


Born in 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010…Virtues: bravery, competitiveness and unpredictability.


Tigers love to be challenged. They have a slight tendency to be selfish but overall, they are extremely generous. Tigers have a need to be challenged which may explain why they jump from job to job. This isn’t necessarily a problem because they’re smart and able to quickly master new subjects. Creative in their passion, Tigers will never bore their partners. They’re expressive, polite and trustworthy, but they also tend to dominate their relationships. Tigers are also known as very sensitive, emotional, and capable of great love.

Born in 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011... Virtues: creativity, compassion, and sensitivity.


Rabbits are friendly, outgoing and prefer the company of others. They believe strongly in friends and family.Their sensitive nature makes them shy away from aggressive or competitive situations. They’re overall conservative and not interested in taking risks. Being cautious and conservative, you are successful in business but would also make a good lawyer, diplomat, or actor.On the other hand, Rabbits are classy, sophisticated, expressive, well-mannered. They should work at building more self-confidence and self-worth so they can feel more secure.

Born in 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012…Virtues: dominance and ambition.


Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. They’re passionate in all they do.They are intelligent, gifted, and perfectionists but these qualities make them unduly demanding on others. While Dragons frequently help others, rarely will they ask for help. They prefer leading to being led. Jobs that allow them to express their creativity are good choices. Dragons will give into love, but won’t give up their independence.

Born in 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013… They are effective at getting the things they want.


Virtues: intelligence, gracefulness and materialism.

Snakes are very materialistic creatures, preferring to surround themselves with the finest that life has to offer. They are romantic and their intuition guides them strongly. They work very hard, but they have a tendency to become easily bored. Good career choices for Snakes include: scientist, analyst, painter, magician, sociologist. Snakes are excellent seducers so they never have trouble attracting others.

Born in 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014…


Horses keep the crowds happy with their humor and their wit. They are honest, friendly and open-minded. Horses are extremely intelligent so they’re able to grasp new subjects with ease. While intelligent and friendly, they have a strong streak of selfishness and sharp cunning and should guard against being egotistical.Horses are very healthy, most likely because they maintain a positive outlook on life and because they’re athletic.They enjoy positions in which they can interact with others. They’re effective communicators and they enjoy power

Born in 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015… calmness.


Virtues: creativity, intelligence, dependability, and

Goats are quiet and reserved because they spend much time absorbed in their thoughts. They are the first to complain about. Goats tend to be private, so it can take effort to get to know one. As a result, most Goats have few “close” friends, yet they’ll work hard for those they love. Power and status aren’t important. Goats will only assume leadership roles when asked directly. They’ll never volunteer. Good career choices: florist, daycare teacher, pediatrician, hair stylist, illustrator.

Born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016…


Virtues: strength, energy, and an outgoing nature.

Virtues: curiosity, mischievousness, and cleverness.

When it comes to work, Monkeys can do just about anything. They adapt well to changing environments and they’re very intelligent. They work quickly, but they’ll frequently charge double for their services. Good career fields for Monkeys are accounting and banking. When it comes to relationships, Monkeys aren’t quick to settle down. In fact, they generally are promiscuous; a tendency that probably has to do with the fact that Monkeys are easily bored. However, because of their extraordinary nature and magnetic personality, they are always well-liked.

Born in 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017…

Virtues: confidence, pompousness and motivation.

Roosters are loyal, trustworthy individuals, very sociable and prefer being the center of attention, extravagant to an extreme. They’re well-organized as evidenced by the fact that their homes are always neat. Roosters are highly motivated and hardworking; traits that enable most of them to have successful careers. Not surprisingly, Roosters make good actors, musicians and dancers.


Born in 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018…


Virtues: loyalty, compatibility and kindness.

Dogs frequently offer kind words and useful advice, always listening and lending a shoulder when necessary. Ensuring others are happy is more important to the Dog than wealth, money or success.Although Dogs are trustworthy, they have trouble trusting others. They are plagued by constant worry and a sharp tongue. Dogs are seen as valuable employees. Good career choices for Dogs include: police officer, scientist, counselor, interior designer, professor, politician, priest, nurse, clerk and Judge.

Born in 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019…Virtues: diligence, compassion, and generosity. Honesty is what Pigs give and it’s what they expect to receive in return.When it comes to money, Pigs enjoy spending more than saving. Always seeking fun, Pigs often indulge more than they should. Excessive eating, drinking and smoking can cause sickness. Pigs aren’t very active and, combined with their excessive behaviors, cause them to gain weight.


Pigs enjoy helping at work and can always be counted on. They enjoy opportunities that allow them to express their creativity. They are sincere, tolerant, and honest but by expecting the same from others, they are naive. Supportive and giving, Pigs make great partners.

January / February 2012


by Emre Gรถksu emre.goksu@intersociety.net

Arab revolution is not a regional issue. It is the Middle Eastern version of a global discontent towards the moral failure of markets and poor performance of leaders who are supposed to regulate them. It is an uprising against a status quo that systematically denies the individual a central role. This global reaction, be it on the Wall Street or at Tahrir square, is an outright denial of the object role and should be expected to challenge the entire post WW2 global system. This includes the current UNSC, IMF, World Bank and all other pillars of the existing global order. In short, this crisis of governance not U shaped.

Although the term Arab Spring was the first label to be coined by the global, and mainly Western, public opinion to describe the developments in the Arab Middle East, the ever growing challenge of achieving stability in the region has already put such optimistic choice of vocabulary at question. The very term itself shows how totally unprepared the entire world was caught in the face of the revolutions. Unfortunately, the inaccuracy is not due to naïve optimism. This overly generalized term is the product of an Orientalist mental laziness that sees the Arab world as a monolithic, homogeneous body and almost guarantees a misreading. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the West to free itself from this intellectual dogma before helping Arabs free themselves. Furthermore, a moral burden that needs to be encountered by the Western allies and neighbors of the old regimes is their indirect approval of totalitarian domestic policies of the tyrants for decades. A transparent and courageous encounter with that past is a precondition for those who want to be trusted by the Arab public and make meaningful contributions to its uphill battle for democracy. In fact, this is not a call for moral politics but rather a necessity for a well informed one. For example, the revolution enabled the world to see that the region, once known to be the land of people who inherently prefer autocratic rule, is the home to probably the most opinionated and vibrant civil society segment in the world. This is why the “human dignity” pursued by masses overwhelmed the dictators’ opium of “Arab honor”. Much more can be expected as Arabs become more middle class. However, successfully dealing with change will be possible only with a new intellectual and political paradigm. The Arab world is ready for democracy. But is the rest of the world ready to live side by side with democratically elected Arab governments? It is once again proven, as the Turkish saying goes, spring does not come with only one flower. Taking another analogy, the recent developments within the Arab nations have indeed started reminding us the biblical story of their Jewish cousins. Yes, the Pharaoh is already dead, the Red Sea has been crossed, but there is the wild desert of realpolitik ahead, with tempting Golden Calves ready to detract Children of Ishmael from their noble journey to the Promised Land of Democracy. Zero What? Despite numerous analyses claiming its failure, the zero problem policy still seems to form the axis of Turkish foreign policy towards the Middle East. Some went far enough to claim that zero problem policy gave zero results but Turkish leadership demonstrates no serious sign of departure from the country’s new foreign policy doctrine. However, it is less assertive compared to earlier years. Compared to the active zero problem policy of being the soft powered good broker, the current policy is more about a passive zero problem approach that aims to manage conflicts and not to be part of any new problems. The U turns of Turkish decision makers on the issues of Libya and Syria were exactly the moments of shifting from the active version to the passive. Though, even this contingency version is vulnerable due to the ongoing standoff with Israel.

January / February 2012


The Turkish Model The term Turkish model does not seem to drum up much excitement among Arab intellectuals. Reactions of different political camps toward Mr. Erdoğan’s messages during his visit to Egypt proved that Arabs have highly differing opinions about the merits of Turkey’s experience and power structures. In any ways, greeting crowds while holding his wife’s hand, visiting the Coptic Patriarch and talking about virtues of secularism was surely a wake-up call for emerging Arab leaders. The message was clear: “Avoid thinking like the leaders you toppled. Stay away from feudal identity politics. Define unifying goals for your peoples and embrace everyone in order to attain them” In other words, Mr. Erdoğan’s ground rule for a stable Middle East is the conviction that ethnic, religious, denominational and other identity centered policies are doomed to failure sooner or later. However, words are not enough and actions do speak louder. Just like Western actors, there are certain preconditions that Turkey has to meet in order to make concrete contributions to the Arab Exodus. There is no doubt that democratic, participatory and sustainable solutions for the Kurdish, Alawi and

minority issues will add tremendous amount of international legitimacy to Turkey’s messages. A Turkey that has not embraced pluralism should rather keep silent as it will only confuse Arabs… like a Golden Calf. Another slippery ground for Turkey is the risk of contradicting its rhetoric of a desecuritized Middle East by allowing the Sunni identity of the country play a central role in foreign policy making. Some believe that Turkey’s relative silence towards Saudi intervention in Bahrain was a small but meaningful sign of such shift. Turkey’s internal political dynamics do not typically generate denomination based policies but what happens outside its borders may well effect Turkey’s orientation. One scenario is Turkey being dragged into Sunni identity politics as a reaction to the growing Shiite Belt in its south. However, it will be in Turkey’s favor to stick with the “friendly containment” policy towards Iran rather than engaging in manifest rivalry and let the Saudis be the “defendants of Sunnis”. Think like a Persian in Persia. The worst case scenario is a royal chaos in Saudi Arabia that will cause

a huge power vacuum in favor of Iran. It will be very difficult for Turkey to manage such chaos in a non-denominational fashion. Diplomacy is an interesting realm. One needs to read silence as well as words. What Erdoğan did not mention in Egypt is probably more important than what he did. In order not to upset his hosts in uniforms, the Turkish Premier understandably preferred a meaningful silence on civil – military relations. Well, if there is one lesson to be learned from Turkey, that is the ever existing risk of the old guard skillfully masking and securing itself within the new system. The biggest risk, at least in Egypt, is the military beating around the bush instead of handing the power and tempting privileges to people. Watch out for the Golden Calf. No one can stop the Arab revolution but many can dilute it. This includes Arabs themselves. It will be a great injustice to the revolution if its leaders take the Israeli – Palestinian issue like a chosen trauma that sits at the center of the universe instead of dealing with it simply as a problem.


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info@mutlusonmedya.com • 0.312 442 75 10 January / February 2012


Psychology by Yuzbeny Escobar Altunay yuzbeny.altunay@intersociety.net

Every New Year finds many of us with a never-ending list of resolutions. From dieting and exercising to donating more to charitable causes, to improving certain behaviors. Whatever the case may be, we all at one point or another have made that list at the start of a new year in the hope of committing to it, and better yet, achieving our proposed objectives. While many individuals indeed commit and accomplish their goals, many of us are left with our list of resolutions half way through. Excuses and excuses invade our everyday attempt to committing to our list. If it is not work, it is our family life or even school that prohibits us from taking those small steps to creating such changes and accomplishments. “Lack of time to exercise, salary is not enough; therefore, saving money is impossible, buying a new car is not necessary because gas prices went up, family lives too far away, so why visit them if there is no time or money?” We suffocate ourselves with all sorts of excuses in order to justify our failed attempt and lack of willpower in committing to our new year’s resolutions’ list. It seems that it is easier to find excuses to justify our non-commitment than to actually find the reasons that prevent us from accomplishing our new year’s resolutions.

Perhaps the biggest contributing factors to why so many us fail at achieving any of the resolutions in our list is our lack of willpower and control. Having a strong willpower is not something that everybody possesses. Many of us experience a lack of willpower when doing the things that we need to do in order to accomplish our resolutions. However, our willpower is strong when we engage in the opposite of what we need to do. For instance, if our new year’s resolution is to start a diet, eating a piece of chocolate cake is much easier than doing 30 minutes of aerobics. If our new year’s resolution is to save 10% of our salary, we find it difficult to do. However, purchasing the latest fashion accessory to match our outfit is justifiable…because we must match our outfit. It seems that our willpower is an expert when it comes to playing with us and confusing us. However, lets not become discouraged in our attempt to accomplishing our new year’s resolutions. For those of us who experience a difficulty in maintaining a commitment to our new year’s resolutions, following are three steps we can take:

Give It a Workout

Make One Change at a Time A big mistake we often times make is that we try to change or achieve all our goals at once. But often times, the achievement of one goal leads the way for the achievement of another one. Trying to change or achieve all our goals at the same time can be stressful, and more so discouraging if we start to see no changes whatsoever. We should prioritize our resolutions’ list and work on one goal at a time. When we start to see that we have the ability, potential, and most importantly the willpower to achieve one goal from our list, we will be encouraged and motivated to work on the rest of the list.

