I 18 Business
Friday. Ma"h 2. 201 2
Fidelity Bank deploys credit quest nationwide f rom Iayodl' Ogun ....., ~fOS
IN Ih ~ffort to Implement the CCntrai Bank of Nigeria (CRN) cashlrss policy. Fiddlty Rank Pic hlU
jt5 opnallOflS and
t~r:ntlr.: credit p roctsS 5~If~ rn In
.. lilts bnrnch!S in Nignia with I~ deplovment afCredlt Quest soft ware: The: hank ~'lId the dcvdopmenl has put it III ill good position 10 Implemtrt the CRN us" pol ICy. an LmliatiYe :lIImtd al rt'Juc· IIlg the amount of cuh u~ed In trang ... lrl'IlS in NIgeria. starting With 1..;;I8M. which hili the: bulk of ,,,mmc:rci.. 1 lransachons III the: country A':<ONtng to the cxC'C uuve d, recl(of, ns~ management. fI.'ln. Onom~ OIaolu. the entIre .:redi!
procN.' ofillo" bank has SIner gont live: ..... Ih ((lrroratc: bilnkJng.lc:nd
inB !">ralKhts in Lagos. SOlllh· Somle;ast and South· soulh banks while branches III the l"onhtrn pari of Nigeria are t.lp«"I<.-d III take ofT ne.l t wetk ""('51.
Monda) K\\!,th tlr«t (rom Monda)' Much 5. lOll, all cre'!.,hl r«Jutsu (1111n AbulJ ;'lId Northern hallk.!. bl'dOM .'\;1 cr«ht que~1 ~ She exl"a ntd that all ac.:ou!U onkef', of knding b~nches In both banks hive bttn tr.lJnt<! and are tutl) ((l com rnenCt the UoSt of Ihe S)5ltm To mal..e he u"aosltJOn to tht USf' ot 1M 'W5't m ta5y. QIMllu said tht bankhu ->tovKltd tilt F1ddit)' pmctH manual (CrnUt Managtr & Financial Anaiyur ), 10 givt a sttp b) Sltp gUldt 10 handlin g r«jutsts Ilk logon 10 Iht systtm. customer <oruch, Jinglt (acililY and multtple(acihtyCredi t Anal· )'515 Memo (CAM)
African central banks call for regional union 8, Sundl, Willwnu Burnu of Ihe ASSOXI .. llon n( Atncall ("ent~llbnu (AA( R) ha'~ urgnl ml'mbcr states to IrIlensl(y efforts aimed at 1!1lp1'0',mg their macroeconom IC ind ..... lol'1 which ,¥'Outd (aclhtate convergence o{the rl'glon III a co mn1umqut! on Ihe oulCOIne of AA<~ II mCCllng in AbuJa siglled br the assocUI tton's c hairman and Governor of the Rf'Jtr>~ Bank o f MalaWI Dr Ptru LtgoWli amLrnd b)' Mr Ralph Teb, alai r man T«hnlCal Committee said the 8O\~rnors nOit<! some SIgnS of «onomi( r«~ry III .wnle: AAC8~ member co,mtnd They howt\'er oboSttvni some Jetrrior.l tlOn In «onomic performance 11\ the A(ri
Republl~ot NIgt'nafur lhe f;aultll~pm"ldnJ 10 members of the study group "'orklllson str.tl
Monllonng ( :OOpenltl(l1l I'rogr.ullllle (A /'o\CP ) rnmary cnn,'ergencecntena due to the tnlpact o rthe global finanCial cnm in the leg lnn -The go\'C~rnon asscs.~ the le"c:l of I",pielnenlat lon of Ihe d«islons taken b)' the AssemblvofGo"ernornllU J5th ordmary SC$ Sinn whICh was hdd on 12th August 2011 III ltiongwe.Malawl l lleyaisoreviewnJrrogrc:ss made Wllh reprd 10 the African Mone1ary C.oopcn.hon I'rogr.tmme SlIIce Ihe S;lld mCC1 ing.- 1M cOllIOl umqut! wd. II said the group ooced WIth Slilsfaction Ihe progress ttpOtI on tM actIVit ies of the joint AUOAACB Commlltcc and com mended the effort o fl he stud y group a5 well as eJ:lendcd its apprroatlOn 10 theGo-.'rmm enl of the r"tdcral
qty (or C"Iilabhshmtnt of Afncan Cmlr;al Bank.
