Investment Opportunity Fishmeal I. 10 the Ush farmer wh.a1 fe r tilizer II to the crop farmer, laY' Tunde Sanni, a fisb fumer. No fish farming e nlerprise can survtve whhoul fWuneal. BUI c;ucrently,llshmeal Is Imported Inl o Nigeria. States such u Lagos direly need lnvestors to produce fishmeaJ locally to meellhis huge demand..
E-mail: ilg@buslnessdayonline.rom T~. :
0801714 0411
Wednesday 09 May 2012
BUSINESSDAY: WWw.bu5Inessdayonhne.(om
he Intemationallnstitute of Tropical Agncuhure (IITA) and the
international Uvestod: Research lnstilUle (aRl).
wtuch aN! pan of me ConsuhatJve Group on InicmationalAgricuitunl.l
Research (CGIARI. will step up collaboration Ul crop and livestod ImprovemenLS. The two centres inlend to build
IITA, ILRI to collaborate on crop, livestock production
synergies that would address paveny and malnuu-ition In Africa. Discussions In this dll"eclion are ongoing as JImmy Smith. dIrector general, ILRI. has Visited hiS counterpart. Nteranya Sangmga, IITAdireclor-genernJ In lbadan DurUig a dinner held in honour orSmllh almeweekend, Sanginga said he roresaw. closer parmership orthe IWO IIlSUIUles, rtmeroling!he fact WI UTA alone could not solve all of Ainca-I> problems, hence Ihe need for pannership Wlm instirures \Io11h sunilar \'1$IOn. III the past.. born Institutes ha\'e jOllied rorces in bnngmg benefils 10 African farmers In projects such as 'PromoungSuslalJ18bJe AgncuIture in Bomo Slate' or PROSAD_ThaI project which Willi implemenled
IheanadloOkik.!, UU'scounuy represenr.auve III Nifena. said me coUaboration wasa Sltp m the "ghl dlrecuon tJUli would creale a major impact in sub--Sahar..nAfrica..
oon"ru,"on or •
ydro power I ~ don. Uoged 'O'POWER' at IkejI.-De In Oriade Local Government Co un cil Area CLf OWn State. It 10 bocMt lhe estabUJhment ollntemational Modem Market: ill Owtena QeIa. OounSWL The IO'om be:inB me boundMy betweeo Osun and Dndo 1tII1e5 and thelladldonal marka.iIod produce had Clluatu lhe anention of !he praent admlnlslRdon. Bashiru Ajibola. conunl5:sioner for regional Integration Ind spec:ial.duOe. 0sunSWe, said the presenl adminllmnion realised the iInpc)nana 01 hod KICWU)', 5Ilying dw the. profect wasaimed at enhancing the mad:etabllitycrl the~yidd oftheiWe. lie sald: "Pan of what will complement !he market 11 the eSla bHlhmeOl of agro-allied Indust!")', parti cularly food proces:slfl8 company_ Facilities like medical centres; Khools and many CKhers would also be
"To that effect, the MInImy of Physical Planning and Um.n ~ had been saddled "",thlhl!n!$pOfIiIbIIidescrlaxning up With a 51ruCtU11l! plan ror the upgrade of lhe lawn. while lhe team led by the Office of Economic Development and l'ilrtnerVIip are wor1dng on the drawinp and the biD of quantity ..... nwb< On the eSlablishmenl of Ayegbaju Modem Market. he said thai the memorandum of
on Monday .her which the inYUtors would immedlalely moYI! to lite. saying "when the
market Is compleled. mru:ke( womcnand tmdcnfrom all the
markets around Oqbo am -..u.Id be maooed ., !he va." SpeMinJon lhesupport. the peopIethal weneali!cu:d by !he ~oflbefadlitiel ia
!he ICIJ£, espedaIy. ftaItw.y Stadon aDd MDS iUU of the $GIec:apbl.IhI!~
aid the guvemment usun:d that generous oompensation woukt be paid and dfnns hIId been made to n!:locale the afleaedpeopelDa~
area .. the bKX 01 Tr.uIe Fa1r Complex. alonllwo Road_ Aa:ordlnglOthecxxnmlsi5lor!a the l'adlities Is eJpedt:d to be com~ within lhenc:d~ or three 1IIOI1lhs ...."iIh a v\ew 10 seein& thar then! is abemarM marl.;et. as the coundI enjoinJ the affeced people Iha! when their compensaUonl are paid. they mould enau-e Ihal they use ilia gel ~ 5UIlI in the new fadlilieL Alia speakinl on Ihe dcmIon taken by lhe cou.ndI on agriculrure. he aid. 1be e:tecullve council wanl 10 8iSUJ't: the farmers that f;wm Inputs In tt:mll of fertlli7.eB. Improved seedlings are now In abundance and lhal mey should OOIll,aa the exrenslon officers and officiall in me Minislry of Agricullure and Food Security lor the InpW. "Alia, the MlniSl!")' of Cornmme. Coopenlllive and tndusuy is already .. lUll gear 10 give mkro-aedillO 5Uppon.
I'armen;.lhc planrlngseaJOO and the ~finistrymAgriculIlU'e and Food Security is allo providing a kK oJ assistance. In IennJ of land preparatkKl, ....".
........ ........
in Northern Nigeru helped nllse in comes by 81 pucen! among parllclpating hous e holds and also improved the IIUlnlion of beneficiaries. accord,ing lolITA. Sanglllga said, ·We need 10 work. mor~ closely 10 help farmers gel benefits: In his response, Smilh said the p~nce of a -crop and a livestock' research parillers hip in Africa prOVided an oppomllliry for me conunenl to mme. ' -lle ILRI IS headtluarlered in Ken~a I'oim memandille 10unpfO\'e me J.'roductivil)' of III t!SIOCk, while Ihe IlTA has ilS nt -adqu8ners in Nigeria wilh II Ie mandale 10 impnJl.'e sub-Saharan Afnca'l; maJOr stoplessudi asca5Silv;" yam. maa.e. soyhean, cowpea, Ct .::oa. banana and planlain_ BOI , in51hutes opemle Ainca widt. •.nd have over the years signed an tgrcement 10 mll1l1lalo offices tin each olher's <an,,,",
Hydro power station to modernise farm produce market REMI F!YI~PO, lbadan
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