Break It Up With this step it is suggested to break up your resolution into sections. For instance, most of us make it a resolution to start a diet and/or exercise. We purchase gym memberships, we become involved in programs that offer miracles, but are hard to follow. We sign up for daily email recipes, and so forth. Commercials like

“Lose 30 pounds in one month” are appealing and we often try to start such programs only to find ourselves gaining 10 pounds at the end of the month. While specific programs are good to have, it is better to break it up. With this, it is suggested that instead of adhering to a program where you will lose 30 pounds in one month, you can instead commit yourself to eating healthier meals, walking more when possible, instead of drinking soda you can drink water or natural juices. In essence, since many of us suffer from a weak willpower and lack self-control, instead of making it more difficult on ourselves, we can simplify our resolutions by breaking them up. Instead of torturing our willpower; hence, ourselves, we can commit to small acts of will. Instead of losing 30 pounds in one month, we can eat healthier and walk for 30 minutes everyday. If we see, the latter becomes more appealing and attainable. By committing to small acts, we begin to train our willpower and self-control. When you least expect it, your willpower will gain the strength necessary when committing to any other type of resolution. Like Dr. Seppala said, our willpower is like a muscle, we must use it to make it stronger.

Our willpower is something that through practice we can change and improve. According to Marvin D. Seppala, M.D. Chief Medical Officer, the more we use our willpower, the stronger it becomes. Our willpower was described as a muscle, “…the more we use it, the stronger it gets, and quickly.” This means that there is hope for many of us who thought we were cheated by having a weak willpower. It is all in the practice you put into it. Of course, this improvement is seen if you slowly and in small quantities work out your willpower. If eating a piece of chocolate cake is difficult for you to not do because you started a diet, then instead of eating the whole piece, you can eat one or two spoonful. Eventually with time and practice, your willpower will be strong enough to reject even one spoonful. The suggestion here is to practice little by little and not kid yourself into jumping into a situation where later on your willpower will test you. If your exercise regime includes jogging for 30 minutes everyday, perhaps you can start by jogging 10 or 15 minutes everyday. Not only to build endurance in your body, but most importantly, to make your willpower stronger and used to engaging in daily jogs. January / February 2012


by Taner Bayram info@intersociety.net

Humans have been getting married for many millennia. Many communities living in different geographical regions and having different cultures see marriage as the standard way of continuing their lineage and transferring their traditions and cultural heritage to future generations. Thanks to this transfer between generations, human beings can, in a way, challenge time. And thanks to the traditions transferred to us, we can know about how our ancestors have lived, how they have loved and celebrated their marriages.

Anatolia, which has hosted many civilizations such as Sumerians, Hittites, Byzantine Empire, Seljuk State and the Ottoman Empire, has countless wedding rituals. The wedding ceremonies of Turks in Anatolia have maintained many characteristics of the wedding ceremonies performed during their Central Asian period. Wedding ceremonies have served as events where the feelings of solidarity and helping spirit among relatives and local communities have been maintained.

In the Turkish language, the words “to get married” mean “evlenmek”, which also means, “to have a house”.

In the Turkish language, the words “to get married” mean “evlenmek”, which also means, “to have a house”. This is due to the fact that, unless they had forcing reasons, the bride and groom did not historically live with their parents after marriage. The works of classical Ottoman literature tell the impressive wedding ceremonies of the Ottoman Sultans and the other prominent political figures of the time. The long caravans of camels and horses carrying the wedding gifts are related in these stories. Acrobats, tumblers, jugglers, snake charmers and fire dancers used to perform on the festival

place established for the wedding ceremony; and great mounts of food, desserts and sorbets used to be cooked in huge boilers in order to be served to the guests. Though the sums spent for the impressive ceremonies and expensive gifts can be deemed as extravagant, the ruling class of the time used to see them as an indication of the power of the state and their own status. As a tradition still surviving in Anatolia, even poor families make considerable expenditures for wedding ceremonies, which are sometimes much beyond their financial means. In a sense, wedding ceremonies, together with the funerals, can be considered as the most important events in the social lives of the Anatolian people. In their wedding ceremonies, people expect the participation of their relatives and friends, as well as the notable local administrative and political figures. This situation is not limited to villages and small towns, and even the mayors of the biggest cities, the ministers and prime ministers frequently attend wedding ceremonies as marriage witnesses.

Today, Anatolia is defined in seven geographical regions. These regions have distinctive characteristics in many respects such as climate, land structure and livelihood. Thus, the wedding ceremonies developed under different conditions have also some differences. But still they have many common features and we can talk about an average “Anatolian Wedding Ceremony”. The most common stages of the wedding process include: meeting the intended bride, asking for the girl’s hand, engagement, preparation of the trousseau, bride’s public bath visit, henna night, wedding ceremony, nuptial night, the day following the nuptial night and the “handkissing” visit to the family elders.

Inspecting the Intended Bride This tradition, which has disappeared especially in big cities today, is a meeting where the young people of marriageable age are introduced to each other by means of their families. It is still practiced in small towns and villages in Anatolia. The parents first ask their son whether there is a girl they have an interest in. If there aren’t

any girls he has an interest in or if he leaves the choice to his parents, then they begin to look for a suitable candidate of brides from among their acquaintances. While looking for a candidate, the main criteria to be taken into consideration are the moral and religious status of the girl and her family, their financial status and physical attributes. If there is already a candidate their son has an interest in, the parents inspect the girl based on the same criteria. If the girl is deemed appropriate as a candidate bride, then a selective delegation is determined to be sent to the house of the girl. If the delegation approves the candidate, they ask to the relatives of the candidate “whether they could make a visit to take the girl’s hand for their son”. If the girl’s mother or any other close relative is pleased with this proposal, then she says “If fate so decrees, it will happen. But we first need to consult with the males of the family”. And the visitors are seen off...

Asking for the Girl’s Hand – Binding with a Promise to Wed

After this visit, the girl’s family begins to investigate the occupation and good and bad habits of the boy. If they come to a conclusion that the candidate groom is suitable for their daughter, a date is given to the boy’s family for the visit of “asking for the girl’s hand for their son”. Then, the boy’s family sends a group composed of the family members, relatives and colleagues of the boy and of respectable people in the society. The boy’s side asks for the hand of the girl “according to the command of God and the word of the Prophet”. When the decision is finalized to allow the marriage, a binding with a promise to wed takes place. In old times, a bride price paid to the family of the bride by the family of the groom was very common. But it is very seldom now, and disappeared in cities especially after modernization. Though the bride price served in the past as a way of contributing to meet the costs of wedding for the bride’s family and the loss of labor force leaving the house, it is for our modern age, a remnant of the feudal culture that considers women as a commodity.

January / February 2012




Public Bath Visit by the Bride

Engagement is the first step of marriage. With this ceremony, the marriage plan of the future couple is declared to all people in their social environment. Engagement ceremony is held in the girl’s house. On the engagement day, the marriage portion wrapped in bundles demanded by the groom’s relatives is sent, together with the engagement dessert put in a silver tray, to the groom’s house. The engagement dessert is distributed by the groom’s family, to neighbors and relatives as a symbol of engagement. On a suitable wide space in the village, the engagement ceremony, which is attended by the relatives of the groom and bride as well as the other inhabitants of the village, is held. The rings are worn and the engagement of the couple is declared. The inhabitants of the village show great interest in these ceremonies. Following the engagement ceremony, the date for the wedding ceremony is decided by the two parties.

It is the tradition that the bride’s family prepares some household goods before the marriage. Some time before the wedding, the groom and bride, accompanied by a few people from their families, go shopping to buy their garments and some household goods. This is called “preparing the trousseau”.

The women of the village are invited to the public bath, the fees for which are paid by the family of the groom. In the bath, women sing folk songs, tell folk poems and dance with the accompanying music. The bride’s friends dance with her. Following the visit to the bath, the bride’s family hosts a banquet. This dinner generally includes pastries, soups, stuffed vegetables and Noah’s pudding.

Henna Night The ‘Henna Night’ tradition is very common. For this ceremony, the women generally come together on a Friday night in the bride’s family’s house. The guests are the neighbors and relatives of the bride’s family, and some people from the broom’s relatives. The ceremony takes place indoor if it is summer and outdoor if it is winter. The bride does not wear the wedding dress on the henna night. She wears either the engagement dress or another dress. The head of the bride is adorned with wax flowers. Sometimes, musicians are hired for the night to play instruments such as the violin, mandolin and goblet drums. Otherwise, folk songs are sung and folk dances are performed accompanied by the goblet drums music played by young girls. Towards the end of the henna ceremony, the henna is applied on the hands of the bride. When the henna is applied, the bride is sat on a chair and her face is covered with a scarlet cover. At that point, the bride begins to cry. While applying the henna, young girls sing the song specific for this procedure. If the bride is going to a distant family, then the topic of the folk songs is longing and homesickness. Then the bride is made to dance folk dances with her hands wrapped in clothes for the application of henna. Banknotes are put in her wrapped palms and her friends dance till morning without sleeping.

Wedding Procession In the past, the horse-drawn carriages that used to take the bride from her home on Sunday used to be ornamented by the groom’s side. The bride’s side used to make preparations for sending the trousseau. The carriages to be used in the procession used to be covered with colorful rugs. Today, the horse-drawn carriages have been replaced by automobiles, minibuses and sometimes tractors. One person from among the neighbors or close relatives of the bride gets in the bridal car. The instrumentalists are in the front of the car, and the other cars follow the bridal car, carrying joyful people, to the house of the bride.

The Wedding Ceremony In fact, what we have told until now can be deemed as a part of the wedding ceremony, and from this point of view, the old wedding ceremonies used to last for three days and three nights. Frequently, the weddings used to begin on Tuesday and last until Thursday, and people used to go to the Friday prayer on the next day. But now, the weddings generally start on Friday after the Friday prayer and end on Sunday evening. These weddings are called ‘Thursday Wedding’ and ‘Sunday Wedding’ respectively. In villages, the Sunday weddings start on Friday in the bride’s house and on Saturday in the groom’s

house with the participation of neighbors, relatives and fellow villagers. And the groom celebrates the wedding in a neighbor’s house or in a coffeehouse with his friends buying them coffee and tea. Following the Friday prayer, the crowd walks to the house of the groom’s family. A flag has been planted on the roof of the house. Then women come to the house with their wedding gifts. There is a revel in both the bride’s and the groom’s houses. Young girls sing folk songs and dance with their colorful garments and glittering headscarves and guests eat and drink.

Nuptial Night Traditionally, the groom is made to enter to the house where they spend their first night by being mildly punched at his back by his acquaintances, and then the crowd disbands and the wedding ceremony ends. But, in big cities where the modern lifestyle has prevailed, this practice has almost disappeared.

The Day Following the Nuptial Night On the day following the nuptial night, various dishes and desserts are prepared depending on the region in order to be served to the new couple and to the guests.

The “Hand-Kissing” Visit to Family Elders The family elders are visited generally about one week after the wedding and their hands are kissed.

Wedding Ceremonies and Turkish Folk Dances Throughout Anatolia, more than 4,000 folk dances having unique local features have been established. Though they have some features common throughout Anatolia in terms of style, music measures and movements, these dances have also distinctive features of their own. Since some folk dances are more common or prevail in some regions, they are generally known with the name of the region. In this context, the researchers have classified Turkish folk dances into groups such as the Zeybek zone of Aegean and Western Anatolian Regions, Horon zone of Eastern Black Sea Region, Halay zone of Central Anatolia, Sirto and Hora zones of Thracian Region and Bar zone of Eastern Anatolia. Though dance groups generally perform these traditional folk dances today, the Halay version still continues to be danced frequently in wedding ceremonies. Furthermore, Horon is danced in the wedding ceremonies of the Eastern Black Sea region

“ Following the Friday prayer, the crowd walks to the house of the groom’s family. A flag has been planted on the roof of the house...”

