IIS Rainbow Magazine Issue #4

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ISSN 1309-5986

Sponsor of Beverages of IIS-Turkish Airlines International Football League

DITORIAL A lovely and colorful rainbow appears only when both the elements of sunshine and rainfall are present, forming as the sun passes through the raindrops during a rain-shower. “IIS’ Rainbow” magazine would like to be the sunlight forming a colorful, glamorous rainbow thanks to its members and non-member writers, columnists, the inexhaustible publishing team and readers.

Issue. 4 January/February 2011 Owner on behalf of International Interaction Society Mesut Gümüşdoğrayan Editor in Chief A. Murat Fatsa Editor Yuzbeny Altunay Associate Editors Emel Arslan Deniz Nuh Kaya Sefa Denizoğlu Creative & Art Director Zelkif Çavuş Kandemir Designer Timuçun İpek Translations Mesut Temiz Public Relations Sefa Denizoğlu Production 0.312 442 75 10

Printing Dumat Ofset Matbaacılık San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. 0.312 278 82 20

A. Murat FATSA Publishing Manager and Editor in Chief murat.fatsa@intersociety.net

IIS’ Rainbow is willing to make efforts for mutual understanding not only among people, but also cultures. In the new issue, you can read about cross cultural and intercultural issues, as well as Turkish culture, traditions, arts, and people. Moreover, you can find vital information about health and care. IIS’ Rainbow gives great importance to multinationalism as well as multiculturalism. IIS’ Rainbow writers, columnists and publishing team members are not only Turkish, but also from different countries and cultures. They reflect their own ideas, cultures and backgrounds along with their experiences in Turkey as foreigners. IIS’ Rainbow begins a new journey from our homes, souls to the other cultures, giving a chance to re-understand ourselves through its multinational and multicultural content. You can read and learn about one touristic city from another country as well as one from Turkey, delicious Turkish and international cuisine and a warm interview with a diplomat living in Ankara. As the new year blossoms, may the journey of your life be fragrant with new opportunities, your days be bright with new hopes and your heart be happy with love! Happy New Year!


IIS Rainbow Uğur Mumcunun Sokağı No: 44/1 G.O.P. / Çankaya - ANKARA P. 0 312 436 10 86 • F. 0 312 436 10 98 www.intersociety.net rainbow@intersociety.net

The role of the International Interaction Society (IIS) is to bring together the similarities, and most importantly, the differences that the different cultures residing in Ankara have to offer. IIS being composed of Turkish individuals and foreigners hopes to expand the cultural relations among the different individuals that share a common ground, and that is, residing in Turkey. IIS’ vision is to share the cultural richness that individuals from different countries can bring into Turkey. While at the same time, share with these foreigners the rich culture that Turkey is composed of. The purpose of IIS is to bring together cultures utilizing a foundation of peace, love, mutual understanding, and collaboration. It is the intent to share and learn from each other, despite our differences in beliefs, opinions, and ideas. IIS understands that individuals are all different, coming from different backgrounds, speaking different languages, and having different beliefs. However, as the title of IIS implies, the purpose is to interact with the different nationalities that for whatever the reason may be, are now living and experiencing life in Turkey. Through means of field trips, gatherings, social projects, Rainbow magazine, and the soccer league, IIS hopes to expand the interaction among foreigners and Turks. It is with hopes that the interaction becomes fruitful and positive allowing for the sharing of culture and friendships. IIS has been successful with its ‘IIS Turkish Airlines International Football League,’ as many countries have participated in the league, not only sharing their cultural backgrounds, but also a big similarity among them, and that is: the passion for soccer. IIS hopes for the cultural relations to continue to thrive among individuals of different nationalities and Turkish people. The coming year is forecasted to be filled with different activities organized by IIS where foreigners and Turks can gather, allowing them the opportunity to share among them their own cultural richness. With a warm welcome, we ask you to join us and help extend the relationship between your country and Turkey.

Yuzbeny Escobar-Altunay Editor yuzbeny.altunay@intersociety.net


Quick Trip to






Osman Hamdi Bey


Smart Power s, Smart A


The NATO 20 lliance: 10 Summit The old Ankara- Altındağ


Mark Bailey

s, to Şeb-i Aruay ip Tr a y n o K S D II emoration Rumi Comm

4 3 0 3


Holiday Season:

35-42 in ard M -49 46



first half


Christmas and New Year’s

Airlines The IIS-Turkish ’s otball League Fo l na Internatio

“Is the place where cultures dance in unity”

projects in Finland




Share My Bread and Salt

Japan Year 2010 in Turkey

56 5 5

IIS attends training course for

The City Where The Rulers Became Servants


3 5










66-69 70-71




14th International

Ankara Jazz Festival Program Announced



by Nuh Kaya n.kaya@intersociety.net


IIS SUPPORTS AUTISTIC KIDS in YUSUF KARAMAN OÇEM Center. The main objectives of the project were to provide sufficient support and enable relevant necessities to the Center such as: furnishing and equipping the gym, music room, art room, computer room, and daily skills room. Without people in our community willing to donate, it is difficult for IIS to achieve its goals and help these children.


tate Minister H. E. Selma Aliye Kavaf, attended the inaugural ceremony for Support Project for Autism in Yusuf Karaman Autistic Kids Education Center (OÇEM), coordinated by the International Interaction Society (IIS) and supported by the Canadian ambassadress Raja Bailey and NGOs. Speaking at the ceremony, H.E. Kavaf said that the government aims to educate autistic and disabled kids to be more independent individuals. H. E. Kavaf thanked IIS and Canadian ambassadress Raja Bailey for the efforts to increase the awareness of disabled and autistic people, and for coordinating the project to support autistic kids in Yusuf Karaman OÇEM. Irish Ambassador H. E. Thomas Russell, missionary staff, Çankaya Governor, volunteers supporting the Project, and representatives of NGOs attended the ceremony. IIS coordinated the Support Project for Autism in order to provide better learning environment and facilities in Yusuf Karaman OÇEM. With the increasing number of autistic children, the resources are not plenty in order to cater to their needs. The project is proposed for Yusuf Karaman Autistic Kids Education

It is of essence to become engaged in the act of donating or contributing. Lets keep in mind that there are others who need our help. Whether the help is small or big, it is needed. Lets remember those who have to struggle on a daily basis. It is important to be aware that those who need our help range in ages as well as needs. Contributing to a social project such as the one IIS is involved with will definitely make a difference not only in the autistic children’s life and their families, but also in yours. There is nothing more rewarding than helping others.

Engaging in the selfless act of giving demonstrates your good heart and awareness, while at the same time it fulfills the needs of others. Yusuf Karaman OÇEM is one of the state schools for autistic children in Ankara. The center has twenty six students but more than a hundred students waiting to attend. Since the center has limited space and facilities, the children cannot benefit from the special education. Many autistic children are talented and interested in rhythm and music. The center has a music room; however, there were not enough instruments available. Within the Project, we replaced drums and some other instruments in the music room. Autistic children like to engage in activities such as painting and art work; however, the present art room did not have enough supplies. The Project provided the room with art materials that students can utilize to paint, sculpt and marble. The center had a room that could be designed and equipped as an IT room. So it was created as a computer room with the capacity to fit six children at a time. This IT room will allow them to use computers and special softwares with the help of their teachers. The children remain in the center from 9:00 a.m. To 2:30 p.m. They are in need of transferring the skills that they learn at school into their homes. Hence, the reason why the center needs to have a daily skills room. This room was designed like a typical bedroom where the children will learn how to make their beds, and organize their rooms. The room were decorated and furnished with a bed, a table, wardrobe, clothes and toys to resemble children’s bedrooms at their homes. Having this room will allow the children to transfer the skills learned at the center into their homes.

Project Activities Art Exhibition: Artists Aslı KUTLUAY, Ayla AKSOYOĞLU, Ela CİN, Rabia ÇALIŞKAN, Şule ÖZBAHAR and Meral TURHAN displayed their paintings (10 each) for the benefit

(%50 percent of the paintings’ prize) of the Project. Ukranian painter, Ali Guseyin SALİMOV donated his four paintings to the project. The money raised from the exhibition were used to provide sufficient support for Yusuf Karaman Autistic Kids Education Center. Recep Aktuğ & Tanini Trio Concert: Recep Aktuğ, famous actor and singer and Tanini Trio, a group of musicians: Tahir Aydoğdu (Turkish Cither), Hakan Ali Toker (Piano), and Bilgin Canaz (Reed Flute) who recompose songs combining Eastern and Western melodies played and sang for autistic kids of Yusuf Karaman OÇEM. With the knowledge one has gained about autism

January / February 2011


and IIS’ Project, it is important to contribute according to one’s availability and desire. Donating to social causes not only fulfills one’s own feelings of righteousness, but most importantly it helps those in need. Currently, the sponsors for “Support Project for Autism” are: Embassy of Canada, Koleksiyon Furniture, Şark Halı, Hilton Hotel, Bahadır Floor, Hürriyet Daily News, and Al Sadara Trad. & Cont.C, the Artists, Recep Aktuğ, Tanini Trio Group. As International Interaction Society, we thank to the sponsors for their generosity.

However, many goals are yet to be achieved and the need for donations continue. It is with much gratitude and appreciation that we accept any donations you are willing to provide. Remember, donations, whether big or small are necessary to carry out our cause.

by Jeff Livesay jeff.livesay@intersociety.net

Quick Trip to Adana Plans for a free stay at a beach resort condo in Mersin fell through at the last minute. Turns out the kaynana (mother-in-law) of my brother’s friend had to go to Van and care for a family member. No key! Now what? I would have been content to stay in Ankara and just rest for a week, but this is the land of a few disappointments but many possibilities.

I had met a former student, Turhan, a few weeks ago for tea and conversation and we discovered that our plans for Kurban week would bring us both to Adana (only 45 minutes from Mersin). When my plans dissolved, he offered me a place to stay with his family in Adana. I arrived at the Adana bus terminal on Tuesday afternoon. Turhan picked me up in his sister’s car, with his nephew tagging along. Turhan grew up in Payas and, having little experience driving in Adana, he apologized for taking a wrong turn. We arrived at this mother’s apartment, shed our shoes at the front door, and were warmly greeted.

The grill on the balcony was lit, and Turhan started cooking: skewered onions, mild chili peppers, chunks of meat and patties of ground meat. Adana is famous for its namesake kebap and the tasty combination of meat and spices prove why. Being Kurban Bayram week, there’s lots of meat to go around; this version of Adana kebap used goat meat. We made several trips to the nearby market where we stood in line to have a few kilos of Kurban meat ground up (free of charge!). On Wednesday, a colleague (also visiting Adana), his friend, Turhan and I drove to the nearby lake and ate “bicibici”, a sugary confection of shaved ice, a layer of unflavored gelatin, some sliced bananas, and powdered sugar. Cool, but bland. Cherry flavor would be nice. Maybe I could start a new business... Thursday found us wandering around downtown Adana. I always like to find the oldest part of town, to see the state of local historic appreciation and preservation. We turned down a side street and came upon a row of market stalls where a few

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handmade items could be found: mostly knitted or crocheted items for babies and children, potholders, and scarves. It seemed like a new effort had been exerted to bring business to this section of the downtown area known as “Buyuk Saat.” Very lively and full of people shopping and looking around.

At the dinner table, Turhan’s sister said her husband had to go to Adana and then Istanbul for business in the morning, so she would ride back to Adana with him and we could take the car back this evening. My time was growing short.

Turhan’s mother decided that we needed to go to Iskenderun to visit her daughter and and see her grandson. On Friday midday, after a 70-minute trip, we arrived at her bayside apartment. The Mediterranean air seemed both heavy and vibrant compared to Ankara’s dry, pre-winter air. After a big welcome and a short rest, we were off again: the three men took off in the car to sightsee.

