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Investment 0 ortunities OLUMAKINDE ONI

.b!It.'Wlwdilsorigu\ fiotlllkluilmSOUlh AmcliL" It is 1101'1'


Processing cashew nuts for local, export markets

20 12

ernmeilt ha" m.cde C"...shew production to g:ulI a ~' Ire· Ull'ndous p<ll)u!arity. nth i)

We Ul'IeSUnent U its awn nus project Is suongIy n.>cOlTUlII!flo.kd for CUlbldd'400U

I)!....::au::.e of the buo:!.l g1'~1 to the Ilun-oil ~ A 101: ul iliandllllw CiL!Jley. pliUlI.JUOrtlo loc.Jlt:d In Ii:Ogi :,tate and lht: ;\onJlt~m p.1lb


IS iI.




A U ....w.Uill lilZed baory is acql.UfW ....ilefe tho: proce.sing lliaru ~ ulSIaILcd. CasI...-w OUI.>. P/OCt:!iol>Iul!, involves prucure-

of {)yo State (bt."m. S;Iki, O)u and Ogoomo:.o) have been

grown In tropical

as November

COWltno 0{ Africa.

/1:'-ar:tII',lIw by thClf 0\\-11Cfi.

IlIeU at tirit.'llcastle\'lo" frum pr0-

h was ultroducal w AfriaJ by Lilt: l'oltugueae. It hotS bet'n gruwu18 U1 Afriw ror tiM! IMS!


duce hu\'Cn.. CJshew II> heavily gnmn Ul Oyo ruxth. I\warn, MlgI. Be!IUl' IUsd &Qllle ~otthem Stala. lile produc-


II iliilspr;lwwlg IIf03dJeafcd tll.1l 6 ....d1 adapwd 10 poor .md dl)' ~ndy locallOl~ CoblIL...... bdllligi to eo.\:t~l

tion I~ IlR' p;ubotIul& dr)wg. tr.u:bng.. soit1ng and I~ging cashew tw l1'ady

bt."Oe'l1 sdemified th..d e>tahI.l,h ml,';nl of Cll!.ill!'\\ ,1I.oJu.Uion Ilo lIlIt' oltlle Ul','I::;tnU!nI o\>pUr· IWII!Jo for ;\lgellim invc:.tur... ;\ut onty bt."C.I~ 01 its lon.~11 odwJ:gt;: pOlelllidb bul abo it

tht: 'NtH'S: l1R'I>!!.trea nwn· Ilcr 01 wooo)' plLlJl~ (tn:d and

shrubs) of ....ilidt the


11t'U~ iCo!II illo Ollt! of the lTWjOf :.oUILt:S of ftllt!lgn c.mung. iii ~iew of tho:.wo..'I:. it IIOb

~ ~

loc.;,J alld o!lpOl1 mari...'b.. Cn~ht;:w IIULS bJiw ready mariellntheAJIJeril:a.Europe

"'" "'"

tht: UUI>Ol1<lfIl I~ CUlISUIU· .:tIL Loi:JIL"W ap.lI1lrom bang ILLIUlUOlully nch. it brichUl oil

Hnandallmpliatlioll I Pte-Ul~

oiIl1l l.u .ullllX.lfJUIII\,~mo(' of a1rU(.lh)Urom.. and


2.. 1. 4. 5.

111011..'111.. hsluI'Sillld~'P!"\'t!I)'

\vt'II ant.! can lit: u!oW in much ra~h'ou b ct:R:ai grail!) and waIn k:gUfllC'.>. La ..hew nut willetl Ilo the 5eL-o b of lugh commercial v.aJ~. 10 ear..ct tim. s.:ed, (he shell must be Il!Inoved. The :Ju.-II CUIIWJ.ib a fokul blblenng oil which Ilo highly V"..uued fOI n.s IIU1Jly indmuial applka. lion~ 'llie 00 when ouaac:d COIlWllbolelcotdd t..bou[7""1 and 1~ pmo.ew.. lht:oo tsused asamedlrinal"an!mwnt. \'\OOd protocuuu and lI!>OUtCeciresin.

