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28 TllUs and Tobias: Delivering speedy food 5elVke

How 10 invest in poultry hatchet'(


Exploring finonce oppoIIUnities fur 5MEs


Cassava bread produc'tiorl on ]1.....-............ track, but bakers nee h Ip

St..... by SIAKA MOMOH Industry Edtior

much eouced Ilerian C•• HVI brud i. already In che merlel, 11

carpnte bU;en . l1J'C NIpN pte. baker 01 UTC Bread, and Food Concepu pic. baker of Buner6e&d Brad. Th_ two bMzrs are cunmdy tpendlna fortunu maldna1t happen, and hne made c:oruWeBb&e


Corporate bakers want import duty waiver ror magic solutions, a vital component for cassava bread production. Small bakers wam equipment and !raining. wIllie cassava growers want ea.<y access to land. from !he date 01 our lollhl trial, we wet"e able 10 aod in Febn.y


propeJS In re.pea of ,hi,


O"M:I . 1he ....

Gove..-nment ha. beln puIbin&'" miI:-.n 0120 petUnl induMon 01 c:asuva Bow - derived &om • crop widrty pown kK:ally _ and !he mIuakIn oIlhe knponed whell componene In che mU::lnc 01 breed. wid! • vWw 10 Avina iignIlkant forel",

2ID12 _~a~

commadal rtdpe lor White 8re ld Ind Wbeal Crain Brud,. with 20 percenl hi&h ~c-.. Oaur incbioo..

We ..Ito at.odardlaed and ~o..-Caksand

_ond......-. ...

Ota»)' Bed Roll recipe wiIb 3Op. _ _ ....,quaI&y~



loa! caSAYa mad:ft. .. wei ..

·Wllh our monlhl, cont.umpdon 01 hJcb qUllny

1TfC ..... AI the recent launch of ~ brad in Abuja. Ihfte corponltc and other rNr,ed ~ IMrd Ol§ !he profp1!:M repon 01 c:a--. brnd. FoIwo O&anfyan. CEO. trrC NiFN. poe" MlIXIUJ1I 01 herc:otnpW1(J ~wirh her ~IO pRJ(b:ecasA'\.. tn.l Accordlnl to her. UTe enviuged move to produce elnlVI bread would be IUClDNIfui, and .. • dew pKtUre 01 up-In our minda.." lITC _ puaiorwe




l TC haa .uccellfully repLlCed ...~ IDW" (:ORten! In n-II jwI brNd, builn beef

roIk......,.... ...... _

pl..- aoluanu. milt bread, pail au IHin, cooldu., and bu'l,u rolls (12 producu In IOIAI Lall with.In Ihree mooIhs. Allltlied producu Wf!re OQ diJp.,. In AbutL aod are IOId In all \II'C nul 0Ullm In me l..aeL-1 rnaropotiI. • J ilourdftlre lOopenreld DUlL.... in Ahuja. where dw: wid! of CUAVI-bued produas would be IOId 10 me



.tJouI. iu pi despke the ilia thai II wu un,we of how or when theM JO&b would be achieved The company

..,.,.......... ....... wu able to find but




.65I1OD1,._canbenpdlld_ dwt hiIheM IlIInRIrD« at



.nIUIld these obIUdeL IX loot riN.J and II peid ott Oianfyan ~ "Attn

ca.... I and

92 crill, and limos' three

Non·oil export


lpria made N4i1 tMlllon from non -

011 exporl In the la .. aile year, Olwegun Apnp. m1niIler of a-ade and invntment. said lilt lbw5day. Thll fell, IccordinB 10 him. was adlleved throuab proaaJve tnIdc. poIida and lncendvab ooo-oUapons Introduced by the MlniIuy 01


thal Nllerta b.d .chie...ed I relatively hllh le ... el of iotemadonal peneu-ation.




nao.'"....ide, Including Abuja.c CoNiIwa 011 fIIIr 13

Nigeria records N428bn in one year - Aganga ... free trade zones generate N1.7tm investments He apol:e lU !he mlniIlerial pillrorm orllnlHd by the

Mlnillry or Inrormllion to mArk President Coodluck Jonathan administration', ODe yeu In office. Heuid: ~ln 2011. NiFU a:poned OOQ-oU producu 10 103 countries and IftrilOriH OUI of 220 . Tbll Ihowl ,llolHant Impro ...emeol o .... r the pre ...lnu. year • .

