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I 22______________________________________________D_A_I_L_Y__T_R_U_S_T___ Business


-------------------------------------------------------ADIC Insurance pays N63mto Keffi market traders

from Chris AgaIN. t.,ctS. ADiG IIlsur.ITtC~ Pk has wuled

c1,lm of N61 million to th~ 16 lrad~n \\·hosc shops w~r~ raud bylh~ fire al th~ K~m Main Mlr ktt In Nasar1lWl Stat~ A 5tat~m~nt (rom th~ com pany mdlaled that the lrad~n

hadtak~n I fir~poIicywllh ADiC

IhllJ th~ 16 K~(fi market tr1ld~n who had their shops dlmagtd by the fir~ were compcnsatN. (or th~irlouu.

Presenting the cheques. the Cllims Opcntions. ADIC InsUr1lncC'. M.r Efa1t1 A Usud~, said th~ KttJemenl would provide I form of n:'spit~ to th~ 16 tl"lld~rs u they would be abl~ to rqKac~ the-If burnt goods With the com~.5Illon received from ADIC Ind Ulrry on With the-Ir lradlng buslncssa. U~ ~nJOlnN. Nigerilns to ~mbface in,uranc~ u It r~mains th~ only nuus for busineu ("on linulty and dTC'ClI~ 'UJt~nanu of a growing «onomy likt Ihat ofNigt'nL H~ad.

'Genetically modified foods safe for humans' l,bbrtn,AUrH\IIII

11-IE Nau mal Biotechnology Devdopment Agency ( 'l.\8DA) sal'S coruumption of GeMtiaJlv Modified (GM) foods wi.ll not pose au, lhf'l"1lt to humlln hnlth as it hiS not

!>em founJ 10 ~.tO in countries where they tu.~ bc-m


NABD \'J DirectorGcncral, Pro(Bamidde Solomon, ,.,ro disdoscd thill in Abu;" Aid the risks (or ll-enoYd (GM) foods arc the Arne as

He u:~a.incd thai there is regulalOfJ

forconvmlion&l ones. Though. he said, countries whkh have pmrisions (or GM roods usually ~atc the

frame:workforGM foods under the Bio-safdoy Unl. of the Ministry of EnvironmenL

pncticc. twng Into account hnlth and cnvi· ronmmt:a1 riJ.ks. as well as control and trade maled 1$SUes.. According to ProlSoIomon. GM crops are CUrTnltly undCf'JOing ftdd trbIs in Nigula and the blo-afety btU passallnlo law by the National. Assembly b currmt/y Iw&illng the

He said most NlgcrliUU Ire &ktrtkal about gtMtk:aUy modified pl.nu and animw bcausc of mlJlnformalton by some sd( acclaimed 1CtMsts.. He said Nigml would benefit imm<nsdy (rom biotechnolosru II would make I .Ignlfi. ani impact on job and ~llth aation, t11Idi -

PraklCfus U$Cl1L

cation ofhungrr and malnutrition.

Gro\Ving the capital market with new initiatives Many ! takeholders in the Nigerian Stock Market believe that the market has begun to enjoy favourable sentiments from investors given the improved regulatory framework.


The capll.1 muket Is I \lmur b the dre dation and growth ~ wn.Ith gk*>11 y, which it why it is important f,,, ~toNUClk thc ~ Jll how to 1!lYeSt m iL It hdps to i. npr~ the rulUl~ and 10 protKt I )elf In~lln thc

Securities tribunal for market abusrs thlt IN 10 th~ downturn. and ~,. orden of d~­ ~t and restitution ofinvaton.. 8a5ed on eviden« of finandal

Sinc~ 2111 0. 5Of'I'te moml

and corpont~ 8O"ft1\allCC bp5c:s. the SEC In 2OIO~.ad the leadcnhipolthe Nigerian Stock ExchanF (NSE). The equity market capitalization nowstandsatN7.18trilllon..1bt

intrgntY lll J leYlYe invatOfS' con-

market has recorded a ynr -to-dat~ em) of0'Ya" eight per ani rom-


then uvc: been pfOgnlinmes to reston tho Nige:rian markd·.

