Nigeria seeks Australia's investments in agric, mining IGERlANs~JAustnfi;m
NirM:stDB ttll.~ ~
e5pcd.1Iynawdut thrc:ountJy
has IY:newcd Its effortS to
foreign Affairs Minister,
cial t'nvoy of the Australian PlinY Minlsttr. Mrs. I~nna Hewitt, In h1solrh. inAbuj.l.
all Whrit he 1'Kd~ a ~
on the privatr: .sector as lht
d~Jop them.
Cellulant Nigeria dears air on fertilizer scheme (
Elll1W<T empomlon. ,
mobile axrunerce netwodt operatcr that IKI:ntIy WI:D ;a contract fO de!;lgn. deYdop and opeDtr the ~ ptatfonn for lhl' Nigeria s
Support Scheme (GES). has dc:scrIIxd 1tSdfas;a PmIJrican and full.6edgrd local finn The GES Scheme Is m dec· tronic-mobile n!gls[r.U:ion. validation and nlue chain devdopmt:nt syst.ern (~ let) that support! the disttf. bution of (;inn In'JUts dlm:t. Iy to farmtors. The finn said that to ~ports that It ~~a whoUy Kenyan firm. -ceUulant is a business founded originally by Nlgubns and Kenyans with oper.Il:Ions a:ross many AfrIcan countries Includlng
mobile ~yment networks, we understand the: ~ulrmw:nts ~nd challe~
of mobile commerce bwl-
~~ the )"I:ars. we haW' worked wtth ~ Nigerian telecommunication compa· nles, banks and various other Ofgiln15atloru to delfvn and manage digital conr~ntand it Is the same expenlse and ~ that lhe Nigerian go....emme:nt will }eyer.ll~ to operate the Growth
Enhancement suppon Schertlt!,- he added
d~of bothSKtors.
"Our qriruJture agmd.t Is focuse:t on haYing ;I: prfvatr sector-led boa.n1s; alriled 011
making agriculture a prtvilk sector business with no g0v.-
lot of
InY6lors operating larg!' scale f.umlng In Nigc1.l. -As a ~mcnl, M Ml! ~ about food securt~ malls why ~ Me making
aRJiculruR' mon: m«ha·
nTsedand pnxI~,~ Ashiru
He ~ Australia's
apertise In the field of agrtcu1~ adding that thoUgh both munO'k'S are tar apa.n., the private 5KtOr could
brid.., II>< pp. Hewiu said AusmJll
conct'ntrallng on afl'a5 where lUi economic profile matches AfrIGJ'S potentials <lind priorities, es~Jy In
.agr\culturund mIning. The mwy .said Auslnlla was
wUUng [0 s~ 11:5 ~ ud ape:rience In ll':Wilrm ilnd I:eChnology to boost agriculture production In Niger1a and expressed lhe
hope thai more
Inwston'tNOUld t1p Into the opponunltles offend by Nig_ ~ ~.mmnual mi~
coofuma In Peth- one 01 our big mining dtles. to c:ncounge them to tBe advanClse of opponunitfel
Inlegfltid Telephone SystJm
InAfrica . According to News Agmcy of Nlgf!1U, Nigeria ~n(J Aus{r.lIlI~ l!:SL1oUshed ;a
Ccn CllllllllUllbIfDllIoCllls ID dIoose~ slfUlbol Uft
Forum In 2Ot1, to among otft.. ers. promotel:r.lde bet:Ween both nations..
Panaboard Electronic Whiteboards
ThnunL1., MalJy1, ambia and Bouwal\L.. &.ecutM Dlrec tor, Sped.ll Projects, Cellullant Corpor.lltion Lim ited, Bolajl A1dnboro, at~.-b:nd, In I..3gos.saidthe nnMSoffer· Ingarangor ces,lndud-
YoiiI~ ~
SftVIas or
wfrdess appll alion servia! provider segment of the
telecommunlc!.ltlOn Indus-
It 15 also ~n ecosystem provider In th mobile commerce segmen or the bank·
"Ct!lIulant is. l~erian company that has 'n duly~· \stUed ~nd 0 rnting In the
counuy for
r dgnt
wfth vast til' nce In the valued added Invices segment In the Ie ommunlCillions secror.~ h Slid. A1dnboro ,.tplal.ned th.iJt
the firm's I~ment In the
Nig~Iia's subsldlsed reroliSt!r aCCESS scheme: Ir,,juded the deployment of 1':5 opm:tse In value dlclln d(....elopmenc., digital cont~nl crealion, de:liW'ry and ITldnageme:nt or mobile telecommunications
-As illeKI.inI nobile comnftWOrlc ?pCr.lItor in Africa that manage. dellvus and bills ror dg tal content f]'leITr
lot . .".."
Also A""bl"t
WESTGATE TECHLTD. Tel; 0 1 _. FRST CHOICE. Tel; 07Il65200347 VnSLJJ/D: orneE · R· us Tel; 01·7008010. NEET NIGERIA Tel; 01-4621006-8 GOOOIES LTD. Tel: 01-8941584. 08082977oa!. MEGA PLAZA Tel; 01·7655170.
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