lbere hat been aD increue In noo-oU uporl 10 S2.765 billion (N428bn II NISSIS). repracollnB an lncre.ue of 19pm:enL~

Tbe mlnilier added thac the Expo" Expan.lon GI"I.Dl (UC) wu attkaJ 10 the powth of the Nlleriln upon matht, ..yinl ~we bnoe bad wide ron.wattoN acrO" In Indwuy lfouPI

wltblo Ole value c.baln of each commodity, and new JWdeUne OIl EEG It ezpeaed .....Oy:

He ,Iso disclosed that actual Inve'lmenll In NIBert,', free uade tOnes curr.ody atood II SlI _1 bllUon, addlnl thai 15,120 new jaM had been (fealed


CivIJlI the bft&kdown 01

lnno- inlO

inyulmenl In !he Ian one

Tnlde Zone In IUven Stale had alual:led invUlmenl worth 16 bWkMl. notin& thaI Inveatment commllmeata in the fTl were wonh 16.7 blWon In !he LaM ane year. AI:cordiat to him. other FTZ acron the country under the Nllula Expon PTocadnt: ZoQa Aulboriry alto pn~ted $4. 4 bUUoa

If c 'lrrenLi), reviewinl Ihe ope ratioDI of !he FTZa to

the inV't:itmm1

dW! FTZI. tbe mlnJ.rer . .ted IhM theOnneOll we. Pr..

ye" . ~the~

of 1 rad. alld InvetiDlent maJ,.!hem mort functionaL (' .... r.lI. AlaDla laid NII':lla hid secured over Ni.1 arlllloll inyellment c.ommlbnenu over Iha Iut one as ·tbe breakdown of Ihe lotal In ... eltmenl



TODA~r OllNlNKA AlAWODE Yrn mod~1 solutIOn. can male blllm~ In the IMs of peopW!. "lib n~'"1 pO\lctly fiawn In NIIftI.I-almoR 100 miUlon people llvin, on Ia. than 51 " dJIy, II hal become



absolUlcly necesMf)' fOt"

Empowering the underprivileged Story of female profe sionals who support indigent traders with fund an training Y'Crf KUW II h<.lth wppon ~ tun-~ cducaoon 01 underpnnl ,ed youth. Ind IUppon 0 0Iptwlt. ~IO aplaincd hi,,, the vWon ....... bomc. ""SC " .. !nne WI 01 the lWOn of on. 01 III Mocw1dr Adebowark 0 '.... .tJout II ~ ISO- We IU youth corp membel"l \.e loo~ II Ih" CI1\--.uevncnI .-nd ..... to mud! pcMn)' Ir\J we ..-:110 nwn twry mcndt pray. IhIIre God".




Il&hl IpUUI povaty Ihroush buM. . worbhopt. Ilnanca.I UiipOWti .httll and 10 on.

SiMen' Conc:an.


I'OOP of

iLomaIe~a.ensedthil need~.t.bId; ..

11 ,.."

• ""tla!. FUUfJ 0110 18_ youdI C'Of'P' memben dedded ID ~ chaW ~.,.mer

!rom their ..uo...uKet to mlpowef people 1inIndaII)'

----"""'"' Conam exp&IIned !he modeIl

means by ..iuch ttu. ptIUp 01 ~wholll1! 1'IOWQW!f

2Q, anpows peopIr finNOIIy She aMI !he pnnopaI ob;caJYe

oIdu.pwpaJnlblin&oIlrm* I.wren, docton. banlen. rr aperu. t.Non ~ 8nd so empower the lea _ on. b &0"""-"Y She Nid, ,\~ - - 5U1VII'IS peny IIllden wllb financial iIIcIudm& expuaure III mlcrorutance opportunlues. we orprw.r worbhop. and



............ '"

them 10 they can Iml»be die Ollrun!: d ....q and ~



...,.fWI pmdIaon


lheeduaaondlAw:luiP the Iroup hu helped lOme

• tuft dnnU




the pwchue of deep freftf!1' .nd lIan-UPaIpDI and I phone


Tewo lelede, Doe of the



to to • parucu1ar mmmunity. JdJmallICale ~ownm ~ and FI pn:*-orw. 10 i~.k 10 them_ We have

memonh.p proplllT1mt'1O for Wen on dIe b.sue 01 rurullnl buwnateo iUC:ceulully \\e ..., piIn 10 no. ~~ .. IoMs 10 ~ In bousanaI In the near futw-e That w.y. thc!y would be ITlOfl' KllW: In their bu",ne. l«aua.e they know they hIIYe an obflpion ID rrpI'Y