Our time was spent walking along the bay, wondering how some of the vintage fishing boats stayed afloat. We stopped in a cafe for Kunife, a dessert so solid and sweet no meal is necessary, only tea afterwards, to clear the mind and formulate more plans. For dinner, we drove along the coast to a fish house and picked up freshly fried bream, spot, and mullet to take back to the apartment. Rocket salad with a garlicky olive oil dressing, crusty bread, and choice of cola or Fanta was simple and delicious.

I had earlier bought a bus ticket for a Sunday return, but there was no accommodation for me after Friday night in Adana. So I returned to Ankara that night: I took Turhan’s ticket for the midnight bus on Friday and he took my ticket for Sunday. I really dislike late night bus rides over patches and potholes, but there was no alternative. I get little sleep, if any, while riding in a vehicle; the bumpy intercity roads keep me awake even in a huge motor coach. That night, the 3 a.m. rest stops were a dreamlike interlude in the groggy night hours. But the bathroom was spotlessly clean!

by Emre Göksu emre.goksu@intersociety.net

Smart Powers, Smart Alliance:

The NATO 2010 Summit


ew would guess that the Obama Administration’s plans to modify the U.S. foreign policy under the concept of “smart power” by boosting its diplomatic wings like the State Department and the USAID would receive such a blow from a website named Wikileaks. The duration and success of the American diplomatic image recovery is yet to be seen. However, the recent NATO summit can be regarded as a successful practice of the concept in terms of demonstrating Washington’s willingness to depart from its post 9/11 unilateralism and engage with the rest of the world. Besides significant steps in relations with Russia, the summit enabled the alliance to justify its existence in the absence of a rivaling pact by stressing values rather than threats.

psychological burden and many risks. Though, Turkish leadership was able to read the new “value” focus of the alliance successfully, and made sure that concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear capabilities would not lead to an exception, namely singling out a country as a direct threat. In addition to that, Ankara got what it wanted with the assurance that the new missile shield would cover its entire territory. Noting that international relations is not a simple black and white issue, it will only be futile to look for a “victory” in what happened, but Turkey seems to have taken another step towards its aspired role as an independent security generator in the region. The critical talks on whether Iran would openly be identified as a threat ended with no harms to the Obama - Erdoğan line. Therefore, it is no surprise that both Turkish President Abdullah Gül and the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Philip Gordon stressed the

A similar argument can be raised while evaluating Turkey’s performance. With a background of harsh “axis shift” criticisms by some Western circles, Turkish delegation came to the summit with a certain

January / February 2011


close cooperation between the two countries. Quoting Nicolas Sarkozy, everyone knows who the unmentioned “cat” is, so Obama’s critics in Washington and Tel - Aviv’s hawkish circles will have fewer arguments to blame him for being too soft on the Islamic regime. Having gone through a clear defeat in the midterm elections, gaining some ground at home on such a critical matter without paying a huge price abroad is very important. Turkish government was also happy leaving behind the risk of a crisis that could shake NATO and even worse for Ankara, that could make it almost impossible to counter the “axis shift” claims of European and American conservatives. One can also imagine Turkey being perceived as too giving in the

eyes of its Middle Eastern neighbors in case of Iran being specifically referred to as a threat, something that could hinder Turkey’s ongoing outreach in the region. The U.S. - Russian rapprochement and what it means for Turkey also merits a closer look. By advancing strategic cooperation with Moscow, Washington seems to have curbed Brussel’s potential to act as an independent strategic player. However, how healthy this rapprochement will continue is unclear. The land-based interceptors of the missile defense system will be stationed in Romania and Poland in 2015 and 2018 respectively, blocking Russian strategic access to Baltic and Black Sea. Moreover, the U.S. Congress that is supposed to ratify the

START (Strategic Arm Reduction Treaty) in the coming weeks is the Congress that has been holding up three key ambassadorial appointments, namely to Turkey, Syria and Azerbaijan. Partisan priorities may well rank higher than national matters in many capitals and it looks like Washington D.C. is no exception. It is possible to think that Turkish Government will remind its European counterparts this maneuver of the U.S. in order to highlight the strategic inputs that Turkish full membership can offer. Ankara’s “zero problem” policy can be read in the same way pointing Turkey’s reach and credibility in the region as a strong reason for membership.

another “end of Cold War,” as it was home to a promising paradigm shift cleaning away the last remnants of that era by shifting threat perception to a value one. The first and foremost challenge that lays ahead of Turkish authorities is to ensure a coherent and effective missile shield command structure, that will neither strike the Turkish public’s sensitive sovereignty nerves nor put Ankara’s commitment to NATO under question.

The NATO summit in Lisbon can be regarded as

January / February 2011


by Emel Arslan Deniz emel.deniz@intersociety.net

Osman Hamdi Bey

(December 30, 1842 Istanbul – February 24, 1910 Istanbul)


sman Hamdi Bey (1842 – 24 February 1910) was an Ottoman archaeologist, art expert and also a prominent and pioneering Turkish painter. He is accepted as the first Turkish archaeologist. He carried out his most important excavation, the Sidon King Sarcophagi excavations (Lebanon), in 1887-1888. During these excavations, he unearthed the worldfamous “Alexander Sarcophagus”. He continued his successful works in archaeology by founding the Istanbul Archaeology Museum and served as the director of the museum for 29 years, making it one of the prominent museums in the world. The Alexander Sarcophagus is now on display at the Istanbul Archaeology Museum in Istanbul. Osman Hamdi Bey, together with archaeologist Salomon Reinach, wrote a book on these excavations named “Une Necropole a Sidon”, which was published in Paris in 1892. Osman Hamdi Bey started his art life in the “Paris Academy of Fine Arts” in Paris, where he had originally gone to study Law. His deep love for painting directed him to being an apprentice in the workshops of Jean-Léon Gérôme and Boulanger. Together with Şeker Ahmet Pasha and Süleyman Seyyid, he constitutes the first generation of the Turkish painting. He sent to the 1867 Paris World Exhibition three works of him, namely Repose of the Gypsies, Black Sea Soldier Lying in Wait, and Death of the Soldier, none of which have survived today. After his return to home assumed various offices in the state, Osman Hamdi Bey, commissioned by the Sultan Abdulhamid II, founded Istanbul Academy of

Fine Arts (Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi in Turkish), which was the first academy of fine arts in Turkey and served as the director of the school. During his office as a curator, the importance he attached to painting never diminished. He is the first person using the “figured composition” in Turkish painting. He had an orientalistic point of view. He reflected the most painful periods of the Ottoman Empire to his paintings, and, in fact, he tried to depict the intellectual type he was dreaming of. He also depicted the indoor and outdoor life of the Ottoman woman and combined the contradictions

January / February 2011


such as death-life and east-west. He used, in his paintings, nearly all of the objects belonging to the Ottoman culture (such as glazed tiles, oil lamps, carpets, etc.). Thus, when we look at the setting of his paintings, we see that he has used historical objects. The human figures he used in his pictures are often his wife, children or other people in his family.

Works: Kahve Ocağı (1879), Haremden (1880), İki Müzisyen Kız (1880), Çarşaflanan Kadınlar (1880), Vazo Yerleştiren Kız (1881), Gebze Manzara (1881), KızTevfika (1882), Türbe ziyaretinde İki Genç Kız I, Türbe ziyaretinde iki Genç Kız II (1890), Mihrap (1901), Feraceli Kadınlar (1904), Pembe Başlıklı Kız (1904), Kaplumbağa Terbiyecisi (1906), Mimozalı Kadın (1906), Şehzade Türbesinde Derviş (1908), Silah Taciri (1908), Beyaz Entarili Kız (1908), Kahvedeki Bozayı (1908). “Kaplumbağa Terbiyecisi” (The Tortoise Trainer) is the most famous work of Osman Hamdi Bey.

Osman Hamdi Bey carried the art of painting in Ottoman State to beyond its limits, gaining it a new dimension. With the effect of the education he had received, he made the art of painting turn it face towards the west. Today, many of his works are exhibited in Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum, and in the museums in London, Liverpool and Boston.

by Serhat Sayar serhat.sayar@intersociety.net


floods in Pakistan have affected more than 20 million people (more than 10 percent of the total population). Devastating communities throughout the country, in an area of at least 160,000 square kilometers — larger than England — the floods killed more than 1,700 people, and damaged or destroyed nearly 1.9 million homes.1

Right after the first damages caused by the flood, Turkish citizens, along with other nations from all over the world could not remain insensitive in the face of adversity. It was not an ordinary geographical event, it was something beyond normal. One of my friends, working as a journalist in Pakistan and one of the first journalists to photograph the flood, stated, “How can I portray what happened there? It’s very difficult, but in brief I may say, imagine two rivers which are flowing 50 kms far from each other and after the flood they are flowing together. That’s all. No dry land either to sit or lay.” To be honest, the picture shocked me. Later on,

together with the world, I realized the severity of such a disaster by looking at the satellite photos. It was and continues to be unbelieveable. The land’s color turned to blue as if so many water dams were built in Pakistan. Moreover, relief experts say public response has been slow partly because of the lack of drama that surrounded the start of the flooding, which began with the onset of monsoon rains last month and now has spread to cover a vast swath of the impoverished nation. “It’s not a massive earthquake like Haiti that just pulverized a city,” said Kate Conradt, spokeswoman for Save the Children. “There has been way less media coverage of this disaster, so the donating public doesn’t know how bad it is. They’re just now starting to pick up concern and a deeper understanding of what’s happening” she added.2 Thanks to technology and news agencies, we are able to receive pictures and information which reflect the truth of such a disaster and the severity of things. Countless children have lost their parents, parents have lost their children. For those still alive, they lost everything and have nothing, nonetheless, food. Personally, I feel that one of the most paralyzing pictures was the begs of a mother 1 2

http://ochaonline.un.org http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/pakistan-floods

January / February 2011


to survive her newborn baby. Her cries of “Please take my baby away, I have nothing to feed him and conditions are very bad here, we have nothing, take him away please...!� depicted the hardest decision anyone could ever make. Meanwhile with Pakistani flood victims struggling to survive, sensitive people all around the world stepped into action and many volunteers started an aid campaign for Pakistan. The leaders of states, NGOs, opinion leaders, charities, big organizations and firms encouraged people to donate for flood victims. UN is a leading organization to these campaigns and a brief summary of actions taken by UN is as: “The situation for those impacted by the floods is desperate -- many have lost what little they owned, either submerged by flood

waters or from having to sell animals and personal items in order to see their families through the disaster. Many face serious challenges on a daily basis, relying on the government and humanitarian community for safe drinking water, food, health care and shelter. Through the work of the United Nations and its implementing partners, more than six million people in the country

have received food in recent months, emergency shelter has been provided for 3.9 million people, 4.3 million received safe drinking water, and 6.7 million people have benefitted from essential health care.”3 The attitude of the Head of States on aid campaigns is remarkable and their contribution is undeniable. Turkish President Abdullah Gül is one of those leaders. Right after the flood, Turkish President called for an extended aid campaing

across Turkey. President Abdullah Gül asked the nation to help the disaster-hit country. “I am calling on all our people to actively participate in these ongoing aid campaigns. I am sure that the Turkish people will do it. Not only because we are friends and brothers with Pakistan, but also for humanitarian reasons,” told Abdullah Gül. Noting that the Pakistani people helped Turks during the War of Independence in the 1920s and the devastating Marmara earthquake in 1999, Gül said it was now Turkey’s turn to help flood-ravaged Pakistan. The Turkish president welcomed the aid campaigns launched by the media, civilian organizations and trade chambers, and said the Turkish Armed Forces, the office of the Prime Minister and other state institutions would join the Red Crescent in sending humanitarian aid to Pakistan. In a symbolic move, Gül donated money to a charity 3

OCHA, 12 November

January / February 2011


that was collecting donations from people outside of a mosque in Istanbul. With efforts underway at Turkish state institutions and nongovernmental organizations to help the people of Pakistan, bank accounts for donations have been opened within the scope of the aid campaigns. The Turkish Red Crescent collected in-kind and monetary contributions and sent them to the region to meet the needs of flood victims. Besides President Abdullah Gül, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan also actively took action in campaigns and paid a visit to Pakistan on the 12th and 13th of October. During his visit to the flood area, he was accompanied by his counterpart PM Yusuf Rıza Gilani.