1lle)Olll1gieavtsruelal...-tUlC lu.ed as l1a,""wing and. olOO iI!o a medicinal. l11e ytillow Irun ulx.llned iill W1 i!XUdatb &0111 Ind,Wions made Oil dll! bad: b !.bed mainly a... adht!Sl.'n:. TIM! wood of Ule plallll whdl. dcatJ} b u1I1Ued in!oE:\"CraI v.~ ... alld lho: batttOQ,lmeeDeilI furlan· llingand )d1uwdye.

'11lI1r.t1 Poumww. Proj

att: COUJlll"la. Hll)·.m: t:ithcr

1l~ ~ 10 \\tUdI ~"\\

Ul\l~ ~onhAmericol

be pUl to lIU!wiuI the d<:lIww (Iocod and Imdgn) for Cilshe", nut ~ ming wl:adily md pn.:~ good It b iI guod WUIL"t! 01 roreigl1t~:hangc. -Ihe rtlill. arc

.uld I.'.urupt:: all' MluMI lb the




heavily oon,wmed in u:mper-

LarplUlt5UlllCf'>oI"""'_·nl11. • :.aW1eW Ihedone h.u a lot aI t:XJlOlt rrw:ioel pulcntim.. Ux:aI

300.000 ~\lOO,UXJ



WUI1.lIlS CupuaJ ThWI





td Iw.tiftcaoon.


,\cconunud~liun{"eutal) Pt~ingpl:tnl

1llf'plant cap."ldt}'b abuut250 lIIetrictonnes per annum lhe ll\\:I1lge selling pn~ per IllnllC or cashew 5 a about N3OO,(OO. l\Jn:tO'm oCN75 milliun isachie\-aUIe. ~ prufu 1TUU};in I.;. being ~ lhI:; gM!S us net fnc:ollle ofN22..5 mIlhon aruwaDy_

SerioosmindCd irrYe5wn;ClIl be assiswd Ullhefl5labtishment

mdw.tnl!S can abo bt! enCQUf- uI ttw;projt'ct.. Awl"lar'uxmlatt: 080-2:30580-'5. 080-33660177. tlj;t:d to 1~(:a!Ohew nulS.. 08152596985 e-[naiI: olumaJdndeoni@yatlOCl.allll 'n~ rcu:rn PoIicyof tht:/(D\;

How to bottle coconut water

" A

axomu ....-att!£ fu>:sh fur up tothn:cwt:d.!.... 'nli:uadWona!lll&.'lhod

for eXll"ilcling coconut \Valer 15I!lClre:nefy SIlI~ I) diri> a axunLII palll~ 1) bad. all UIUl1il1l.lre oownul nom tl li:bwxh; 3)lrilllulf tllehuskalld dqudlOlo: In dli: top; and 4).111111: tht! Inltl'tll.S (Slt!pS land 4 an~ bts done Ofl k!OU fiJ:ma~

'ow. atto.!r m..m: dlOUl five yean of rt'5l:alch and IC!>ung. l'AO ha.\. d.l1nuunred a~t.Oid pn::;c:r\OIl.JOfI LWu1Ology uppropnaw for 'i.l.uall and nw:dlum-si7.ed agro-uuJ.ll.!iUio UJ.iIJ.

