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Monday OS November 2012

Removing obstacles to firm growth, prerequisite to foster entrepreneurship - Report

Enter rise

"Doing what you like and promoting the economy" -Eseoghene Odiete NNEKA AGBANUS




COIlCePI u( style

and fashion Illive IlidaInOrphoset.l,

as tottay's N'tgI!flaJl

designers have elllbraccd tr"u.htiunalblxloim.I1Geoq;c. IOI+s.J 0l..e,1.aa: wad ~I the Oln! dreaded Ankara. EseuKhcne Odiel.: Ise, ;& gl:lldualc of Mass CommunIcations from Co venanl University and graduate member of N'~I Insutult: of l'ublic Rciaoous (NlPH) has joined the tn!nd of COIIUning ocher fubria> with alllarol in ~Iion wears like shue:s, bags. accessune:s. -IV as 10llg as I call remembcr, 1'\'I:..Jw.Jys had to w~ Illy dutllt'S. My piIStiioo ilrt.shul began ",tlefl I started flippillg

Developmellt Centre of d.: f'".ut African UniVI!JsiI), "My educuioll and experience h,we hdped me dcI.-dopa bL.:ud ol t:Xa:p[IIXw IikiIls In dt:sigJll.k:vciopcuellt.shc::sakl Besey IJt:sign~ wasCR:illed in 2OU. !he label feaum:d in the 2011 Lagw> style ""eel, wtW!l1!.' 10 unitJUe 1JitD::. \W!I'e sI~atkldn."Wawbuds

fmOl faslllUtl attlll.l.Siastk and designers aUb:. III July,2012,. III!Se)' Designs was officially laulU;hed. Ilesey Dt$.igll$ is a womeu's apparel and acc.c!iIiOIit!s line, with piea:s r.U1gutg from Ut:auuful glM'llS

wT....runs.. ....'Ie alson acatc handt1lilde fasbion~hLesboes.

sliIJJJm, JOW113b, bags. ~ andJL~iIlIu~.n::dt,-tbe

Africu1 culnul'; $I.: SOlid.

lIIagazlllt:s and set:ing girls like mt= motil..'tllllg.l haVl!becn

The lIesey loralld is a plalform to promote the 01 die N'tgEfWl indll..';uy oy u~lI1g locally sourced ll~ dud \iIr.iIlluI artJsaJlS to prud.ure tht: Ilcst·y pieces.. 'nib loralldlJal> sold scvcral ulllqlle pleccs 10 different WSUJlI'It.'1S. ·U.: blod 100/..$ fo to inol::asiug levels of production and t!fIlploYIl.lg nU't! SUlffdJel'l!i.Jy plllvxJillSjoI:w>forartis;wswho do not haY\.' SlCady iucome.

E:ie. ;a:. :.h.: E>. fondly Gllk:d, .::omoUlC!S .I ino .II a puO!i.:: n..Jaliuus rum wnh lJelllg die 0:.0 0111~"Y DcsIJ;llS. be u..'t!Ilt:udl her knowlcdge.uw.l I'onllahscd tier expenena: In the lashlun 1I1dw;uy tJ)' tai.lflg a Fa~hiou eOlJepreneUl~up caurs!" .iI Maflwayne j.:a:.hloll InSlilu[e Nigeria. and a plOg....lIIune UI Venture

ven pUlenthlly


:;.IaUed t:nUL'J.l!cneun>

....'OUId ha\'1: dlllkulty )uccet.'dillg withoul acce:..-s to basic uUr-.tSU\.Ioun: .Il1d fin4Jlciai rt.'soun;:b. LII litelr abJ.cllce, managenal capacily alOlle m;lY 1101 be cllough tu n:afu;e plOducuwy gains and employment eIpansiun, au.:ordillg [0 a 2U U World Oevclupillem HCJlorl. The ill~eJ.tlllent dUII.lle lIlancrs fur m.ll'l.lIess

1!IIlCq>l\Se and management progrnuuTle, UI Enterprise

duough dle 1laJ;CS 0( b;JUOIi

hootL'\ll!'llCl" W}(;l!; sllCsaiti



1k.'ffonIIiUlCt: ...... welL


The company offen beautiful besllOke gowns and T-shirts, handcnlfted bshioo. ~ like shoes,


....... """"

and jcwclries.. It abo crt:::a1CS

rusuxUpursb'IlSCUSIIlWeIS, ~ll.Idteit("""........k

lhe wmpilIty's tni!.sKJo i5 10 offer the linc:.;c itl WUlllell'S :ti'pard and aa:t::I;I;Urit::!... lhe br.uld wi1I ofJa:r 0JSt0mr.:B the best product at du: lx:st pDz. Ese espIai.n!;. "1I's a known faa Ihat in swun~ oi busillC>l.,. dldUellges arc incvu:ilik: I fuced them and I'm stiU fadn« some ollhl51l loday. 11m liD many great idt::ib ouw Jesign5. but I didll't h;lve funds 10 eu:o..u.c. I pu:.hed IJll.IIiC uI ory IWE>. till I h:..IlllOItq'. fiI~ Ihe nghl school 10 el~ IlrJtalo:!:llw.... ..boad~ then: ale !oO lIIany fashion schoob 1I1~.u1l.l dtq'MI: ex:peo:.ive 50 I wughl myself WIIb boot5. dJcullcmeI wll.lUly