Exploring finance opportunities for SMEs NOt6O NOUMANYA

'... best business ideas will not survive without propel financing '

the monrythqrt- been rWl III capul 1M have been ~v. lheOlpDl_pum.arenflil rqtaid but Wt ~ WI we could I1!Kb (JUlIO ~~ bylP...... loan..· Apul from elllpowennc bUlineu uln·upl Ird nplnslOO. lhc voup ito abo

ConIl1l.l_Pon PO!" '!I but ow bn!ad and pa5lIlCI. .rr cumndvdJ In lheSouth \\,.. tqiOn 01,..,. and 1rIlar'


She Iddflt:

Oevdopmenl. 0.. Alinwuml who lull pcrioralty


viWled our pmducUon t.dbua In lAF'- He .. Ihc firs r N . -

of the Federll Repubh c of ~ II) wat OUt fIcbty 1lua was I morale botMiter fOl" tfte ftIDre worUorce.l1T'C naolO Dj n.d 01


manuraclur'", scelor .rc

SMEt.. They aceQun! for 10


percenl 01 employment. )'ft. conuibuunl' mere I pftftnI IOlheGOP In " ilalemenl a' • rtICefll

~ . . 0I.-b1Ollde

rn.n hiF q.abry~.. 1auL

Food (";onc:q!u Bullcdlekl


Apnp. m.ilUSCa 01 U1Ide and Invatmmt, hl&hli&hted lKi of acecu 10 nOIRCe, poor bminelideYeloJHne:nlaemce and hlah openHlona' casu

as malor chaUcRlcs fadnl SM£i developmenl In Ihe mwtuy. aDd amana these lad: 01 KCa.1O finance OCX\I.piaa very cmual posnkm Abo sloba!Iy. commerdal

blinu WI remaln me blgcst tOUrCeoifundJ 10 SME.haft

In molt uus, wlthdrlWD becaun of the perceived rid... and unccn.inllet. 10 Ni&ena. the &qile Kononuc

envlronrnerll and ablenet of requi,ite InfrlllTUcturc hu rendered SME pracCice aJidy and ind6denL tbeftby

worunlnl their Cfedl!

<Om"............ Fundi", fot" SMEt hal, fOl min)' )'Can, bun the bane of growth 01 the leCtor thaI hal been Identified 10 be I ke)' flclor In the developmenl of In)' nillon·, econom), '''c bctt buwles. ide.. will nOI Iurvlve wilhout proper financinl-II it I valid COIlCC'f1l

benuepreneun. .. finandna

Is the W'ebbxl of. buiint'5&. Whll .. mott Imporlant I. 10 reilite thlt U one hal I

banbble proteCt. II wouid JC1 financ1n,; VYonne O)'Cuudll, hc8d,corporateJlnlqy, RBI

Bank. a.d in I pnscntadon on

'SUuI-Up COlt and finandnl opponuniLin rOl" SMEL Accordlnlto her. !he kica Is 10 mil. ,ure the buslnto ownel h .. ,omethlngthll iJI 'tTUclured; I martelable bu~me" plan (bdna; able 10 lutlcubm: whal lhe buJines. It lbo\l.I) Induding bullnes. obje<:tivn Ind past hlitory 0( fiuanc::eJcredilWOtthlncu. -Flnlnclers Wlnt 10 ,ee Ihlt Ihe enlrepreneur I, commlUcd 10 the busineu, thul demonllrltlng lood finlncial hillor), II I plus In lOin Iflplitallon: .he Kid, nodnalhll .. firandl..l inlermedllriu, banb 11.0

t - I O manqe



II hUle funding lap In the JeaOf and lOme of lhe islun In ICm\J 01 acceuin& funcU for SMEJ are I Iadt of coIlatcnti and ftnanCiaI information. We have developed I product In out --.II Vllue propotJdon 10 prOVide In egomelric Inll),li' of the corporile individull (Ihl, helpi u, In doin& some son of Muation of the customer·1 bUJIncu) wnhout necesJlrtIy looUn, IorcollllCll..l.-l..ann:Odufuwa,

head. bu.ine .. blnklnl. Stanbk: (B·re Bank. aid In an """';OW

Ind have It m ailed on Itt fcd.eRl ClIi 111.mentlo com" to their leHUt They hll\"o!: MLcd pTT me" ID p: than