During the ceremony in the flood area, 1,600 large tents (Mevlana Homes) provided by Turkish Red Crescent after the flood disaster in Pakistan were distributed to flood victims. Turkish NGOs, private sector together with the government donated to Pakistan almost 134 million USD and 8,318 tons of humanitarian aid material as a result of national aid campaigns held for flood victims. Erdogan said Turkey wanted to see the needs of Pakistan carry out infrastructural works and leave behind permanent projects in the region. On the other hand Hillary Rotham Clinton, Secretary of States, also called for donations in the U.S. “Every dollar makes a difference,” she told American audiences in a video message. “Five dollars can buy 50 high-energy bars, providing much needed nutrition; $10 can provide a child or mother with a

blanket; and about $40 can buy material to shelter a family of four,” she said. “Now is a time for our shared humanity to move us to help,” Clinton said, and work to “ensure that future generations in Pakistan have a chance to have the bright future they deserve and fulfill their own God-given potential.”4

and Emergency Relief Coordinator, “But more is now needed, the Government and the people of Pakistan have already done much to help families affected by these floods. We must also do our part — we simply cannot stand by and watch the immense suffering in a disaster of this scale,” she added.4

Just in two months since the onset of the flooding, the United Nations and its partners have launched a revised Pakistan Floods Emergency Response Plan , which now appeals for US$2,006,525,183 to provide aid for up to 14 million people over a 12-month period. “In these difficult financial times, countries have been extremely generous in helping those in need around the world, contributing over $5 billion to appeals this year”, said Valerie Amos, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs 4


January / February 2011


by A. Murat FATSA murat.fatsa@intersociety.net

The old Ankara- Altındağ Altındağ, which hosts most of the archeological, historical and cultural monuments from prehistoric, Roman, Selcuk and Ottoman periods like Ankara Castle, Temple of Augustus, the Pillar of Julian, Turkish baths, the ruin of Roman baths, museums and values of Ankara, is the old center of the city. The past of Altındağ goes back to the prehistoric era. Traces of many civilizations from the Phrygians to the Lydians, from the Hittites to the Romans have been found within the district.

Ankara region was declared as a province by the Roman Emperor Augustus in 25 B.C., and it was captured by the Selcuks in 1073 after Byzantium rule. After centuries of Selcuk and Ottoman dominance as a Turkish settlement, Ankara played a crucial role during the foundation of Modern Turkish Republic as well.

Hamamönü Hamamönü is the old part of Altındağ behind the municipality and Hacettepe Hospital which has been a tourists’ attraction lately. There are old Ankara houses around the square opposite of the Karacabey Hamam, some of which have been restorated recently. In the middle of the square there is an old clock tower that was placed during late Ottoman time. When you stand in front of the clock tower (on the page left) looking at the life in the streets you feel as if you are in old times. Old Ankara houses that were full of big Turkish families less than a hundred years ago are now cafes and restaurants that invite you in for more pleasure and taste of Turkish cuisine.

Karacabey Turkish Bath It was built by Karacabey in the Talat Pasha Boulevard in 1440. Constituting an important part of the Karacabey Kulliye, rectangular Karacabey bath edifice embodies joint dress-change rooms in the west, sweating rooms in the east part of the building with different architectural styles.

Traditional Ankara Houses Altındağ Municipality started to restorate old traditional Ankara houses in Hamamönü and many of them are used as restaurants or cafes now. Traditional Ankara houses in Kaleiçi (Inner Castle) Neighborhood were planned in a way to use the maximum space of narrow streets due to position

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of the neighborhood (surrounded by the walls of the castle in a steep hill). They were mostly made of wood, adobe, or brick as two or three-storey houses. Considering the conditions of fall season, upper floors have thick walls and small windows. Upper storeys, in contrast, have thin walls and they are airy. The houses have special rooms called “Cihannuma” (gazebo) for summer use and decorated with

woodwork. These rooms are characteristic of old Ankara houses. In making of wooden ceilings, geometrical decorations were impressively used and they were designed as independent units, each of the rooms was assigned a name such as ‘storage house,’ ‘guest house,’ or ‘dining house.’

by Muhammed Kutluca IIS Member muhammed.kutluca@intersociety.net

IIS’ Konya Trip to Şeb-i Arus, Rumi Commemoration Day Konya, is all about Rûmi...


ûmi means the very same to the whole world as what it means to locals; a figure of peace. As youthful as once his ideas were, he is still a real edifice providing common terms and ground for humanity. Humankind is seeking in him the peace and joy that was lost quite a long time ago. His teachings are embraced and being followed by many nowadays. An example to that may be him being among the best sellers in several countries, including the U.S.A, with his collected works. He is a memorable person already now and will be so as long as the world exists with its flawed earthlings on it desperately looking for a peace of mind. IIS organizes trips to Rûmi commemoration day, ‘Şeb-i Arus,’ taking place in Konya each December in the hope of finding rejoice in his integrating and unifying view.

January / February 2011


The 4th Konya Şebi-Arus Trip, organized by IIS International Interaction Society, took place on December 12, 2010 with almost 30 participants from various countries. As in other trips, we believe we have founded valuable friendships. This accomplishment already encouraged us to make plans for next year’s trip to Konya, as well as other trips to other beautiful places to be chosen from among other fabulous places in Turkey, in accordance with the feedback we get from participants.

out from Atakule. During our journey to Konya, we watched a DVD presentation about Konya and Turkey, followed by a Turkish style breakfast. At around 11:45 we arrived at Konya. As soon as we reached Konya, we took our guests to the Rûmi Museum, where ancient works of art and decorations not surprisingly attracted their attention. After the Museum visit, we went to the restaurant that we had previously arranged, to enjoy delicious local cuisine. The lunch menu was very well organized to approve a glimpse from the richness of Turkish Cuisine. We had a chance to have pleasant conversations with our guests during lunch time. After lunch, we proceeded to the Cultural Center of Konya for the Whirling Ceremony, which started promptly at 2:00 pm. At exactly 2:00pm. everyone sat in their reserved seats and the show started with Ahmet Özhan’s short concert. After this concert, Thinker Tuğrul İnançer gave a speech about understanding Rûmi and living with Rûmi. He ended his words by saying “Aşk Ola!” (May Love Be On You). After this speech, whirling dervishes started to take their place on the stage in a very quiet manner. During the show, as the whirling dervishes took off

Despite weather conditions, almost everyone who had previously booked, joined the trip. Participants from a number of different countries, who mostly work for their Embassies here in Turkey, joined us. Around 8 o’clock in the morning our coach set

their black capes, the stage became pure white. This was the most interesting part of the show and excitement was clearly reflected in the eyes of our guests.

January / February 2011


At the end of the whirling show, we then went to a restaurant for dinner. This restaurant is famous in Konya, and it is located on top of a hill where you can see all of Konya. At the end of the dinner, at around 7:30pm, we got ready for departure. During the ride back to Ankara, and we played a knowledge contest with the guests in groups composed of 4-5 individuals. After interesting questions, Pacific Group won the prize. This group definitely will be receiving their gifts by postal mail probably a few little hitches, we had a great Konya Trip this year. We hope to advance and expand our ties with the friends we have made during this trip. We hope to spend good times with them during their stay in Turkey, and show them the smily face of Turkey as much as possible. As the International Interaction Society, we would like to thank all of the participants who joined the 2010 Konya Trip, and hope to meet with more friends in future trips.

weeks after the trip. During this trip, my friends and I had a chance to meet and spent good times with our foreign guests. We shared our experiences and memories and proved once again to the world that we can establish a friendly environment without any biases in mind. Under normal conditions we should have arrived in Ankara around 11:00pm.; however, due to heavy snowfall and icy roads we arrived a little late at around 11:30pm. With many good memories left behind and very

Sema - Penetration of Ultimate Love “Come again, again! Come again, whoever you may be, Whether an infidel, a fire-worshipper or a pagan; No matter whether you’ve broken your vows a hundred times. Ours is not a door of despair. Just come as you are” Mevlana With such inviting words, it is hard to resist wanting to experience a live Sema show. At a glance, one may wonder what exactly is the purpose of such a dance. Whirling endlessly on stage, one wonders, “aren’t they dizzy?” Setting aside curiosity, and letting yourself be drifted by the sounds of drums and the Ney flute, experiencing a live Sema show is undoubtedly a sublime experience. Even if one does not know the basics or purpose of this dance, the enchantment is undeniably felt within. Indeed, a magical dance that leaves one feeling in a trance. The perfect coordination of movements leaves one in pure awe. Each whirl, signifying a step closer to GOD; a connection between the audience and a supreme being. As described by experts, Sema dance: “…commences with the sound of a reed flute, symbolizing a longing for reunion. The costume worn is also regarded as symbolic of the tomb, the shroud, and the tombstone. The floor is said to indicate the Last Judgment. The whirling dance itself symbolizes the movement of the planets in relation to the sun (represented by the sheik, who supervises the dance).”

after the truth. The dancer is left wearing his white outfit- kafan, which signifies clothes that conceal the ego. “The ney represents the soul negated by the self replaced by the Divine Soul.” Crossing their arms across their chest symbolizes coming into one being. Slowly and gracefully, their hands move upward in a horizontal position. The right palm facing up reflects “...how the guidance of Allah is accepted by the right hand and is being transmitted to others using the left one.” The whole process represents complete submission and unification with GOD. It can be concluded that the purpose of Sema dance is to reach a level of spirituality deep enough to forget the physical self while encountering one’s soul. As stated by Mevlana, it is “…the dervish’s way of girdling himself with the power to raise the veils of mysticism, the strength to confront and to penetrate the ultimate love.” Yuzbeny Escobar-Altunay yuzbeny.altunay@intersociety.net

In brief, the clothes worn during this ritualistic dance have a figurative meaning. For instance, the Mawlawi hat (either red or grey) symbolizes the tomb of the ego, the black robe symbolizes the afterlife, and removing the robe represents rebirth

January / February 2011


by A. Murat FATSA murat.fatsa@intersociety.net

Canadian Ambassador Mark Bailey

INTERVIEW “Both Turkey and Canada have been able to avoid the worst of this (recession). Our financial systems are both strong, and none of our banks have been bailed out.” How would you describe Turkey and Turkish people? Young! It’s a young country but of course it’s built on a much much older foundation, and its population is young, and that of course creates challenges for the authorities here in terms of insuring adequate educational facilities and employment for these people. I must say that, I have a lot of admiration for the government of Turkey as they try to cope with these challenges which are really not easy. And people are very energetic, that’s the image I have. What are your favorite Turkish words? I don’t know a lot of Turkish words, but I like “Teşekkürler” and “İyi akşamlar” but I don’t speak enough Turkish to give you much of an answer. What are similarities do you think between Turkey and Canada in terms of culture, art, food and daily life? Well, the similarity -I guess- would be the fact that (both of) our economic performance in last two years has been relatively good, certainly as the world has gone through quite as difficult economic times in the past three years or so with pretty severe recessions and ongoing macroeconomic fiscal difficulties in a number of countries. And as other similarities, certainly the fact that Turkish and Canadian populations are

not homogenous. I’ve noticed -and indeed we hear the government authorities mentioned that- Turkish people come from all over the place. That’s true for Canada as well, and in fact our origins of Canadian people are even more diverse since they come from literally every single country of the planet. They have sent emigrants to Canada who have established themselves there, Turkey included as well for that matter. As for differences, aligned with tremendous diversity we have, that is adopted exclusively in Canadian government policies and something to be celebrated and protected cultural diversity, there are all kinds of laws and institutions in place to protect and even promote these in Canada. We see a debate about it now among Turkish authorities and society about “How should we cope with these different groups within our society and the fact that some of our people speak some minority languages?” and I think that is healthy but obviously Turkey hasn’t yet resolved those discussions and debates to any significant degree, being perfectly honest. Which characteristics of Turkey do you like the most and why? Friendliness, accommodation and willingness to help people when you go around in the street looking for shopping and so on, people will always try to help you. That’s something specially good when you don’t speak much Turkish like me and Mrs. Bailey are always happening to ask help, and we always get it, so that’s what I like the most. What’s the most surprising in Turkey so far? To be honest, the fact that so few people speak languages other than Turkish. When you go to other countries nearby, you find a higher proportion of

January / February 2011


Canadians participate in WWI in Gallipoli, but actually at that time they were not Canadians, they were from Newfoundland fighting as part of the British army rather than Canadians, Newfoundland had yet not joined to Canada. So I guess, notably in the Balkans of course where our troops served together, are the history our countries shared in the past. What’s the image of Turkey in Canada? people able to speak one of the major internationally spoken languages than you do here in Turkey. The only other country I found where you have a similar situation is Spain where a lot of people speak only Spanish.