developed COlUlttll"5o. where good quality WCOOUI Will.t!J IS III grov.LllB demand. FAO u abo finaliZing


iii Ju,.;-Il:l:h S)'SlI.'fl1 Ul.iII

1xx00d bevL'I".l{,'C (see box hck,w1 Jllt!lnpLS 10

Lac lllu",th05t'ljUiIlllibu\ilWlIlIrlt!f'dal


Onu exposed w wt coconw walL'f begin:. 10 k:nlll'tU. and rapdIy kl!ib II IOS1 ofIbOl}lallOll,MJL:wlllnutmlol wJ Lh.u. .l(.'~ lbcllnurl..lU!lhenskuC

b.M:tt:tul grll"1h,lXlu1I11t.'!Oal ~ are furttc1 IU sleriliu the product IbUlg rugh h:mpcr•.IIUll!.5hon-umo: p:LSI,I.'urUOi/lOn (the !ooUne II.!dllllllot;y UlotllJ inlullg--lifcntill..L .... hidldouuy.. lI4lIll1t.' ul (D(])rllil \\ .lI1![-'~ IJUIJ1CIW.:U KI

wnJtS:ill d tile J1.:r.-ow: Coculul -'JXII"b drinl.:" c.;orunut waler l--ould CIlIlIIlt.<W In till: WOIHI's US$IO billion lIlarkt..'t jut ~sports bt."I\!r4ll!o~ I Icre·sv.hy "..I:lld' Sport:. dnnbnn~/I001l11 r.arboh)oJru.t~:!

100 51W




Ilhosphonb SoWwII 1\Jla:.>a.un

10 3.8 1..1 LU

9 45.B B 3


A ~ of other faaur.. clIn l1egaUwly atr~ the qualilY of l"OalIlU! waler_ Duriug productiml die)' InclUde curuaminlilioll b)' policiW. le!iIdut::., anti heor.)' /llelab enIeing Ihc fruit through d (Jr v.0IlI::L PoM-har...~t nucru-org..ul~nu. can be imrodul:cd thrullgh Improper


IUJIic3tior15 on a IlIllR! 1edU1010gk~1I)' sophisdCiuedntlcroliluouioutt:dllliquc b- ooId SlCrilizawo (dd;ills hen> 1 anll

wIth a deIciIe and IIoMJuc lku. desjMle axtlfIut water'§ potenuai ru.


...."a£rrwhich. Wlder~,ttiDn. ~~ fu>:sh for bum 10 day!. 10 Ihn:e m:d.:.. TImb long~11iJ !oollbfydunlt:.lil: rctaiIlllaIiets and to aIJov.' export 10

Amongpeup!cin!mpiL:almwllJlC:li Will I rea!fyao:e;sloCOlXllllilpall.1b.- or to fll:sh OOCOIl\lI5:.o1d by woonliliM \lendol~ - roOOIllUI v."alef is n:u"'vncd

.. COfllpdlUlr Ul U~

tt:. ,utiUlueul!o un~ l'h~)iologll,;aJ dmnge:o. leading to

mpdIy ,,'ill

IILllle wid preiervauon prO(;eloS ~eeps bonlcd


run be ~!7,

Tl1lining guid~ Tht: mid.rangc urlulOiogy, ~'lI1i1 lanloUCa in wlJ.ilxJr-atlun wilh the Ullh\.'fSity 01 dlt: \\'a.lludJo, the Coconul Industnc:. Bo.ard Bnd !he Scicnufk ~.udl Coundl. b de:.caibed III a n~\\' """U Ir.ailling gUidl!. Good I.II1KUt<:S tor the proouclioll of botded l"OCunUt WOller. 10 bl! publiliht:ti In Engliloh. -endt an.!Spanisheutyill2W7. ~ _ ow Rolle. an l'AO kxxI biocheulDol

who cOOldinau:d



Ihtl JlII)c;CloS' -Whlle microflllnluun

C.. 'I gUllranh:t: .. cUllllllerciali~' 5teI e product. it mjllll"b :J..Jlli. .u14l illus.II1t'J1I.!. Ih.1l Jlt' o!ian llqutd UII! Cllj);k'I) or small ;md mediwn~ ..-oct: ;00;.. Wt);!! we .mnt:d for _ a tcdUII. -ut:YUIIU iSe.\.Sie: ID bllpil~11l!11I and a.b b:., buu:ulI1.ut:. good qll.wry