.,...,"Currently ""'"

111)' ~.b;

surviving un saving:.. salary



htM'n my dory Job and su.ppon from family lIlemben. I 1IllWl:"' inveslors and I nl!>O applu:d for the 2012 YOUWiIl women IIwgranunc: Awil/'/! of the stiff WmpetiJ.iOIi in Ihe 13..l;h.ion indusuy, !he Im-y Br.uld ba!. SlL'olal.I~ wnlik.'liIlvt: edGe UI nwkclpenetr.llioll. frum.m L'J1OrulUUS ClCIIoc of clothing autI~WdlllUlefl'1lll1

.uld building a ticslgJllJOrtIoIio

MxlM!J duee)'t':lllt.wl1l.UlUOUS UptWIISontb1wtsWlth tra1d. die c::tXI.lp3lry is able 10 olLer all WIJM'IlCC(!uIk:llI1WI.o.:rol\~ Cll!o1IlWdesjgl.lliand~

"I!>l!e the 1h..'M:Y loralld in the intel'llauon .. L scene. '111(' br.l.lullouL!> lur",.mJ [0

sUfll)oonrng go\ernmelll


lI'llI.u::UJg W1t!I11J1ltl)'lllL'Jlt r.llI.'

byerllJlIo)mgarltlwodJngwith art~~L1C.l.llal'W ~ the LWd ",uu/d open ih fbt;.IupSWn: ull~ r\!geDa olIl1.l fmm then: otill-Of lloartl. of lhe CIJUftlry ,Iud heyuntl- she


!"lIuepreneurLal cap.lclt), vari~ !;.ubstOlllllally aeros:. nitcroenterp~ and unaU rums. A study of Ihe ournbeI' uf managemenl pl1Iclices adopled by the UWllers of micro and small elUt!I1Ir1s....-s III sub-Saharoll .'\frica. shows .. ~varialiooolll\al)3gement

!iCDn:!5.1heseSJ:On:S.ul'do!.dy associated with ousllless perlonnaoce, the report nOles. All emerging IhenllUn! confiml!> the illlpunance of lIIaliagemenl practiceloo ill explaining prodUL'tIvily. Allhough nwdlofd1ol! Iocw. is OU Urge finm;., Il."CL'J11 w.1Klio ban.' turned dlCU .I[lt!ntion to how UUlOVatiOIi III ~lIIall and IIIL..:11l1I1I flDllStakJ.: IM ..t:e. rhe repori )a\~ I.'nlrt:preneurlal slll15, mei1l>ured by !lIe L'lIuLOIliulI 01 hU>JJlC!.lo ownen. .Il1d ml!1l participation in Iramill\:, explain iI l~e sh .. re IIf Ihe differeuces ill I.m,ulu"u\·ily at:rolooS firOls and regIOns in de\'clojllllg countries. -Yet marlets flli/IO nunure ellUeprelleurshlp. uecau!>e


tmowlet1l;e spillowl'S Imply Ihal 511l11e of the relunlloo to acquiring or developlllg new mdnagcrial ltiealo are a''iJfopriJ[eO !Jyllthen: II My.;.. nle ~pon notes the c:aP.1Ci1)·1O .IO.Iuire!>blb and to apply tIlt.'tD ill i:Jusmcs...)Ct'IllS 10 beoneoi dlll! lIlO!iI. UltpUJtalIl dlilrnctensucs o( 511ccessJui elltlt'J»el"~un... Succt:» .ili.o dep .... lld~ on havillg curc 1iIJ11s loudl .. ~ nUlIIL'J'IiCY .md litcrdl..'Y,;I.\; well al> woaI J.I,.:Ub. J\ va5I bl.i."f:tlure luglilighl!> dle bllportanc'C of enu~prent."IJOo'

