uDe 35 Nigerian 6T rib Mardi. 2012 Tu~lav
Tope PopooJa is • Human CapiW Development ConsultaJit and Pastor. Please feel free to send questions, feedback comments on this column to topheritagef!yahoo.com or visit I"'IxI I turl"";,.,'1l"'lhg ..... ~ """'"
Ol. toye I. Fou nder / Executive Director of Ce.nl re For Urba n Agricult ure Deveio pment (CUA D). a n o rga n illtion encouraging BAckyard Farming a.nd p ro moting wealth creaUon through agric. She 15 the author of ' Rai.ing Snail" Fo r Loul and Export MlTket• . Conta ct:u rbanagrlcOyahoo,coOl, w~t!!n!&rkn&&!I
Making money from urban fann IHJAN agr icu lture Is the pracllcc of cultiv atin g. procculng and distributing food III or around (perl - urban) a Village . town or city Urban agriculture. In addition . ca n also Involve animal husba n dry . aquaculture agro - foresery and horllcuhurc . These acllvltles also occur In perl -urban areas as well Urba n farming Is gt:nt:rally practised for Im::omt:-eamlng o r food · producing acUvlUes: though In some commu nit ies. the main Impelus Is recreallon and relaJlation Urban agrlcullure cO lllrlbut ell to food securlty and food safety In twO wa ys "'Irst. It Increases the amount of rood available to people II vlllg In cilles , and, second, It allows fresh vt:ge tables a nd rrulls and meat products to be malic available to urban consu mers A commo n and effiCient rorm of urban agriculture Is the blolntenslve melhod because urban agri c ulture promotes energysavin g local food producllon . urbau a nd perl urban agriculture arc gt:ne r ally seen as sustain able p r actices [ Social be n dlls Ihat have emerged rrom urban agricultural practices are : beller health a nd nU l r I I lon , Increased Income, employment . rood security within the h ouseh old. and community social life. Urban farms can be seen as a means or Improving Ihe IIve -lihood o r people liVi ng In and around clUes. Urba.D a , ..le ultural b e t s • 50 per ce nl or th e wo rld 's populallon lives In ClUes . • 800 million people a re Involved In urba n agricul ture wo rld - wide a nd co ntr ibu t e 10 feeding urban residents • Low I n co me urban dwellers spend be lween 4 0 per cent and 60 per cen t or their tncome on food each yea r. By 20 15 , about 26 c lU es In the wo rld are expected to have a population or 10 million o r more . To feed a city or this slu - al least 6 ,000 to nnes of food mu.sl be Imported each day. TIle Food and Agriculture Organlsalion (FAO) or lhe United Nations h AS defi n ed urba n agrl c ullure as ' An Industry thai p roduces ! processes and markets food and r~el. largely In respon se to the dall y demand o f con su m ers within a town, city, o r metro p olis , o n land and wat e r dispersed lhroughout th e urban and
The beauty of order (2) U And tile oorfh was wWlOUIjomt and UOfd, and darkness was upon tllejOLY! oj rIle dCf?J'. And U~ Spin, qf God rrtOCJII:--'d upon Ulejace oj the waters . And God said. Let there be light and Ulerr was light. Gen esis I 1-2 And when I.he quet!n qfSheba had.seen aU Solornoo 's wUdom. and die house tlla( hI!! hod buflr, And Ihe meat oJ ' 115 table. and the sUtlllg qf hl5 servonf.s, and till!! auendance qf hl5 mfnlslers. and thefrapparei. and his cupbearers , and /tis ascenf by wh.tch he wenf lip UlHO fhe house oJ the WRD; there was no more splril ln 'Ier. I Klllgs 104 ·5 IE Ulbllcal c,ccount or c~a llo l'l Sig nifica n t co ntrl bullon., to Ihelr provides an Interesung study or genenl tlon order at wo rk TIle raw malerlal Order Is neither about necdless ror the orde r In c reallon was the a nd punitive ascetlsm n o r a c h eap rormlessness a nd void thaI escape rrom Indu lgen t hedonism. It IS characterts e d t hl' landscape . God purposerul a nd dellberale In the paced his work Into a six-day lim e pu rsull or IIre's loftiest Ideals . Order frame wllhln whl.-- h li e c reated all l1el..,3 you to SCI an age nd a ror a thl ll gs , In c lu d ing man It Is qua lit ative life . T h e disorganised Instructive to no te that ror the Rrst pe rson Is a n accid ent gOi ng someRve days , God was pUlling a s tructure where to h appen In place to enham e Ihe function of To establish a regime of order. you the man who wo u d administer the must Rrst determine where you a~ rest of c reation headed Order without vision Is merely As a way of lelUng the lIIall kllOw regimeniation . In the same vei n . that he wa s to runctlon In an Visio n withou t order will lead to atmosphere of ord( r. God planted a rrus traUon . Nothing of valuc can be garden and placed Ihe lI1an In II Man's achieved . Order h elps you dcsilln a Job was to d ress and to keep It workable roadmap Into the desired Another word ror t lat Is c ultiva tion fulure . wh ic h speaks o r an a tmosphere oC lIavlng determined your desll n a controlled groWlh '" here what groWII tlOll , Identlry a nd itemize th e things and thrives Is at the discretion of the yo u would need to do to get there, gardener A gard!'n Is the slgmllure nexi. Identify current a c tl .... ltles and lune or Ule gardene r It Is the gr"phlc habits Ihal are Inimical to your representatio n of his sens e of Jour n e y a n d