andreas.. r\OIIjeshelJ.IifeUla~w. bm.atth;Jlsa1isfie,;CUl5WIUdcn.lIud for a'l1iIIUnI fKOdua." b..-.enu.illy, ule ruId,lreservallon prucc:.:. UL\lOI-.-;::. WlmtiufI to t'CI"llUIt: parucuIale.t1la1llughlllldl"thcOOWlIUl water'l> appcar.ulQ!. bottling WW/.:f hygienic cundilioll5o ';lud riga/oil) It'ml:lt'ratw'e COlltml HUI the guide

poilll!o OUI t1Wl Ihe coconut wilter ~dunl-lila:u~oIi11l)'odll!t bxJ pru.I.tu - b only 115 ~rong .b II.!.

~ fulL (ioodllmClia::.lU.'d to be ilJlIlix..'lI 1011 l....~ 5k'p. trum 1W\'eotU'&

loading "n.! tr.m:.PQnu~ W QJ.wng. bua:1tngiU!o.Iw\e. Thl' loI.arull& pom[ u. .!de.... til)lI of l1JCUlUJl.>. ~ fur 1lfa.-uWIlg. Kl,1 I.XIIl~tlt'ratiolu. 4ft.' tllo: 'Janel) e,g. f;un,ut;d'l> ~U) hvlmd u-ee w:Jtis larger I1lIWllt')- ul waler thAn other \~- ... !o.Ilhe&wt·~uCn"uril)"

m.wulUlll}lI.'ltbot\\<Uct. ulwuurtdJlIt' hue. are cu/u.tilelU!Y uiltault'dlnJIn nille·II .. ~WUHIlIb..I.I\Qtir\· al-.u dt:jJetIl.bUlltll.M-can:fullytht:O:JCOIIUI.>. illt: lur"-e!oll'~ SWlth/.') ,.huuld b.low\9w tu th,' ground \,l1h a ~ I" rut wltl dropped. to awid the Iisk of ~ thc iJlternlll "Iell (SWlhe; ill Ihe UILi1.t:'flilI~' ot UlIt.' \\obllildid. ,huIV


thai \\';ltl'r uAeoled hUlI1UlCUl:IUb U1<II had bcXIl dmppW frn:n3.I~.of Bin 5UII'cretl~I~ol~l · Illl!guidc Idlll.'o out UlOti "1DXIIlU1.!o an: IiVULK IIwtenal: and ronwlUt' to breathe aitd" haMS; -n~ ~1i:I" thl.' I.t!IlipC".d.wr of a wcunut <II han.l:Sl. the more toqltdll.. will .. ~ III duo post-harn"l pha.\ot! and the mOll!

handIutg and proces:smg. leading to r:tpid ErmetllA1ion. E"en under Ideal conditions, W.ll.e:r should lk' ~ \\1thin 24 hours ol haJvt:St.. Durmg InSpC.:.1.IOn, poor qualtly coconub. t.h~ with crad.s. duudy v.0Itef or a IIInoo odour !olrud be rejected ",-tult: th~ ui good quatity need 10 be l.ept OIl ~ ~1O avoWl UIlIL:IiC. v.;111 JOUiI arul dJdnicaIilKl'I[b, nlldSll.lfwlM".tyfrom the !OUJl. St·!I'.:ll'tl COCOIIUU. ~Iould Uit'll be V.o.i:JlO,·c.I III pot.ilik .... Jler to I\:I~ dirt dei:Jm or Other kll1l1s of Io1.Il1aa! WUL.Ur\lnalioo. il.lld Ji,ilIu!ized in a I". bIt:.dJ loOIu!jon ror>l 15 nww~ I-inall). the COWIIUI.>.:.houkI I... uansJcrred to a lk..ul SUItIu!, oft till!

