BUSIN ESS DAY, Wednesday 03,June 2009
Companies '&,Markets . . .. ~
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Scientists foresee 'r ise in Nigeria's maize production pe r hectare of maize this year: Ihe good news i!: that cientists working doubling maiu production on maize research in Nigeria is practicable. The have demonst.rated research also proved that we the ability of toeaJ can be better farmers and farmers to double maize make more money if we use yields in Nigeria from 1.5 appropriate technologies." Accordi n g . to th e tons per hectare to three tons per hectare annually. scie nti sts, results from the two-a nd -a- h alf-"year using improved seeds and project. which was I}mde<L agronomic practices. O.A Adenola, president, by Nigeria's Federal Ma ize Association of Ministry of Agricuhurt and Nigeria, in a re cen t Rural Development, which interview, said farmers . started in 2006. indicated in the research projec t _ that Nigeria could double harvested about three tons h e r c u rren t total maize
roduction of abou t seven qlilIion tons to 14 million toIlS. I The research. which involved thousands oflocal farmtts under the umbrella Orthe Maize Association of Nigeria, was a collaborative wOTk by a group of sci(fltists drawn from the Int ernat10 nal Institute of T ropical Agriculture (lIT-A). I nstitu t e of Agricu ltu ral Resea r c h and Training (lAR&T). National Rice/MaizeCente r - National Accelerated fFood Production
Programme, Institute (or of the project we re major Agricultural Resea rch . pest, which is stem-borerNational Ceruls Resea rch resistant and early maturing Institu te; the Na t iona l varieties: "The project established Agricultural Extension and Research Uaison Services that Nigeria could double (NAERLS). maize production from Oyewole Ajala. liT A's 7 . 1 m ill ion tons t o 14 maize breeder and project million tons per annum if leader. said the research our recommendations are achieved the results afte r implemented. Findings from deploying maize varieties the project support the need that were tolerant of low for the Nigerian governmenl nitroge n . dro u ght. a n d to set aside money to mop up excess maize to avoid a striga, a cereal disease. Ajala expl ai ned that price crash in the fut ure. A other maize varieties given guaranteed minimum price ~o farmers during the course -to be set by the government
is required to keep farmers on the farm ~ he noted. Available data have also indicated that between 2006 and 2007. maize varieties released by UTA and partners boosted production, but the absence of an effective mop- up mechanism led to price fluctuations. According to the Food aDd Ag r iculture O rgani sation (FAD). Nigeria's maize production du ring the pe riod rose from 7. 1 million tons in 2006 to 7.8 million tons in 2007.
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I.ive Microfinanc~ Bank's numerous empowermen t initiatives have continued to attract more customers to the bank, observed Kate lsah, its chairman. Speaking at I he weekend during the "Olive Save and Win Promo" draw, Isah revealed that in less than one year of 0IlW.!!.0!l' the bank had re c·d'i'lt~1"" . 20,000 active customers. "The ba n k has made giant strides in delivering on its vision of empowering its customers," shededared. adding Ihal with a large. ac t ive loan portfo li O, Olive has assisted many of its customers to set up their private businesses or improve existing o nes-a move which has attracted more clients to the bank. The promo saw Felix Akinrinmade. a farmer from Sango Olla, smiling home wi th the star prize of a brand new Kia Rio car. To this end. Isah, who was represented by C harles Nwangwa, a director of the bank. remarked, "Our depositliabililies areequally impressive. The Olive brand has become synonymous with Integrity and quality service.The promo, which was unveiled on December 1. 2008, enabled some customers who opened new account s d uring the draw with at least NIO, OOO, among others, to win prizes ranging from motorcycles. fridges, television sets and electric irons 10 crash helmets. But cus tom ers were required to open a new account with N20. 000 o r pay same amount Into an nistlng accou nt and retain it for 90 days to be eligible for the star prize of a Kia
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