sr:houling lb a detc::mwWJII of finn growth, ... lIIpIOYIIIC.'J1I wid efflClClIL). I:IllreJlreJlt!lU1o:iup llUilting for womc:n hal. h04d 1IIiJr.... d re:.uit!>. the report nOleJ., ref1t:ctt'd 111 \VideJ (X)I~lllo foclllg women III ~OCICIII.."'. Iloweller. nUlturilig female entrepr .... neurship has the pOtenliJI 10 creale wldel !>OCial be!:wdltsassocia.led wuh female empluYlllel1L lioch aJ. dwtga. in Ihe housdlold alloclluon of resources that illljlroVC falllily weU·l>elng. C!>lx'Cia.!!yof dliidrelL Sludle$ show thaI a common findlllg of lrdilllllg e\'3lualioll.s is Ih.ll the potenllal to ab50rh momagcment JlI1ll.'tice. dilfLT.> grt;ldy .Illlonit u.en ... ru:iarie\.. lIeadilv ullsen.·:ahle IndiVidual I.:hara'cleri~tic) t.ln help idenutythu:.e bu.J.i1lC!>:> UWIIl.'J'li wllh Ih .... hlghcst 1)() 10 bellefil Irom managelllt'nt II";IIIUIII;. upcn p,lIlcls may [)e Ibdi to id.:.ntify i1l1d ranl 1I1lU'U

.l.nd !>malJ emeqlfl!oO!:S

on d1eit polt.'JlI..i.ailo grow, bUi :.ur:h IIIcuuxis aJl~ CXIJel\Sl\'C

alld difficult to apply on IMgew:aJe


Catfish farmers warn against dumping of foreign fishes ... Ieek fG'1 protection to attain one million metric tonnel target. RfMI FEYISIPO, lbadiln


or Itsh l04nllel~ 10 .111.1111 the largel of olle million lIletric 101I1\c:liolfal'lIIedn~h

ill the IICJll. Ii"e ycar!> unda lhe I·ederal governmelll's J\'1t1acuhure V.ilue Chain Development progr.lllUue. Tayo A\'ingbolagulI, Pn:sldelll of Catfish Farmo.:rs Assilcialion o( Nigeria (CAI:AN) ha!> ca lled for prolection agall1!>1 dlllllplllg of fOR!lgn fishenes products

ill die COUlllf)'. While ,aying Ihal lhe prolo.:r;:llon became lIeceU.lry ,I he CAFAN I'It!!>idelll s..Jid dUIIIJling W'ollo

one of die grealest challer.lgt5 belllg faced by lhe lucal fi~h.illg lIulu!>'Uy and which should bt! addressed (ur c::ffectiv.: l.u.e . off ufftsht!rio development ullder (he Agrio..utura!. TI11Il!>fuml.ltion Agenda. Spealwg un Wednesda), III Iblldall ,the Oyu State capira.l ;u: die opening of Oyo Sllite CAFAN 20 12 Call:J!>h Fair, he callL'Cl on the (cder.t.l govemmentlo atlJ:,;id.ise fish lIIeal for fish farmer'll as il subsidised fcrtiliu:r for ClUp funners. Ilesaui lhli W'dS because feeds conlOlituled aboui 70 per cenl of co~t of productioll adding Ihal a bad fish (eed would resull ill a bad harve:sl. 'UleCAFAN


therefore retpllfed to

pludutc 11ua.1i[y rlSh fLOCIh.

prC!Slderu IIOWC"o'l!f ~ tlw production of one million fanned fish rt.'t(UlfL'lI aJx\ut L.25 billion fingerling.s

allll\\.ing for 25 per " ... nl mortality ill halchery opentlOn§. Accllrding lu

him.qualily hrood slOd.

rhe challt.' nge here,he PUllllo:tl OUI W.IS tho.: wttlhal :-':lgcrI.t!> broud :.tud. had lx;en ft.'CVCled (ncr the ,·ean. and IIII\~ reqUired geilctic IJllprmemenl [II died.. 11\ brcedlllg.. "II i!> suggeloo[l'd IltJt f:tnllclX research iJlStitulcs alld uther relc\'alll bodies ..huu.ld work incollaoonlUon Hl jll'oduce gCllelicdlly illlpru~·t:d brood MIICk- he said. III lterwcll:ulIle ..dtill!:S.S earlier, the chalrpers.on of CAI:AN UJ die stale, Modupe Awu)'omi - KoI:tde $;lid ule Iheme of Ihe 20121'0111', "Effective Management of Catfish Farming for i'fUfit.abiliIY" was rl.'ll.'Vilnl

n jlalllclp:tlltS wuuld bl.' I'xpused IU ....·ell paLl04geti lutera cu\'t:: leetu,,!:. hy rC!>oorcc 1M:n.Ulllo IIIlhe next fuur tI.lh wludl ..... uuld le.. ti 10 beller techlll4ue!> that would lead to lIIaximum jllOdUtIlHI\' and jllOfil ·Some ul the 1II.l111T chollengcJ. faemg calfish production cfII ... rpri!>e will be addrbJ.ed . Mar\.ellng . local alld expon l'in.. nciug. prhCf\',ulOn and value addUlOn fur pmlonged shelf lire (In whult:SOlile ~[ale) In meet emerglllg con~umef tbt ..S and preferentes are of major coneem. Effective breakthrough itl these at'eas will en~ure \>uslulllilble prndUCllon° >\woyomi Kol .. dC's04id

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