It’s certainly positive and heavily influenced by Turkey’s Ottoman heritage. When people think of Turkey, they tend to think of Istanbul; the mosques, Haigha Sophia, Topkapı Palace and so on. There’s not as much knowledge of Turkey, the modern and more industrial country, as perhaps it might have been, except in our business community. Some of them are starting to realize that they should be seeking to develop relations with here. What are the key priorities in terms of making Canada better known in Turkey?

“Canada is presenting opportunities for Turkish enterprises seeking to expand their horizons beyond Europe” What are the important points in shared history of Turkey and Canada? Well, certainly our membership in NATO fighting in Korea to defend that country against the aggression launched by North Korea is our probably the single most important shared history. We had a very few

I believe these would be the Business front and Educational front. Those are being the two key priorities for us. I mean, I could talk about international politics and relations but they are what foreign ministries are dealing with extensively, and they know about Canada already and quite wellinformed about there. But more generally for Turkish population, it would be acquainting them with the idea we have an extremely highly developed, technologically advanced business industry and an economy that is well managed, very competitive and that has free trade agreements with a lot of countries, starting with US, Mexico and so on, as a result Canada is presenting opportunities for Turkish enterprises seeking to expand their horizons beyond Europe As for the other one, being education front; we have 1500 Turkish students studying in Canadian universities and colleges now, we think that there’s considerable amount of potential to increase that number to a much larger degree. As some of the other traditional destinations for Turkish students

What is your evaluation of the current investment climate and trade relations between Canada and Turkey? My evaluation is “Good, but could be better.” Turkey is a country that seeks to expand its trade and investment relations with all kinds of countries. We have a number of Canadian businesses that have already invested in Turkey, I think there’s scope for a lot more; mining being the biggest sector but there’s also been investment in agricultural food processing area as well but I think we could do a lot more and better than that. With the help of DEİK – Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey and TUSIAD – the business association, all of these met Turkish companies discussing possible partnerships, cooperations, deals, etc. In our experience, that’s also really important to do especially with developing countries like Turkey because frankly this is kind of economic “laws of gravity”. It takes a bit of effort on the part of the governments, our respected embassies trying to bring business people together since when they do come together, they do find ways to work together. They find all sorts of prospects carefully prepared and they discover they can do business. What are recent breakthroughs in relations between Canada and Turkey? Certainly the air agreements and direct flights from Istanbul to Toronto and plus, the double-tax agreements were the most important ones recently. If the Turkish parliament ratifies the double-tax agreement that will be a real stimulus to investment. Obviously I would like to see a free-trade agreement ultimately but we are frankly not quite there yet. What can Turkish culture offer to Canada and the world?

“In Canada, it’s as good as the very best universities in anywhere else. And, it’s cheaper.” Well, that’s something you could write whole libraries about. Among others, I’m certainly impressed by the Sufi tradition developed in Konya and I know a lot of people in Turkey attended to that tradition took place last week. I myself was there and there were people from all around the world visiting and clearly influenced by teachings of Mevlana. The world would be a much better place if we could pay more close attention to what he said.

Mark Bailey

going abroad have started to become a bit more expensive and more difficult on the visa front, people are starting to look at Canada to discover that we have universities which offer a quality of education that is second to none, I mean it’s as good as the very best universities in anywhere else. And, it’s cheaper.

What is Canadian migration policy for Turkish citizens? We have a community of above 40.000 Turkish people living in Canada bu we don’t have a migration policy tailored for Turkey per se, but a general policy for the whole world and it seeks to attract and recruit immigrants to Canada. We indeed have government ministers now who have immigrated to Canada. We haven’t had yet a Turkish Canadian get to that level but had from others, notably India and China. What appeals the most to Canadian visitors in Turkey? The historical and cultural heritage is definitely what they come to Turkey for. Unlike a lot of other tourists from Europe come here for sunny weather and beautiful beaches and so on, Canadians prefer Caribbean, Mexico and other neighbors being very affordable. Therefore, those Canadians coming to Turkey go to cultural and historical places such as Istanbul, Efes, Konya, Eastern Anatolia, Cappadocia; looking at this fabulous wealth of civilizations Turkey has. In this context, what do you think of cultural institutions’ effects on relations between two countries? Well, they surely would increase the public

January / February 2011


attention of our business community. Of course we hope Turkey to continue these reforms as they are also part of this EU accession process and when the time comes, Turkey will make a decision about whether or not it seeks to join. It’s not for Canada to take a position either for Turkey or EU. If you had a chance to change something what would it be? Obviously we all want to see peace in the world, all these horrendous conflicts end, reconciliation amongst these people. In short, trying to get people somehow to have the wisdom to see beyond the differences and start recognizing the commonalities and building relations on what’s common, rather than different. These are at the top of my list if I could change. What do you think of Turkey’s peace keeping role?

“The world would be a much better place if we could pay more close attention to what he (Rumi) said.” awareness. There are lots of cultural institutes in Canada and they tend to be a bit more oriented towards their diasporic communities and academics who are interested in the country concerned.

Turkey has been active participant in various UN peace-keeping operations and that is very much to the be appreciated and credited. So, I would applaud Turkey’s role in those regards and I think it’s also notable that the attempts and works done to stabilize the Balkans, helping those countries overcome their difficulties and hatreds that had erupted after Yugoslavia fell apart. This is also very much to Turkey’s credit and honor frankly, and that was part of the reason why Turkey was elected to be in US Security Council. So, all in all, it’s surely a very positive role in world peace.

And of Turkey’s EU Accession Process? The economic and social reforms in Turkey are definitely welcome by Canada, as they have made Turkey more interesting and attractive place for Canadians. To be frank, before Turgut Özal, too few thought Turkey of a place for business. Starting in that period, Turkey started gaining more attention and then again in the last 8-10 years after the financial crisis in 2001-2002. When Turkey rebound in forward and implemented the reforms, it has really got the

Full version of interview available on www.intersociety.net.

by Erdem Göndiken erdem.gondiken@intersociety.net

The IIS-Turkish Airlines International Football League’s first half has been completed.


he IIS-Turkish Airlines International Football League’s first half of the season has just been completed. You can take a look at the standings at the link www.intersociety.net.

At its fourth year, now the league has become more competitive. Sponsors added to the quality of the league immensely and the League has the privilege to be praised by its participators for its quality.

January / February 2011


As UK-IRELAND have a tradition to be the champion in the league, other teams gave the signal that things may change this year. France looked like they have all the necessary tools to break the tradition and get the championship. AMAC did not have hard time to take third place in the group, this team though its players change, still have its style. Russia looked like they can get the lead at second season with their stable performance. IIS can count on their skillfull players to create many chances for goals. Portugal, on the other hand, has many high class skilled players of whose championship would not be a suprise at all. All three of the both group’s teams performance have proved that their players are of high quality. However, with many weapons at their arsenal, Nordics are not to be overlooked just because they completed the group at 4th place. They can beat any team if they sustain the performance they have shown in some parts of the game. Who is the favorite to take the “League Champion� title this year is very hard to tell. In many of the matches we saw that if the beaten team got another chance, they could win that time; this season will be remembered with the matches, the score of which has changed very last minutes. Apart from good and excitable physical competition, there are things that should be mentioned as the main pillars of the league: sportmanship and gentlemenship. Here special thanks goes to Mrs. Le Duc and Mr. Matsuda for being most sportman and gentleman players in the league. Erich Fuchs, an ageless wonder, sure deserve admiration. For the teams who go to group B, an important point to be mentined here: it will not be a surprise to see them play spectacular games in second season. They will struggle for group B leadership title, and just as in the group A its hard to guess which one will succeed in that. Italy, as the last years group B leader, looked ready to guard their title. But their task is very hard one and they should not be resting.

Other teams has much to get the title as this season has proved it. All in all, it was a great fist half of the season and great fun. We, here in the IIS, attach a great importance to the pre-season preparations in order to get ready for the upcoming season. We are excitedly waiting to see you in the second season. And as a last word, our wish is to provide you, our guests and friends, to positively add your Turkey experience.

Team Profiles UK/IRE: Their very first loss ever happened this year after 3 years straight, against France. Despite it seemed the harmony of the team was disturbed by the changes made to the team roster at the beginning of the season, they got their pieces together quick enough. Their ambition and hunger until the end of each game are their merit.

France: Lots of change in this team this year; now being really concordant, determined and technical. The surprise of the season was their win against

UK/IRE, and that was like meant to be for them to remind themselves what they need to do.

Balkans: We expected more strength from them this season, alas, no luck at all. They’ll have to try better with what they’ve got for the rest of the season.

AMAC: The best team that one could get out of such a number of new players. We already know of Michal’s efforts but being a team is what counts, and this team has got the spirit. They deserved to go through playoffs.

Italy: Fabio’s teammates definitely gave us several breathtaking moments of football for sure. I bet they can’t understand how they manage to get such

Germany: A good team we’ve seen in the first half. Although suffered much in the first matches, they caught up soon with the rest, yet, they were not lucky enough to get the points they deserved.

unexpected scores after how good they start to each match. Individual quality of each player is well worth mentioning even though they don’t sum up to being good as a team.

Nordics: Well founded team roster and a team of motivation. The newcomers added a richness and technical quality to the team.

Russia: The only team without a loss this year up to now, well managed to dig at least a point from each match. They got a very good goalkeeper and a good defense with a quick line of attack.

January / February 2011


Qatar: Much more composed compared to last year’s performance, Qatar’s value this year is good will and enthusiasm for the game. Their adaptation to the league is already stabilized following several key substitutions and they continue to being one vivid element of the league.

IIS-Turkish Airlines: The host of the organization is definitely in better condition compared to last year’s. After a shocking loss against Russia at the very first match, they won 8 matches in a row including their extracurricular games, giving a sign of dominating the league in the second half of the season.

USA: One misleading quick fact to strike one’s eyes first is the ladies in the roster, but those familiar to the team would appreciate their play style more. Many players continued to bestow a quality to the team, and the points they got were well deserved. Kazakhstan: The freshmen were eminently positive. Their efforts and excitement are always appreciated Portugal: The most scoring team composed of seriously capable feet and a real team spirit is certainly going to bleed a little when Pedro leaves the team in the second half, which is a question mark for many whether how they will fill the spot.

through the first half, and we hope see best of them in the near future as they play.

Japan: Regardless of their League performance, in which they had difficulty scoring goals, Japan Team’s league play has always been worth to watch to see their friendship, sportmanship and team work, and most of all, the joy they know to get from the game itself.

Standings as of the end of the First Half Group A Team



1 UK-IRE 6 5 0 1 32 12 20 15 2 FRANCE 6 4 1 1 21 16 5 13 3 AMAC 6 3 2 1 20 17 3 11 4 NORDICS 6 2 2 2 25 14 11 8 5 GERMNY 6 2 1 3 14 14 0 7 6 BALKANS 6 1 0 5 15 27 -12 3 7 ITALY

6 1 0 5 10 37 -27 3

Group B Team



1 RUSSIA 6 5 1 0 26 5 21 16 2 IIS-THY 6 5 0 1 34 7 27 15 3 PORTGL 6 4 1 1 40 9 31 13 4 QATAR 6 2 1 3 19 27 -8 7 5 USA

6 2 1 3 16 27 -11 7

6 KAZAK 6 1 0 5 6 18 -12 3 7 JAPAN 6 0 0 6 3 51 -48 0

January / February 2011



Player Profiles

We are thankful to our main sponsor of IIS International Football League, Turkish Airlines; along with medical services sponsor Medicana International Hospitals, beverage supplier Coca Cola, Altunay Sport for their quite substantial amount of sport equipments they provided and finally Onural Tourism for transportation services, all enabling this added value to manifest itself.

