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Wednesday 02 May 2012


Foreign firm redefining beef product supply in Nigeria

Agric ministry secures N30bn fund ing to support seeds, fertiliser co mpanies NONIO NOUMANYA e

minilH y o(



lfpecte y, ee production and suppllel In Nigeria will lOOn be overhauled u Master Meall and Agro-

The """""",,Agrlc mlnh l er, Akinwunml Adellna, who dI.sdo$ed this in Ahuja II the """"""" pWionn ..,...,..., 10 mark the 2012 Democracy

Iliunches lully InlO canle rearinl- MaiIU MealS, whk:h has been Into proc:ess1nc and n!la!hngof meal in N"1JI,eI'iasina: 2OOS, lIa subsidlaryoflamblan Zllmbed'ProdUClS PIc.. Having opcnned for a fl:W yean: In Nlgerla. Ille compuy believCl 11 can handle Ihe Inlricadel of producing c:anle and marletlllgbedin N"~ Piet(!f Swanepoel, managiDI dRaor of Master Meal$, AId. "\"e h;n>e a Processut& facihty In Lag05, we also .n agreemenl 10 iupply mUll In all Shoprile outlets. We lin! now dealing wilh bacb.~ Inttgradon. thaI prfmuy agriculluraJ production - Ihe rearing of clllie. We look II slowl y Inhlally beeause we

Presidenl GoodIuck lonathan's admlnllilration,. said the fund wal rallied through finanda.! Insdtudons wilh the lid 01 the ~ua1 BankolNlgerla (CBN). lie abo nDled Ihal under the Growlh Enhancement Supporl (GES) 5cheme, Ihe federalpmnmelllhadualned and deployed certified agro dealers U) nuaI are" 10 IUppty Ihe InpulS 10 fanneN across the country, adding th at (or effectlve implementallon of




Zaria. SokolO. We also gee from KwanI SUIte IUld II the border with Cameroon. The choice depenrlli on Ihe breed. We clIooie Ihe Bulwlu or or Sokoco Gudala. I thlok Nigeria would record a 101 o( iUCl':eilin cattle production II" Uveilodt £annen can breed maR! of lbe SoWIO

Pleter SWllnepoel, managing cit.:ll:lt d MMter Me<d$

10 hI!{. "By breeding the attic Ihemselves. they wouJd be able 10 help in redefining the supply of sausages, hot dogs. lamp chops. 5Ie.aks, and so on In die Nigerian This GudaIa." would ensure elleries and EdobongAkpabio, a £armer and chief e:xecuuveol'Visionage pasuy makmg COI'npanies can Agro -Iech Firm, Slid It II get quality sausages. bOt dogs tHenllal (or MUler Meall or andadllikemoreeasily. What any company Ihll wants 10 _need arecompanieliitbalcan market Md in NIgeria 10 ~ar rearbeef catlie and proa::55and IlIlu own caule. According DOl Lbose Lbal buy Crom local Qlde rtan:fS who mosa often - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - , Jeardairy ClIme and then se1J for meat .... hen they have 10. The meal prodUCD from this


ApiculIW't and Rural

Development has ncufed NJO billion funding 10 suppon seed Ind

needed 10 undersland Ihe marhl. Trading In Wesl Africa ls differem from Sooth MriOl. though the a.gnc secux II ge.neric, 11 is imponanl 10 Wldtl'Sland one's C'USlo~ Ileadded Ihlll theoolnpally has been sourcing cattie from Ioc:aJ fanner5bwhas a1sobegun its own cattle prodUClion. "We source cattle wherever we can I~ the best qua1uy at the best price.. We also raise Ihe caltle and buy feeds from Ihe north. When we need extR canle 10 meet demJUld, we purchase from thenortb - Kano, Kaduna,



i tlunk our governments will remain vinuous for many centuries; as long as they are chleRy agrlcuhural.~ · lhomas Je.fferson


Ihe IChcm ~ 3 million farmers had bee n reglliitered acron the coururf, ....1IiIe also noting that il woo d enbauoe Carmer5' prodllCllvhy -Under thllscheme. Ihe !eden! and swe ~t!I would Ulolst fanneB 10 pay 50 percenr of Lbe lOCal COS!. of Inputs .....tuJe: the ~ bears 50 percenl of the COIl. ~ and fenlll$!IS would be sok1 U) farmendu talyby agro deaIeni U) help fOUl;lefSJeC high quality aeedIi Uld ·enillsen at cheaper priees," he aid. The (ES programme is an Imtl.luve of Ibe federal government .Imed al subsidiunJ Lbe CO$I of major agricuhu llJ lnputi such as fenillser III ~ seeds for fartnen In lheooun~. ThellCheme Ilirn5 10empowrrl2nnersUlincrease Ihell yieJI! and encourage a shlfl (rolD subsistence (0 commerd.~ farmin& based an an electro tic registnuion and validation )f'Oa::5I,.