,,.,.. ...... ~ Inhithql.lilli!.1 ca....ava nOI fKIpb. which


ec:onomlclfO"""h AcCOt"dlnllo Inlem.lIona! Finance Corporlluon liFe). SMu male In ."eralt of SO percen! connlbulion 10 me GOP In both Europe and the USA. and 40 percent In Mlan coumrit:l. In Nllen... 96 percent nrms In Ihe


~Iournep 1ft

YJobtluy 1lut .. becalM tht'y

• , IInponam pari of lhe KlmUmK ~em 10 achlC'\lC


!mpOI1 duty, ... er on auymc.

1eO'r" M¥Rlfianl dnlt'Cf\ of



more fun when )"011 Irll" tn IOOd campart't Wc liJund uuc. carbcr on In Uu. J(JW11rV, U.. _1IWed Ihc w:ne \'&lues ... .s p-.on wnh our UOflounb.

em~flift (5~1Ef;)

NSOOO wh..d _ IIIInI; wa\' m aDeIoUlL .... the adfennp ul IDmCpeq_,_arel1l gainfully o:n p"'yed. ,",'e hi\? QUI chalIc.:lf. "$ and WI fInuJ..

(assava bread productIOn on track, Ol t bakers ...


lobally, ,mall and m~dlum .cale

wodandpul.-uca-.u10 hdp peopk' 11"1 need,; she IIId. ProfeR,lo,lIb might Ihlm they do 0:»1 h.l\c enough fot ~ I ... ",-hen JOU look around. you .... we ~ of people. no hive Ilmo.t oothlf1&. LV\ n ~ )"I11.Ut. COflb membcn...u olwrllawanca. _wouId(OI t:riIuteNSOOcet:h NSOO colr.lrll from 10 younl Iidlu Imoullled 10 Iboul

thqtdalm., tlTponcd lllug!, bro.Jfllt ... t-at by hlg!. trerghnng :::II,u. ¥. ilhoul thck


CI1Z)'I1lCS l-. ....

ooc C\IfftJ1I!"1

mlnuflclu,ed In N'serii< CUYVI bIer J nl&llufrctUflIl1. wtll fill m e high qUllh," ~ Rw! doeIlIOI mnwlI gluten. I cum~ ro.

............"'I . ·OUI

m •• lc .olullont

(enzymes, ., 1M tuah qualm taIUMt Roor I1IOpei t - come 10 iii II teli IIvety high aK~ due (0 lugh fre1lhtlill COlli 1he)' m 11"11 ta.II)' fur ~

becademth •___ oIp-lIen In tu&h qltd. Ity t:aMlYa now We an! aoWa "'I fur thr Fedcra! ~latppenlnFDIII

"Ie mpon dUly rot-

Deli ALin)'lnJu, CEO of Food Conup4l" for his pan.

-.-.en on

hid; ""\\'e hlV'C: suttusfull), added 20 perca1I hlth quality

pmdina!tle arne ~111CI can be locally n:anubcrurtd. -welilwlppCllllOlht FedmtI G<Mrnmen! lO.fIIPCIn~withl wfUch we. the 1lIl.choI.dcri. wW acdvety putidpale II fonnulldnlin order 10 .c"leve maxjmum I&UID.- Aid )gfW)lll1. And AbJ yanju AIled ttw Food Conc . p .... -requires: I Wlillel on ( ut) for both the


breld, which II nutrltlou, Ind produced In I h)'llenlc envlronmenl. Oul R&D of thl' prodUCI hat: tllcn over nine rnoncbs to &rI1O Ibis pc.nI 01 ftn.r i:JnrdIdon, ",tuch .... bun IHlcd and found to be

10 aJI\IWDCrI. We ha\-e I"IDW mmmcn:iaIlscd me product in l.JlIOIand Ind our other blkeries will follow within !be nell three III Iix 1IlIJrllt..~



But Ihen Nigulin corporate baker.. who hive commenced production of aMmI brad. t - ~

bAbryequip lIl!IlIand~

equipmeru .tnd cmymct thai _needlOln !pO"16ornabrwd.-

For tum, ""WJ!b mimmal pus 10 rund add lIonIl equipmenl _ wID be .tie ID IIJIOIIIIIle our processa w UCh will Inctnse our effldmc os and apaaty ID deWa; to "dInc~

....... wId.:

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