fMkn<' 1M Tt8ulatory framework

bc:tnz put in 1"11« by the Security


and CommWion ("EC) in the past yearsrmuz ~$USIIJMd. Th~n:' .I consensus ImOll& ~ S that the pros('C'CtS lOr- the natM·n·; atpilal mar\rt tu.~ sin« th~ ("rUbin 2008. bccon~


~ r. forms

induded durz '"8 ~ 26 IlndwKtuals Ind miltin bdClff IlC I nVCSUllml and


pared with a dcdilM' of O\'ef 16 pet'" cmtiast ya.r Thue arc abo new prodllCU. new listing requimnmts. ~tCl" CI{1'KltyamoogoperalonandfCIWaIOrs and I drutlC rN.uction In market infractJon among otMn.. Improving marit~t with new

'"'"'-h~ mruu~t$ tradal m lhe mvket In:' lnangible Ind this is one of the I"lIhonales for resull ' lion It', abo Important to 1Klt~

that finandal mark.eu do not. fOr obYlOlU rn.JOfIs. trod towards equilibrium. AJ I result of this,

Ihq- cannot ~ left to thnr own

dcYka. Rule rmklng b alto OM ofthc ~lItory loW nn~ by tbcSEC to rqulalt' ICtlvnics In the Nigttian capital marbt.. The other 1000 Indudc rcgistr1llion, monitoring. Invuttgalioo and enf()l"CftnCl1t. Slrmgthcntng market inJtllut knu Then: has been an om- hauJ In r«t'N lima In the Capital Market Commitlee (CMC) to entw.a its rdcvaocc to the growth and devclopmmt of the Nigman capital rn.arka Coruequently, the CMe was ~15Cd late last yar with

snm sulKommlllees emaglnl't the end of the curcise. "["M commillces ~ been streamlined to corrcbLt directly with the work tngi of the market. DPI1y Thut learnt that the SEC

h&s cornmcnad diKUSliions WIth the BuTellu of Publk EntJq>nJel on the apprnpriak privatisation model toadopt f(w the AbtqII Securltieland Commodities Eu~ (ASCE) fulkMing ron5U.Itation with the Mlnlstryoff-lnance.oo the W«1d Bank.. EducatinA Nigmans on

inY$irtlin nodi. M part of the dTort to educating Nignians on the Importan« oflnvatlng In the Nigman apital marht. SEC partnttl NoDy· wood to produce I movie trtkd -8rttZC" thai will teach Nigerians about inYcstmenl and saving for thef"utUfC. Arunma Otdt.. the Director Gcnenl of SEC says. "the rom missfon believes thai the capil'" rnarkd is kqt 10 Inuu[orming the society. btaUM' flO natm has grown without its people AvinA to edocat~ thor children and 10 tl"llndOrm the country"

Ewbank is African Bank of the Year


ECOIlANK TBnSfWionaIlncor· pontN. hu bC'cn named African Bank o( the Year in thb mr's African BankCI"'s awardl. fr:ndJ.ns olf competition from IoU othCl" nornlnca to win the highly «7V etcd prize. A statnnmt from thc bank. aid lIS Group o.icf Eucutive OffJaf", Arnold ape, was abo honored With I Ufrum~ Ach~· menlAwani. The annual awards, whkh reward outstanding talent and .dtkve~l In Afncas finan daI IC'Ctor, wen hdd under the s-tronagt' olThe Afncan On-dopment Bank It its Annual am· craI Medingin AIllIha. TanzanIa. Conun~nting on Ecobank.'s AJCCeH, Omar Ben Yedder, Pub-lisher of A/rlam &nm rmga. ulM',Aid; "It'sbeenanothn mikJaonc ynr (Of Ecobanlt. cspccialIy with th~ acqubition of Dennie Bank in Nign~ and the group prod.KN. I vt'I)' solkl financial prrfurllWlCCovenU. - In tams of ilJ foocpnnlJ and adr~mcnts., it continUCI 10 dm~ forward and remains ahead of its competllors. Its invewnmt banking operations. a1lhough ""a11cr than its rivals:, are grow· ing raptdly, ckKlng a num~ of landmark dc:aIs in 20 11 " Ekpc's outstanding rontribut\on 10 business In Afria, m a Olfttf" spanning over JO yean. wu further recogniud by. Uf~­ lime AchkYl-~t Awud In tncfourth Afnon Busrncssl..cadtT stllP Awanb (A81.A)

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