January / February 2012


by Sophie Hempler sophie.interview@gmail.com

Hyvää Ystävänpäivä Среќен Денот на вљубенитеFeliz Dia De Los Enamorados Bonne Saint Valentin Sretan Valentinovo Glædelig Valentinsdag Gelukkige Valentijnsdag Buon San Valentino Χρόνια του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου Szczęśliwych walentynekGlückliche Valentinstag Счастливый День святого Валентина Mutlu Sevgililer Günü Feliz Día de San Valentín HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY

According to several sources and the Catholic Encyclopedia, there were at least three early Christian saints by the name Valentine. One was a priest in Rome, another a bishop in Terni, and the third St. Valentine almost nothing is known, except that he met his end in Africa. It remains a mystery which St. Valentine this early pope intended to honor, but rather astonishingly, all three Valentines were said to have been martyred on February 14.

young men. When Claudius found out about this, he had Valentine arrested and thrown in jail. The punishment for his noble deeds was to be beaten to death with clubs and afterwards had his head severed off. As more modern understatement sources tell, on the evening before Valentine was to be executed, he wrote the first “valentine” card himself, addressed to a young girl variously identified as his beloved, as the jailer’s daughter whom he had befriended and healed for blindness or both – this is not for sure. It was a note that read “From your Valentine.” Another legend says that Valentine, imprisoned by Claudius, fell in love with the daughter of his jailer and therefore was thrown in jail and punished with execution. Before he was executed, he allegedly sent his love a letter signed “From your Valentine.”

Most scholars believe that the St. Valentine of the holiday was the Roman priest Valentine who attracted the disfavor of the Roman emperor Claudius II around 270. It has been said that the priest Valentine refused an unattested law attributed to the Roman Emperor Claudius II, allegedly ordering young men to remain single. The Emperor supposedly did this to grow his army, believing that married men did not make good soldiers. The priest Valentine however, secretly performed marriage ceremonies for

Though the most plausible legend surrounding St. Valentine is one not focused on the passionate love (Eros), but on Christian love (Agape) because St. Valentine was martyred for refusing to renounce his religion. St. Valentine was persecuted as a Christian and interrogated by Roman Emperor Claudius II in person. Claudius was impressed by Valentine and had a discussion with him, attempting to get him to convert to Roman paganism in order to save his life. Valentine refused and tried to convert

This day isn’t all about hearts, roses, chocolate, and expensive dinners. Contrary to what many people believe, Valentine’s Day wasn’t created by greeting card companies just to sell cards and candies. It’s actually a church sanctioned holiday, as Pope Gelasius deemed February 14 St. Valentine’s Day near 498 A.D.

Claudius to Christianity instead. Because of this, he was executed. Before his execution, he is reported to have performed a miracle by healing the blind daughter of his jailer. Other historical views refer to the ancient Athenian calendar, where the period between mid-January and mid-February was the month of Gamelion, dedicated to the sacred marriage of Zeus and Hera. In ancient Rome, February 15 was the festival day of Lupercalia, the God of fertility. On this day, goats were sacrified for Lupercalia. With goatskin on their head they would run around in the streets of Rome to touch everybody they encountered. Volunteering young girls were thrown forward and struggled to get their share of the touch of the God of Fertility. They believed that touching this goatskin would increase their fertility. As a tradition, the lots were drawn between young men and women on the Eve before Lupercalia Day, 14th of February. This was done to nominate who should pair up during the holidays. In 469, the Pope prohibited the non-Christian feasts and therefore only allowed the lottery draw when the names of the women were exchanged with the names of the saints. Actually, in the old England, this period of the year was known as the mating season of birds.

January / February 2012


This is seen in 1381 when Geoffrey Chaucer composed a poem in honor of the engagement between England’s Richard II and Anne of Bohemia. As the poetic tradition was, Chaucer associated the royal engagement with the mating season of birds and St. Valentine’s Day:

The parlement of foules [The Parliament of Fowls], ca. 1381: “For this was on seynt Volantynys day Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese when every bird of every kind comes to this his make”

[For this was Saint Valentine’s day,Place to choose his mate.]

The earliest known romantic valentine verse was written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife in the 15th century: Je suis desja d’amour tanné

[I am already sick of love,

Ma tres doulce Valentinée

My very gentle Valentine]

Valentine’s Day is mentioned ruefully by Ophelia in Hamlet (1600–1601): “Tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s day, All in the morning betime, And I a maid at your window, To be your Valentine. Then up he rose, and donn’d his clothes, And dupp’d the chamber-door; Let in the maid, that out a maid Never departed more.” William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5

The modern cliché Valentine’s Day poem can be found in the collection of English nursery rhymes Gammer Gurton’s Garland (1784): The rose is red, the violet’s blue The honey’s sweet, and so are you Thou are my love and I am thine I drew thee to my Valentine The lot was cast and then I drew And Fortune said it shou’d be you

Modern times In 1797, a British publisher issued The Young Man’s Valentine Writer, which contained scores of suggested sentimental verses for the young lover unable to compose his own. Printers had already begun producing a limited number of cards with verses and sketches, called “mechanical valentines,” which made it possible for the first time to exchange cards anonymously. This is taken as the reason for the sudden appearance of racy verses in an era otherwise prudishly Victorian. Paper Valentines became so popular in England in the early 19th century that they were assembled in factories. Fancy Valentines were made with real lace and ribbons, with paper lace introduced in the mid-19th century. In the UK, just under half of the population spent money on their Valentines. Leigh E. Schmidt wrote in Graham’s American Monthly observed in 1849, “Saint Valentine’s Day... is becoming, nay it has become, a national holyday.” In the United States, the first mass-produced valentines of embossed paper lace were produced and sold shortly after 1847 by Esther Howland (1828–1904) of Worcester, Massachusetts. Her father operated a large book and stationery store, but Howland took her inspiration from an English Valentine she had received from a business associate of her father. In the second half of the 20th century, the practice of exchanging cards was extended to all manner of gifts in the United States. Such gifts typically included roses and chocolates packed in a red satin, heart-shaped box. In the 1980s, the diamond industry began to promote Valentine’s Day as an occasion for giving jewelry. Valentine’s Day all over the world •In Wales, wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on February 14th. Hearts, keys and keyholes were favorite decorations on the spoons. The decoration meant, “You unlock my heart!” •In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these

names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling. •In some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the gift, it means she will marry him. •Some people used to believe that if a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine’s Day, it meant she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire. •In Norfolk, a character called ‘Jack’ Valentine knocks on the rear door of houses leaving sweets and presents for children. Although he was leaving treats, many children were scared of this mystical person. •In Denmark and Norway, Valentine’s Day (14 Feb) is known as Valentinsdag. It is not celebrated to a large extent, but is largely imported from American culture, and some people take time to eat a romantic dinner with their partner, to send a card to a secret love or give a red rose to their loved one.

•In some Latin American countries, Valentine’s Day is known as “Día del Amor y la Amistad” (Day of Love and Friendship). For example Mexico, Costa Rica and Ecuador, as well as others. Although it is similar to the United States’ version in many ways, it is also common to see people perform “acts of appreciation” for their friends. •In South Korea, similar to Japan, women give chocolate to men on February 14, and men give non-chocolate candy to women on March 14 (White Day). On April 14 (Black Day), those who did not receive anything on the 14th of Feb or March go to a Korean restaurant to eat black noodles (자장면 jajangmyeon) and “mourn” their single life. •In Taiwan, the situation is the reverse of Japan’s. Men give gifts to women in Valentine’s Day, and women return them on White Day. •The 14th of every month marks a love-related day in Korea, although most of them are obscure. From January to December: Candle Day, Valentine’s Day, White Day, Black Day, Rose Day, Kiss Day, Silver Day, Green Day, Music Day, Wine Day, Movie Day, and Hug Day. Korean women give a much higher amount of chocolate than Japanese women.

•In Finland Valentine’s Day is called Ystävänpäivä which translates into “Friend’s day”. As the name indicates, this day is more about remembering all your friends, not only your loved ones. •In Slovenia, a proverb says that “St Valentine brings the keys of roots”, so on February 14, plants and flowers start to grow. Valentine’s Day has been celebrated as the day when the first work in the vineyards and in the fields commences. It is also said that birds propose to each other or marry on that day. Nevertheless, it has only recently been celebrated as the day of love. •In Lithuania and Latvia, it is common for people to put stickers on faces and clothing of a friend or a relative. The holiday was first celebrated after the two countries gained independence from Soviet Union in 1990.

January / February 2012


by Emel Arslan Deniz emel.deniz@intersociety.net

Cuisines give the most important values bearing the traces of culture to us. Virtually, they are the mirrors of our lifestyle. The social life of the local people is analyzed from the cuisine culture exhibited. Though being tiny, it gives us a hint. The Black Sea Region is one of the rarely encountered regions where numerous civilizations and nations happily lived together. It has a background extending back to the ages of Hittite and Hellenic civilizations. As a consequence, it may create a slight disorientation. As we mentioned above, we can talk about numerous

communities. The communities of Laz, Greek, Georgian, Armenian, Hamsheen (HemĹ&#x;in) are the whole aspects of the region that has remained latent.

most delicious fish are in the Black Sea. Due to its nature and green, the best herbs contrary to what we used to know grow in the Black Sea. We meet the highest quality products of maize, tea and hazelnuts in the Black Sea Region.

Parts are very important, and they certainly constitute a whole. As to whole, it is superior of the parts that form it. Nevertheless, it is more unique than its components. In this same manner is the culture of the Black Sea. It is fed by a great number of sources. It is fed by its climate, geography and different communities. Just like its people resembling its unique harsh sea, it has an undefinable cuisine. With its pickles, cabbage dishes, corn, cheese and yogurt, and of course the fish dishes that are indispensable of the kitchen, it offers us of the best feast of taste. The

Black Sea cuisine, maintaining the cultural heritage lasting over the years has always preserved the high-fidelity version of its dishes. Today, regardless of whether they reside or not in the Black Sea Region, our people try to keep this culinary tradition alive. In this issue, we wanted to introduce you to the most delicious references of different flavors in the Eastern Black Sea Cuisine. Here are some recipes for you...


How It Is Made?

1kg yogurt

After waving washed the cucumbers throughly, they are peeled and coearsely grated. 1 bunch of fresh coriander is finely chopped. Walnuts are beaten so as to fill a water glass and 2-3 cloves of garlic is peeled and grated. All these materials prepared are added to the 1 kg slushy yogurt and mixed. The jajyk prepared is served in small bowls.

4-5 each cucumber 1 glass of beaten walnut 2-3 cloves of garlic 1 bunch of fresh coriander 1 dessertspoonful salt


How It Is Made?

2 medium dry onion

2 medium dry onion and 2-3 cloves of garlic are peeled and washed up and finely chopped. Then, 1 tea glass of oil, choppedd onion and garlic are added to a deep frypan and roasted until mixture turns into pink color. Later on, the tomato paste is added to the pink-roasted mixture and roasted slightly. Then, 1 kg fresh beans pickle washed and finely chopped currently being awaited in water is added into the mixture and roasted for a while until it is ready for being served.

3-4 cloves of garlic 1 kg fresh beans pickle 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 tea glass of oil

Ingredients For Dough: 10 sheets of baklava filo 4 eggs 8 waterglasses of milk 5 waterglass of powder sugar 2 packs of wheat starch 5 teaglasses of melted butter 1 waterglass of water Black pepper For Syrup: 10 waterglasses of water 10 1/2 lemon juice How It Is Made? Syrup: First, we are supposed to prepare the syrup because it is requirded to be poured onto the hot pie dessert leaving the oven. 10 water glasses of sugar is added to 10 water

glasses of water and boiled in a container. When the syrup boiling has turned into a dense state, a few drops of lemon juice are added hereto. After a few raisings, the syrup being boiled is removed from the cookstove and left aside for cooling. Pie:4 eggs and powder sugar are strirred with a mixer until mixed completely. 8 waterglasses of milk, wheat starch and some water are added to this mixture and stirred. The prepared mixture is taken into a saucepan and stirred over fire until it turns into a pudding density. The pudding prepared is removed from the fired. The tray we intended to use for making the dessert is oiled. Then, 5 each filo is separated from 10 – filo pack and laid into the tray after oiling them oneby-one. The whole pudding we have prepared is poured onto these 5 sheets of filo in the oiled tray and black pepper is sprinkled on the pudding and a little melted butter is added. Later on, the remaing 5 sheets of filo are laid on the pudding after being oiled and the rest of the melted butter is poured on the top layer of the filo and it is baked in the oven preheated at 150 Cº until the surface of the dessert becomes pink in color. The baked pie dessert is sliced and the cold syrup previously prepared is poured onto the hot dessert. Enjoy your pie dessert!

