·, lhillk our governmenb will rem.lin vinuoull ror many cenlurles; all tong as they are chielly agricultural; - Thumas Jefferson
Ulla in Ebonyi
10 th", OWllc:D of old /I!.I,1uhli Tlce mUi dU!>\I!f to l.!y mto Ih" ~Iill" Kovelnllle-m'5 n"w fil::e !::Iu!>Ier .. rranKernent 10 .maille ~nt.llI·~c .. le busllle!>~ opelalUJ~ llnvo.' Ihe economy ... fthc!>t .. ll!. Iheyall!o(the_' lhm lhe de\eloplIICIlI of mod",rn riLe clW.h:'" III the three 5CIUIOriaJ .wn~ ul Ihe )I,ne With wudll d.h~ lIullinK equlpmltlll would nul unly t!lIhllnce th" 'IU.lIIlY of Abill..ilHJ rk" bUI .tiM) e!lcuuluK" tlellduplllt!lIt 01 ~Pllbl" the Ihll.'t'loo;:auons.. Ihe pre!>lllelu of "-bonYI ruulh .-\ht' mbly , Chllledu ()gah, \\ho malle Ihe appeal un b",hJH 01 Ihe youth~ in all ":I.CILI)I~e IIIIo:ru"w with HU"III,,",,~ll ay , ~Ill IIlIle hilS UlillC rill Ah.tLahli rice 10 be upg<udo:d hum loatl 1...'Vd 101111 mtcnlduunal "'.mdanl lie ""'11.1 Ih" Ideil ur the !>Iale govel 1I11t1.'111 in UltrodUCllJ.K Ihe 11KXk.'1n",--" IluUlngc:qwpfll,e!ll IS III IIlLllro.. c the quallry IIf rice pllldULo:d in Ihe 51 ate
Wed nesday 07 November 2012
Ebonyi youths urge rice millers to operate industrial clusters Ikilin IlepubHc 10 lie muned In Yalious aspectS orfanlllilg. indudllll! rice pruducllolI, nyinl\ II 15 today yu!ldmg fnlll'" especi.aUy 1.11 Ihc area of cmpkJymt:1II generauon, -lilestal" glJlil!fJUllCIII gave them soft 10ailS and Iltey are ;;enoU5ly dUlng well III llien \~nous fields; il has heipetltu create employmcntIn Ihc SC'Ilt: and rOOllce crUIlt:~ lie said a, his uwn comnhullon 10 tedlicillK the Ullnnploymenlr.lealldhelplng dlC)'OlIItlS 10 ba:OlllO.'Clllpioyt:n. uvcr 215 yuuths are currently
and cncounge nce farmer. through value "lldilloll -The move is COlliJ"lIry 10 the ilUiinUillions III cellal" qu.:mers thallhe gOlicnuneut .....lIb 10 iiOllllt' peuple. parllculiuly nOll , mdlgenes of Ihe "lile." Ogah adnsed th~ pollUl::ising Ihe reloc; ... ioll of IheoM rICe 111111 dtlSlt"r liml lhe devdopmclIl of modem OUb beyond now AecOld!"g to Ihe yOllth leader, "The proKl1Imme il whal elll'-ryb-ody Ul the !>lIl1e will benefit fmm in the futuro:, ",hili 1~11I bnnK good nllme 10 HlOnyl, what Clln rehulhl Ihe eLonomy of Ihe ~Utt and inl::rea~e the illlernally g"'ller"h~d re-.enue.." lhe youlll leadcI LO!lllllellded Ihe mili:.lll\'e 01 the Stale go\'clllllleni III ~end!llg ~onle
youlh, hOIll
tlno,,' ......... IOl.I/ul
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n lIS bill 10 reduce
unemploymenl 10 Ihe barell minimum, Ondo Slate KOllt!rllmCOI Is SCI
to create a\.Ioul ],000 jobs for IUtclllp!ooyed )'OUlhs in U.eSlille through Fadal"a III Prolecl \'outh bn~nnrnl Scheme. Aheiu)y, 750 youth:> have !Jc:..en I!mjlOIVcled tluough UM': sdu':me III ~1I11aR, 1l00luIJ and /\po1l,"11 In ALoko SouUIWI$,
Ilea lUll tlLel,,1I0 ilild !)ooth l.ocal c.ovemmeru Areas uftheSliltl:!, rapewYdy. Ademola Olorunfemi, the ~Iale COnlllihi5l0ner for agnr:Wtu.f!,lIl.1de thelhfdosure
at the I1lq! off of the 5Ch~ III Ihe I'adllnlll VOUlh Villages III Ihe UlICC affe<:lt-d!.GAs. IJescnbing Ihescheme as a means of creilUllg }ubi; ilS well as increaSing rood production III ule state, Olorunfeml said 01 sum of N6S mlliioll was released 10 39 youth groups by the .lIl1e government under dUferell1 economic
IIllere51S for Implementing ViU"IOIU agricultural income genel_llIIg velllures in the ir respective Fadamll Youlh
,c... ...... ....,....
