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4 Monday OS Novem ber 20 12


Tit bits Nursing mother bags 6 months in prison


An Abuja Magis!r.tIClil· coun on Frida.,. St'Otenced a nllT"ing mOlheT. SalamalU IbTll him. of no rlXed addfe'l'l !O ,Il: monlh~· im prlsonment for 'ltealing a handhalt The pm'II'CIIIOr. Philip "lX'lIu ... IOld 11K court thai on Oc!obt'r ~ I. 20 12, Ih(' ~miry R\lilrd attached 10 G.....arlnpa GcnMllI 1I0s, pila!. Ahuja. ft'pnned Ihr CIS(' In urI' Cam p Polin' Sialion Apollus said Ihal thl' ronllici wenl tn tht' ho<pjllli on tht' qmt' datI' and 'I101t' II p.ant"nf's hand hag beside hel ~Ick bed AccOld lOR 10 !he pl'OSt'CUIOf. Iht' pa l it'n!'~ husoon d '\:3\ .. hj~ wife', handbaR wilh Iht' con\.in and 'Vi" mu~lIn~ to coiled Ihr handhag Irom hrl wht'n Ih(' "f'Ctlrity ~uml inl!"fV!"",'d. '!hI' ofirnct' contTllvent'!! Ih(' provi~ion~ of 5M: lion 2870flhe " ('nai UKlI' Thl.' accused pleaded gllihy. 1<1vin~ -It i~ Ihr d('loil thaI pushed me In ~ 1 1!lI1 Ihl' hand hal:

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Okada ban: 28 in police net over non-compliance

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with (omml'ncl'lIIrnl I'll rnforrt'mt'1I1 of 00 cnmm('rrial mnlnrrycit' "peTllnon< IIlllrha.. thc~lIue polict"cnmmand '<IIld 0\'« 211 prr"on~ hll"!" hfion am'">,rd In' \inl:uinJ: hAn nrrlrr. " would II(' rl"Cailed Ihal Ihr 11('1111 Slate g<wl'mment had fixrd 'l;o\Tmbt'r I. 2012 as Ihr deadline for the ban on tJlt' ojX'TlItlnn 01 mnlorcvdr II.~ II means of ITlIn.'q)O rt lltKm j n Ihe ~Iale Th(' affected Iocalilif"l are i\.Qb.. Warr!. Udu and Fffunm respeai\oTly, Ril l Iht' Ilale R'J"l'ITImen t had lasl monlh purchased aoolll 12....0 Irlr:yd('<1 10 l'"Piaet' Ihl" mo torcyriM Ikechukwu Aduba. Delta Slal(' cummis '<1 .. nl'l" or pr'ilce. Inld nC\\""men Ihal .. rrlng mOlnrcycli~t' who dl~o~d Iht' r.-..:iWlinn rmlt"r WtIu1<l he chll r~ 10 court Aduba. who appe-all'd In 'okada· liders In Ihp ~1;Ut', howf'Vl'r enjoi!lctllhl' union memilel! 10 compl\· With the teotlriClion OIdl'\'


Lagos eyes 1m metric tons of fish production ...set for ma iden seafood festival JOSHUA BA5SEY DgOS. Nigeria'" comml"rriai 'Ilale with IJ rlOpulation e~1I1 malC of 18 mWion pt"Ople 1'1 baving its eyes on lht' production of 1 million melnc ton'l of Ii.. h per annum withinlhe next twovears. Allbough a tall talgc!.I! h ht'lIc""ed Ihls e m be ~nlised ihhe stale's potenlials (01 n~b production aK" propt"rly hl!mcc;'1("d and ne<:e5N1ry suppa" arendI'd to fhh fa rme rs In the 'ilaIC. 1..1g0S. 'IuITOundNJ by large water bodi~ currenth- produce" nbnUl 12:..000 m('lric to",1 out Of ilhoU! 650,000 menic- 10n'l required, 111e 5hol1 fa ll of 525 m{'me IOns is '1uppliHl lrom o th er Siale.. and inlcmadonal impon!'; Should Ih(" '\:(3'1" Trn.'f;'1 the I million m ettic Inns talltel "imin Ihe nl:Xt two yean 0lS envisaged, II will ill' In tht" !'IlKl, lion nOI only 10 mee! local con<umpllon hUI expon rJSh beyond 11< hord~.lhl... il is cxpecIcd will also '<1gnificaody reduc(' the currt'nl high CO~I of fll.h- making ar forda blt' 10 majority of the rt:~idenu. M pan of mea<uTeS to hit lh(' t31"g('1. ("rrorts, ~ccordinR to l.ot"'al, art: bemg intensified by th e govemnwnl- collaoo, ralin g wilh local fanners who are being encouraged wilh inputs to increa'if' {h"ir ~ p..,clties fo r fish pmductlon lhb Incl ud es the e<;labllvlIn enl of a rlSh farm !!SHIlt" ~ a 34 hertllre land In Odogunyan,