January / February 2012


In a new season clutches take a special place. Except magnificent tiny models for evening issues are offered stricter, capable that can complete your business image. The strict form, reserved color scale and the optimum size of such clutch say that the given variant can become an indispensable irreplaceable accessory for the business lady.

January / February 2012


by Sophie Hempler sophie.interview@gmail.com

A woman without her handbag feels as lost as a wanderer in the desert. And she wants it large. If she cannot get it in leather-now growing scarceshe will take it in fabric, fur, or even plastic. The handbag is the movable base of her supplies-the depot of her expected needs. These eventual needs may reach out to a degree far beyond any man’s power of imagination. A woman’s handbag is a mysterious dungeon. It’s the key to her real self; the prosaic answer to many poetic conceptions. Printed January 21, 1945, The New York Times, by Anita Daniel Inside Story of a Handbag circa 1945 Then 1945 The typical handbag of a typical woman in 1945 contained: One or two lipsticks A compact (that won’t close) 1 fresh handkerchief 2-3 crumpled handkerchiefs A package of letters The laundry bill 3 tickets from the cleaner 1 nylon stocking to be repaired 1 address book 1 pack of cigarettes 3 packs of matches 1 leather picture folder All ration books (including expired ones) Several cards with address of a furrier, a wholesale place for children’s coats, a beauty parlor, a graphologist, etc. 2 scraps of paper with telephone numbers and no names 1 hairnet 1 bottle of vitamins 3 samples of slipcovers 1 fountain pen 2 pencils 1 parcel of V-mail letters covering several months held by a rubber band. Now The typical handbag of a typical woman today: ATM Card Cell Phone Change Purse Checkbook Crumpled Tissues Hand Cream Hair Brush Keys Lip Balm Nail File Makeup case Pens Wallet and credit cards One bag is not enough Our contents spill over into our tote bags, where you will find: Agenda Bottled Water Paperback Book/Magazine Newspaper Shoes to change at work Umbrella

It’s a lifeline, a First Aid Kit, a mini-home with straps, a friend we bring everywhere –it is our handbag. Our fundamental storage containing objects like a bulging purse with bank cards, credit cards, business cards and receipts as well as money; a mobile phone and keys and of course the personal touch of the owner all depending of her age, marital status etc. Some of the items might even be considered a bit mystifying: A pair of shoes, extras tights, measuring tape, but the day you’ll need a BandAid or a glue stick and it is pulled out of that ginormous hole women call a purse, you’ll be grateful for its existence. As a solid cornerstone in almost any woman’s wardrobe and with the innumerable number of designs, materials and sizes, most women have a handbag to suit almost every occasion. In average, women carry about 2,27 kg (5lbs) in their handbags, but due to the recent trend for oversized must-have bags this average seems to raise every day. Even chiropractors warn that heavy bags can cause back pain and even lead to painful injuries, but this fact doesn’t seem to make us relinquish our passion. We keep

filling essential stuff in our handbags and it has become an integral part of our lives – something we absolutely cannot leave home without. A handbag is definitely not just fashion – it is a passion! Ironically, men frequently ask why women carry around so much stuff. They find it mysterious, unnecessary and might even annoying since it sometimes might take minutes to find the house key (or phone, coins, a pen etc.). But originally the term ‘handbag’ was used for the leather bags carried by men around the turn of the 20th century. It wasn’t until 1920s that the term became the handbag women know and love passionately today. At that time, women’s independence conquered; they began travelling without men or servants and this in slim pocket-free dresses, which gave the woman a need of something to carry her possessions in. The varieties increased in terms of designs, materials, accents and colors. In fact, some of the most popular handbags from that period reflected Egyptian art, a tribute to the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen.

“ The first thing Adam purchased for Eve was a handbag. It was his sweet revenge for the apple.” January 21, 1945, The New York Times, by Anita Daniel Ever since, several kinds of bags have become fashionable due to celebrities. Though, the most remarkable one must be The Kelly Bag named after the actress Grace Kelly (Princess of Monaco 1956-1982), when in 1956 used one of her two favorite Hermès bags to shield her pregnant stomach from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. Photographs of her covering her stomach bulge with her hallowed Hermès were splashed all over the world and made it onto the cover of Life magazine!

January / February 2012


Twenty-First Century: Anything Goes... Even a “Man Purse” Handbags are currently made in a bewildering array of styles and materials, such as waterproof canvas, space age synthetics, and faux reptile skins. Designers continue to play with the paradoxes inherent in the handbag with transparent materials that both expose and conceal the contents of the bag. And handbags, which for so long had been associated with femininity are now becoming more popular with men. Both the modern man and woman can strap on or sling over a handsfree bag and go. Its variety and adaptability highlight the handbag’s extraordinary potency and staying power. References Foster, Vanda. 1982. Bags and Purses. London, UK: B.T. Batsford, LTD. Steele, Valerie and Laird Borrelli. 1999. New York, NY: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc.

The History of The Handbag: 1930s: Art Deco The 1930 bag reflected the Art Deco style which highlighted abstraction and celebrated new industrial materials, such as plastic and zippers.

1940s: WorldWar II and the Rise of Shoulder Bags The war saw the smooth contours of the 1930s fashion change to a more military look. Bags became larger, squarer, and more practical, reflecting a desire to appear self-sufficient. As zippers, mirrors, and leather became scarce, designers turned to wood or plastic for frames and employed new synthetics such as rayon. The drawstring bag reappeared and was often homemade. Bags in Great Britain were made both to carry gas masks and to match an outfit. In France and America, as more women entered the workforce, they turned to shoulder bags.

1950s: Handbags Reach Cult Status After the war, handbags catapulted into cult status. Major designers such as Vuitton, Hermes, and Channel enjoyed a culture where accessorizing and color coordinating were held to an almost moral standard. A new look , a new decade of femininity where created. The tiny handbag, like Cinderella’s tiny shoe, represented femininity, submission,beauty and sophistication.

1960s-1970s: The Rise of the Youth Culture During the 1960s, rules of “appropriate” dress relaxed in response to the womens’ movement and the rise of the youth culture. The small and dainty shoulder bag with long chains or thin straps began to dominate because it kept with informal child-like qualities of the miniskirt. Such handbags highlighted the 1960 “swinging” fashion that was in stark contrast to the posed 1950s models.

1980s-1990s: Conspicuous Consumption and the Unisex Bag The 1980s’ handbags became associated with conspicuous consumption - and for the first time, a concern with health and fitness sports bags and shoes were an additional group of accessories that influenced high fashion. In addition, as technology introduced the calculator and filofax, work bags were designed for order and control. In 1985, Miuccia Prada introduced the black nylon knapsack that become the first totally unisex bag, and it remains ubiquitous. One of the brightest stars of the 1980s was the rise of Vera Bradley’s classic quilted handbag that reached sales of over $1 million in just three years. By the early 1990s, small designer bags with giant Hs and CCs were all over London and New York, and only the trained eye could tell the real from the fake.

Wilcox, Clair. 1999. Bags. London, UK: V&A Publications.

“A woman’s mind is as complex as the contents of her handbag; even when you get to the bottom of it, there is ALWAYS something at the bottom to surprise you!”

As the brand of women who closely follow the world fashion and give importance to their style, Matmazel completes your style in each season with its elegant and fashionable lady bags. The ladies preferring Matmazel will be different in this winter, too…. With its wide range of products varying from lady bags to purses and from gloves to umbrellas, and with its elegant designs it presents every year without compromising its quality, Matmazel is being the preferred brand of increasing number of ladies. When the bags, which are one of the most important accessories of our clothes, unite with the quality and elegance of Matmazel, a distinguished style emerges. Presenting options for a wide range of preferences and tastes, Matmazel introduce each season new designs unique to that specific season. While the vivid colors of the summer are giving way to the duller colors of the fall and winter again, Matmazel is continuing to introduce the Turkish women with the latest trends of the fashion world. Starting with the idea that the details are important in achieving the elegance in the whole, our brand is preparing, with its professional team, special designs to make ladies chic and striking in every season of the year. The ladies preferring Matmazel will grab attentions this year, too… In order to be closer to its target group, Matmazel Ladies’ Bags is continuing to open new stores in carefully selected points. The company, which started retailing in 2003, is now continuing its business with nine stores. We have stores in Ankara in Cepa AVM, A City AVM, 365 AVM, Tunalı, Kızılay, Etlik, Ulus and lastly in Atlantis shopping mall. We also aim to open at least seven stores in Istanbul, as well as other stores in other provinces such as Eskişehir, Konya and Kayseri.

January / February 2012


by IIS info@intersociety.net

Chinese Ambassador to Ankara

HE Mr. Xiaosheng GONG: “China is still a developing country.”

IIS - How would you personally evaluate your last 3 years in Turkey, was it comfortable or more like a challenging one? Of course it’s a bit complicated, I feel everybody is very friendly and feel quite comfortable in that sense; however, on the other hand, being the ambassador in Ankara is a very hard work with demanding challenges; no weekends and so on.. (laughs)

An Ambasador in LDC Summit in Istanbul 2011: “Oh my God! If China is still a developing country, then where is the world going?"

IIS - What is the key factor of China becoming the factory of the world for you? Do you think there will be some other tough competitors in the next years? I believe the answer is very simple; it’s all about the policies and people. First of all, China has chosen to center its policies around reform and open its doors to investors, technology, and most importantly, cooperation. We hoped and still hope to cooperate with everybody; from our neighbors to Western society, from underdeveloped ones to developed countries.

The second factor is that Chinese people are working very hard since there’s no free bread in front of you from heavens. Perhaps a third factor may be that we still spend less than what we earn. IIS – How can Chinese people do everything they do in a unique way while the government can make policies to give a common target to all people? In our own experience, we were very successful. But we didn’t see everything happening in the perfect way we planned either. The fact is, they don’t. We also made a lot of mistakes and paid the price for that. The point is, we always learn and have learnt a lot from our experiences, not from just the last 30 years. So, until now I could say we did a great job. Though, our leaders still emphasize that China is still a developing country. There was this international meeting in İstanbul when a Chinese official said that while the Afghan ambassador sitting next to me jot down on his notebook “Oh my God! “ (laughs) If China is still a developing one, where the world is going? All in all, I guess this is because we have still a long distance to go.

IIS – The first things evoked in one’s mind about China are: a boosting economy, an enormous population and endless production of everything. What can you add to these? When it comes to defining a big country like China and Turkey, it’s obviously difficult to mention only a couple of aspects of a country. If we come to Turkey and say just that “Turkey is a paradise” would it picture the whole Turkey in all aspects? Of course not. When you mention China, the same applies and it’s not that simple. We should consider the economic, social, education status within the whole country including urban and country life. But yes, we do think China is a developing country and are aware of the fact that not all China is living in the same standards. For instance, when a foreigner sees Shanghai the first time, they usually are shocked. On the other hand, there are lots of areas to which we are trying to bring better living conditions. You

know Confucius is very famous for his ideas and a monumental icon for China, he says that a big country must be as careful as while cooking a small fish. And for social matters, one should be much more careful, and that’s kind of the idea we like to follow. IIS – Speaking of which, can we say that Chinese people still have the connection to their old culture and vast history? Sure, actually China is really a country of traditions and history and this is a heavy burden of responsibility for us, plus we have reality. In addition, there’s no other experience in the world and such a model to follow for us, we have to create our own way of doing things. Therefore, we both need to keep our traditions and in the meantime we do believe that we have to learn new things good for people, as well as continue creating new values.

