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Ogun boosts fish production, rehabilitates three fish farms RAZAQ AYlNlA, Ab!obJb



by the whoppln.

lum of money

t annually to impon fish truo the IXKU1try. Ogun State government hat begun the rehabWUltion of the three Stalll!-owned fish Carms domlc:Ded In the ttuft un.lorial dlnricu of the JWe. ThIs, It uid.1s wgeted al boosting the production of fish, th~eby reducins fish Lmponadon and conuibutin8 to Groll Domestic:

Produca (GOP). Upon complelion. the farms will provide suppon lor the bendk:larles of the

Commercia' Agriculture Credit Scheme (CACS) through the production of

nngerlln81 and HubllshAhoIu Menu Toyi I (m). the Akran at Badagty l\arlked by Elizabeth Kappa ('I). vice chairman, Badagry lGA. and Sewanu Fadtpe. pennamenI: MCrtItary, lagos State Mrdsuy of Tourism and Inter~menI3l Relations, during the ~" of Fttia prooes$IOI"I ... Badagry on Monday

N450bn federation account: Reps may discontinue probe of NNP( KEHINO£ AJON'TOL..A. Ab..ijI


ac tl e.merged 00 Mo nday thai the Hous e oC ReprelC!I1Wn~mayhne

discontinued Lnve5tipliotu Into the non-remittance of N450 bUllon into the Fed. !'llliao Account by the Nlgerian National Petroleum CorpoBtion (NNPC). The House of Represe:ntau ve,' joint commineH on Fina~, Petroleum (upstrea m and downstream) and Gas headed by AbdulmUDlin 'ibrln had durin& the conlrovenlaI public hearins in November 2011 protested over high-hand. edness oC some lawmakers. While reaains to ques· dons on the activities of the oomminee. Zabrl Mo-

hammed. chairman. HOUR CommJttee 00 Media and Public Affairs, ,explained that the probe bas been taken over by the Farouk



fuel5UbsJdy management. Mohammed, however, failed to answer the queslion as IOwhetherthere~"U any motion mI!JBin8 the twO


He aatd. "Followlnl the question into the probe on over·deduction, I want 10 £8y thai the larger iuue In the oU indusuy came up in the sublldy regime probe wbk:b Is aIJ encompassing. "So, lolnl with those reporu hand In hand will definitely see us as bulk or confuJed people. When the Faroulc's repon comes OUI well be able to see beause



said It sealed-off the Nigeria Labour Conp.. (NlC) secretariat 10 ....en. a breakdownollawandorder

In""' ......

The Commls,loner of PoUce:, Vabo Mohammed, told the f\kwI Agency ofNigeria (NAN) In • odephooe intenioewtbat the poIioewas forced to Intervene foUow·

_wo. . .

uted 10 maintaIn It and al the-same time widen the spectrum and il covers a lot or respons.JbUities in the petroleum seaOL "I want to say that let's be caJm a bl!. things will faU in place. "It 's a chaIo of eveou and even before the sub· sldy came, It was alrudy growina. As an lnstitudon. we are nOI happy as well and as much a, possible too we try 10 prolect the Uudrudon~~mthe

actors thai are here today Some are here today, some will be there tomorrow, bUi the institution should be protected from humiliation.


It might defile expIanatioRJ so to AY:

J.os what he called quarrels ... _done. Mohammed said the po• lice- had received repons of HAul! by the workers against each other;. ~.. sum It beamemaodauxylOtake proactive rpeuura: to IM:rt any breach of the peaoe~ "We caonot fold our hands and allow lhe situlltioa to cle&enente bdort we take .aion and that is what:

Speakln, during an in-

in Uaro, Ogun Wesc Senatorial Dimict.lhe IWeCommisS&Ontt (or Agricuhun:. Ayo Olu bori. ~ that me ~wu~tofn

cmase fish produaion_tucL would reduc:e the wide Pf the demand ant IUppty of fish.. thereby re dudns Iu Imponadon all(


providing • cheap protdr b the popW.ce.