grut..ud.;ulllau-th.-d Rapid oooIi:itg ~yOll!1CS U\t!e:tS)' pan.:I!Al.I1ld.lI18 Ult:precUIlo1i1111id.. Thali!.dollt.'I"fin;t uilmllillg dIe hu:.L. with" oKlIllli:u.,d ~13J1Uc..!. m't:'l l"lJda:;", men OjJClWlg dlt.'!ihdL n~v.;dd~bdt...:ouuW illW;! toillutia.-tl COnt...ulef I:I.(UIJlP'-"ti \\;Ih iI str.unl.... linec.l Wldl a lklllitizal. silksoeen 1.\.1 muoll dt.IdL 11\1:."!ilit:rW ....-oIlt'f !Ohot11oJ llI! prt.M1lPdY lJaIL!oI.:m-d wa cuoJin!,: WlI1. ano.I cuoIed [U -1"C. or



.1!l!lubtlboult.od. tI~ U>t:oI3ILi~.I1ed IlXlluIg t"nl.lor rnpid ooolu18 b lughly n:uJffillellLit..od, \' __ n~ - m.J.inl~.'

-'" hmb


be rerno.....-tl from ml:

Ille v.0IIt:I" mug he qwdiy boa:ied OlIid:.e.Lled . inlJOllb thai: I~ beo:n rirIMlt.I ill potable w.ut:r aud Wl\IlW::d for 15 flllmJle. - ihdl stored 111 IIdtiDer at <It Hie buululK bciJ.iJ.y 11L'I!lk tu Ue de3n und ~&1:ed ouwIl3b, in.ecD.. dust or garbage: and physIcilly!oeJlil!Ule hum ama. where d1I! coanJIS an: W1



and)\!iIlotS are tlte rnam

IIIKllHlrg;l1lism!:o U1aI UII1!'.Jll!n freshly bualed W3lI!( d1I! FAD ~,.. It b cribCll. the:rerore. that the


lelllpcrature of the bottled water be u:pt OIl betWt't':1I 0 alld 4"<: during transponauun In order 10 preserve

qualiIy wid IOprulongshelf-life. RnaIIy, dtell\\'i!.e.,~ncedlO

11iaL.c)Ure U"" theirprooJuc IS 1\illIdIt:d wllh cnre liner dehVt'ry: "Monitor Ietuil txl1iel.!. to (!Il!iUII! Ul:ll Ule boctlt-c.l COCUIILII....-.uer to liIOrt:d at UM: curn:a 1l'I1~3R.IlM"3)'fiUIlIdin::alight" !\c.·w~lirnnDll.)gyfor5lreel ~1Jdur.:;,too


UJtIllITlb an- COUlIIU[ vendor}; h.luling jib dueh co.:olWI!. ;md n .....ld. at I!IIlpV IIll::Ob dr.uutJt..d III

UM:!iIII1.'l:merw.e. NulV. along wllh It>. nlt:Lliu/II·roGIIr tllld proce.",lllg tcdlllolugy. FAD lia:> lk.'Yt.oJoped n 1I11l1.1IJ.c freetu~ Will for l>In:e! leudutl> th.J.1 I..eep~ l.(.II;UnUI v.0iII.'r lit::JliDr 24 IIDW!o. Dt:.Igt~ Ul (uUilborauon ....idl the I'hihppUlfS' indu!oInall«hnology Del.dopmefll IJlSUlult:. tile unit .i!.1il..'i1..1.lalw wlUI a lIu,uwr of ~ IIlII1::w1L w1uch cools colb.'CleJ coconul water to bdu....·-I'C. Inslt:ac.i of h.iu.liJ Ig COC04\U1!. hum rural areas 11110 utie:., \'eUdUD c-an l"Oll«t Ute v.-....,. "aJ ~oun:JI!: ralur:ing buth Iheu lran!>lJUfl t:O~b and the qu:uuuyol. urban g;ub;q;e.



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