• Rup Roehl, AMAC


• Özgür Erikoğlu, FRANCE

Most scoring team : Portugal Least scored against : Russia

One of the top scorers of the first half, his agility is eye-pleasing. Many would not be surprised to see at the top of scorers by the end of the season.

Most goals scored in : Italy–Nordics 1-15

• Robby Kraemer, GERMANY

Top scorers:

He is the scorer of many goals scored by AMAC team. The real challenge for this player, who is not stranger to our league, will be the highly demanding matches they will play in Group A. • Dan Wilson, UK/IRE A real maestro, one of the best midfielders in the season. He was injured in the tournament in Brussels, though, he seems to stand where he left this league.

Özgür Erikoğlu



His ambition and real effort to win returns in as a number of yellow cards. He is one good example of a good defensive midfielder playing in his team.

Mehmet Çoklar

IIS-Turkish Airlines


• Nikolaj Harris, NORDICS


Nikolaj is a “classical” wonder that every team would ask for. He has a hand for every game for sure. His contribution to goals his team scored are undeniable.

Austin Ben Asuqwo UK/Irlande The “Senior” Erich Fuchs Most “Enchanting” Goals : Ettore Tullio Esker Djafarov Nikolaj Harris

• Alessandro Azzoni, ITALY A fresh breathe in Turkey, Alessandro has well blended into the league. He has steady amount of addition to his team both within and from outside of the pitch. • Güner Ureya, BALKANS

The “Gentlemen” Japan and IIS-Turkish Airlines

The epicenter of team. Very contributory to his team with his background and experience. The team seeks for him when he’s not on the pitch. • Danil Salin, RUSSIA He proved how an important player he is for his team in the last Portugal match. Playing in the defensive

line, Danil draws the picture of a player who always stays within the play like a dynamo and does everything needed to be done.

is sure that he has talent. And he is also very ardent and friendly.

• Jose Tavares, PORTUGAL Jose is the captain and boss of the team. He is a very good team player and has played very good matches at the defense. He catches attention with his motivating and tidying up the team. A real gentleman, Jose is the most important player who remains standing even in the most difficult times of the team • Mehmet Çoklar, IIS-Turkish Airlines An undiscovered talent Mehmet, scoring 13 goals for his team, is the most scoring player in Group B. and his friendly attitudes also causes him to be liked even by the players of the rival teams. • Liz le Duc, USA She is the captain of the USA team and one of the two female players of our league. She is certainly a sought after personality in the league and motivates and organizes her team very well. Her contribution to the team, both within the field and from the base, is undeniable. We can say that Liz is one of the players who seems to be chosen to the All-Star team. • Muhammed Yaser, QATAR Really brilliant player he is with his long, effective, accurate shots. His humble style of playing the game distinguish him as a sympathetic player. • Aidyn Aibekov , KAZAKHSTAN He introduced himself to our league with his amazing goal against IIS-TA. Hardly kicked, on the mark shoots he had made him one of the best of his team. He might be seen among the All-Stars at the end of the league. • Kazumi Suzuki, JAPAN He is one of the most active and fast players of the midfield and forward line of the Japanese team. It

January / February 2011


INTERVIEW *In following question IIS-TA refers to International Interaction Society Turkish Airlines International Football League Who was your favorite player when you first get interested in football? Who is your current favorite player if any?

USA - Julia Barraford

When I was growing up, I liked Brandi Chastain and Mia Hamm. They were great athletes as well as role models. What is your favorite team? What makes it your favorite? I don’t really have a favorite team. When I watch games, I want the team that works the hardest to win, even if they aren’t the best. Have you ever met a famous/professional football player? If so who?/how?/when? No Did/Do you ever go to games? When I was in high school, I used to go to local professional games with my teammates. It was always a lot of fun. Did you play for any team (school team etc.) before International Interaction Society Turkish Airlines International Football League (IIS– A League)? I played on my school’s varsity team from the first grade to the twelfth. Soccer is a popular sport for girls in the US. Do you know any professional Turkish football player’s name? Who/How? No. When/How did you heard about the IIS - Turkish Airlines International Football League?

My husband heard of it somehow, and thought about playing in it. Once he joined, I thought it would be fun to play with him even though I had not played since the high school. What do you think on IIS - Turkish Airlines International Football League? Do you take it very seriously, have fun with it, or both? I am enjoying it. It is a lot of fun. How do you feel when you’re in football pitch? What makes you feel that way? I always feel very excited when games start. I focus to do my best so the team plays well and wins. Have you made any new friends through IIS-TA? Do you meet them outside the pitch? Absolutely. All players of the US team were new to me and my husband. We both are very glad to know them. Can you assess the strong & weak points of your team this year? Who is the best player in your team you think? In what aspect? We have a good goalkeeper. Also, Engin is a great player, and Scott is solid in defense. I admire how comfortable Liz is with the ball, and my husband Bulent’s footwork is remarkable. Each of our players is good in some way like that. Would you advice an expat to participate in the IIS-TA Football League? Definitely. It is a great exercise and a lot of fun to play soccer in organized games. Tesekkurler for your work!

by Yuzbeny Escobar-Altunay yuzbeny.altunay@intersociety.net

Holiday Season:

Christmas and New Year’s C

hristmas day is celebrated worldwide on December 25th. It is believed that Jesus was born on this day. However, the certainty of the month is unclear. Some say December was calculated as the ninth month after Jesus was conceived. Others say it was the winter solstice according to the Roman calendar; others believed it was due to winter festivals. Whatever the reason, Christmas is an important holiday worldwide that depicts not only religious beliefs, but also for many, a time for party and enjoyment. Nothing shows the spirit of Christmas like a bright colored, well-decorated Christmas tree. While traditions about Christmas vary worldwide, the Christmas tree serves as the common denominator that demonstrates the holiday spirit. The origin of the Christmas tree is quite different among cultures. The oldest tradition dates back to the 15th century

in Latvia. However, many other countries have different stories in regards to the trees’ origin. Despite the differences, they all agree in one thing. The Christmas tree is used during Christmas holiday with the intention of being decorated and placing gifts underneath it. Whether big or small, the Christmas tree is a tradition and symbol of Christmas. Gathered underneath its branches are the family and friends’ gifts. While the United States opens their gifts on the morning of December 25th, other countries open their gifts at midnight on December 24th. The reason why gifts are distributed among family and friends is also somewhat uncertain because gift giving originally occurred during New Years. However, the most popular held belief of why gift giving occurs during Christmas day is because after Jesus was born, the wise men came to worship and offer him gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh.

January / February 2011


Christmas Eve is celebrated differently. Some countries have dinner with family and friends, while other countries place a greater emphasis on this night and have big festivities that last till the morning of December 25th. Along with the Christmas tree, come other traditions such as: Santa Claus, Christmas Stockings, Mistletoe, Holly, Ivy and Greenery, Poinsettias, the Candy Cane, Christmas Cards, and Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer. An array of Christmas carols are sang, and many Latin Americans practice the Novena. A tradition where individuals pray and sing for nine consecutive days, the ninth day falling on Christmas Eve.

on the night of December 31st, usually with dinner, party, and/ or a gathering of family and friends. Often times, fireworks are used and the excitement begins as the countdown into the New Year starts. In brief, some of the different traditions held by individuals around the world include: • Wearing new clothes on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day • Cheers with champagne when the clock strikes 12:00A.M., as well as eating 12 grapes, each representing each month. It is believed that the sweeter the grape, the better the month. A sour grape may represent the month you will have difficulties in. • Wearing yellow underwear to bring happiness, or wearing them inside out as a symbol of good luck for the New Year. Wearing red underwear as it will bring love in the coming year. • In Venezuela, some people run out of their house with a luggage, in hopes of traveling in the New Year.

Christmas holiday is followed by another big celebration, and that is New Year’s. The origins of New Years celebration date back to ancient times. Nowadays, the New Year is celebrated differently around the world. Many individuals celebrate New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. To many cultures, New Year’s Eve is much more significant than the actual New Year’s Day. New Year’s Eve is celebrated

• In Colombia for instance, an effigy of a person is burned on the street symbolizing the old year. The burning of the effigy is considered to many holy for the coming New Year. • To some, celebrating the New Year may be difficult because the past year could have brought about the loss of a loved one, or perhaps it symbolizes another year without seeing a loved one who may be away.

Often times, you see these individuals crying, and praying, while at the same time wishing others a happy New Year. Traditions worldwide are endless and different. However, the most common are simply to gather with family and friends in a happy atmosphere leaving the past behind in hopes of a brighter, successful, and fruitful New Year to come. When the clock strikes 12:00A.M., screams, yells, and laughter are heard among everyone as everybody hugs and kisses each other wishing for a Happy New Year. The

words “Happy New Year� are constantly heard for the weeks to come among family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers. To all reading this, regardless of your culture and traditions, may the coming year be filled with health, love, happiness, wealth, and all the good things one can imagine. To all, Happy New Year!!!

January / February 2011


by Nuh Kaya n.kaya@intersociety.net


“Is the place where cultures dance in unity”


ardin- architecture, social life, the cultural fabric of the city itself and a city with a spell is really all you see..... Mardin alone with its’ environment, and not with the city center, is an ideal place for a historical-cultural trip.

are a large area to be visited.

Mardin is truly a museum city. Sit on top of a castle on the city, and you will see it consists of two parts, old and new.

In 1960, the entire city of Mardin was declared a Protected Area. Hence, new building construction is prohibited within the city.

In the central city of Mardin, there are houses, madrasas and churches. Districts such as, Dara Deyrulzafaran Monastery, Midyat, and Hasankeyf

Mardin is one of the cities with the lowest crime rates in the region, a capital of tolerance too.

Mardin is a city of legends. A magical city which lies near the stars, with its’ head in the sky and its’ feet in Mesopotamia.

Mardin is a multi-cultural, multi-religious and multiethnic city composed of Muslims, Christians with different sects, Jews, Yazidis who believe in the Angel Peacock, and the Shemsis who worship the sun. Various religious and ethnic groups have lived peacefully for centuries in Mardin. Ezan from mosques (Islamic call for prayer) live in brotherhood with church bells.

History of Mardin Mardin was founded as a castle city and the first settlement dates back to 2000 BC. The city of Mardin is located on the slope of a hill looking down south to the Mesopotamian plains. It is one of the oldest cities of north Mesopotamia. The city lived under the rule of Assyrian Christians, Hurri-Mitani, Hittites, Surs, Babylonians, Persians, Romans, Arabs , Seljuk Turks and the Ottomans.

Since it is on the historical Silk Road, important regional trading center between Turkey to Syria and Iraq, Mardin has survived a number of tumultuous periods over the centuries. Located on the north of Mesopotamia, where the agriculture and settled life started in the history of humanity, Mardin has been a boundary between Eastern civilization represented by Iranian Persians, Western civilization and finally the Turks Many civilizations settled and faded in Mardin throughout history. However, every civilization left its own mark on the city. Served as an important trade and cultural city of the Ottoman Empire, Mardin has preserved its multi-cultural identity. Today Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Yezidi, Jews, Syrian, Christians, Armenians Chechens live in a friendly atmosphere in Mardin.

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Art and Culture

today, date from the 5th century AD, such as the Deyrulzafaran Monastery.

Syrian Orthodox gold and silver smiths whose works are famous throughout the country still practice their craft here. Their workshops are located side by side with those of Muslim copper smiths. Along with the buildings themselves, it is to be hoped that this living culture can also be preserved. Mardin streets have the composition of the traces of history. Mardin served as the capital of Turkic Artuqid dynasty between the 12th and 15th centuries, which resulted in much of the Islamic heritage (madrasahs and mosques) visible in the city today. As it is an important regional trading center, there are five inns and caravansaries in the city.

