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Law Umon & Rock pays Nl.2bn on claims Underwriting firm,

Cross River, Bonk of Agriculture sign N200m MoU 10 grow SMEs

Low Union & Rock Insuran[e pic has (ontinued 10

meet its claims obligation to insured clients. having paid oul over NU billion in the first Three of 2012.

_ Company news. analysis and insight



Page 11 Thursday 20 December 2012

Anchor Insurance posts N57m PAT in 2011

Heineken seen as good competition for spirits





eiDCken, produced in Nigeria by Mgerian Breweries {NB}

pic, with maJority shares owned by lleinckeo oCThe Nethcdaods, 11 seen inlemaJlybycompaoy~

as a strong competition for spirits, saying that the bcvu.Igc maker may DOt be venturing into the produdion of &pirits any lime 5OOD. BusinessDilY also understands that NB will push 10 make Hemcken • 1 million hcaoliue brand by2014. Siep Hiemestra, Ucinckm's regional p resident for Africa and the Middle East. said In a recent Lagos gathering of global invc;tmcnt analysts al the company's financial markets oonfereoce lhat·the beer n:rnainsthebevaageofcboice in Africa and that Uclncltcn has seen positive growth on the conlinenr. with the growth contlnuinglo Iook.impressivc.In response to Investors' questions if the Q)mp;1Dy was p lanning 10 make a roray Into th e spirits market th e way rivals Diagco and SAB Miller had done, Hlemestr.!. said. "In Atrlca. be1:r is the beve:nlge of choice. Premium beer like Heineken is <II good romped tkm Jor spirits.The company Is keen 10 push the inlernational prtmiUID segment (IPS) InAhica. including Nigeria, whic h II says is positioned for growth. The segment achieved a wmpound average growth rate of 10 percent berween 2005 and ZOIl, with Heineken achievInga CAGR of21 percent during this pe:riod.

nchor Insurance, an underwritin g fi rm with a regt s· leTed office in Uyo, Akwa I bom, has posted a pronl a fter ta x (PAT) o f NS6.86 million for the finan cial year ended December 3 1,20 11 . The company's total as· seu showed a marginilllncrea se from N4 .04 billi on 10 N4.24 billion during Ihe same period, while its nelS operating Income slood al N721.24 million fIlS againsl N7 1.2.68 million In 2010. Senas Ukpanah. chairman of the company, who milde this knOWJl during th e firm 's annual general meet · ing. laid gross prem ium income also increased by 10 percent from NI.026 billiOn 10 NI.IJO billion during Ihe same period. According to him. the company paid claims of NI84 million as aga inst N80.55 paid in 20 10, but nOled tha t lhe underwriting pronl d eclin ed marginall y from N663mlllJon In 201010 N660 milllollin 20 11 . Addressing the sha re· ho lders, h e sa id the allendant Increase in regulatory and olherop erntional costs. ioeluding claims, a n ected profit"biliry In th e period, adding that th e imposilton of various monetary sa nctions fo r non -compliance and missta tement tend ed 10 be punitive.

Helneken's s h are of the in ternational premium segment has grvwn from 17 percent [n 200S 10 30 percent in 2011, figun:::s made available 10 Buslncss[);! But the company sees a further windowar opportunity for its premium beer with an upeded potential shift by consumers from local to branded brews. It Is this emerging and potential shUt that Ilelneken eI£a.\tivcs are factoring into their Invl!Stmcnt decision. For instance. capital expenditure, indudingjoint ventures, bas

been In the 300 mWlon Eums region since 2008 when 314 million Ewos were posted. as CAPEX. Last year the company's <:APEX WlIS 300 m illion eures. TIle Nigerian beer market has seen strong volume development since 2002 with dose 10 20 million hectolitres produced last yea.; up (rom the 8 mllUon hectolitres recorded In 2OOZ. Growth has been rerorded. KrOSS all the segments orthe beverage maritet oebeer. stout and malt, according 10 flgUl1!S seen by BustnessDay.

Last year. Jager aa:ounled for 58 percent of the Nigerian beer; stout accounled for IS pert:enL while mall Kcounted for 27 pen::ent. In lerms of ccmpound average growth rate (CACR), mail reccrded the hfabcst at 17 percent belVo"een 2007 and 2011; stout record ed lS percent. whUelageJ"reconled9perttnt, suggesting lh3t the pattern of consumpdoncouldalsobeJacloring health ccosidention5. Nico VerveJde, managing director of NB, also to ld the investment ana lysts aboul

what hecalled 'clear prioridcs for aetlon for winning with NIgerbl'ln which be outlined the ambiti nn to 2014 10 LDclude oUlperrorming th e markel, achieving COSI leadership and winning as 'consumerInpired, customer-oriented and brand-led organisation."

Afreximbank to boost coccoa production with Nll.1bn in Nigeria, others rlcan EIport-lmport


Bank (~mbank)

bas Signed fa cility gn!ements to provide almost Nll.lbWion (55 million euros)with three finDs Jor equipment procuraneot to enhance cocoa beans processing capaddes in Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d. Volre. Togo etc as pari of the bank's programme 10 Sllpport valueadditive activilill'S 10 mo ve Africa away from remaining an ~J1er of filW produce. In separate ceremonies 311 the ACrel.imbank b eadquaners in Cairo, Egypt, the bank ,igned a ) 0 mlllianeuro fadliry agreement with

Societe d' Usinage et de Cooditionnement du Sud-Oucst (SUCSO) of Cote d ' ivoire on December 13, 2012; a 25 millioo-eum Jacilhy agreement wtth Societe Nouvelle de Commen::e Gulnee (SONOCO) ofGuinea on December 14, and an 18.9 mlllioneuro fadliry agreement with Conditionnement de Cacao et Cafe S.A. Cote d' ivoire (OONDICi\F)ofCoted'lvuire, also on December 14. The facility agreement withSUCSOlsaduaJ-uanche expo rt receivables-backed - faciliry under which ACre..:imbank would. in Tranche I, provide up to 12 million Euro

CONDICAF wtll use th e to enable SUCSO nnance upgrades and undenalte new 18.9 million euros itls being Investments 10 complete the provided under the factllry setting up of two additional Igrccment to refmance mstprocessing lines lor the pro- Ing indebtedness. purchase a duction 01 cocoa butter and cocoa processing plant and to cocoa cake, and. in Tr.lnche pun::hase cocoa beans. II, finance procurement of Afrexlmbank pres ident cocoa beans by SUCSO for JCiIf1 Louis Eba 5ald the Jacillthe 20 12/2013 season for pm- desloSUCSOandOONDlCAF cessing into cocoa products -were being extended under for export. the Mric.a.n Cocoa InldaUve 10 th e case of SONOca, tiuuugh which the BankislUpthe 25 m llllon-euro faell- porting value-additive actlvtIty will be used to purchase ticslntbecocoasectortomove a nour mill plaot to help Africa away from an exporter the wmpany 10 expand its of raw beans to an exporter of business by producing flour cocoa pruduc:ts, Indudlng raw Jocalty instead of lmponing matcrials for tbcchocolateand (rom outside. beverage sectors.

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