Ikmodu, productng O\'er 10,000 tom of

110011811 .... Suh~ldl .. ('d

\\;Ih nect'o;;,o;.u,' Intht' facility h an addition 10 similar nlher; ~urh IL< thr Ghforlghfo fi)l;h fann t'o;;toUt' sitting on OVl"f Em hectan,"S of fm.~lTUctUrt:,


Und('r IhfO value ("halo, the goal. Luwai fOoabl .. t'l1\1ron m .. nt for inCft'il"cd fi..h pmduo:1hm on a rusllllOahle basi ... Rt-ing a ~Ial(' with pn· tential in aquacuhure. -we hm'(" inv!"~If'd in a~",i ~\I('h a~ halcheriM dCVl'inpmrr" (;;1ge .md pt"n nlituR' usinR our WDlrr bodir", £\... h fC't"d and inpUI d"\lrl"prnrnf_ TelIean::h and I"'flen'l"if)[l amoug othru_ Specific support... h(' ";'lId, W1'Tt' bclOJ.: givl!n 10 ruh rannt'n :mch a)l; 'hI" rl"C,'nl dislfihulion of fi~hing inpul .. lo arli ...,nlll fi~h('nnl"n al Orimedu hrllrh. through Ih(' anlunal f1~hln~ inpUls H'rV1Cf' tlf'Ih>erv prn~mml" lhf' inpUlI/. ....·" di~ lritlnted 10 lilt' tl4!'nf'n1tin~ fannen on depmlil of 25 rWf('t'n! of el}<;'. wilh Ih(' balanct' ~pft'Dd o\rr h~-n Yl"al~ a .. a way f.f m('bur.utinl{ them 8111 10 hmhf'r I'nrnUfilge existiuF' rarm~". anrnel nf'W m .....!lUllcnl in fh:h fannlOR and 1rn.!1" lip produclinn, th!' 'Ilale l'!; 0fT-lnln.~inJ:: Ihe fir," ('\.'M' 'if;""" food ff""ival' Wlfh the Ihl"ml' ·bgn.; 5eO'lrnod ft'Slh-al: OOO'innR the polf'nlial!t of th .. fi.;hery jlldumy," L.",w,d .;.'liel the ~arood fe"'llVaj plann('d fnr Novt'mtM-r 10.2012. at Ihe Fk"o _\dantic Citv. \/lcroria bhmd. and whkh f:"ninddl"'1 ,,,,ilh Ihe Inlemallonal !\:lIr:lrnn Confcl't'T1C'c. is pan oflhl" ~UlIII" giM tn rt'alisf' IS ''MXI <..curl:-)" ohjecli\"C'$. ~aid, "''a~ 10 Crt'IUf" MI