S/West cassava growers

to plant 2 hectares each lnitiative in linewi lh FG's cassav I bread agenda


Zambeef Is one o( Ihe Ilrgelf agrl - businesses In Zimbla , prlnclpilly Involved in the production, proceulng. dlsulbution and retailing of bed, cblcken, pork. milk. dalry producl5, eggs. edible oils. stock (eed, 60ur and bread. The group alto has large row cropping (priodpaUy mah.e, soya beans --..nd wheal) operations, with tpprOlfimau:ly 5,000 beaares of row aDpi under irJi&adon and 1,500hectareloCraln-fcdJ dry-land crops .avallable (or planlin& each year: The group has rea:ntty rolled 00111$ West Mrica expansion In Nigeria Ind GhanL In conjunction wfth Shoprite.

8,667 Oyo farmers benefit from FADAMA 3 intervention projects REMI fEYlllPO.lbadan Ola! ol8,667 fartnen In Oyo Stile hive dbectiy benefiled rom Ihe projeci Intervenllon under lbe FADAMA3, whIch Isanchored on empov.oering IXImmunidlef fIN" SUSlainable development. This Is coming in the of Ihe IIale gOllemmenl'1 resuscitation of the moribund Schooh' Agricultural Programme In III edl.ll"2liona1 Inidtutlonl, a programme wgeud at nialdngllUdenlllo see qricuJture as a buJineg that could IUllllin tbelr livelihood ralheT lhan I way o(


life. In tine with thaI, the stale

commb5ktnu for Agrlculnare,


Nilural Resources and Rural Development, whDe brfefing Journalilll in Ibadan on the activities of his mInlslry, said 28 FUGs were gfYen matching grants for agrlcultunl inpull suppOrt, while 23 FCA. benenned (rom clpachy buDding on varlOWl upeclS of Iheir economic KlIvtties. He said that the project collabouted with the Ogun-Olun River Oa,ln Development Authority for provision o( 990 tube wei" for FADAMA communities In

oeNIO million to some mode! schools -for crop. pouIuy and fishefyenterprises.."" Currtntty, 12 IieCOOdary schools spread acrtl$Ilbe swe are benefininJ from Ihe fil'll phase o( Ihe p~

However, under the FADM-tAo UsersGroup (FUGs~ 504 ....-ere supponed 10 acq~ productive assets of varioUli kinds while 32 FADAMA CommunJty Anoelatlons (FCAs) benefined from various pnaU IiCIlt: oommunil)'-av.ncd rural Infrastruc:rures such u borehole, mark!:tstalls, and (eedmill. Bimbo Kot.l e, Oyo Stale

Iie\Ief1 kx:aIl'J'llCfTlmtnl1lfC.lS

010)'0 Stare, nocing thal ....;thin

the perfod under review. the FADAMA III hucompleted thc:

consuuaion ofkd.-up $bops in AJuwa (OpOluwa). EbuI Okeho, Isla Ouho (Kajola), Tede (AlIsbo) and Omo-Oba (""' ). Equally, whIle rolling out an Agrfcultural Tranlfonnation ",enda aimed 011 drfving the economy of Ihe Slale, Ihe IXImmisaioner told newsmen that thll v;u in line with the 0Yef1li1 agenda of the Ablola Allmobi administration to lraIlSform the lilllte KOnomy, saylnl,hl' In line with the agenda, the minililry had ILlready identified 6ve malor Iulcuhund produce where Ihe Slale hn cOmparalive advanlllBe, -and .....e shall be focm,jng on deYdopmeru~


REMI fEYIllPO.lbadan igeria Cunva Growerl AliiMIdadon (NCGA) inlheSoulhweahas advised Its membt:rs 10 planl IWO heauts each of cassava so U 10 mett Ihe eJ:ptCled blgh de.In.and fIN" the crop. NCGA Soulhwelt, wllh avulOO.OOOmtmbm.AYllu pian Is 10 suppon Ihe feden.! gavemmenl'lnewagriculh1Bl transformilion agendl. David Qaunsade, the NCGA Soulbwell co-coo rdl naIOr, who made Ihls known In lbadan while lupervisinglhe elecllon of new executives of Lbe 0,0 Stale chaptet of the aliiIOdalion, assured the governmenl of anlnance fn enhanCing Inlernally generated revenue If Ihe enabling eOvUol\fllertlis 8fven to them. He said governmenl needed 10 aui" them to produce opdmally under this new lnuuJonnadon agenda. positing !hat I good working environment mean I lhal Ieniliset should be pruvlded


cheapl:r md diesel should be sol II cbeap rates for procel.St.n 10 power their equlpm. nt, among other Ihinas nt-oded by them. Acco l dlng 10 him, ·U governn:enl Impoverisbes cassav;a L..rmeB. !hey will nOi have IIIOI tf!J 10 pay tues, but when yo I make us rich, we will enh IDee total revenue gene:ratetl by~nt.Ogu /llade further Informed tbll with Ihe fedcralBGvanmm(s~

aDentiOn 10 cassava ( Ihe sky was the limit for farmers inlttesled In rna" productlt,o of casuVll, adding Ihal by luly when the law making caIAYI a compuJsory

Inpul in lread would become oper.nlouat. the demand for Ihecmpwould besohlgh thar (annen lnight nOI be able to meeill. He tI erefore cilled on the Oyo ~Ie chaplet 10 cooperlle ~ im the newty 5WOfllIn eucu.1ve. Aylng that the ejection of !he new officen lihould P1lll0 an end any (orm ollnlighl.flgamongmemben for the usociation 10 move (00.'Il11 u a \"t:ry lIS( pace.

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