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Cocoa scarcity pushes price up StAKA MOMOt-I

S OUth"'" "....... sr-ded m»a prices

are up lh • We6 I' N'l9O,COO NJOO,OOO owr 1ICad.., 01 coc:w. beaN In the "'!Ion. tradnt Aid. .:card1n& to l)ow Jones

Uvrry dimbed 0.9 pen::en!. to Sl.205. mea:ic ton. 10:44am on ICE Futwft In New York.

Earlier. the price reached S2.2JO, the hiIJbM iJr • 1IXJ!l-


1idM!mm.:s IIintt M.,-22.ln London. cocoa 6.rtuns pad on NYSB I...IfIe in Londcn


the world'. tMgett exponer. mar rile., 5.lS tnIIIIon biles. compand with 4.9 million eAtlmMed last month b')' the ~ ICCOrdin& to I

And a:IICa. run. s ~ ID I rwo--t. .... un.~ thlt ""In may red Ice crops b\ Wt'!Il A&k:L • I anon .wi ~ jwoe feD. ( loombe'J

rvoryeo., the «rid's.,., GhanI. the seeond. b4:Iet t. wfU set rIln'l ~ ttD-tIu!~ Iune U. the US Nldonal and Almospheric A1m niuradon aid. PrIc:aI JIIned I !It Ihe Mh lime In .-.ions.. "Shorwft1}w.", bo'el TqJCJned In moll ~r:/Wt .Atbln ~1rbyl.1nd~ e t"'-'kthe C\Ill1!1llranwOldt r ' huYIIIl axI cnWd tU1 q .Jlit YMdrytns thebelw~ I- .- ... /IIck ScO\iDe,. ~ PI ~ !I , . PrklI: Futures l irJup ill a Ie-tJn. Aid COCOI. prodUtt:; .. Id

In . .......

OJImn _ _


*'-JIltS l..2pen:en1lD89.D3 t.'C!U. pound mNewYodt. In the

year •..runs Au·

IJUA I. Im'mttries b\ !he us.


""There. FblI to be. I bit


0IeIl-,.e:-: Nrdy ItyIn. I

tenIor "*1MNIFf .INlt.FC Stooe In N.tMIe, T~ uk! iD • t8epbone iDlft'view Melnwhlle. farml!rI In South WI!Il NlJeria tt.ft tuC-

-_..-""""" dlelllllettlUCbonthl!irax:o. fan ' l~ throupI dle useallMecdddeL I Imdfor 01 the I'anDrn f. nd tnden Aid In Ibldan. """Id.,., .a:ordIns to Dow

-- ---



h wookt be recalled


F"' ,,~ G..,m· menI: look • bold Ilep Tuesday 10 IlckJe

we reo-

poned thai Nisert,',240,ooo menic toni pel" annum COCOI ouqu. which Isnflinlbehind

crime b1 the nwtrime Indusuy wtIh d.e IdtinB ~ 01


ec-cf1voft'IIOM!riI. I..l mI



put, _





FG raises committee to tackle maritime crime

.. .farmers put stop to cankerworms attack eoco. roc 5qMember de-



'he l )'mcmberlnlu~

.tate. the COUlltry'1 leldin,

C'f MaItime ()pfndons Coar· dirudonCnrnmiMe(IMOCC). In lulurated GoodIud< _by _President .......,

cocoa JlIOdudnI~ .-ood 10 _beween40.oo50~ oOcImidauplDinIecI~


Accordinl to Dow lones r.rmen In Ondo SIIIIe --.dy -...eel dw they 0JUkI_ ~ 4O..d.50 pcro!!1I ullhS mkI-aup m II) ons&IuIbt vi inIta pesU.. 1lw InRdIWI!fe.qthl! n.a:aI OOCOI IJ'eelIniI the CXJDDa podt

aJnClft1t'd dIons • cn5I.IOnIl


Aa:ordinIm VIce PMidm

~SInO;t,....m~ ~dEUJtj .. AtiUbed

.~'¥B1IY"""""'" deI~lnlhehUcy, The vice p resident, who Aid the committee WIt put ollhe ~'. dforu II pnwktlnl comprehensive leCUrityu the mlridrne IeC2OI' comkierin« ItJ Impon.ance (0


aJUDIIuowoer 40 paanc urN . , ........ OOCOIpmduaion. The warnfn& came &Ii tM Ondo SIIIIe ~ ~ OOCOI c;hcuW::aI dcIIkn. and vIltdIhaltbeOndo~ MinIIcry al ~pn!JIIftd mmeft In Akute the upilal. to diIcuM the problem .nd dedde on the rfFI: typl" of ~ Mthwhkhmcorrileltthe.,...


lactol ~ IlIlOl8 thevad·



"Ff'des ~~.

ayll1I "'this ... unfunuDlldy led 10 ppI. whJch criminal. menuhIMtIkm~oI 1O~~KlMtieL·

- mMlybuJtand~






.Ihere-.., htxttIaIbAe

lil1Jaw!~ nwfIime.ew.


riIy"'-"""", Samba funher Uliked the committee memben 10 be RnJItiYe to .arne opt'f1ItionaI pdeIlrln. which he enurtWaled as:; !he need b • Rob.-.