progreSSively but aesthetics a nd hls wQrld-vlew deCIS i vely elimi n ate them while Whttl the Qu«n 'lr Sheba came 10 rorml n g your h abits aro und the see Solomon , the first po int of a c ti vities germane 10 your success . attra c tion was n e t the look s of How early you wake up, how late you Solomon or the size of Ih e palaC'C. II go to bed , what you eat , who you was the o rtlt'r a r ou n d him as associate with , h ow you SI)C.nd lour exempliRed by the arra ngemt:nt of his leisure lime , h ow long you stay courts Uke a well c' IIUvated garden . anyw he re a nd with a nyo ne must be order alln c ts alieni Ion and help prlorltl.sed around your destination. Whatever a llrac ts helpers will of Keep pen and paper aroqn d y ou necessity attrac t ret>Ources Bowled always . On wak ing up. write down the over by what she s aN, the Queen or nve most Important things you need Sheba h ad no c holC'C but to gh'e very to do th at day In order or priority. TIlen expensive gtns 10 Solomon get up and (ocus yo ur energies o n In lhe Garde n of FAlen, Adam did doing them _ Tolerate no distractions no t request for a wife. God II lmself. unless there Is an emergency The after observing that Ad am was world o nly m ake.s room ror Ihe lIlan dlUgenlly cultivating th e garden a nd who knows where he is going. adding dlvtne vaJue til II, opined thai Develop a val ue system th a i leaves wo rking alone ...-as nOI good enough . no one arou nd yo u In d oubt about Ue gave Eve as a hdl)('r The eas test what you represent. TIle result o r this way 10 know who yo u ca n m arry Is to Is thai people who arc unnecessa ry ask yOUJ'Rlf what your garden Is a nd to your lire but . 'hom you h ave round the quality or oruer you Intend to bl-lllg difficult to get rid of will n aturally be In to It For the woman . berore you say edlled from your schedule You wtll "Yes' to any man. a.!Cf"rtal n Rn!ll that definitely n o t a llra cl 100 lIlu c h he hIllS a garden shu lar to one }Iou friendship - and you are not called to would love 10 aSSist In c'ulUvaling This - but you will earn everyone's ~specL Is the pnmary pUl'pO!Se or marrtage a nd Every ti m e yo u see a garde n . a all ot h er Issues are subject to It . c h apter or som eone's biography Is Anything short or this will lead to being graphically presen ted Your UIe confliCts a.nd a frus tntln~ marriage Is a garden . The order you bnng InlO experien ce . It wtll determine the outcome from It. Wh en we take a peep Into you r garden. Ordrr enhances eo n centrallo n When y o u sd people wh o have what do we sec: weeds or Rowers? mastered the art or concentraUng on Remember lhe sky Is not YtIur limit. their pursuits one at a Ume, you are God lsi 100kl n R at people w.lo will make
perl - urban areas, applying Intensive production methods , using and reUSing natural resources a nd urban was tes to y lcld a diversity of crops and livestock Transrorml ng a part of your hOIllt: In the city tnlo a mlnl - rarm Is something simple thai you could do o n your own Imagi n e h avi ng all the seasonal vegetables and frulls III yo ur backyard rcady ror picking and eallng, So, h ere are some tips which hoperully. could help you on how to s ta rl your own rarm at home TIle Rrst thing that you h ave to do 15 to Hnd a space to build your homestead It cou ld be your backyard front yard, garage , empty 101 . window boxes or even your rooftop You don't neceS$arlly need a very large space ror your mint fann . You cou ld actually grow different types of plants In a small space . So the size or the space is not a major Issue M long as you have space , It Is okay _ If you are planllng In your rrontyard ur your bac kyard , then you could Just dig up lhe ground You could also use pots or tubs If you do not wa n I 10 dig your lawn The nexl thing thai you have to do Is 10 acquire set'(' If you are a beginner. II would be adVisable to starl with simple plants ~ meaning plants that don ' t require a lot of maintenance. Tomatoes . ok ra. leafy vegetab les arc great to slart with Once you have planted your seed.s. all you h ave to d o Is to water and tend l h e m everyday until they grow . Try to read books o n rannlng a nd gardening also 10 know more about lhe rrults a nd vegetables In season a nd as well 35 how to maintai n lhem. Urba n agric ulture Is nol only a hobby or a n activity ror leisure. Urban agriculture also m akes t he city a healthier place to live by Improving the quality of the environment Urban farms, also , arc a proven crrectlve edueatlon al 1001 to teach kids about healthy eating a n d meanl n gru l physical activity. II also reconnects us to m oth er n ature a nd II a lso serves as an Inspiration thaI on ou r own , we could do our share 10 h e lp th e e nvi ro nm e n t. Best anllOa ls for your your urban farm rabbi ts, quails . snails , catfish A mobile pond Is also tdeal ror your ca tns h and lIIapla . An urban farm ca n p r OVide family wllh constant IneolOe roun ~t he year. Text your e mail a dd ress 10 receive our free newsletter.
"Transforming a part of your home in the city into a mini:farm is something simple that you could do on your own"