IIS – As of the first nine months of 2011, Turkey grew 9.6% whereas China did 9.4%. What do you think about the economy of Turkey in the future? Actually, China doesn’t like to be the #1 in the world (laughs). The fact is, we don’t emphasize China still being a developing country just for propaganda purposes, but for that we also know the situation in China. It is because we know that and would like others to know this as well. You know, to be the #1, you should take responsibility. As the Ambassador of China for Turkey, I can only be happy about Turkey having such great figures. Right now, because of globalization, every country should realize no country is alone anymore and we need help of others. In that sense, I think that not only China and Turkey, but all other countries as well should know that development in any part of the world be praised

January / February 2012


and see the whole world as one; the more it grows and develops, the better for everyone. We believe this would present opportunities and better future for everyone. And for that, I’d like to see Turkey in front of us, too (laughs). IIS – This year will be the Year of China in Turkey, can you please share what kind of activities will be done? We worked very hard with Turkish officials to put our efforts in introducing and promoting China to Turkey, and even to the world in the broadest context. We’ll try to make a clear picture of China and provide better things for people to read in the news rather than disturbing things (accidents, social crisis etc.) we see in media every day. We need to inform people about the good things about and developments happening in China and Turkey. For example, in a very recent time, Chinese delegation was here, they asked Turkish partners and businessmen “Can you name three of the most famous Chinese companies?” and unfortunately, just a few of them could know of them. That simply shows the knowledge of each other between Turkey and China is very little and

we should work on that, which is the keyword of this year’s activities. We know that our relations have not just started this year or just forty years ago, but thousands of years ago, via Silk Road. And when we mention Silk Road, we should know that this is not another trade route, but a route of friendship, comprehension, trade, culture, religion, and not a means of conquer nor war. It was welcomed by and beneficial for everybody. The main point here is cooperation and friendship. Right now we consider some performers, dancers, cultural and economic tourists taking part in the organizations, as well as forums, food festivals and so on. IIS – Can we see these activities as a strive for the rebirth of the Silk Road? It’s certainly the main theme of the Chinese year in Turkey, and in the background there are also other countries in the region expecting the rebuild of Silk Road for good scenes to take place and hopes to come real. We need to have a good deed for the future, and everybody hopes for a better life. Democracy and freedom may not be objectives, perhaps better be means to

accomplish this better life people demand. And the rebirth of Silk Road would help people of the region get the freedom, development, stability and unity they need, and in the long term the world will benefit from that. IIS – What kind of role can Turkey play in the neighborhood within the context of Arab spring and new developments in the region? I recall people asking me a very similar question about the position of UN in Middle East back in 2007. Well, China is definitely not in any position to tell Turkey how to perform in any case. However, in my opinion, this region needs someone to play a constructive role and people need to see someone actually cares. So, China would support anyone to play that constructive role in the region, be it Turkey or another. IIS – In what other areas can China be closer to Turkey? I’ve been here for more than three years now. The longer I stay, the more I learn from this country. For instance, I think both Chinese and

Turkish people talk very directly and prevent diplomatic means wherever possible. Also, we welcome people come to China and of course the same for Chinese people to visit Turkey. Though, we still need to know each other better and that’s why we need to favor these cultural interactions. Once initiated, it is very fruitful, take Shangai Expo for instance, 4 million Chinese visited Turkish exhibition and over 40 million Turkish Maraş icecream service was done until it ended. Therefore, I suggest Turkish hosts prepare more ice-cream and kebab for more Chinese entrepreneurs in the near future (laughs). In that sense, right now we have a good level of communication between officials and diplomats, including Mr. President

Gül’s visit to China. Compared to the time I arrived to Turkey in 2008, the bilateral visits has become twice more and we expect to see the trade value over 24 billion USD for 2011 with China becoming 3rd biggest business partner of Turkey. However, I may be the only ambassador being not happy and even feeling a pressure about this volume as there’s also a trade deficit we have to address. We certainly are in favor of sustainable development for both parties, which is honestly not an easy job. IIS - There’s the Confucius Center in Middle East Technical University campus in Ankara which is actively involved now in

the activities of the Chinese year in Turkey. How would you support the Turkish NGOs and cultural agencies that establish and cultivate in China? Well, good news is we already have formulated an agreement for PM Erdoğan’s visit to China, which is yet to happen, but unfortunately we don’t have a schedule as we speak. The subject is among a long list in the agenda of cooperation. IIS - Thank you for your time Your Excellency.

In Shangai Expo for instance, 4 million Chinese visited Turkish exhibition and over 40 million Turkish Maraş ice-cream service was done until it ended. Therefore, I suggest Turkish hosts prepare more ice-cream and kebab for more Chinese entrepreneurs in the near future.

January / February 2012


Health by Tolga Ecemiş www.akaytupbebek.com

Ideal reproduction age is between twenty and thirty for women. But, in modern society, the marriage age and, as a consequence of this, the pregnancy age is increasingly delayed. Nowadays, as a result of the fact that women increasingly take an active role in the business life, they procrastinate their fertilities. There are many women that give birth in older ages, especially waiting their thirties for the first pregnancy. In parallel with the developments in medicine, developments in pregnancy follow-up also encourage the advanced-age pregnancy. The fact that many childless couples who have received infertility treatment for many years want to benefit from the level of success achieved in infertility treatment also plays an important part in this increase. However, this situation brings along some medical problems. Since the number and quality of eggs averagely decrease after the age of 35, the pregnancy change among the women who wants to be a mother in older ages but cannot achieve this in normal ways shows a remarkable decrease even with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment. That’s why we offer ladies to get married in earlier ages and not to postpone the pregnancy.

Advanced Age Motherhood and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Treatment The “advanced maternal age” refers to expectant mothers of thirty-five and over. With increasing age, women’s pregnancy potential starts to decline. In the age of forties, the possibility of becoming pregnant decreases by 50%. Despite the decrease in the possibility of becoming pregnant in natural ways, the possibility can be increased by 10% with infertility treatment. The most important point in this treatment is the egg reserve. As it is difficult to get response from the treatment, we do not recommend vitro fertilization treatment to women who are over the age of forty-two. The egg quality of women’s ovaries has great importance in the success of IVF treatment. Decreased number of eggs and the egg degradation can be seen in earlier ages in some cases, while they occur in older ages in other cases. In some cases, even no eggs can be found in advanced-age expectant mothers to be used in IVF treatment.

Risks of Advanced Age Pregnancies The mostly feared complication in advanced-age pregnancies is giving birth to a baby that shows chromosomal abnormality. The most common among these chromosomal abnormalities is the Down syndrome, which brings along some hearth and organ abnormalities as well as mental retardation. But, by means of prenatal tests performed during pregnancy, especially by means of amniocentesis, anomalous babies can be identified. Triple test is also a helper to Down syndrome screening. Together with the increase in the age, the incidence of some diseases also shows increase. The most important and common of these diseases are diabetes and hypertension. Multiple pregnancy, miscarriage, extrauterine pregnancy, growth deficiency, and preterm labor are also among the risks that can be encountered in advanced-age pregnancies. Besides, as the complications are more common in advanced-age mothers, the necessity of cesarean sections to save mother’s and baby’s life is 2-3 times more comparing to the mothers of earlier ages.

This statement is given by Medical Coordinator of Akay Private Hospital In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Center Mr. Tolga ECEMIS, MD (Obstetrics Gynaecology and In Vitro Fertilization Specialist);

by Sarp Yal癟覺n info@intersociety.net

Occupy Wall Street demonstration, Arab spring exported or imported? Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless resistance movement with people from many countries and different backgrounds. Leaderless movement is a new terminology of the 21st century. Is it good or bad not to have a leader? What are their purposes? Do they want socialism or communism? Do they have a new alternative to globalization and capitalism or they want to stay in the same political atmosphere, but with a little bit of a better condition? Are they seeking revolution or renovation of the political order?

In Communist Manifesto, Marx said that ‘A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism’. Do we believe that same spectre is haunting the heart of the United States, Wall Street? Globalization, technological developments and social media tools brought us to a new era where a movement can spread from one city to thousands of cities in a day like Occupy protestors. A month after its launch, more than 900 cities around the world hosted protests affiliated with the Occupy cause. The UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon said the global financial crisis was the trigger, adding: “What you are seeing all around the world, starting from Wall Street, people are showing their frustrations.” People are frustrated with

the greedy multinational companies, endless profit seekers, and giant hedge, investment and retirement funds. In the past few years, running a few hundred million dollars for a hedge fund—and taking tens of millions for yourself, became the going Wall Street dream. And this high-risk, high-return trading game has lured plenty of dreamers. Nowadays, young, aggressive, impatient managers of these companies—seem to be all over. There are currently about 7,000 hedge funds, 95 percent of which didn’t exist ten years ago. They are only high profit oriented and do not see humans when they look at companies, street or countries. They care about excel spreadsheets, their luxurious lifestyle and numbers. When they

put their money to food commodity trade as speculator food, price inflation soared in many countries and people started to argue about the ethics of speculation at the food commodity markets. Global financial crisis brought high unemployment and stagnant wages, and it was triggered by unregulated capitalism and free markets. Involvement of multinationals on regulations and law globally created an uncontrolled way of free marketing. Almost everybody agrees that the current crisis is the global economy’s most serious crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Karl Marx’s period passed a century ago, but he was right in claiming that globalization, unfettered financial capitalism, and redistribution of income and wealth from labor to capital, could lead capitalism to self-destruct. As he [Marx] argued, “unregulated capitalism can lead to regular bouts of over-capacity, underconsumption and the recurrence of destructive financial crises, fueled by credit bubbles and asset-price booms and busts.” Nouriel Roubini, said that the causes of their concern are clear enough: high unemployment and underemployment in advanced and emerging economies; inadequate skills and education for young people and workers to compete in a globalized world; resentment against corruption, including legalized forms like lobbying; and a sharp rise in income and wealth inequality in advanced and fast-growing emerging-market

economies. Anybody who visited the U.S in the last month, and last year can easily see the difference in the economy, an increase of homeless people on the streets and a decrease of job announcements on papers. Rising population increases challenges on food supply and financial distribution. By the year 2050, the world’s population will grow from almost 7 billion now to over 9 billion. World agriculture land is limited and we almost reached our productivity increase of new technologies. The major problem is inequality and distribution of wealth. One part of the world is suffering from hunger- almost 1 billion people, and another part of the world is suffering from obesity- almost 1 billion. It is a very ironical case. Wall Street demonstrations and other anti capitalist demonstrations lack leaders and agenda. It is not as organized as the Arab spring

demonstration and their demand is not clear. It is clear that this system is not a cure to the world’s economical and political problems, but what should be the alternative system after the collapse of communism. Is there a better way to distribute wealth? How come we create welfare communities like Sweden, Norway and Denmark? Is the future of the world brighter or more depressing? It is certain that there are a lot of new challenges like global warming. It is true that it is hard to compete with multinationals and with local traders. It is true that local cultures and languages are disappearing, but we should have hope for the future. We see that there is a lot of new NGO that combat against environmental problems, governments most of the time follow NGO’s on this issue. It is true that there are lot of new local food and rural development movements. Yes, they are small steps, but for a brighter future we need steps either small or not.

January / February 2012


by Sefa Denizoğlu sefa.denizoglu@intersociety.net

Xi’an: Ancient Capital

A city can provide us insights into our past. Perhaps, a house, a market, a canal or a section of city wall – we seem to be able to peep through a window at an image that tells us something of what our forefathers were doing and thinking. Even after thousands of years, we still can learn something about our ancestors’ view of the world and their place in that world.

Xi’an: Ancient Capital

traded; in the outer city commoners led a life of peace and harmony. Chang’an Xi’an is a great city, hailed alongside embodied the ideal of any cosmopolitan Athens, Cairo and Rome to be four Great city. Ancient Capitals of the world. It was originally known as Chang’an, meaning In the city center stands an ancient city “Perpetual Peace”. Its history dates back wall, the best preserved one in China, to more than 3100 years and it served as and also the largest and least-damaged ancient military fortress in the world. The the capital of 13 dynasties. guardian angels of the city are of course The zenith of Xi’an was reached during the world-famous Terracota Warriors. the Han and the Tang dynasties, when it became the first metropolis in the world Beijing: Imperial City and Hutong to host a population of 1 million. One can still find the traces of Tang Capital in the Boasting a history going back more than layout of today’s Xi’an. The design of the 3000 years, Beijing is a great, mysterious Tang Dynasty Chang’an was divided into and fascinating city. three sections – the imperial court, the imperial city and the outer city. Under the Being secure in the confines of the roof of the Imperial Court, the emperor legendary imperial palace – the and his officials engaged in the struggle Forbidden City – generations of of power; in the markets of the imperial emperors enjoyed a life of luxury, safe city crowds flocked and merchants from the impact of external crises, but

still susceptible to the internal intrigue, where ambition often concealed itself behind a cloak of reverence. Row upon row of palaces, gardens, temples and mausoleums watched in silence over its turbulent history. Beijing is not to be read only in the imperial city, but also in the narrow Hutong (alleys) where ordinary people spent their lives. Together hutong and siheuyan (enclosed courtyards) provided the ideal combination- on the one hand to protect the privacy of each family, and on the other to provide the opportunity to keep in contact with doings of one’s neighbors. More than 7000 hutong were scattered all over the city of Beijing at one time. Nowadays the imperial city has been turned into a Palace Museum, while life in hutong continues with much change.

