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-H.)YI1lg • rrIInil;U!f of agncul1ure "'1m Itle qualificatlOOllfld expeoen~e can hMp reduce food IfTIpOr1 and SU! WI'I food 5eCtJllry" - Lan,.. TaJ.tW right

Lagos, SENCE, EFlnA host agribusiness SIAKA MOMOH an eHort 10 boost I,rlcultural development In Nig6la.the Lagos~Ate Mlnisuy of Agricultwe and Cooperativel; Skilll Enhancement Centre (SENCE), and Enhlndn, FlnandaIlnnOYaOOn" Accfts (filnA) have anOOl.ID(;ed they will JoloLly hOIl I apibu5lnesI eahlhltion from Mlrch 29 to 30 this yeal, targeled II all KgIllenu of the agrkultun.1value chaln. The exhlbillon, titled



'Apicu.lrun, lI)C New I-'romler

Accen 10 Informllio n on Nigeria's Agrlcullura l Sector,' Is dellglled t o plovlde inYClitors, flrmers, finandal InJtilullons, Ind other Illkeholden, with releY<llni Informilion on the Igriculnlral k(;tor, tOIUPI)()t\ Ihroil Investmenl decililon.s In Ihe 5CC10~ <>so lbol. chid operatu'3 otfiM-, SENCF.. tald m ........

Organisations involved in th e agribusiness expo include machin e fabricating companies, Carmers associations, research in stitules, finan cial institutions, and commodity brokers. The key objecllve of Ihe lXhibidon II to CROile a Ofle. Ilop lhop In(ormallon C1eftue on the Nigeria n Igrlcuhure lecto r, Ihe Aid , explained WI theohlbilionls~

to provide Invalora. fannen. finanda l In"llUllonl, and olher "akehol de rs, with releva lll InformAdon on the Igrlcuhural IKtor, Ind 10 luppor l Ihelr Inyellmenl decWonl In Ihe toec:lor, She nOled thai currently In Nlgerll, Ihere was I plethor l of orgl n isalionl lnvolyed In the ''alue chain, liUch as farmers assodadons, reseuch Inslitutes. finandal 101 1ilUIloO I, ma chine flb l leilln, co mp lnles, Ind commodity brol.en 'Unforlunllely, not mlny people know Ibou t the existence of theu: OfganisaUonti orwhal they do, therefore, they are unaware of the deplh of valuable dala thalls lvailable to assW them

10 male Informed bushleu decisions In th e sector: she Slated Accordln!!: 10 look.. many Nlgerlanl Ire ,radually becomln" mO l e Iwal e of th e Incredible oPIM.lrtwuties IYlilable within the Igrlc sector, bul are handica pped by Ihe generl l lack o f consolldaled Informltlon

on the liCCtor lhe exhibition will proYld e I forum where Ihe general public: can acceu Information from the ViIIrlOUli lila hojden In one location, Ihe exp la ined fUllhel In Iddlliu lI , Slakeholdeu within the 1«101 wlU be able to lii,owcue their goods and liCfVICeIlnformation 10 I w\de audience.

Februar 17 - 23 2012

NCAN embarks on Special Cashew Production scheme

Modupe I..adipo, CEO, EAnA, litated Lhat the ftndinp from the EFl n ... Aceen 10 Flnandal5a'\iceli In NIKCria 20 10 luryey revealed Ihlt :!:O.l million adul l.s (2." of the Idull population) derive their ml ln In come from agriculture; however only 1.9 million of them are 1JanUd. Oflhe remaining 18.• mUllon adulu that are unbanUd. 6 million 01 thenl awn I mobile phone This demonstra tes th e pOIemlallor Increasing Iccess 10 finance by WOt"~ In Ihe agl ic H!CIOI Ind Ihe viability of ull n g mobile phonetiloooliO. 11le exhibition will pllJ\1de kieas on how 10 position the agr1cRCtOf 10 be at the oentle of me sovernmetll', erroru 10 ~II economk development In Nigerill., I..dipo I.dd The major challenges facinA the agrIculturallCClOf In Nigeria lncIude lack o(lnfraSlNCfUre; Inldequale funding; lack of


