32 GOING Graan -
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/IIi .C"'_ C5fl ...-T1,AflVI;
Edited by Chulul Uroko, chukuroko@yahoo.com, 08037156969
Tuesday 06 March 2012
... Farmers advised on sustainable agric production methods
Building local strategies for adaptation to climate change orCJ.nil.ed by the Climue
CNrce l..IM c:JAm.Jwo Odof.n hift!", climatic conduon5 is.. perhaps. the creJ.test threu
to hu~n
I!Kinence: the moment.. The
eYenU c:J the JWt few yean _lcbrionalon~m F.e , .......u fA all RlDons to
me ~ and take !:her drsdnies mw CJWI'j hands.
regIOOS. spondic
rainfall In dry season tin not only washed 1fW7Y rmny homes. but ~so tai:en !'rUIn)' !twa.The early Moncby rnornif1: ..-.stOnTI1n Lap tis: Febn.wy is a case In point. EfI'ortsare ~betnc
made at IoaLSCIte a:ld fedenJ IeYeIs 01 ~ to cn:ue ~and~sdudoos to the impact 01 thI:i Kotqe.
So far; ~ two been on
buIdnc stnteglel
to ~
!he efJecu of climate: chanp. Urban~usecJMI efflOl!nt !love Of" renewJble
enerz:y inm:ad dfossl ~ trft ~andreqdlf'{dwutes
of the unteC'eJ o .. i;a'iM:iKecperu '-listed for ~don lO dn menKe. The e.xperu. who spoke a t .to CI.mne Chilll.l' Summit lOfI'Il
Local Government ~l of lJ&os Sate..acMsed dw. people should stop ~ houses on w:lterWJYI 01" wetbnds. I(doAdeielfe 01 Corr.ruwty ~andDl!'eIup,iOot,
who Slated these In her fWuentadon at the Summit, expl;ained that adapr..atlon mons simply chan&in& to. or ~ to changes In_lhet"
corddon.addinc ~thal d imue change In iueK hu the benefit of rnlkirc people ttink. to
Urloon ...-...""""" her, is very ~ for lo
like Ucos so :as GO zu:ard lopinst rood san:ity In the
the run! arms."CIrTwe et.we Is lo nlItionlII phtl.o"'e...... dw.
loffeeu Ind/YidUlols Of" whcHe communities". Adeleke Aid. expiloininJ thlot wherns the northern pv1. of Nilerb 15 wffen"l from desertif'iadbn
thu is loffeetinl ~rmih, in the rel,on , lully erosion hu rendered mlony people homelus In the East while risI"I se;a '-I In the COSQj re,lons of the West lond South-South Iw wnhed 'rNlf( brmllonds, destroyed homes
lond rendered loquuic life
Desmond Mlolekodunml. Director. Nllerllon Conservlo(ion Foundlotion (NCF) . wlIrned lollolnst deforesutlon thllt Clouses depiedon 0( the axone layer and me acaJ"IdWon d carbon diwdde in the lotrnOSphere.. He lolso urzed Amuwo Odofin residents to pllont 100,000 trees in order to kHp their en.w'hha.tlfftn and dean. Erier-inhb~
AdewlIIe. chlIirmlIn d the IoaI pal"i6lt.hlId~tN.t
the essence d the surnrnn. wu to Mther create ~ lot the IfU$ root Ievd. lobout the pot.! pl"ibKA ..aKA, ailed dimlote ~ and IG implIct on the peoph!.
MOne other objective of the summit is
our solution lond re.sponse to this Vob'" fMfUice Jiven our pea;ilor ~e.as lo coamI lofea.;u'Id I cbre S2y Wt the world shooId beJln to consider ths loppfVloCh loS lo pontie smtqf'.the chaImw'I
.....He disclosed thllt the
local ~t. on the lul three years. hu mlode efforts lit ,relltml lond l usulnln, lo clelon , areen lond ufe
efMronment. "For .nsa.nce. this Mil "lim iidoi. hu pbnted
well over ....000 trees of vloriOUS species. creloted PIftn I;r.vns, parb and side-
-~- .........
lond durin, drloinloles. esabIishi1& lo ~ ckb loAd a specbI dimlote dwlge '"" In the local zovemment" , he said, revealin, that the IoaI JO"'EIlihU,t's elJoru lot inues of environment Ius lottncUd coownencb.tiofls and recocnition both nationally
kcordrw to ...... the IoaI
aovernment in 1999 was a rKlplent of the Federal Ministry of Environmenfs award as the ' Best Environment-friendly loal Gmenvnent in Npu' ;u'Id the ~ Sate Go¥ernmefXi
awlord u one of the local lovernmenu with best JU"UJred
in 20 I I,
~aledon raidena
01 the IoaI pernment ~t
the efJon. d his
lodministntion by ensurln, tN.t the tll....... M:ilK Is bpt delon and We. wamin&..pnu Indiscriminue dumplnl of ra.se.but rather patrorne the privlIle 5«tOr ~rticiplItion (PSP) in muse dsposal
nv ironmen tal and climate change experU have said thu climate change is r eversing progress In Africa. advising thn h~aders should identify susainllble methods of agricultural production in order to slow down the damaging effecu of climate change. The expt!ru who spoke at the Vodafone African Business leaders Forum In Ghana recently. noted that Sub Saharan Africa remains the only region In which food security hu not improved, describing it as very alarming. Tami Sokutu. Executive Director, African Bank, South Africa , also noted that the: f.ght against poverty in Africa Is becoming more challenging as the. effecu of climate change worsen - even though Africa is one of the smallest contributors of greenhouse gases. He added that one of the issues Africa bces is that it grows food to be exported elsewhere, instead of ensuring that it has enough to feed iu people. "And if we're not careful about our agriculturlll prllctices. much of Africa w.1I be reduced to
a dustbowl". Shade Bembatoum · Young, Consultant, Africa Seeds International Umit~ explaint!d that ''we're not adding enough value to our crops . so we're just exporting commodities • and going hungry at home". 'We're living in a globaJ vililoge," she added, "so wt!! can learn from the many successful examples of sustainable agricultural development and food ch<lins around us:' Mloureen Erekua Odo., Execut ive Director. African Aurora Business. emphasist!d the need for African leaders to examine their food conservation pnctices, nise awareness on the issues of climate ch<lnge, and invest more In clean energy. 'We must also attra.ct the youth to agribusiness, and start an innovation marketplace to launch new ideas and support entrepreneurs with advISOry services." she said. " If we an each lust Invest $10 In the environment every year, we will have abundant fruin for our young people in the next frve years. The time is now to take action".
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