Hangzhou – Home of the West Lhasa: Place of the Buddha Lake and the Grand Canal Hangzhou is the “city of heaven” to many Chinese, described by the Marco Polo as “the finest and most splendid city in the world”. Its heavenly associations stem partly from the presence of the West Lake in the city center. This lake has found its way into beautiful poems, exquisite paintings and stirring legends of the Chinese; along its banks repose the most celebrated scholars, poets, painters, monks, generals, and beauties of China’s long past. There’s waterway to the east of the West Lake, which runs across the city from north to south bringing prosperity to Hangzhou. It is the Grand Canal, the first and the longest man-made canal in the world. This artificial canal guaranteed the constant flow of goods levied as taxation northward to the capital. It was a constant bustle of activity, and resulted in the regions to the south of the Yangtze River becoming the center of the nation’s commercial activity, bringing prosperity to Hangzhou, the city of the banks of the canal, for hundreds of years.

Beijing: Imperial City and Hutong

in Qufu for generations, still receiving tribute from imperial courts and evolving Lying in the Lhasa Rives Valley on a gradually into what is now the biggest branch of Yarlung Zango River, on a family in China. Through the support 3700m-high snow covered plateau, is of successive emperors, their family an ancient city with again a history of residence and temple – the Kong Family 3000 years. This is Lhasa, the Place of mansion and the Temple of Confucius – the Buddha. expanded into a magnificent complex. Qufu is widely venerated because of Lhasa in Tibetan means “holy place” or Confucius, and hailed as “the oriental the “place of the Buddha”. It has long holy city”. been the political, economic, cultural and religious center of Tibet. Today, the Shanghai:History of a Cosmopolitan essence of the past is still preserved in City the east of Lhasa, where devout pilgrims and fascinated tourists endlessly stream Every city has its history and Shanghai in the Barkhor Street. is no exception. Although brief when compared to the others mentioned Qufu: Hometown of Confucius above, it’s nevertheless fascinating. It was formerly a fishing and textiles town, One individual has exerted so much and was opened to foreign trade in midinfluence upon the people of China that 19th century. Sitting on the Yangtze River his thoughts have been imprinted on Delta at the middle point of the coastline, the nation’s whole culture, molding the and bordering on the prosperous Taihu values of every Chinese. He is famous Lake region, it had within 100 years throughout the world, as is the place of flourished as the biggest commercial, his birth. The man is Confucius (551-479 cultural and shipping center, and one of BC) and the city is Qufu. a handful of truly cosmopolitan cities in The descendants of Confucius lived the Far East.

Hangzhou – Home of the West Lake and the Grand Canal

January / February 2012


Lhasa: Place of the Buddha

January / February 2012


Nanjing: Romance on the Banks of the Qinhuai River

As a newly emerging city with an enormous migrant population, Shanghai was known to be the “adventurers’ paradise”. Back in the early 20th century, people were seen all over Shanghai coming in search of opportunities for fortune, promotion and even romance. Migrants came from all points on the compass; some were merchants from Jiangsu and Zhejigang, some were warlords from northeast China, still others Jews from Europe, British merchants, American speculators, officials from various foreign concessions- all making their contributions to the story of Shanghai and forming some part of the city’s legend.

Today’s Shanghai is like a prism through which everything can be viewed – the old and the new, the historical and the contemporary, former trends and modern fashions. Everyone who comes here will find something to enjoy or appreciate in this famous cosmopolitan city.

went on to become the focal point where gifted scholars would gather, giving rise to a stimulating community of drinking establishments and tea houses. Thriving Dashiba Street on the opposite bank resonated to the sweet sounds of singers and the hum of romance between talented academics and beautiful ladies.

Nanjing: Romance on the Banks of Traces of this past can still be detected the Qinhuai River Qinhuai River is a tributary of the Yangtze. It runs through Nanjing, formerly the capital of 10 dynasties, and brought to the city a thousand years of prosperity. Built on the north bank of the river, Jiangnan Imperial Examination Center

here today along the river banks. A tour of Jiangnan Imperial Examination Center still recaptures a centuries-old atmosphere of eager anticipation among Chinese intellectuals driven by the prospect of a career in the imperial civil service.

Qufu: Hometown of Confucius

Shanghai:History of a Cosmopolitan City

Luoyang: In the hinterland of China Named after its location on the north bank of the Luohe River, Luoyang spans the middle reaches of the Yellow River, into which the Luohe River dumps. An important cradle and vital component of ancient Chinese civilization, Luoyang was the capital of 10 dynasties. A legacy of Buddhism dating back to the time of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220) fills this city with the glow of Buddha’s radiance. In 67 AD, two eminent monks from India were invited to Luoyang bearing Buddhist scriptures and a figure of the Buddha on a white horse. The White Horse Temple was built the following year, for the two monks to translate these scriptures and disseminate the Buddha’s doctrine. The first Buddhist temple built by the Chinese government, it continued to flourish and was regarded as the wellspring of Chinese Buddhism.

Luoyang: In the hinterland of China

January / February 2012


Within three months of becoming Prime Minister, David Cameron arrived in Ankara. When asked “Why Turkey?” and “Why so soon?” He said: because Turkey is vital for our economy, vital for our security and vital for our politics and our diplomacy. William Hague, Foreign Secretary, UK

by Melih Rüştü Çalıkoğlu info@intersociety.net

Here in Turkey, we have been told that our countries’ geopolitical position and strategical importance is of outmost importance, not only for us, but also for the whole world. It is not a false assertion, and anybody who bothers to take a look at the world map should easily notice that it is real. You must be wondering if this is going to be an article of international politics, which would be quite irrelevant for such a magazine that is trying to establish links between people, cultures and societies. This attempt is another try at fostering the concept of multiculturalism across the human population, to establish peace across the regions and the earth. The European Union -that you may call as a project of its own- is leading in that field by far, considering its complexity and its size, not only by the countries that are involved, but also with its budget. Each year, the EU is spending more than 1 billion Euros only in the field of Lifelong Learning Area. Lifelong Learning is a huge program in the education and training area, which aims to combat racism and xenophobia, as well as fostering multiculturalism. This means, the state structures are in need of fostering those values and making the societies believe them.

So what is the deal here? The quotation above was taken from the words of a top level state officer of the United Kingdom, talking about the necessity to establish closer relations with Turkey as a new emerging power, and the statement is based solely on logic and necessities. It is hard to antagonize with them. So, as the citizens of those two different countries and as the members of those two different cultures, we should be happy that the evil state structures, which are only interested in their sole material interests, have finally realized that those two different spheres have to get closer. We, people, generally claim the responsibility of separation of

the people to the evil political agendas of the states, as if the societies do not have their own group of behaviors. But is it really that way? Aren’t there some sociological factors that make people distant from each other? As a strong advocate of multiculturalism, I have to admit, that the problem is more complicated than the simple statement of accusing the states for hatred and separatism. In reality, the advocates of multiculturalism are mostly limited to some intellectual elites, some civil servants and some liberal or socialist politicians. Societies are entities that

have their own dreams and nightmares of their own, that display the group dynamics and psychology. I have been aware of this harsh fact for quite some time. But I was alarmed again when I read Mr. Hague’s article in www.telegraph.co.uk published on 22th of November. As I mentioned above, he was underlining the importance of getting closer with Turkey as the supreme officer of the British Foreign Relations office. The problem was not with the article, but the comments of the ordinary British citizens posted deep under the page.

January / February 2012


Thanks to the Internet, we now know what ordinary people think about “things”. Although it may be argued that those comments are a weak indication of the general public thought in sociological terms, still it is better than nothing. Let’s introduce you with some of the examples within 298 comments posted. Are we at the Gates of Vienna again? How many more mosques will be built? Once more unto the breach, dear friends. 24/11/2011, 10:33 AM. Says perchancetodream, in his friendly comment, alarming the population about the dangers of a long gone nightmare, not historically, nor geographically related to his country. It’s all a bit like the Swiss playwright Max Frisch’s play “Biedermann and the Fireraisers”, in which Herr Biedermann (the decent, bourgeois everyman) invites the fire-raisers into his home and stands by while they set fire to it.

Some thought that Frisch was alluding to the Germans inviting Hitler into power, but the tale could apply today with Hague bending over backwards to get Turkey into the EU. 23/11/2011, 03:03 PM.

the same individuals. That means it is the id not the super ego that defines the behaviors of the societies. And those are based on basic natural needs of protection from the “other” and survival.

It is hard to make the super ego take the Says wilson, referring to the most driving seat even for us as individuals, notorious enemy of the Kingdom, which and it is much more difficult for the groups to make it work. So, the people is obviously not the Muslim Turks. who believe there is a place for every There are rare comments to be honest that one of us on this earth, have to be aware understand the logical and rationalistic of the challenges they face, just to be approach of the government of the UK. sure that things don’t go the wrong way. Still the comments section is pouring out racism, xenophobia, discrimination and all the negative attitudes that a modern gentleman is not expected to wear on. So, for the ordinary person from any country or any culture of the world who believes in multiculturalism, we have to be aware of the socio-psychological nature in us, the human race. Conscience is a characteristic of the super ego of a single person, a characteristic hard to see in the human communities build by

“ We, people, generally claim the responsibility of separation of the people to the evil political agendas of the states, as if the societies do not have their own group of behaviors. But is it really that way? Aren’t there some sociological factors that make people distant from each other? “

January / February 2012


Corporate cultures through the eyes of

a young professional‌

Ahmet graduated as a young engineer at the age of 22. Due to having completed his higher education with good grades from one of the most prestigious universities in Turkey, he did not have any difficulty in finding a job at all. Even he had the right of choice, between one multi-national and two large Turkish companies. He preferred one of the Turkish companies connected to a big holding where he thought that he could perform his profession and rapidly climb up the steps of his career. As a matter of fact, the multinational company remained in part of his mind; however, he acted under the guidance of his cousin who was coaching him for a while.

by Selim Öztürk info@intersociety.net

The promotion of Ahmet from the Turkish company takes place as he expected. The performance periods when he failed to acquire promotion constitute exemption. He is now a star glittering among the employees’ profile that might be considered as old hands. Mr. Mehmet, the General Manager closely deals with Ahmet, and this situation extremely facilitates the function of Ahmet. Otherwise, the job of Ahmet is very difficult. The average seniority is more or less 15 years and ability for a post – certain level promotion is as difficult as manually boring a marble plate. Consideration of a young engineer within such a harsh environment and daringly verbalizing his comments and accomplishment of the projects entrusted by his general manager to himself have been taking place barely in the power of Mr. Mehmet. In the foundation of this entirely bulky and power–based organization, there is a rigid hierarchical structure. The most interesting event he has experienced has been the fact that Mr. Oktay and Mr. Sezgin, being 2 schoolmates who were employed by the company on the same day and used to be very good friends have not been talking to each other followed by the position of Mr. Sezgin who was promoted to Assistant General Manager 17 years later. Furthermore, Oktay and Sezgin address each other as Mr. Even in social environments. He asks this situation to Oktay, and the response is: “company culture.” Despite such a completely distorted structure, the company is very strong in its sector. Most importantly, corporate strategies are being locally produced, thus, quick decisions have been likely to be taken. As long as the planning phases are finalized, operation of

the project is being executed in an accurate and efficient manner. Although the planning phase has constituted intensive struggling stages, even if it would take a longer time, the projects have been executed efficiently under the arbitration of Mr. Murat and it materializes. Introduction of a new product, making it an innovation did not become difficult for Mr. Ahmet at all. There is not a broad structure or tens of strangers with whom whether or not a new product logo has fitted to our institutional standards. Once having been supported by a professional who has solved in-company power fights, Mr. Mehmet, who could be faster in having the prototype of the product within the period of time, foreign competitors could prepare solely the presentation of a similar product. What else a young engineer could ask for? Ahmet’s first project has been very successful; however, he could not either remain to be the eponym of the product of which he has suffered hardship, nor can he appear before the journalists. Asst. General Manager Mr. Sezgin, responsible for sale launches of the product to be opinion of his own team, moreover, he does not mention Ahment’s name during such press conference either. Not important at all since Mr. Mehmet knows that Project and also its paternity name belongs to Ahmet. These beautiful days are exposed to an interruption with surprise news at the end of the 4th Year. Mr. Mehmet decides to leave his function of General Directorship. This event constitutes a collapse for Mr. Ahmet. He knows that all would be very distinctive after Mr. Mehmet’s departure. Having prepared no CV up to that day, Ahmet quickly begins looking for a vacant job. He reaches at the head hunter firm that has ran after him only