Places of interest: • Church of the 40 Martyrs, (Kırklar Kilisesi), (in a side alley; look for the small sign on the main street). Originally built in the name of Benham and Saro, the two sons of the Assyrian ruler who executed them because they chose to become Christians, dates from 569 AD. • Deyrulzafaran; a Syriac Orthodox church dating back to 10th century. Most Syriac Orthodox churches and monasteries in the city, which are still active

• Zinciriye Medresesi, (on the hill towards the citadel; look for the sign on the main street). A madrasah (Islamic school) built by the Artuqids, rulers of the area then, in 1385. Rooms surrounding the central courtyard have some beautiful wall and ceiling decorations, having similarities with Seljuq art of central Turkey.

• Citadel (Kale), (on the hill overlooking the old city). The citadel itself is located inside military zone and thus is closed for visitors. It has the fascinating view of the Mesopotamian plains lying below.

• Deyrulzafaran Monastery (Deyrulzafaran Manastırı), lying 5 km east of Mardin on a hillside overlooking the plains, is a large and intact monastic community. Built on the site of a 4500-year-old pagan temple dedicated to solar worship.

January / February 2011


by Emre Göksu emre.goksu@intersociety.net

Jerusalem: The City Where The Rulers Became Servants Naomi Shemer, who is known as the “first lady” of the Israeli music, added unforgettable lines to the serenades made in Jerusalem, along the history with the following verses of her song that is almost as famous as a national anthem: Oh, Jerusalem of gold, and of light and bronze I am the lute for all your songs Of course, Shemer is not alone with a passion for the city of Jerusalem. Since the day it began to exist, this dream city has always been the apple of the eye of not only poets, but of the greatest conquerors, and the men ruling the world have pitted one against another to serve Jerusalem.

Ottoman Emperor Sultan Suleiman one night dreamed that four lions were approaching to attack him. He wanted to have the scholars around him interpret this dream. The interpretation he found most convincing was that it was a divine warning for him to build a city wall around Jerusalem, which was defenseless against the wild animals and bandits. The Sultan at once gave the order for the building of the walls that surround the part of the city today is known as the “Old Town”. These walls have survived till today in an intact state. In commemoration of his dream, the Sultan also had four lion figures carved on one of the main gates of the city. This particular gate is still known as “Lion’s Gate,” and the carvings on the gate can be seen clearly.

Whether Heavens Descended to Earth or the Earth Ascended to the Heavens? Whichever part of the sacred city you look at, these words come to the tip of your tongue. This unique city, which is sacred for three religions, on one hand embraces all her children like a mother overlooking all the mistakes of her children, while on the other hand sending summonses to the heavens as if she wants to introduce them to the Kingdom of Heaven. By melting all the disloyalties we commit to each other and to her in sin, she transmits, with a dignified language, a lesson of humanity to the furthest corners of our hearts. Jerusalem, in order to clean the threshold of the gates of which the rulers pitted one against another during every period of history, is noble, modest and lonesome.

The Old City has nearly the shape of a square, which is divided into four among the Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Armenian quarters. Tower of David and the museum founded in it can be a good first stop when you enter the city walls. From this tower until the Via Dolorosa, where according to Christian belief Jesus is believed to have walked in pain before he was crucified, you can see nothing that spoils the appearance of a typical Middle Eastern downtown, with its unique houses and souvenir shops. In Via Dolorosa, you can witness the Christian pilgrims walking down this road with huge crosses on their shoulders and with a determination to follow Jesus step by step. It is worth to extend your trip in order to see the Church of Holy Sepulchre, where Christians believe Jesus was buried. The tiles ornamenting the churches in the Armenian quarter are the best examples of masonry. With correct timing, the

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narration of the Armenian Gospel in Oriental modes can be heard during the ritual performed on the afternoon. By following the city walls, you can reach the Jewish Quarter, which is extremely prosperous and regular. While walking down the shops in this quarter, preferred mostly by Jewish tourists, you think you are in an art gallery. When you arrive at the Wailing Wall, you can notice the rush of the Jewish visitors. The sound of the shofar, hurry the Orthodox Jews with their crowded families. The astonishment and excitement of the secular visitors, which are totally different from them, the oathtaking ceremonies of the military troops and the cries of the Kabbalists who occasionally shout in a state of ecstasy convince you one more time that there is no place on earth similar to this city. After you take a few corners, you arrive at the court of AlAqsa Mosque, where you will pass through a series of security procedures. While walking around in this

place where people from every religion get filled with a feeling of peace, you feel as if your shoulders at any time will touch the shoulders of a prophet or an angel. With this shiver, you feel like a child, your steps get smaller, your ego diminishes, and your heart gets bigger. If you get tired after all this sightseeing, you can call in the 500-year-old Uzbeks Tekke next to the wall of Al-Aqsa mosque to find the traces of simple, but at the same time rapturous mystical traditions of the Central Asian Sufis, while resting your body and soul

sipping the tea offered to you. If your eating criteria are not so strict, you can regain the energy you lost during the trip by having some hummus, falafel, pita and mint lemonade. If this alternative is not so appealing to you, you can choose a European meal in the stylish restaurant of the Austrian Guesthouse. The tradition of ancient cities, that the city was founded on seven hills has of course been observed here. But the city has an exception, the seventh hill, the Mount of Olives, is out of the city walls, located on the other side of the Valley of Hinnom. While the foot of the Mount of Olives and the city are the most precious graveyards in the world for Jewish people, the upper and inner parts of the mountain are lively Arab quarters. Mishkenot Sha’ananim and Yemin Moshe quarter, which are the first settlement areas outside the Old City, are interesting places with both their beauty and their stories. The famous Jewish businessman Sir Moses Haim Montefiore had to make considerable effort in order to convince the people who had been accustomed to living inside the city walls to move to these quarters. Now people pay very high sums to live in this region, which is considered among the most luxurious quarters of the city. If you would like to see some Anglo-Saxon style chic cafÊs and bookstores, and would like to buy some accessories, then the German Colony and the Emek Refaim Street crossing it from one end to the other is ready to present you a micro-scale, but rather satisfactory compilation of western metropolises.

by Rıdvan Genç ridvan.genc@intersociety.net

IIS attends training course for

projects in Finland

Especially with Youth programs, European Voluntary Service - EVS (since it is open to all young people between 18-30), IIS hosted 7 young volunteers from Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Italy and Latvia to create them to work in and organize the activities varying between 6 months to one year. On the other hand, 15 Turkish youngsters were provided to go abroad in Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Macedonia to work for NGOs voluntarily and visit these countries. In a word, IIS has performed 10 projects since it was established in 2006. Through the relations between Turkey and European Union, various types of grant programs have been possible to apply since 2003, and International Interaction Society (IIS) involved in these programs by means of its social and cultural activities since 2006. The activities, which are organized weekly, monthly and yearly within a program, are worked up into projects throughout certain periods like six months, year or years. IIS concerns many types of projects: EU Education & Youth programs, Projects Developing the Civil Society Dialogue, Social Awareness Raising Projects and Projects applied to the Foreign Mission Representatives are among the basic project proposals that IIS implements. In Turkey’s EU accession, it is aimed to merge Turkish and European citizens, to learn the other cultures, to increase the European citizenship of Turkish people, particularly the youngsters, to create the awareness on social matters with the activities of the projects mentioned and realized in different countries.

Recently, IIS have prepared a project related to the Culture and art. Culture and arts can be excellent tools for enhancing dialogue, better understanding and cooperation between Turkey and EU member

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states’ civil societies. On the other hand cultural prejudices may constitute an obstacle to dialogue and cooperation. In that respect, partnerships in the field of culture and arts between Turkish and EU member states’ civil societies will not only serve to more efficient and fruitful cooperation and dialogue but also help to overcome possible cultural prejudices and also contribute to the EU policy “unity in diversity”. Since its foundation till Treaty of Maastricht, European Union that prioritized economic cooperation, features intercultural interaction and unity in diversity. The fact that cultural diversity should not endanger the union in European Union that spreads on a very wide area and shelters a

the interaction. Mardin which has provided peaceful atmosphere to different civilizations, cultures for hundreds of years is one of the significant areas showing the Turkish tolerance, Turkish thought,and cultural diversity. In a similar way, with its rich history, culture and citizens of different nations and the minorities; the city of Tirol presents peerless opportunities in terms of art and culture.

number of different cultures. In this respect social and cultural cooperation come into prominence in European Union. The activities and cooperation in the fields of culture and art in order to build intercultural dialogue is undeniable. Within the scope of this project; Mardin and Tirol city of Innsbruck State of Austria are dealt with in order to increase dialogue , expose awareness in culture and art and strengthen

Target groups of this project are 53 members of International Interaction Society and 23 members of UNILOG. Moreover, 400 people coming from different cultures and religions will participate directly to the art gallery within the scope of the project. The participants are composed of women, young people and disadvantaged people. The participation of the women and disadvantaged people are highly important for the project.

As IIS Project team we are not only involved in this project but also we have attended a Training Course called Paths to working Life-Unemployment youngster and young job-seeker hold in Finland by CIMO, Center for International Mobility &Finland National Agency. Youth unemployment and precarious working conditions are one of the key challenges faced by young people nowadays. Paradoxically, being the best educated generation ever, young people today face enormous difficulties in entering the labor market and once in the labor market, they are faced with precarious working conditions. Participating in the training course about the unemployment of young people on the scope of the Youth in Action Program was encouraged me to get involved more in the work on youth unemployment. I am now more aware of unemployment youngsters’ situations and problems. I feel more comfortable to deal with young people who don’t know what to do. I know that this issue is not simple enough to be solved easily. It is very complicated and has more aspects need to be dealt with. But,I can now better understand the perspectives of Youth in Action programs and policies made by politicians. I could practice different kinds of activities and applications in this issue. This is very useful and handy program for me. I learned many things. I will share all my experiences, documents and opinions about the program with IIS Project Team.

January / February 2011




by Emel Arslan Deniz emel.deniz@intersociety.net

“Pilaf with Anchovy” is one of the most precious treats of the Black Sea Region, especially of the Eastern Black Sea Region in Turkey. We collected information about the ‘Pilaf with Anchovy” because it is both so delicious, and it is the anchovy season now. Here is the recipe for this delicious dish:

: gredients


hovy 1 kg of anc ount fficient am u s f o l a e Cornm f: for the Pila Ingredients e ssful of Ric 3 water-gla ized onion 1 middle-s tter onful of Bu 1 tablespo e nuts fuls of pin n o o p s le b 2 ta ants fuls of curr n o o p s le b 2 ta r Salt, Wate r lack peppe Optional, B

Cooking Directions: Wash 3 water-glassful of rice until its’ white water is washed away. Soak 2 tablespoonfuls of currant in lukewarm water for a while. Melt 1 tablespoonful of butter in a saucepan and stir-fry 1 middle-sized onion in this butter. Then add the thoroughly washed rice into the saucepan in which you have fried the onion and fry together for a while. Then add 2 tablespoonfuls of currants and 2 tablespoonfuls of pine nuts, continuing to stir-fry all ingredients. Lastly, add the water and salt, and wait for the pilaf until it cooks and take the pan off the burner before it boils down completely and leave it to rest.