-lhp cinalY"1 for pUlling 'Ieafood h~~k fht' nilinary agenda I.. for Ih(' erllltal w('11 twinp; of La~(1S ac w('11 as for Ihr growin~ plTlfilr of Lagt'l< on Iht' inlPmationallouri<rn map. lhr rr~rival will pIO- FIDA fights widowhood in Imo mOle' all ahl'lUl «'afood Ihnl I~ farmrd in L.ago~ w;II('("'; and its hmad uses The Inlemalional Fedt'rntinn nf Womt'n ·T-.n~¢ng fill Indll~try qakehDldr ....}"cn (FIOt\}.lmoSlale chapler, '<11\11 11 Is fmm Ihe loeill n.. hrrman.lolhemnrketcr. O!;hnng hard 10 ell1Istic:ally reduce Ih~ (lTlIC~ lhr fl~h prorr~\or .. 10 till' r ..... taUrilh·u .... liS tiers of widowhood in the ,laT('. wilh alli('w wt"1i as th(' ""Pnrt mnrkel. It Is all about to gwmg a hfl 10 bereaVl'rl W{Jmrn. "~a ,,,,,,lit or thei r hushaorl<' d!"IJamlfl' ~t'.dooJ, ""'hkh I~ In Iinr wllh our f"('("t'nI lIgochi \Jnanna·Okoro. II illl-,,'rr and I!l erron~ al anaming our potenlial in Agricuhul? stl.'ltrnance and 10Ilrl"m.- hr ...,Id . remlll!' of Ih(' FIDA l!llht" ~Ial r. ~Id Ihl' dlit' '<aid th .. stalC throuRh thf' ff'~ti, fons of Ihe !troup are 10 t'!l!alre thai \'Iomen \"al which i~ erpt'dl'd 10 allrad aooul whl)<;(' hrnlband!i died art' nO I thmwn away and abandon('d by Itwit In 10f\\/<, whim is 1.000 Incolll and inierTllllionlll panid pllnl"_ aim" 10 d(,Vl'lop 11I'Iwurk.·llnkngM n"lmmon aroll nrllhe ronmry. '\;nanna Oknm, who 1""'0;0 thr lmn <;jla l!' amooR stakrhnlder<o. ~hare knowlrdge rnmmis~ioner rnf C..ullUn" anfi Inmislll. and lM:hnololl)· u ..rd in Iht' Indu~lry and while lipeakJnK with rneml)('T" nf Ih(' :'IIigf'tia M'rhan~(" infonnahon I'lI1 prmlil("l< and ,-c~ociation of Womrn lnllmail"T" (K\WOJ). ~"rvin"" ;wallahle In Ibr glohai m:ukrl hno Stale rOllndl, ~id Ihr ~I all' FUM ha~ -WI" al~ \'iDnl to lI~r Ihr f('Mival !O uPrM II~ rampalgns ag""n!!1 widnwhood stlmui;"flr in\'l'.. tmf"lll pou.'n!!al of 1_'1~o~ PrlIcticn by nnw embarking on t"dur-ation <;1 •• If" tn relalinn 10 aquilcul!lIre and ar- ane! St"Ilsiti~a l ion of the mrn, who 11ft' brolh Ib.lnal fI.shrrlr~; po!lilh'('ly impact the ' fOr. in-law to Ihe widO\", f'conomy of!olll In thl.' shon :md long "In l'.xtremc CIl5~ the wo men lawyer"!' Ie'rm lind II ",,111 ultim.,tt'lv realure alii a a~.odalion tak" legal proc:edUft"C In faVOIIT major tourism flttr.lction and dcshna lion of Ihe widow'l: ~he said. rnr local and InlematiClnai lOurim." !!laId -Under ~t"n~itis.'lTion. the FIOt\ ('ngagt'S J\cC'ordlng 10 him. part of aclivitie<; the bt"reavt'd wo m;tn'!! hro l h l'r~-in·iaw. ffi al Ih" tMlival will include' exhibilion by llcaling them on Ihe nH"d 10 'l1(lP confiscalInp; thewoman·.. la le husband·~ prore-ny. fOT fi~hl"r rolk.... n~h and \"3riOll.S 5e"/1foodha<l'd m .. nll. flng .. r food \·cnd" .... and Iht' 'lake of he r c:hlldTt'Tl" funt re. Wl'ma nIhe brothen-in 17 10 undl!ma nd Ihal Ute othl'r Tradllinnai din('1'$, culimll)' wido~ WOIllAn ~ child ren are thell latl' \'Ice'l, Ino<l m'·n'.hanl~ :md plO('M~Or'I, brotht'f·~ children, mor.p:mhcrl>.




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