-Th" you ths under the aeKI, of dirferem Padamll U5eu GrouP!; are enKaglllg in crop produclion, anima l producllon, nuning or 5et'dilrtp, CllSSilViI proc:eiSing. bee l..eeping. ammai reed production lind 50 on: 010111111 -ml ~id_
Tht! ollllllissioner also made il I.llffivn UliIl the illite go~ernmenl proposed 19 Fddama Y'.uth V"il.JageIi ill Ihe ~tale, oU! , 'whIch rour had been naggell orr wbile Ihe rematmng W 'n: al the leYd of bdng nolt;llt'O .Ill
While (. IInmendlng Indllional
lien of Ih"
communhies ~osling the hdllma vlllagt 5; ror their cooper-uion and Irovi.s.Ion of land Ihe vU1ages. OIurunfcml charged ule yuuilu; co use die funds given 10 ulem judiciously and to commit dlC~msdVC5 to dn~ programme.
o~erduc fOI Ir.lUrUrmaUOIl. According 10 him, pau
govt:mmclIl:>lfI the stale tried III vanOliS wayli to IInpl"OYe 011 Ihe qualiry of Abakalill rice bllt ule IITel>Cflt adm.inbtr.uion has dec::lded IU upgr.ule it 10 uuernatlOnal ~Iarldatd for U~ beneti.1 ofl:ibony\ people. hence tht' mlroducllon Ihe world dasa; nee nulling maclnnl'$ by Sabal.e CorporoillOll ur "'palL
M .. tllm Bi}'\l M ..k~
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~rlk>llk(O~t.) K'Ut '
i7t.Il r
Ollie chief pras ..eaetal)' utd the Abalalll! rice was
~\1 1 0l£l>"l[
October 25 - November 1 2012 N, ena Commod, COM\lOOITY
c.. .....Jnw ~t.ijl>kl
Ul hi!;
MCiillwhlle, Onyd.aclu Eill dud press secrelary to Ille I±bunyl Stale go\t:rnor, ha" Iioud the new ncedUlMei"5 we~ ~ad 10 the dlreC WClCi ulthe ,",ille bccaw.e !he zones Ife nee ploduollg bell.$..
the !>Iate 10 Songhal Farm In
On do plans 3,000 jobs through FADAMA III project
IocatOO ill AbabIJl..i 1GA.
Tracing Ih e history o f AbabliLi nce 10 Ihe l illie of Michae l Ol..llalil, Ihe then premier of Ihe Eastern RCKIOI'- Elli saKi the lncome genenled by the EaSlern Nlgenan Ko~ernmefll from Abahllkl rice elported to Lhana con!>llIuled over 30 IJerceill of the totill revellUe \l(.UUmtllo the l:';tsIern ReglOll
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