Clean the anchovies, including removing the head, fish bone and tail, and flour the shiny outer surfaces of the anchovies with the cornmeal. Meantime, heat the oven to 220 degrees C (turbo phase). Oil a circular tray with butter and place the floured anchovies in a way that some of the fish extend to the outside of the tray. Then pour the pilaf you have cooked on the anchovies and fold the extended fish inside in order to give the shape of a flower. Then cover the empty space over the pilaf with anchovies again and put the tray into the oven that has been previously heated to 220 degrees C. Cook the pilaf in the oven for 40 minutes. After it cooks, take the tray out and turn the pilaf upside down to take it out of the tray on another tray. Now, your pilaf with anchovies is ready to serve. Bon appétit.

by Emel Arslan Deniz emel.deniz@intersociety.net


“MARAŞ WORK” (Needlework with Silver Thread)


araş Works were once the most precious part of the dowries of Ottoman princesses. The senior state officials did not wed their daughters without “Maraş Work,” or Silver Thread Work, included in their dowries. Once it was even used on the fezzes of men as a symbol of wealth. Overall, it was a delicate reflection of patience, labor, and handicraft on the fabric. Besides its magnificent appearance, this precious work of art has a deep-rooted history as well. According to written sources, its origin goes back to the 16th century. Some sources explain, in detail, how it came from the Arabian Peninsula into our culture, and that it was named “Maraş Work.” Reason being, that it is mainly produced now in the province of Kahramanmaraş.

In some other sources, it is stated that the origin of “Silver Thread Work” goes back to the Seljuk period, and that it constituted an important part of the Dulkadirogullari Principality reigning in Maraş region. Moreover, it is stated that Emine Hatun and Sıtkı Hatun, princesses from Dulkadirogullari Principality, took “Maraş Work” packs, morning gowns, bedspreads and garments for wedding and engagement ceremonies with them while they went to the Ottoman Palace as brides symbolizing their wealth. Eventually, Silver Thread Work accessories have turned into an important tradition. Silver-thread brocaded fezzes were used by girls, and also males in the beginning. These needle works were used on the equestrian garments and hats of the Princes of Çukurova Region. Afterwards, they ornamented the fezzes of the males from Maraş, Kilis and Antep regions. These precious needle works were often used on the kaftans worn by the court members and their fame reached till Rumelia. We investigated the materials used in “Maraş Work,” which is still being produced in Maraş region, and how to do this handicraft. Who knows, maybe someday you may want to try this! “Maraş work” is a brocade applied to only one surface of the fabric. A specially processed cardboard is placed under the design, and, using silver threads, the needlework is

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performed by means of skip-sewing and using the techniques of winding, herringbone, wicker needle, appliqué and crown.

The brocades are generally performed on velvet and satin by using gold, silver, silk, flax and cotton threads on dresses, cardigans, morning gowns, fancy garments, ornamental household goods, belts, shoes and slippers. However, if the brocade is to be applied on a thin fabric such as chiffon, rather than a thick fabric such as velvet or satin, the fabric is doubled with a lining for the process of needlework and the needlework is applied on this surface with gold and silver threads.

This deep-rooted tradition of ornamenting the dowries of princesses in the past is continuing to be performed by five craftsmen in Kahramanmaraş, in accordance with the original form. If one day you happen to go to Kahramanmaraş, we recommend you to visit these five craftsmen to see examples of this art. With the hope that the treasures of the past never vanish…

by Alexandra Grusha alexandra.grusha@intersociety.net


Share My Bread and Salt “He who shares my bread and salt is not my enemy”

Bedouin Proverb


Russian proverb says, “Bread is at the head of everything.” Bread and salt have always accompanied the joyous and sad occasions in the lives of Russians. Usually, dear guests or newly weds were welcomed with bread and salt, and bread was the first thing to pack for a long journey. Bread signifies all God given provisions, the abundance in simplicity, the Giver and gift of life in its continuous flow, first things in the day, and essential priorities. Salt is one of the most ancient preservatives signifying incorruptibility, perpetuity, and purification. It is an amble of the intention that gives significance to action. The symbolic significance of salt runs deep in the traditions of the People of the Book. The covenant between God and the Jews was a covenant of salt, ritually remembered with salt. All the holy offerings which the children of Israel offer unto the Lord, I have given thee, and thy sons and thy daughters with thee, by statue forever: it is a covenant of salt for ever before the Lord... Numbers 18:19

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There is an expression, “the salt of the Earth,” which means the most important and the most necessary thing, that is impossible to live without. People began to salt their food from immemorial times. It is not surprising that the word salt resembles in different languages: in French it is sel, in German – salz. Together, Mother bread and Father salt encompass the work of civilization- sowing, harvesting, milling, leavening and baking of grain, seeking and gathering salt from the sea and earth, and trade and commerce with salt. Together they symbolize effort, creativity, intelligence and wisdom, and the cooperation that is necessary to bring them to the table and to keep peace in the world.

“Bread and salt” was a general notion for an overwhelming majority of cultures. There are a number of proverbs still existing in many different literatures. For example, “By bread and salt we are united” (Moroccan proverb); “A traveler on the mystic path is content with a loaf of bread, by its light he may be turned towards the light of God” (Rumi); “Don’t say you are full if you haven’t touched the bread” (Russian proverb). However, as a rite, the tradition has continued to this day only in Russian culture.

Most likely, the approximate origin date of meeting guests with bread and salt tradition in Russia goes back to 9th century. V. V. Pokhlebkin, the most prominent specialist in the history of cookery defined several stages of Russian cuisine. According to his classification, the 9th to 16th century was the period of Ancient Russian cooking, which was described in “Domostroy” in detail (Domostroy: Russian 16th century book setting out rules of house management and family life). During that period, the basis of Russian cooking was composed of cereals, floury and grain products. In the 9th century, sour rye bread appeared. It is a traditional Russian bread called “black.” The exclusive Russian magic phrase “bread – salt” means the most valuable food. Combination of “bread and salt” is a universal symbol: bread expresses a wish for wealth and well-being, and salt protects from hostile powers and influences. Treating a guest to “bread and salt” establishes friendship and trust between the guest and the host. At that time, if a guest rejected to eat “breadsalt,” it was regarded as an insult. In “Domostroy,” it was recommended to give drink and food to an enemy with bread and salt and “instead of hostile relations, friendship will begin.” With the word “khlyebosolstvo” (hospitality), it is still called such notions, as cordiality and generosity, which a person shows in guest treating. An old Russian saying warns that when we die, all the bread we ever wasted will be weighed; if it turns out to be more than the weight of our body, we will go to Hell. Countless proverbs and sayings testify to the respect in which Russians hold the staff of life. Even Soviet-era campaigns against wasting bread spared the cynicism, usually reserved for such public exhortation. The Russian term for hospitality “khlebsol” (bread-salt), testifies to the actual and symbolic significance ascribed to these humble foods.

by A. Murat FATSA murat.fatsa@intersociety.net

TURKISH COFFEE “Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love.” (Turkish Proverb)

The History of Turkish Coffee: Coffee originally came from the high plateaus of southern Ethiopia. The coffee trees were wild in nature at first; however, after a while the local people started to eat, grind the seeds, and drink them. After emerging from Ethiopia, coffee was first brought to Yemen, spreading rapidly into the interior of the Arabian peninsula throughout the Red Sea basin. When the Ottomans defeated the Egyptian Mamluks and took control of Cairo in 1517, it is quite likely that they had what amounted to their first real encounter with coffee in that important trading center. The pilgrimage route linking Cairo to the Holy Cities remained one of the most important arteries of the coffee trade for centuries to come. All across Europe, coffee arrived to different places at different times, in different ways, and for different reasons. During this process, there was one invariable element: coffee was eminently popular with the bourgeoisie that was now coming into its own in Europe’s political, economic, and cultural life. Shortly after, coffee was introduced to Turks and it quickly became very popular allowing for the introduction of coffeehouses. Coffeehouses and small shops opened specializing in roasting coffee. Coffee roasting is called “tahmis,” and to this day there is a street called Tahmis in the Eminonu

neighborhood in Istanbul where the Egyptian spice bazaar is located. Its name derived from the coffee shops located on this street almost five hundreds years ago. Turkish Coffee Pots (Cezve) Turkish coffee pot with long handle that helps to avoid burning your hands is designed specifically to make Turkish coffee. Choose the pot depending upon how many cups of coffee you need. Turkish Coffee Grinders (Degirmen) The specially designed grinder helps you grind the beans appropriately. Although you can buy Turkish coffee from shops you can also grind your coffee to have freshness and the best taste with traditional or modern grinders. Turkish Coffee Cups (Fincan) Finally, the experience of Turkish coffee is not

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cup in the water while the water is cold and stir. The amount of coffee may be varied to taste, but do not forget, there will be a thick layer of coffee grounds left at the bottom of your cup for properly made Turkish coffee. Don’t fill the pot too much. If you need to add sugar this is the time to do it.

complete without the proper cups. About the size of espresso cups, Turkish coffee cups nowadays have a handle and their designs have a narrower bottom. In the past Turkish coffee cups had no handles, and were put in beautiful filigree or jeweled holders. Even the coffee trays were specially designed for that purpose, having an arched handle by which the tray was suspended. Each household in Turkey is likely to have at least one coffee set and one can buy anything from garden variety, inexpensive porcelain cups, to gold-rimmed and very expensive or antique coffee cups in Turkey. How to Make Turkish Coffee Centuries ago, when people had more time to attend to the demands of their pleasures rather than business and life, coffee making involved some rituals. They used to heat their coffee slowly over charcoal embers for 15 to 20 minutes. A connoisseur can easily tell the difference between a properly made Turkish coffee and one prepared the way cheap restaurants would do, basically boiling the coffee quickly. Although to this day there are still a few people who either do or at least know the days when coffee was heated on charcoal, for all practical purposes modern electric or gas stove tops became the heating equipment of choice.

To make Turkish coffee: 1. Pour one cup of cold water for each cup you are making and then add an extra half cup “for the pot”. Add a teaspoonful of the ground Turkish coffee per

2. Heat the pot as slowly as you can. The slower the heat the better the taste is. 3. When the water boils pour some of the coffee equally between the cups, filling each cup about a quarter to a third of the way. This will make sure that everybody gets a fair share of the foam forming on top of the pot, without which coffee loses much of its taste. Continue heating until coffee boils again, then distribute the rest of the coffee between the cups. How to serve Since there is no filtering of coffee at any time during this process, you should wait for a few minutes before drinking your delicious Turkish coffee while the coffee grounds settle at the bottom of the cup. Turkish coffee is usually served with a glass of cold water to freshen the mouth to better taste the coffee. It is traditionally served with Turkish delight. All of the coffee in the pot is poured into cups, but not all of it is drank. The thick layer of sludgy grounds at the bottom of the cup is left behind.

Associate Prof. Dr. Erdem Diker Department of Cardiology, Medicana International Ankara Hospital


STROKE GIVES ITS WARNINGS! What is a stroke? Stroke (paralysis) is the state emerging as a result of a sudden loss of function of a certain part of the brain due to bleeding or embolism. As in all over the world, the stroke is one of the leading diseases causing deaths and disabilities depending on all reasons in Turkey, too. The chain of events which are characterized by the paralysis of hands and legs, loss of the speaking ability and even loss of consciousness unexpectedly is extremely frightening for both the patient and the people around the patient. Even worse is the probability that the situation is irreversible and the patients falls into a situation he/she cannot care for himself/herself. A considerable percent of the stoke cases take place as a result of the clogging of the brain arteries by a clot coming off the heart. The functions managed by the part of the brain clogged by the clot are lost in minutes. This may sometimes be the paralysis of the arms or legs of one side of the body, sometimes the malfunctions involving speech or sight, or loss of balance or sometimes the degradation of the ideational activities. If the clogged artery is a big one feeding more than one region in the brain, then more than one losses of function or even loss of consciousness or coma may result.

What is an atrial fibrillation? Why does it increase the possibility of clot formation?

Atrial fibrillation is an arrhythmia affecting the upper parts of the heart, which are called atrium. Due to this arrhythmia, the atriums cannot contract rhythmically, but can only vibrate at a high frequency (which is called fibrillation). Since contraction does not take place, blood pools in some regions of the heart (especially in the region called appendix). Pooling of the blood increases the risk of clot formation. The misfortune here is that both the probability of clot formation in the blood pooled in this region is relatively higher, and the incidence of the arrhythmia called the atrial fibrillation increases with the increasing age.

