Nigerian Tribune March, 20 12
Agbekoya decries neglect of f arm ers b y gOV t
Yln k . Oladoyl.n bo. Aku.re
JlgbekOIlQ Assocla lion . O n do State chapter. has raised the alarm o\-c:r th ... neglect of farm ers by vnrtous governm e n ls a c ross the country TIle aMOCln tio n . howC1t'C r. lauded tile erron.s or the Olldo State governor. Dr O lusegun Ml m lko . over his programmes In the agr1cultuml sector In the: last lhree years TIle Oodo s ta te Coo,-dlnalor of the assoclatton. High Ch id Aklnde Adeyeml. whUe speak ing with n ewsmen In OdeIrele. ltele Local Governmelll Area o f the statc. lame n te d that farmers h a d n o t been get ll ng their falf s h a re rrom tile three !Jers or govern ment In tile countlJ' _ Acco rding t o htm . many slatC5 had railed to properly Implement their budgetary provis io ns for t he agricultural sector. He:: _ therdo re. urged sta les IiOU 56 o f Assembly a nd Ule NnUonal Assembly to m;lk e law that would enhana- the lIylng sta ndard or brmers in Nigeria and Iffillldate the s tales and Federa l Goyernlll.::n t 10 ens ure that pari of their budgets air marked o n ag ri c ulture a re properly Imple + n, ' nlcd Chid Aklnde sa id the looming dan~ polscd by Ihe government's non cha llant atUtude towards the plights of farmers In Nige ria mlghl cause the natio n Inon' !tayO(" and brtng about food scarcity In the nearest future . li e . however. com mended Dr Mlmlko for h IS develupmental proJects_ particularly In the aru or agriculture In the Orst three yea rs of his administration. C h id Aklnde who 15 also th e BCl$Onlh or OdeIrele . said thr gl!sture rendered by Mlmlko to farme rs In th e s t,ale was u npre ceden t ed and called o n other govenlOrs to take a clue from him \ ... avert famine -In our la nd .He appea led to the Eco no mic and Finallctal Cr im e Commls s ton IEFCCj lo prosecute any governor that diverted mon ey meant ror the de~Iopmilll of alr1cu lturl! In his state ' TIlls. he said . would
Illal Agbekoya Famlers Assoclatton which Is a n afOllation or Agbekoya Grou p that fou g hl Ure lessly luthe ea rly 90's for the liberation of Nigeria as a natio n . has bee n forgotte ll by th ose who now live on th e frulls of his labour Aklnde Implored Yoruba lea ders In p a r tt c ular to e n s ure thaI Agbc:koya n a m e Is Immo..-
tallud for ~ ler1ly 5.'lke lie said Ihe objecti ve of Agbekoy" Farmers Congress was to rep re sent t.he Inte rest o r the commo n man a nd Nigerian rannen who he d escrtbed 8S the bread wi n 路 ners o f the natton_ -We ate affiliation a nd de sce ndant s of AgbekoyQ Group. We are lhe rood basket o f the natlon _ Wha t we haye
c u s fro m wur to Itgrlcull u" W, ' " o UI 10 "p. re se nt the Interest of famll!r5 and we wumgove mml!nl.'l at all level.5 to encourage' and embrace us WlIhou l farming. there will be: IIQ fanners and wllhout farmers . there 1l' 1Il be famine III lhe natlon.- Aklnde sald_ AkJnde said the 1l5SOc ia lion would continue 10 ap preciate and support Ihe state governor. bul urge him nol to relent In his suppotl for Ihe farmers In the slate .
By Gheng. OIumJde YO Sta te deputy governor. C h ief Moses Ad eyemo ha.5 re iter-ned lhe com mitment of Senator Ablola AJlmobI-lcd admlnIstrallon to uplift Ihl! health Slat u s a nd qual lI y o f life of th e entirl! In habltanl.'l of the slate. C hid Adeyemo made lhe pledge n:c:c:ntly ..hUe speaking at the second phase of the state free health prognunme held at Igbe U Town lI a11 In Olonu \90g0 Local Government area of the stale. C h id Adeyyemo_ In a release Sign ed by his Spcdal Assistant on Me-
Oyo deputy gOY reiterates commitment to quality health care dla. Mr observed that many grass rools dwellers_ who were plagued with various 111ne5SCS did not have accc:5II to qualltaU\'C health care servl<:c! due to poverty level. adding t hat s u ch cases would become a Ihlng of the past under the pn:scnt administra tion _ lie. therefore. appealed to the people of
Oloruruogo Local GooIem-
路 People lIulng ut E lere-f"oko CG m.munl'y. Apolu. lbo.dan. are nOU! enjoying Ihe motorised boreholes prouidedJor l h e m by ( h e I do Locol Governme n t Areo q{ Oyo S.ote_ PhOlD: &JIfl Adeniyi_
ment Area and the enUre tnh.-.bltanlll of Oyo s tate. Irre&pecUve 0( their IJOdoecononuc:. religious or p0litical leamln~ to troop out c:runasse to enjoy the dividends of democracy provided by the present admlnlstralloln_ sayin g that thc s tate govemment had committed huge r esource LO eD.'JUre the sUCCCJS oltlte programme. In order 10 bantsh poverty among able bodied men. Chief Adeyemo dis closed that the- state goy. emrnc:nt recently distributed I_OIXl keke-JVumose 10 okada rkk:rs In lhildan. saying the gesture would bl! spread across th e nooks and crann ies 0( the state Speaking on the occa-
Stakeholders kick against re-appointing LG chairman 11~~';::;~::':~~~~~:;