Oluborl. who expressed displeasure owr the huge &mount IJM!:nl on filh 1m . portatJon, uld that upon

compledon. ~

me projecu me

expected to produce 29 toni of table fish such as darlas, tilapta and heterow and 5(10,000 dariu IUh Jef!dJ annually, addIng


the ~llil:Jldonworl:""u 80m, 00 limultaneou&ty In government n~h farms al lkenne and Odeda In Ogun East and Ct'ntRl SenaIOriai Obnicu, ...pecdwIy.

Nigeria scales through satellite air navigation test

the iCOpe that was given he

Police in Oyo gives reasons for sealing off NLC office, govt denies involvement on Monday in IbMIan

met'll of fish farm oud~ for easy access by fish farmen

across the Stale.

IpeClion of the rehabilitation

won. on one ol the fish £arms

............"'ofmaln_ "We owe the aociety the

peace and ordeI; and I want to asswe~ that u soon as we are ~ thai peace has mumed to the labour ro&d. mymen will the place:' Aboul 10 anned mobiJe policemen were deployed to seal the seuetarIat" with stria. orden not. alJow any. body IiOCIe'II to the c:omp&a.

the P8N was COlt etrectiYl!, explaining that It required lea fuel. dwirlfl: airtnft take· olI and """'os He added that the system T1!duoed carbon dioxide emlaion and air aaffic c:on-

i8erla has puRd a pUOI lell for m i· STation Crom lerresuial air navigation to a satellite -



............. "'" Moorim AIrspace- Management Authorlry (NAMA) said 00 Monday. The Man. . . Director 01

Udoh that NAMA be.

sun the transfonnadoo with

lCA<H!ndoned air navlption pros:ramme.~ he sakl

the oornpiedon 01 the 1\'360 rnIWon World Geodmc Sur· ~ (WGS-8c) d Nigeria's 22 airporu and the procedwal desi&n of the country's four mafor" airpon:I in 20 10. He said that 60 worktn In the avtation i.....I..-.. were

avo Aviation 0rganIsazi0n.

undtfJOLos trainlns on the

NAMA. NnamdJ Udah. mid Journalists on Monday, In

Ikeja. thai the feat ",,-as a great one in view of the COWlt:ry'S questb.m.~

He explained that the sateWte-hued navisation - Global N.vipdon Satd· lite System (GNSS) - wu abo known as Perfonnanc:e..... _(PBN~ ~', bc*t anempc to migrate from temesuial air IWYfpdon 10 a areDite-based navigation sysrem receiYed a boost at the weekend when two fore-lIP' airlines tested the new procedure \\ith pilots landinc suc:ceuIulty at

tem. N"'1£I!ria has joined the Ie.,.e of big counnies thai are already operating the ICAOisthe~

UdohWdthaltbeNnam. dl Azikiwe lmemation.aI Afrpoll. Ahuja and the Port Hal·

ooun inlernatlonal AIrpon ~amonstbeb.uairpon:l In the c:oumry listed Cor the

--. ""' ...... an.t ..... _

"-he Emirates airline' was

the first 10 c:&rTy out the approadl tal on Gaot.I Na'vIp-

.... _ Sygem (GNSSl in Lagos while the K1.M reCOfded same in Kana. *Wilh the success ra::ord. ed in our quest ror movtns &om len'aUiIIl to a satellite-based air aavlgadon sys.

pBot USl. ~To operale on GNSS, aircraft are o:pected to be



S)'5I-:-NAMA 00. u.ld that the trainees indudtd alrtraf. ftc ~ pilau and the

personnel of the NIaerian 0vU Aviation Authority, NJlertan Alr Force, NlBertan College or Aviadon TechnoIogy and the a-ew of the


~on boud foreasylink wuh the satdllre ror sea:mJeg

navigation and c:ommunica don 10 des1gnated airporu.

"1heyare beinctnined by a PBN expert. Ed HaJek. from the lnle:mational Air Tnns--

~pilotsolthetwOfor- ~~~ Montreal.

elln airlines. while mak-


these airports. had little or

ttafnabout2S0alrnfficcontrOOen on the PS."'l system. The ICAO In 2007 en.

inB approach to landin£ at noc:omactwlththeairtraf6c c:ontroUers emept that they were under dose watch and monitoring on the ~ The NAMA boa Aid 1M:

doQed the lm~tation 01 the PBN I)'RmlID us ReIo-


lucian l6/33 lor all rJ¥IOber-

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