The C hai rman of AAell Dr Perks Ilgo"';a said the AACB and Aue study grool' .... llIlUb nut Its report on the tslablishment o{the A{n 0lII Cenlrai llalll.. 10 the burt;au before 1I~ nellt meetmg in Aigtets. Algena to AugUS! Earhe r 31 the opening ceremony of the AACB mcctmg.G O'o'ernoro{the('ml r.tlllank ofN'ger'l3Sanus, l.amldoSanuSllamenlcd The IRabililyofthe ECQWAS 10 kICk off a common cu rn-ncr in the sub· regIOn Ue uid member coun trin nltl tlte rre SCribed targets for all pllmal)- crllena. eJtCtpl theeriterion on financing of the hudget del1Cl1 by the C mtr.tl Bank.
Agric bank disburses N44bn
TIiE wtaI dDbuJsanCllt ~ loan &cilitic:s by the 8mk of Agnrukure (BOA) has reached about N44 bU·
lion. the n~ dtrttlor 0( the bank. Dr. Mohammed K. Sam.unb hau"" til' Aid litis during a presentation to the Ministcn of Niger Ddb. Affain., EldcrGotf5(byOrubcbc and fbjiya 7..airub fbnhim Kuehi and the
dlm::10Il at tht ministry in Abup. 1be ~ dinctor wd out
ri the amount. about N6 bdhon ....as through coIlaborauon ""th other sW-.choIdcn in the agncuItur.tl sec·
Ic:nge is actu;illy funding if not IO~ could h;ayc done- more than this III
- PrcsmUy. "'~ have 21.000 bmcflCWlCS In terms ri the number ofmtnpmes. ,,~~currcndygmcr. aling about46JXX) jobs and ...~ dunk
lie AX! the bank's lotal disburx· men! in the Niger Deb region was about N4.7 billion WIth N2 btIlion for micro ;agric loans, N900 millioo in micro /lOO awkbun. NBS million for mcdrum agriculture and NJ55
million roc agric business. Iht cunlUlam~ dRct roc these Is thai our 1t1\'e5tmcnlln the region Is about N-4.7 bilUan. Part ri ourc;hal·
... ..,;on.
"'' et
that ...,th this ~ haYecorttribludour quota in mtpIoyment: gencntion in thai area and thereby also helping 10 ~UCC'
youth rc:sth'alC$5,K he said.
t Ie wd the bank was coIbbo-
rating WIth difJmo:nt SlaIuhoIdcn in the "WO". one ~ IOttlCh is the N''8C''
I.Jdu Dc-..'CIopment CanmlS$lOll
wbcrc the)' ptt'Sotf\ltd N900 million 10 be compIc:mc:ntcd Wllh 25 per. cmt from BOA (or on lending 10 oYc:r 2000 indIViduals in about 216 coopC11uhft in vanous agro-a1Iic:d
""""'~ The Mioistcr
0( NIger Ddtil
Albin. Elder ~y (}rubeb( Aid that the issue 0( the region is pccuIiar. a technical com m il1cc was gomg lobc set up bcfwccn the nun· istry and the bank 10 (ashion 001 arus of cnllaboraIlOO.
Kogi plans farm settlements in LGAs nlE Kogi S ate gtI'-cmmcnt Aid it will C$labhsh farmsettkmmts in a1llhe 21001 government I reaJ of the: state. Dcput) gevcrnor of the sta te. Archite<t Yomi Awoniri. disclosed this ycsterday in Lokoja wh eT the African ~'dopment Bank (ADII~ COIJritt'V Dlrtclor-Dr. Dive
Osmane paid him a courtesy caU. He said the state was committed 10 meeting the counterpart fund obligat lolU with tht ADB According to him , with Ihe natural and human tnQUfCes thaI abound III the Slate, tilt cstablishment offarm parb was neces· Ary in order to crcatejobs for ·ouruncm · pll'IynI )'Oulhs,-
win not OlIly provide jobs for the youth but
Ea rlier. the ADB bou comm e nded the government for mccting her counterpart
wiU also attnKt localisation of allitd Indus-
funds in all the bank's assisted proJ«ts.
tries that will add n1uc to f;um produce. He Aid the IocaJ 8O\~mmc:n1 councils will be encOll~ to devdop c ro p s that
D r. Osmanc said the bank will ensure the growth ofcom mercial and mcchaniud farming with the cstabHslunc:nt of Agro Allied indwtncs. ad4ing that Nigeria is thehighest shareholder oflhe bank and could nul be ignored.
AWOfll)1 rrWntained that the scttJemmts
have co mpar.tlh~ advamages. saying thaI crops like ca.ss;ava. cocoa. rice and soghum would be glvm priori ly altentiOll