=~,:~rre~,s fl=~~

and dbuses;

under-funded re5earcb and development and advene chanlel In Ihe d"mll~ Shefunh~II.led

thai "we

na.od 10 IdellI lfy alld IUI)I>orI

poUc:ie. and programmes thaI ¥lilet\$Ufethac~ldopb

a OI,"lpft~\"C approiIICh I. agrlcuhunl dewolopmeflt 10 .5 to bruk OUI of poverty· Th l$ lellulres levenl!ng l«hllOlol)' 10 leduce COllI

In 1M value chain (inc1uillnl IIslng mobile phonu) anti creating lunova l lve 'y5lCIIlI Ihal will roue, belief Inll!'JaOloll belween ~l,uld~rypbyrn.

IUld academia

"F.NO:.I. a consulting firm thai wOfbi wilh ~maU Medium EnI!rp1'ise5, wilh the aoal of

IIIo'lldin,; OPI'IOrluniLid for dh: nu to grow Into luong Inurn/ulanally lecognlsed but iueuel 'liC E also provldelio orgallltiliional .lilfUClure development Inel ICC "5); 10 InformAtion on a wkh Bnt:e of .cc:lOrs. {I

N, ena Commod,! Index


le Nallonal cashew i\ssodadon oINlgeria (NCAN)lsembiuki"l on a Special Cashew Productioo scheme (SCP) In 10 designa ted liIltes of th e



This wa, announced reundybyTola Fueru. NCAN n.alional preskient. who Slaled that the designaled lilale5 for Ihe pilot prugr""mmewereAlJia,

en... Rova. ..... ""- 0,.. ~0liUn,

loom and &to. pyin, Ihal these gales wuuJd be maid", IYlIlbbIe I,OOOhecwesofland for the -=heme. Under th e Icheme, a procenlnA pllnl will be estabilihed In elch o f Ihe Aides 10 be !cd by the cashew plamallons. he &lId, IS Ihe ICheme will prcMde jobs Ind wealth crHOOn opporrunities for Ihe COUnlf')"1 teeming unemployed )'OlUM through creation of 25,000 new job opportunities. Acco rding to him, the liCheme wiU not only provide Ilcw~bulwW aho lJrOffiOfe

enlJepreneunhlpopponwlity because il Is llruclured 10 make the wOlkers ownerl or the famll eventually. lie disclosed thlt AbdulFalah Ahmed, gD"Cflloc, t.:lQI1I Scate, had llveta the 10 ahead for d ie JoChemc 10 titan oKln K"'-..ra. FtierumadedUsdisdosun!: durln& the recenl flag-off for the Nigeria n cashew ~IIIJOII 20 12ln KwaraSrate. Aaggin" oCf the new cuhew lI!as.on, the Ahmed. who was repfCliCllled by A1Iyu Mohammed, comnllssioner for 6pecLaI duties In the lilale.

"wan ,ovnnor.

Yid the wile "''U proud 10 be I major produeer of cashew In Nlgo:!ria. The gova-nor alw mued Ihlt the stale will pilY I lcadin, role In lhe SCP ICbeme a.s presented by the Nadonal Cashew Association ofNigerta. In his goodwill address at lhe nlK orr event. OlutqUO Aganll, min ille r of " 'Ide an d inYellment, ca lled on the National Cu h e w Association of NIgeria 10 put In pllce machlnerlCJ and work IOw.uds doubli n g the producllon and proceulng 0( the prevklus years u a way 0( mhat;'ClnJ; cashew In 010<""",11)'

"',In,a , who WII represe nled by a directo r In Ihe Mlniliry Trade Ind


a~ tltof

A .....ton


uid funher Ihal Ihe 20 12 cashew 5CUOrI would Indeed be tI)Cbeginnbli 011 panKlisnl lihIIt In the lu~ory of cashew Industf)'ln~

Sooroe: Esoko Nigeria

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