~ ~ 10 eIlabIbh ~~IOda:naa

on ~'. walen and with ~ and mpwe In ...... CXJIIIkIn vi kU·


mIIioniom..,orsopslllns in lbemlridmenboy Ife also chatsed lMra 10 pruride RMDHy ~ on the IWUI oIane nwitf:me It'Cb' m

... """"'""



axnmIDeeh~~ ~lO;klendlyllld~




i!Im In the ~ k1duItry; Iden!Iy md ~ ttIIII ~ iIII!pI tnry rlllf1ipl btlo NiFJiIn

WlfeB; e:amInt

the problem 01 ~MUtion 01 armt..kJtvo.W!Iht>_md.


_ _ :&-.;.._

Nigerian Army presents guns, ammunition to NSCOC

T he


Nillerlan Army, Tuuday In Kadunl. presenle d 5,000 GJ , m e JUn. a n d 15,000 Im -

m unldan 10 the Armed

Squid of the Niaeria SKurltylndCMI DefenceCorps (NSCDC). SpeUW,I' the occasion. the Chief of lumy SWJ. AnI bulb: Ihellrllta, .lIeuten.nt leneral, Hid the .rms .nd ammunition ~ pnsePled to the NSCOC .fter various mUlt...,. rn.lnln" Aytlll the co rp. would complement olhef s«urlly Ilendes In ~ddlnllermrlsm and other criminal KtfvitiH. Ihelblb. who WII represen te<! by Glrbl Wlhlb, • m .,or len I ' l l 1 .nd the leneral omcer comm.nd Inl I Olvillon, Nllell.n Army K,dun. , Inked the l l!r:urity 'Sl!ncil!' 10 work IOlether 10 overcome the curfl!ntlKurhy chlUenlet.. lie Aid ihl!suns lnd am nlunilion were prennted 10 Ihl! NSCOC b'SI!d on I tt pf:rro In th l:' neld durlnlthe lralnlns



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inIbIryIDIihun rMIry..:l etJt.



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Daily Ma r kel RelKtrt as al Jun e 12.20 12 Sy ll O

i tho l tltO.n.nStock


f NSE) dosed the second u.dI ng dl., of the weti< 00. posrtI .... note. The AlI-5harw Indt!x and ~r1<_ Clplt:ahtltlon ~oIOM..t by 2" "_points (O. 27'Mo ) e.cfI . In do_at. 21 . 239 .51 Ind N6 71

an Toe •


., . ..

fiud Incom e Sc.tls l ia

t::ConOflll C Ind icators


trtiIiOll. ~ ~.,. whe"I compared to thei r prevtous u.dIng nvures. In the Mme _n . ttM ..... ue of dots tnI6ed 011 the noar otthe exctMnf1e ~tned 6 . 28 per c ent. ~ ......... the numlloer of de.lts decrulse::I by 1.41 . . c.nt and the volume 0 . . '-II do ,p.-eo.ted by 1) .60 per cent.


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CruOe 011 price movements wen; mixed on TUud4ty. The wn Crude IncruHd m.I"Q,lWtlly

0 ,0) perceot to dOH II $81,51 per ba,"", whI'- tNt Brent Crude Futunll105t 1." 5 perwot 11I!~~1 by to do. . I t $ 97 .20 betTe! f rom their pet"

At the "ked IncGme market on Tl.rHday. yields 011 mon long ItId trIOn tenor bonds 'ell. JUst

a. their prka roM

prtYIous tra~ prICe












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MOSt forelO"lItOdc mMttetl dosed on • m ixed



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noa .t the ~ of their MOnday trading SHskMu The US Dow Jones (DJIA ) ~.ted by 1.07 pet" ClInt, the sap 500 ctecrNsed by 1.2 6 per cent. Ind the London FTSE 100 lost 0 .05 per c.nt. However, the Nikkei .I)pf'edat..t by 1,96 per ceot and the con.n. composlt. Index roM by 0 ,. 1 per cent.

s. s:s •



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