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Wednesday 04 April 2012





Wortd Botnk pot 'till ".",In, for cbld;~n



IAFI~ "lIIXeIl.NI resuh. the ltall! CoDUfIl ICIII A&rk

~'dopmmt ProIKI (CADP) t.1nlftIIifird calil10 1O~(W1~I'PIJOJtUr*y

In 1Idd100n 10 the N3.074 biIJion from !be \\\rid IJanlr.Ibe . ...-mrnm:pt~idelNI6I million counlerp In funlhlll pa ..- to tt.. pnjt"cC whJcfl became effecthoe ,uly 2009 and Is opectrd 10 en( Dec:tmber 2014, If II. nor eallded. Bo'-fl BaJosur, lhe l..Ipt Stlte CADP co:udlnilor, dlsc:loKd Ihb re:-endy In I

N3bn World Bank grant awaits commercial farmers ... As Lagos CADP urges leverage on opportunity

Abdulpntyy Alabi..()tolowo or~ LImitI!d,.net ochen. CADA ... 1eI up ~ entWe the bIUty of the pnJjecI _....... _ _ 1Iier1ls1lmnNdon.

Thnde Sannl, an exerurive 0{ CAD.... who rqlretented the ~ .• ptfSidfnl.~

the need lor _ _ 10_10

enable P\I(ft 6annm: 10 benfIk from Ibe project. pow Lbelr and ... CADA 10



thai h c:oWd be ~ 10 mXtwffe the conIioultyof the

medlIidwwuh~ ~

pro;td ~ II has mOrd. Other partkijNInu a' the

of nrlou, medii! houses.. lie aid the loW kMlr amount" $2J6..l4 balD (N4., 61,720,000) pnmded by d-.e \Iolkt Bank, with counlerpa I fundlna from NCb of the ranidplq ItIle while JedenIl""'ft1\lDenH. _ _ the • .........

paaranror and mcnilOf of the

IIp!nlIn CAOP.


........ In U&OS, Ihl. fund I.

Other plU1kipalln, .taus In the CADP wlLb ..pante NndI: from the ~ Bllnkand ~ tundini tom ctd-

dlsbuned 10 cllmmerdal pouItty, IIIh .net lice fanDft'I • P * nor ao.n,.. bls. the ~ preHn! the ~


the projl'ct theJ'_d toaK'Ull': Saloaun .. 'd , "The pro)ed aJlruMnCM physia1 clbburwmrnI: 10 ler ~ In ....,. 2010 • .t IIfYe then. • lOCal oIlJ6Q1mmc-dty lrUI'eIc Group. (etCI) lDlnpriJinl 1,471 Indtridual ,n,.til- and medlum-lC8le conuoerc:l,J fannI!n .au. ~ three value chains 01 poultry. "'IlIK1ikuR .nd rice t... betn'~ ~Chrtunrof_IDlOnAln

mder the profI!d 10 rJqMnd on Ihdt ~ Mefprisel. CMr 1.800 t.d . . belldlned &om apdy buIdJn& . nll IInkaca IDImpn:M!d~nd~

an ~

01 mecfia In loud IeCWfIJ and a.nmuM)' de.doptoo .. and Folab: 0pinIana-....... who tpIb on !he media _ a






R!Ya; "-dUM, and Kano. The


number of ,tales is upec:ced 10 I:naHte from ftye to I. as the JII"DtKt lit makq; dnnbIe In ~

lnIonnildon . . . OYer 29.000

............... Md


He added

from project

thac In Imnt 01

pI:~ OUlpUl.lhepro;ea",

tupponcd Lbe benena.1ies In ac:quirin& eqUipment such _ Sfl tdU 01 coIIpIIbIc fIIh WIb, 174 unJb of plastic: Ibh W1b. 50 unilt 01 fish ~ Ulna, one unh 0{ fish ImOte ck)ins pIRnI. 985 .... of nipple Hrled poukryblaerycar;n. bJr

4WD tractors and ~ mirU-aMnblne hanstmI .nd olht'f Improvoed equlpmenl, \wiousapu Inputr. U1dIOOn. ,he protect t . tuppor1I!d rice farm.... In Iiolkin and bop In whMdon ollMf 200 heccares of fumland durin, the 2011 planlins ~ and already. preparation. are on to 'Uppofl farmen in Ite,


"""'" - . . LeW .......