2 months ago and tells them that he wants to send his CV. Arrival of offers do not take long and with a radical decision that would change his business life, Ahmet takes a decision to hold a position at a multi-national company. The office of the new company is at the 17th floor of a super plaza. First, cultural shock is lived here. Once one of the girls found at the reception desk addresses Ahmet by “thou”, he undergoes a shock. How come an ordinary receptionist could ever say “thou” to an executive who has started working at a position directly connected to the general manager? What he would experience not long after this would not only deepen such shock but also internalize it. Ahmet is introduced by the General Manager to other employees found at the floor. It is weird that almost everybody addresses the General Manager with his first name. Where is Mr. Mehmet, where is this general manager? Isn’t this behavior a cause for being discharged from his former company? He says to himself silently that here is a different place. The majority of the staff not wearing a necktie has been another element that drew his attention. They show him the place where he would sit, an office not being distinctive at all. 10 minutes later, the event which would cause to say “no, this is too much” is experienced. It may sound like a joke, but the General Manager does not have a room belonging to him. These weird situations started to be minutely liked by him. The second day, he comes to office in a sports outfit. He understands that the man who had interviewed him during his admission to the job is in fact one of the two bosses. He has perceived what matrix organization means through performance. Ahmet is told

January / February 2012


to prepare for an abroad training plan for company adaptation period. He selects some of the training programs found in the training catalogue of the company and gets his reservations right away. Like a dream, all plans have been accomplished in the direction of the recognized rights without going to anyone for approval. Another interesting development is the absence of a fixed table pertaining to him. Now, these events have already begun to normalize. It is not very strange at all for Ahmet not having his own table where the general manager does not have a special room belonging to him either. Administrative affairs manager talks about the principles of “working from home” to Ahmet. The philosophy lying behind the mobile table concept is to descry the employees in front of the customer as many times as possible, minimize number of internal meetings, eliminate such requirement via teleconferences when seriously necessary and in addition to all these, to reduce the office costs.

He has perceived the greatest difference between his former company much better as time elapsed. In fact, this is a sale marketing company. All strategies are being determined globally and the head office expects from the local office solely to make sales and render post - sale service to the products and services it has sold. Basically, the function of marketing is the management of finance, HR and all other functions from the head office and even it is the final target to leave employees, if possible other than those from sale and marketing to the foreign source usage. Understanding this situation completely has taken Ahmet 6 months. While the distinctions confronted during the initial 6 months happened to be more affirmative, he has begun understanding the difficulties of this structure. New opinions and project producing, being mostly performed by him at his former workplace is the work not attempted by anybody from the new firm. It is impossible for any local office in its discretion to make a tiny change in

the system established. Ah, these ‘regional directors’ even acting without acquisition of approval from them is dangerous ...Implement the strategy that came to you from the head office and you do not think of the rest, in Turkish saying “do not make any innovation.” Global crisis taking place even prior to completion of his first year profoundly affects also the firm Ahmet works for. Again, a global decision has been made and 10% of total labor force or company will be discharged. Lottery hits Ahmet and his employment contract is terminated upon payment of compensation equal to his 12 - month salary amount. During his dismissal interview, the interpretation of the General Manager was very interesting, “you are really a star candidate; however, our company will no longer make investment to the work branch where you have been working”. Two different work experiences have passed before Ahmet’s eyes and he says to himself “Two distinct cultures, I wonder if there isn’t an intermediate hereof ?”

The average seniority is more or less 15 years and ability for a post – certain level promotion is as difficult as manually boring a marble plate.

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Sport by Murat SertoÄ&#x;lu murat.sertoglu@intersociety.net

WHY SHOULD WE EXERCISE? Being healthy does not mean merely not to be sick. Being healthy means having a high level of form and fitness, both physiologically and psycho-sociologically. In order to be able to be fit, our body needs to move, and we may meet this need through regular exercise. Unfortunately though, due to our busy working schedule, most of us cannot spare time for exercise. Considering the benefits that exercise brings to our health, we can see that allocating 1 hour a day for exercise is not too much. We need to motivate ourselves in order to exercise and maintain a routine. For instance, going for a walk with friends or joining Pilates or spinning classes can facilitate our motivation. When you eventually realize the positive physical and psychological effects of exercise, it will become much more enjoyable.

THE IMPORTANCE AND BENEFITS WE CAN OBTAIN FROM DOING REGULAR EXCERCISE 1.Doing regular exercise increases the capacities of the circulatory and respiratory systems (cardiovascular endurance). The endurance of the circulatory and respiratory systems means the increased capacity for supporting the activities of large muscle groups for a longer time. The aerobic exercise we hear about frequently means “the exercise made with oxygen and with a moderate loading for a long period”. Our heart is made of muscle and, like all other muscles; it is possible to increase its size and strength. As a result of the exercise we do, our heart becomes stronger and works more efficiently. And since it can pump a greater amount of blood at each time it contracts, the number of the beatings in a minute decreases and more oxygen is carried to the muscles. As a result, fatigue felt at the end of a strenuous physical activity emerges much later and the recovery after the fatigue takes place much earlier. 2.Exercise increases the muscle strength and endurance. Since it increases the endurance of the muscles, we can work out more intensely for a longer period. It also increases the bone density, thus making the bones stronger. 3.It increases the flexibility of the body. By providing a good skeletal mobility, it highly increases the resistance to the muscle injuries and aches. 4.Exercise brings the body composition to an ideal point. It helps losing weight and, depending on the genetic body shape of the person, brings the body to its ideal form. It is useful in relieving many kinds of headaches. It is helpful in curing backaches. It is helpful in quitting the habit of smoking. It induces easier and better sleeping. It increases the capacity for oxygen intake. It lowers the heart rate during rest. It improves balance and coordination. It lowers the expenditures on health. It positively affects mental health. It helps overcoming stress more easily and effectively. It increases self-confidence. It increases labor productivity. It increases our energy level and thus helps in meeting the requirements of daily life. It serves as an ideal means for socializing. It increases the quality of life.

January / February 2012


by Hasan Mahir info@intersocity.net

Snow falls in flakes from the eyes of the sky on the hearth of the earth. The night has been slightly extending. Colorful dreams of children get mixed with tales of grandmothers. The snowmen cut in the shadows. The coal stoves bitterly blow out the smoke at poor districts. Street lamps of the villages fragmentarily glowing far beyond the misty windshields of the vehicle flicker. The snow turns into a poem with the pen of the poet...

January / February 2012


Once it was said “Tea and basic necessities break”, I woke up from my snowy dreams. As soon as the door of the vehicle was opened, the snow, the head hero of my romantic dreams suddenly blew by all its ice – cold reality against my face. We took ourselves into the tea section of a facility in a snap. We had traveled quite a bit of the way and the clock on the wall in the tea shop was showing time that had already pass midnight.

loudly “I have buttermilk. Let’s give it to the driver, if you like, maybe his sleepiness disappears” we broke off. This became our source of humor throughout the tour.

Our route was Kayseri - Erciyes. When we asked “Captain, How many kilometers more do we have to travel to arrive at Kayseri?” the waiter who was lost in the mist of tea glasses he was carrying replied “You arrive there prior to the morning prayers”.

When we arrived at Kayseri, the sun was shining as if the messenger of a fine day. Following a soup, we went to the bazaar where the Turkish sausage and bacon are abundant. We bought sausage and bread in great amounts. Then, we hit the road to Erciyes.

We hit the road after having drunk tea. Driver was sleepless. Stubbornly he wanted to keep on driving the bus. From time to time, his eyes were closing. We could not sleep due to fear. We began singing in the décor of the route and the night.

We left Kayseri behind, resembling a black historical postcard with its castle, mosques, and madras’s at the city plaza. The vineyard houses on the way to Erciyes looked like a cool port on the foot of Mount Erciyes for those who want to escape from the heat of summer season. Not known if it was caused by the curves and the slope of the road, or our cargo weight, or the vehicle not being used to clean air, the engine temperature of our vehicle rose. Yet, we were on

As you guessed, we did not sleep to keep the driver awake. Meanwhile, one of the friends who barely must have felt extremely sleepy said

When it began to dawn, Erciyes mountain became visible in distance. It looked like a small hill in remote. As we approached, Erciyes was growing. We were becoming smaller as Erciyes grew.

one half of our path. Our 15 – person group was divided in two groups. First, one half was carried by the vehicle. We considered this opportunity to be a prize on the way to Erciyes and picked up our cameras and began walking on the roadside. Kayseri seemed somewhat more beautiful with a view of bird’s eye. The snow and natural landscape even increased our desire to take pictures. Until the vehicle that carried the others returned to pick us up, we had the pleasure of the scenery alongside the route. Once our vehicle returned, we gathered those in the other group who had spread alongside the road and arrived at the place where the ski facilities are situated. Surroundings consisted of hotels, pensions, cafes and a ski runway that looked like a feast place. We also joined the enthusiasm of the crowd who was composed of women, men, young, aged and children who were living the pleasure of entertainment.

The first thing we did was rent a ski set. Here you can use your own ski set or rent the ski supplies at cost on a daily, hourly basis. All around, here are master skiers and beginners as well. There are those who come on a daily basis like us and those who stay at hotels too. It is possible to see also the alpinists nearby. The most difficult part of skiing is wearing boots if this is your first time. Upon having worn them, getting used to wearing them requires quite a bit of skill. Ski shoes are a must for avoidance of twisting or straining the ankles in case of a fall. We went to the site where new comers were found after wearing skies and boots. Almost all around us were the beginners. Laughing has become an ordinary reaction in case of falling because almost everybody around you falls down. The first thing in skiing has been learning the fall and stopping.

In time, we got used to skiing to which we timidly began. Adjacent to our runway- the new comers- the runway for the masters is situated. According to the information we received, the ski area at the skiing center at Erciyes serves on an approximately 1800 - 3000 square meter area. The total length of the ski runways extends to 12 kilometers. The longest runway is 3.5 kilometers, of course for those who know this sport. The length we slipped on does not exceed two hundred meters. The frequenters of this sport climb up the summit of the runway by cableway and they surrender to the white dreams of Erciyes. As for us, we are struggling to ski by falling and standing up. From time to time, we watch their acrobatic movements in remote with envy. Those who are in the vicinity and cannot use the sledges make ski by smaller sledges. The

show-off of those who join sightseeing by snow cars is worth for watching. It is also possible to go by horseback and make a horse ride in the snow. We are not even aware how fast the time elapses among cries of joy and intermittent levities. Once we pulled off our feet from our ski boots, we were feeling that our feet had become lighter and our stomachs were grumbling due to hunger. We made a barbecue on the snow. The pleasure of barbecue happens only at Erciyes because you can find the best snow, barbecue and sausage only at Erciyes. Following the pleasure of snow, ski and barbecue, we set off the path back to Kayseri. One more day out of our lives melts and interfuses with the snow waters from Erciyes.

Erciyes Ski Center Runways The skiing area at Erciyes ski center varies between 1800 - 3000 meters in length. The total length of skiing runways at the ski center of Erciyes extends to 12 kilometers. The longest runway from Erciyes ski center is 3.5 kilometers. There are eight mechanical lifts from Erciyes. Three of the lifts are operated by a Baby-lift, three by Tele-ski and two by Emerald and the most preferred is tele-siege. The first tele-siege found at Erciyes ski center is 1500 meters in length and starts at an altitude of 2225 meters and ends at an altitude of 2550 meters. The second tele-siege mostly for the professional skiers takes the skiers from an elevation of

2550 up to an elevation of 3000 meters. This tele-siege from Erciyes ski center is the longest chair-type lift found in Turkey.

Snow Season It is possible for skiing from November to March at Erciyes ski center. Under normal winter conditions, there is two – meter thick snow and it is possible to make ski on powder snow.

Health There is a health center at Erciyes that offers 7/24 service for health problems that might be confronted by the skiers throughout the season.

How to Get There Erciyes is reached via Kayseri. The minibuses departing from Talas stop from the city center makes this 24 – km road within 30 minutes. It is possible to go to Kayseri by air and by road. You can climb Erciyes by car directly from the Airport. It is possible to reach Kayseri by road from Ankara, Adana, Gaziantep and Sivas.

Lodging Hotels are available. Reservation is recommended to be made prior to arrival.