In whom does the atrial fibrillation develop? How can this arrhythmia be diagnosed? Atrial fibrillation is an arrhythmia which is seen especially more frequently in patients with a structural heart disease, i.e. who have had a heart attack, or in patients with hypertension and diabetes. Another characteristic of the disease is the increase in incident depending on the increasing age. In other words, just as the wrinkles developing depending on the old age, the risk of developing atrial fibrillation increases with old age. Curiously enough, it can also develop without any known structural heart disease. The most essential complaint in atrial fibrillation is tachycardia. Due to the nature of the disease, the tachycardia is felt sometimes during the atrial fibrillation episodes taking place in the form of attacks and sometimes together with the continual atrial fibrillation. However, in some cases, the patient feels nothing and the atrial fibrillation is diagnosed in a

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checkup accidentally. In other words, in cases which are frequently seen and mostly unimportant, such as tachycardia, an important arrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation may be overlooked. On the other hand, atrial fibrillation may be discovered astonishingly in a sudden case of stroke (paralysis) occurring without any previous complaint. Due to this complex nature of it, atrial fibrillation is continuing to be a threat.

being. However, big steps have been taken towards its cure especially in recent years. In particular, the recently developed medication which prevents the arrhythmia and, as an interventional treatment method, treatment by destroying with radiofrequency current or by freezing (ablation), look promising for atrial fibrillation. By means of these treatments, while the arrhythmia complaints of the patients are eliminated, brief atrial fibrillation attacks which cannot be detected by the patient, and even by the physician, and the clot formation risk depending on these attacks, still continues.

What can we do to decrease the risk for stroke? Can we really decrease this risk?

Is it possible to prevent the development of atrial fibrillation? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is negative. However, it is possible to decrease the risks. That is, if the checks for blood pressure and blood sugar regarding the diabetes are made properly and the treatments and interventions for heart conditions are applied on time, then the risks diminish. Especially when the people with heart a condition have their checks regularly, then it possible to have an early diagnose of and to take measures against the disease.

Is there any cure for atrial fibrillation? In terms of its causes, the manner of development and its relation with other diseases, atrial fibrillation is not a homogenous disease. Thus, its cure with only one method is not possible at least for the time

Until today, the only option to decrease this risk has been to use anticoagulants. The Varfarin group medicines (under the trade name Coumadin) which are used for this purpose prevents coagulation of the blood by blocking some substances used in the process of coagulation. Thus, the clotting of the pooled blood, and thus the transportation of the pieces breaking off from these clots to the brain is prevented. However, use of these medicines is rather troublesome, because there is certain dose response curve for the medicine. In other words, we cannot estimate which dose will be how much effective. A certain dose which is adequate for one patient may be excessive for another patient as much as causing bleeding in him/her. Thus, the patients using this medicine needs to follow up their blood coagulation levels (prothrombin time, INR) on a regular basis. Since the effectiveness of the medicine changes greatly depending on the food intake, different anticoagulation levels can be obtain at different times. As a result of this, the medicine sometimes have no effect, while sometimes it results in the risk of bleeding due to excessive effect. The targeted level of effect is extremely narrow. It is

formation, which has no known function and forms as a result of some folding during the development of heart in fetus in the womb, functions as the bed for the development of the clots. Closing the opening of this blind sac in a way eliminates the risk for clot formation. This reality, which has been known for long, can only be implementable with the newly developed technologies. Thanks to this new method, by entering through the arteries in the groin, the opening of the appendix is closed with an umbrella-like apparatus. Thus, pooling of the blood, and consequently formation of the clots and the risk of stroke which may develop by transportation of these clots to the brain is prevented. This apparatus, the effectiveness and reliability of which has been proven in various studies, will begin to be used soon in our country, too. vital not to stay under this limit in order to lose the desired effect, and not to go over this level in order not to cause bleeding. Such a follow-up process is extremely troublesome both for the patient and for the physician following the patient. No matter how much care is taken, the risk of ineffectiveness or unexpected severe bleeding cannot be eliminated.

Are there new developments in decreasing the risk of stroke? Two important developments have taken place in this field in recent years. One of these developments has come from the pharmaceutical industry. Newly developed anticoagulants are as effective as the traditional ones and do not require the followup of the blood levels. But unfortunately, these medicines are extremely new in the world and are not available in the medicine market in our country. The other development has taken place out of the pharmaceutical industry. In atrial fibrillation, the place where the blood almost always pool and form the clots is the part of the left atrium called the appendix. This sacciform

January / February 2011


by Nuh Kaya n.kaya@intersociety.net

Japan Year 2010 in Turkey

The year 2010 has been declared the Japanese year in Turkey, as it is the 120th year of TurkishJapanese friendship. In Turkey, activities for the Japanese Year were coordinated and prepared by the committee of representatives from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a consultation committee formed by the Presidency. The activities began with the opening ceremony held by the Turkish-Japanese Association on January 4, 2010. Different events took place in Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Kaman Safranbolu, and other large cities in Turkey as part of the Japanese Year. Opening Ceremony The opening ceremony for “Japan Year 2010 in Turkey” was held on January 4th at the Turkish Japanese Foundation Cultural Center in Ankara, Turkey. The ceremony was attended by: Mr. Katsuya Okada- Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Mr. Ertugrul Günay- Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, and Minister primarily in charge of “Japan Year” in Turkey. On the evening of the opening ceremony, violinist Sayaka Shoji gave a performance at the Presidential Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall in Ankara. In the afternoon of the same day, a Japanese cherry tree planting ceremony (“Sakura Project”) was held at the Turkish Japanese Foundation

Cultural Center, hosted by the Association of International Cooperation and Training. Prior to the ceremony, Foreign Minister Okada and Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, attended a joint press conference. Following the conclusion of the meeting, the Japan Year Opening Declaration featuring information about the relations between Japan and Turkey was issued. Japanese Foreign Minister Okada delivered a message celebrating the opening of “Japan Year” stating, “I expect the holding of ‘Japan Year’ to solidify the bonds of both our countries’ citizens and extend the partnership between our two countries in a wide array of areas.” Turkish Culture and Tourism Minister Ertugul Gunay said that “Japan Year 2010 in Turkey” would contribute to universal world peace. Speaking at a meeting organized to promote the activities that would take place within the scope of “2010 Japan Year in Turkey,” Gunay said that Istanbul would be the European Capital of Culture in 2010, and noted that the activities to mark the “2010 Japan Year in Turkey” would add colors to the other activities. The Japanese Ambassador to Ankara Nobuaki Tanaka participated in the meeting of the Foreign Economic Relations Board and of the culture, arts

and communication committee of the TurkishJapanese Business Council, held at TOBB Plaza in Istanbul on January 22, 2009 H.E Mr. Nobuaki Tanaka visited a number of places and participated in the activities, as well as discussed the possible cooperation issues. In the context of “Japan Year 2010 in Turkey,” with the participation of His Excellency Abdullah Gül, the President of Turkey and His Imperial Highness Prince Tomohito of Mikasa of Japan, the “Celebration Ceremony of Japanese-Turkish Friendship” was held in İstanbul on May 3rd, 2010] When we look at the activities and events related to “Japan Year 2010 in Turkey,” 70 projects were completed. The projects were carried out by a number of private institutions and governmental bodies in the fields of

economy, culture, cuisine, art, history, technology and academic areas. Turkish and Japanese Relations Several historical events, such as the visit of the Ottoman Empire’s Ertugrul Frigate to Japan, followed by the disaster which marks its 120th anniversary in 2010; along with the rescue of Japanese people by a Turkish Airlines plane during the Iran-Iraq war symbolize the friendship between these two countries. What is common in those two incidents is the courage and fidelity that the

January / February 2011


ancestors of the two nations displayed under difficult circumstances without expecting anything in return. Relations between the two countries in all fields, especially, in political, economic, and culture, have developed thanks to our ancestors and the mutual interaction established between the people of these two countries The two countries further enhanced and strengthen ed their goals by hinging on new discoveries with a relationship based on mutual trust. Turkey, which lies at a strategic crossing between Asia, Europe and the Middle East, has an important role in the stability of the region. Within this framework, the Japan Year has been a very important opportunity to re-discuss the current friendship and partnership between the two countries and to re-establish relations.

governmental and non-governmental organizations, associations, universities, institutions, clubs, and federations took part in the events. For instance, in March 2010, Waseda University, Boğaziçi University and the Japanese Studies Association held a workshop on information technology, society and culture about Turkey and Japan. The workshop was open to the public, discussing the transition from traditional society to modern society, and the impact of technology on societies. Second, The Japan Year has enhanced friendship and mutual understanding between Turkish and Japanese people. The events have contributed to mutual interaction in all fields, especially in the fields of economy, culture, science, education, sports, and tourism. For several months, İstanbul hosted various examples of Japanese performing arts, and now the Japanese had a greeting spring in İstanbul with a very old Japanese tradition: the Matsuri, meaning festival in Japanese. For example, Matsuri 2010 Organization Committee, NPO Japan-Turkey Friendship Association organized an exhibition called “İstanbul Matsuri.” The installation “Yamahoko” (car festival introducing Japanese Culture) in Taksim Square attracted many people and it was then introduced in Gaziantep in May, and Bursa in September. Third, The Japan Year will carry cooperation to the future because the historical, cultural activities, festivals, trade agreements, conferences,

The Japan Year had three main objectives. First of all, it aimed at introducing beauties of Japan. Japan has a very deep-rooted history and rich culture that many Turkish people do not know about. Therefore, the film festivals, theatre, cuisine, art, martial arts, green tea, theatre, exhibitions, kimono parade, seminars, traditional Japanese drum show projects, and activities were highly important to learn more about Japan. In this context, in İstanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Mersin, İzmir and Trabzon a number of

workshops, and exhibitions are great investments for future generations. The true understanding of the two friendly nations and deepening of the relations depend on the prospect of the projects. Therefore, we believe that all the activities have contributed to the further advancement of the relations and have become a model for a bright and peaceful future in the world. We believe that having such events and activities will further reinforce the friendship and cultural bonds between the two countries and bequeath them to future generations. Some of the different activities held for “Japan Year 2010 in Turkey” were as follows: -Res-i Dostluk Japanese-Turkish Friendship and Art Exhibition organized ‘Ebru House Turkey’ which comprised of works of contemporary and traditional artistic works of Japanese and Turkish Artists. -Traditional Japanese fireworks display -Modern Japanese fashion show by Hanea Mori -Solo performance by Michie Nakamaru -Exhibition of Japanese National Treasures at the Palace of Topkapı. -Traditional Japanese drums and dance show - On the 10th of July 2010 the opening ceremony of the Kaman-Kalehöyük -“Akiro Kurosawa Film Festival” to commemorate the centenary of Akiro Kurosawa’s birth -Receptions and cultural events in December,

January / February 2011


Ankara Jazz Festival Program Announced




14th International

Ankara Jazz Festival’s 14th year will be with the theme of Jazz with a Touch of Wind. In addition to national jazz performers, the festival that plays a key role in promoting them abroad is going to present a magnificent program one should definitely not miss. This festival being a major activity Ankara Jazz Society organizes, is being carried out by LEO Etkinlik Yönetimi ve İletişim.

Poland will be hosting the opening ceremony. Now being one of the most significant activities in Ankara thanks to the participation of the festival sponsors such as companies, embassies and press agents, and it will be a gathering of both national and world-famous jazz figures. The shields are to be presented to the participating organizations by Ambassadors of Jazz. A number of activities will be performed between Feb. 3rd and Feb 26th. Now famous abroad, the festival is well-known as the number of international performers to play in the festival exceeds a hundred. Following a delicate discussion by the festival’s committee, the national performers to take place are also scheduled. As one can understand from the theme Jazz with a Touch of Wind , we will have the chance to enjoy the performance of jazz soloists and masters of wind instrments. Famous soloists will be performing on weekends and the protocol performance will be done by Turkish Air Force Eagles of Jazz Orchestra as it has become a tradition. For the program, tickets and music samples, please refer to www.leo.com.tr, www.acd.org.tr, www.ankaracazfestivali.org

January / February 2011


Main Sponsor of IIS-Turkish Airlines International Football League

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