APh. aJtCI

Adamo IUld


lie .'so d1KtoIed lb.t In

by a lOW 0{ two projecIlriles: a IIIb farm eIbIle 8nd pouiuy firm in lkorodu the: Io8owInt


dIIy PrftmI were iInnmI itxn Lbe Commercial Apicuhure Deyelopmenl Anoelallon _ _•

10 fo.d. coyerln, 17. 40

nsh .nd rice farmers .nd

2011. the projecl reMblllulled 10 nnllICCeIf I'OIdt KI'O!S doe

_Ie toeaJJins zz.4







thai have bmf.ftlled &om lbe Inl~lkmJ. Some of theM

planned for m..bWlation al an t'tlirmlled am of N800 miIIon 1n201Z," he-'d lhe occation ... foIIuwred

benenclulel were Tunde Sannl of Tee Est FWI Farm,


ftIh fannen

who bmdltttd &om the inl:n'ftndon are now aMe 10 produce noatlnl nth feecb which I8ed 10 be Imported al aorbitant prices. "The price per kI.Io of noatlnl fbh feed came down &om NJOO 10 N 19D. ~ In roll twb:Ii at about 37 perunt: Mid aalolUn Ihe new.....ts by CADI' ~ reduced u.w::I time U1d a.tI. .od,....,~.qJpOr1~

lheprofea t - helped fanoos In the am. 01 value addDon,0

Farmers lament unavailability of fertilizer as planting season begins I

ANIEFIOI UOONQ\AI" U)o in \l WI! lborn Ian el1led the non· nHlability of renlli~er as the





Itwouklhavea ;ill M!etrecc on th~r prod vlty 111 me rnd 0{ thr!NrAccordlll, '0 Ihem , th\Jugh the ,"ullle 10\ entme'DI provided 6.0011 bass of to fouTOl'''Ilast year. il was yet 10 dolO Iltl, tMSOn. They -.. mod thai It WMpltJI'8rr eUli lal e.


toUchadEbndn.IJteidmt of Youths in AI ricullure. Willed that Ih,," "M as yet no mdicauon Ih' 1 Ihe ~"Ulle

.,-runenl w.s paunins to pt'OYideWmtn WIth fenililm: thlsyear.a~K1'Ie1lwtuch



al the onzoini West Afrka International U\"Htock and

AquaculIUn!Summit {WAIL\J orpoised by Mrk:a Farming rro,ea in Uyo. Ebnem saki the beglnnlnl of the lIew fanninS season would have been the most appropriate tlmefortheWstribulir:lnofthe

commoditylo fannm.. lie abo appHIed to the state ~mmt 10 reopen farmers' market to enable them tell Ihelr produce dtm:dy to COfUUflleB in the scate., as to redut:r the nsin8 cog 01 foodstuff

Ebnem. who expressed


01 the ~ eulirr set up at the eMl service secmariat, sud farmen' market houkt !lese! up in each of the JIIoc:aI goIo'e'Tlmel1l areas of the ttalt' and In (}yo. the state capttal. ~thMthemarteuwouid

enatHeo wmen to elUlbhsh contact With product'rt of different commodltln. a, wei Mecpole them lind boost:

.... """"'"

Earlier. poultry farmr:rt in the country lamenled the 1m pac! of lhr deadly Avian Innuenza on their business, saying" Pl'l"'m1ted the exportallon of pouhry producu 10 olher Afnean countnes.

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