Bülent Hotel

Address : Erciyes Dağı, Erciyes - Kayseri Phone : 0 352 342 20 12 - 0 352 342 20 13 Fax : 0 352 342 20 14 Web Site : www.bulenthotel.com E-Posta : bulenthotel@hotmail.com

Grand Arslan Hotel

Address : Osman Kavuncu Cad. Bozatlı Sok. No:4 Düvenönü Phone : 0352 330 46 10

Ace Erciyes Hotel

Address : Develi Yolu 25.Km Erciyes Dağı Erciyes - Kayseri Phone: 0352 342 20 53 Web Site : www.aceerciyesotel.com E-Mail : info@aceerciyesotel.com

Dedeman Erciyes Hotel

Address : Tekir Yaylası Erciyes Dağı Erciyes - Kayseri Phone: 0352 342 21 16 Web Sitesi : www.dedemanhotels.com E-Mail : dedemanerciyes@yahoo.com.tr

by Murat Birtane info@intersociety.net

Internet users can be roughly classified into two groups: the users having access to the Internetusing computers included in company networks, and the ones who use computers in their homes. This article addresses how personal users -who are the bosses of their personal computers- and unlike corporate users, do not have the chance to have security or protection support from the system administrators, can improve the security of their computers by themselves.

Millions of individuals connecting to the Internet via personal computers in their homes have begun to use this technology for fun, research, education, cheaper communication, shopping, etc. The rate of carrying out financial transactions has greatly increased due to the easiness it has brought along. As the value of the information we save in our computers and the need for confidentiality of the information we have increases, the importance of having awareness and being careful about computer security also increases for individuals. Operating systems are the program clusters that serve as a bridge between the software running in computers and its hardware, and prepare the required environment for the computer to run. Like all the other programs in a computer, the programs used for security also run in the operating system. Thus, in order for the security precautions to be effective, having a secured operating system is vitally important. The first step in improving the security of your computer is securing the operating system. Today, most of the computer users are aware of the damages or potential risks computer viruses and malevolent web sites can cause. And most of them also know that viruses are dangerous programs, that harmful programs and applications can be uploaded to their computers through the Internet, and that their computers can be distantly controlled by means of these programs and applications by other people. But many of the users think that providing protection

against this kind of threat is the job of experts, and prefer setting up the operating system again with frequent intervals. In fact, a few simple steps to be taken in order to be able to continue working in the Internet in a protected way are sufficient enough to eliminate many of the threats and risks. The first step to be taken for security is to keep the patches of your operating system updated. After the operating systems are opened for use, the flaws and security gaps detected by the producing company or independent researchers are closed by means of the patches issued with certain intervals depending in the level of their criticality. In order to be able to close these gaps, the user should follow these patches and apply the relevant ones to their operating system. There is a service package for Microsoft Operating Systems, which is used by the majority of home users, and a number of web sites to help home users in following up the patches. Besides, when the ‘auto update’ feature that comes with Windows is activated, your computer automatically checks whether new patches have been issued whenever you are connected to the Internet and downloads and sets up these patches to your computer. Thus, keeping your computer updated continuously. Since it spontaneously detects and applies all new patches, auto update provides a great convenience. In order to carry out this procedure manually, you can use the “Windows Update” / “Microsoft Update” shortcuts under the Start Menu.

If you use a multi-user operating system, the passwords allocated for the users should not be too easy. Since dictionary words, first names, last names, birthdates, birthplaces, and children’s names are frequently selected because they are easy to remember, they are very easy to guess for other people. If you have selected a dictionary word as your password, a program carrying out a dictionary attack can find out such a password in a few seconds. Even if you use such a word since you are afraid of forgetting your password, you can increase the power of your password by adding a digit or a punctuation mark at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word or making an uppercase/lowercase letter diversification.

January / February 2012


Using characters specific to Turkish in your passwords can also provide an additional security against the programs carrying out dictionary attack. For instance, using “Niğ51de”, rather than “nigde”, as your password, can considerably increase your password security. It is to your benefit to use this password policy not only for entering into your computer, but also for the e-mail services and memberships you are using. The second step to take for providing basic security is effectively using an antivirus program in your computer. Antivirus programs aim to protect your computer against viruses, worms and harmful software such as Trojan horse programs. One of the misconceptions of the users about antivirus programs is the thought that an antivirus program, once set up, continuously will protect the computer against viruses. Antivirus programs recognize viruses not because they are viruses but because they have been introduced

to them. In other words, they can differentiate any virus and can start the relevant mechanisms only if they can detect it in their database. Thus, and since a number of viruses emerge on a daily basis; keeping the virus identification files up-todate is a must in order to have protection against the latest viruses. As a result of the adjustments you will make, most of the antivirus programs will perform these updates automatically when you are connected to the Internet. Before beginning to perform critical procedures on the Internet, you must be sure that you have an antivirus program in your computer and that it is being actively used. The third step you may take is setting up a personal security wall and activating it. But since managing security walls is something that requires much more technical details as oppose to keeping the computer patches up-to-date and an effective use of antivirus programs, you may not prefer using it. However, at least users

of Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 can easily activate the personal security wall that comes with their operating system. Besides the basic security procedures mentioned above, it is also important for individual users to make their operations on the Internet in a secured way. Opening e-mails coming from people you do not know and downloading and running the programs attached to them are the most common ways for backdoors or viruses to contaminate your computer. As long as you are careful about such e-mails, your level of security will be much higher. Similarly, avoiding entering into unknown or doubtful web sites and denying downloading or running the mobile programs such as ActiveX or Java Applet, which come from these sites, will protect you from a number of existing risks. A small amount of time you will spare for taking these simple security precautions will greatly improve your computer’s security and will protect your privacy.

add to your own recipes

1 kg minced meat 2 onions 4 cloves of garlic 1 bunch of parsley 2 eggs 4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs 3 teaspoons of cumin 2 teaspoons of black pepper 4 teaspoons of meatball spice 1 soupspoons of sumac For sauce: 4 cups yogurt 4 cloves of garlic 3 soupspoons of sumac ½ bunch of parsley

Add minced meat into a deep bowl. Chop onion, parsley, and garlic into small pieces and add to the minced meat. Add spices and egg and knead – the more the merry since this is the secret behind the taste. Add breadcrumbs when wished consistency has been reached. Shape the meatballs into finger long size and fry them in approximately 2 cm of oil. Put the meatballs on grease absorbing paper when cooked. Sauce: Add garlic to the yogurt and decorate with parsley and sumac when serving. Sumac / sumach is an ancient spice that traces its etymology from Old French sumac (13th century), from Medieval Latin sumach, from Arabic summaq meaning “red.” It has a penetrating taste of lemon which is suitable for salads, meat or as garnish on meze dishes such as hummus.

It has a positive effect on fever, diarrhea and even diabetes. It eases with digestion. Serves as antiseptic. Daily consumption can have positive effects on sensitive stomachs and bowel systems. Consumption: Let 100 gr of sumac brew in 1 L boiling hot water for 10 minutes. Drink 3 glasses a day or use as antiseptic mouthwash. WARNING: not recommended for people with high blood pressure

In the Eastern part of Turkey, they make a special sauce termed “sumak ekşisi,” (Indian lemonade). This sauce is made by soaking the drupes in cool water, rubbing them to extract the essence, straining the liquid through a cotton cloth and sweetening it. Some prefer to drink it plain (very very sour), some prefer to add it to salad as vinegar or in soups to add a lemony taste. Beside its taste of lemon, Sumac has a lot of great benefits for our health that have been known for centuries primary in Islamic cultures. January / February 2012


by Bogdan Sergheychuk info@intersociety.net

Dr. Bogdan Sergiyçuk (The First Secretary in the Ukrainian Embassy to Ankara) February 3, 2012 is the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Turkey. In these past 20 years, many important events were experienced and serious works have been carried out between the two countries. Approximately 100 agreements on various cooperation areas and issues have been signed and the relations between the two countries have been raised to the “strategic relations” dimension. The volume of trade between the two countries is also about to catch the figure before the economic crises, which is of 8 billion dollars. Besides, it was agreed in the Ukraine-Turkey HighLevel Strategic Council, which was held on December 22 within the framework of the official visit by Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovych to Ankara 2011, and co-chaired by the Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to carry out the works required to increase the volume of trade between the two countries to 20 billion dollars in the first step and to 40 billion dollars by the year 2020. The cooperation between the two countries in many strategic fields, such as energy, transportation, defense and aeronautics industries, military, science and technology, is already developing rapidly. In parallel with their cooperation in these strategic fields, the close approaches and ideas of Ukraine and Turkey on international issues allow the two countries to support and help each other in various international initiatives. Developing and maintaining peace and stability in the Black Sea Region is considered to be an important responsibility by Turkey and Ukraine, which are the two countries with the longest coastline to the Black Sea. This is a genuine

strategic partnership between the two countries and the most important factor of this is the high level of reciprocal trust and understanding reached between Ukraine and Turkey. After a long period of stagnancy between the relations of the two countries, the works to revive the relations began in 1989. When Ukraine declared independence on December 1 1991, Turkey became one of the first countries recognizing our state. Soon after that, diplomatic relations were established on February 3 1992 and the Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation was signed between the two countries on May 4 1992.

The relation between the two countries does not consist of merely the last twenty years. They began many centuries ago. In fact, the reasons why the relations have developed so rapidly in the last twenty years should be sought in this fact. In this context, I would like to briefly mention the historical aspect of the process of relations between the two countries. When we look at the history, we see that in spite of all the events experienced, reciprocal relations have never ceased and always continued in cultural, commercial or personal dimensions.

The territories of the Kyiv-centered Russian State, which was the predecessor of today’s Ukraine and which lost its independence as a result of the Mongol invasion in 1240, came under the rule of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russia and Jamoitia), and following the unification of this state with the Kingdom of Poland, under the Rech Pospolita (Republic). After the conquest of Istanbul in 1453, the Ottoman State aiming the establishment of Pax Ottomana (“the Ottoman Peace”) and Rech Pospolita State conflicted in the 15th century over today’s Moldovan territories (the Ottoman “Boğdan Province” of the time). In that period, the Cossack Groups in the Zaporozhia region of Ukraine embarked upon the efforts for establishing a state. In 1553, Dmitro Vishnevetskiy, the Lithuanian Duke at the head of this movement, visited Istanbul in order to have official negotiations, and thus the first Turkish-Ukrainian contact which can be referred as “interstate relation” took place. However, Ukrainian Cossacks continued to be a part of the allies against the Ottoman Empire until 1648. After Bohdan Khmelnytsky became the ruler of the Cossacks, this situation completely changed. The leader of the Cossacks, who led the uprising against Poland, established an ally

with the Crimean Khan and sent Filon Celaliy to Istanbul as an envoy in June 1648. During the Battle of Cecora in 1620, Bohdan Khmelnytsky was captured by the Ottoman forces and served for a couple of years as a prisoner of war of the Ottoman Kapudan Pasha, during which he learned Turkish very well. During these years he spent in Istanbul, he came to the thought that establishing an ally with the Ottoman Empire would be beneficial for Ukraine. Thus, he, together with Istanbul, Warsaw and Moscow, began to play an active role in the political developments in Ukraine. Based on the copy of the agreement text in Latin, which survived until today, it is thought that a text of agreement was approved in Istanbul and sent to Ukraine to be signed. During the reign of Mehmed IV, the Ukrainian Cossack State twice came under the protection of the Ottoman Empires. After that, the reciprocal relations between the two countries witnessed many bright events, and in modern times, the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey always supported the Independence Movements in Ukraine. In 1914, the Ottoman Empire recognized the right of the Ukrainian People to establish their own state and this recognition was recorded to be the first international recognition of the

Ukrainian National Movement in recent history. The Turkish Delegation maintained the same positive attitude towards Ukraine during the negotiations for the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty, and consequently the agreement for recognition of Ukraine People’s Republic was signed on February 9 1918. The agreement was put into practice soon by both parties, and reciprocal ambassadors were appointed to Istanbul and Kyiv. Though the geopolitical developments of the time produced negative conditions for both states, just after that period strong relations were built between the Soviet State of Ukraine and the Turkish Independence Movement. The Ukrainian Delegation chaired by Mikhail Frunze, which visited Ankara in December 1921, signed an Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation, thus presented its moral and material support for the Turkish Independence War and leaving a nice memory to be recorded in the recent history of Turkey. We, the present people of Ukraine, as the inheritors of the abovementioned historical states and national movements, are working ambitiously in order to maintain the warm relation experienced between Turkey and Ukraine in the past, and based on this foundation, to even strengthen them in the future.

January / February 2012



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January / February 2012


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