Oyeblsl Ralml , said his Osogbo admln""a"on would 0,.,IE s takeh o lders conlillue to complement In Ejlgbo l.oca l Ule variou s dfons of the Gove rnmen t Area 11011. Ejlgbo l.ocal Gov- of Assembly S peaker. I bUllate a kilometre or state gove rnment ai med of Osun S tate have enllTlent Caretaker Com sec It as u sual practice.路 road In the council. a t provtdlng dtvldc::nds or kicked agat '" Akt n wale who declared - All or us know what democracy to thl! people ns Ie p Ian IIllllee Chatnnan _ Alhatl ~ at t h e grass roots leyel. to re -appolnl th e Imme- Tlamlyu Abiodull that he has embarked on we wc.nt through before adding that apart rrom dla t e past Ca retaker AklnWBle. denouncc:dthe vlslblc:48proJcclswhich ourparlyassumed IJ0'4-c:r the rree heallh Ch airman o r the council. allegatlO Il S levelled were rl!ady for com mls - lIud we realise that If programme_ h is ad mlnlsMr. TIamiyu Aklnwule to against him s lo nlng In the lIut two .::are Is n o t lakl!n . we tratlon h ad allWJ provided oyersee: the affa irs of the Aklnwale told Jountal- weeks. while hundreds might lose this coun cil to succour for the widows counc il again. Ists that ' you see. lhese of projects whic h arc n o t oppositio n a nd It would a n d Ule aged. llteslakeholderswc.re people are anti party visible. had also been be d isas trous to o ur In the sallie vein. the a l Ih e Osu n Sl atc group. TIley are no t Ac - emb.'lrked upon . parly. - C hief Oalogu n deput y g overnor exliouse of Assembl y 10 lio n CoIlgres5 of Nlgerta The c h airman. h ow- said . prcs.sc:d saUsfa ction o yer reglsler their complaint fACN) members per se _ eyer. commended th e C hid Bal og un the large tum out of Inagainst re appointing They wanted t o Speaker o f the Osun clai m ed that the gro up h abitants o f Ogbomoso Akl I II I h dlsLabllise the .... ace of S tate n ouse o f Asse m - had pro te s ted t o the North l.ocal Govemment nwa e. I ng IIg I e l r , .for the state free health co m p laint 011 alleged th e counc il area and 118 bly_ 110 11_ Salaa m for the party-s state sccretar1at programme_ poo r performalll.'C when environs. a n d they are wtMiom used In tackling and the orHce or th e Ilc:urgcdothencs6dellt5 he was In the office_ going 10 face the wrath of the tssue al h a nd. say- S la le Deputy Goyernor, 0( Ule COlUlCtl arm sufferThe people ..... h o ad- the people If they did nOI Ing -In raCl.S_ Mr Speaker whos e office ove r s ees Ing from ch ronic diseases dressed th e mselves as d esiSt from their propa Is a God !lellt pc:rson to aellV1t1es of lhe 30 Ioc;al to usc: the opportunity of C o n ce rned CI ti ze n s o f ganda _' the people of this stale govemmenl areas the state wkIc: free-hea1U1 EJlgbo Local ~)\'Cmment Acco rd ing 10 tie handled the matter The speaker . n Oll tteatmenl to get comprearea. were led by their Aklnwale. -me so called WIth sense of malurlt y I Sa la m In his remarks_ hellslvc medical ~, C hairman . T o la AII - leader or the group. Tola wtll always adore h im fur appealed to the: protest - nottllg that paUenls suffer~ Balogun; a n d Sc:c:retasy. All Balogun Is not frOIll this' Ing g roup to be: calm Ing from all mem such as Mr Akorede Rashldat . Osun Slate . __ h e was Ila n dlllg over the lel - Ju s t as h e assured them hc:mIa.fIbroId. cataradand t uptt Uvdy. they threat- also sent away un c er- ter In whic h illey stated thaI Ule Msc.mbly would h tgflblood pressure. among ened that If the pa rt y emonMlusly by t he Funky their g rie va n c es to the look 11110 the mauer a nd others. had bttn 5UCL'e!JSs hould Ign o re their de- !lotel where he worked Speake r o f t h e I-louse . lake appropr1ate acUon. fully tTcatcd. I Th I I I H bl N TI I Speaking earlier while mand - the ruling pa rt y ast e peop e n tIe o n o ura e oJeem Ie p r o test elter wa.s co ndu c ting C hi d In tile state. AcUo n Con - gro up did n ot vote for Salam_ who IS a lso rep- later handed over to the Atleyc:rno round the surgress of Nige ria (ACN) ACN dur1ng the last e lec - rese nting EJlgbo State C h al nna n _ House Com - gery ward. the head oI' the compel th em 10 focus o n might lose the council to lio n . 50 my own Is n o t COlIstll uency. the pro- mlttee o n Local Go\-c:m- m e di ca l team _ Dr Fred the welfare 0 1 farmers opposition party If the first as lhey dldslml- testers aJleged tha t In ment Matter_ O m oJole. e~latned that and d eyelopmf.:'1 t ofagri- Ak ln wale wa!l re - ap - lar thin g to the t h e lasl one yea r that Ho n ourab le Wa slu her team had SUCCes5cu ltu re In their respce- pointed RI _lto n . NaJeem Salaam AkJnwale was In o ffice. Ade b ayo. fo r In yesUga - fuJly carried OUi G8 surUVe !Itates However. In hls rea c - who Is the S tate House: he did no t tar o r reha - lion and a ppropria te a e - gery ca.ses_ while 130 pa He explained furtl"".u "-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~'~Io~n'___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _':Iell : ls wen booked_
-No, they are not our peopZe-LGboss