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BUSINESSOAY: wwwbusinessdayooline.com
TIJf!'MU:y 13
bet 2011
UNEP sees hope in alliance between religion, conservation
e Unlled Nilions Environmen t Programme {UNEPI say. there hope of env;ronmentaJ protection In an alliance between relip)fls and conseMItion. The IlIIance. It adds, Is part of efforts at responding to the challenges of ~Iobal environment, hoping Ihlt working WIth religions will go to lhe top of United Nauons elVll'Ol\tne'lt
progr:am agmda
inAfna. -I Mw realty reiWsed thil we c:oukt br more succeMful ~ roukt be mDff! rtm.'lnt to the ~ and aspuallom of
the ronllnf!nL
could have
more Impact In all MUCin countnes if we an WIth the falths twlnd in hand, - saKI UNEI' director and Rt-g)!)nll Reprrsentltivr. MounkaiJa
!reel. seiling up TV ~tatlOn~ and progrllmmes, holding Envllonment Days. makmg teachinl of such sub;ects both Wldespread and !ntercstln80
pro,,'''''"_ ........
lib Mohamed.. PHmanenl ')ecretary of the MlnlSlry of Envuonment and Minpral Rewura:s endof'ied his bdrf in the kry role rriIgJons VJoukI and QlI play UI protft'tlng the
"""""We In the MinIStry of Envuonmel'lt ..e pa!'tirularly encouraged Ihal an AIIiancl!' belwern rrllRlons .nd conW'tvalJOn en,,, 10 a"\1\\ tn the response 10 chalIm~ of &lobil envuonment. - /lp wrotr in a statrmrnl 'Pid by hl~ col\uJI,ue, Richard Mwrndandu. Ollt'(tor of Mu/tilllrn.J Enmonmpntal Agreemen\~. Mtnl\u'I' of En\lronmenl and Mlnp,.. 1
Food production threatened as gully erosion destroys farmlands
he ludJlide thai followed . Ru ll y erOSIOn In "gulu. Awgbu and N.nb border In Orumba
"U. rdcncd 10 .5 Agli Casbtw, WlH ~ by lbe pre·colonial ml.sleu who Ipplh:d afforeslalion U • way of halting cully nosion
North Loul Governmen t
in the .rea Cashew trec5
Area of Anambr. Slale has Ihn:atenro rood production in those areH. The Llndslide twaffKled the Il~ of s.soo pt!Opl~ of Ubahu in N&nb. According to reporls, farm land which is of an esttmaltdSl1%clrwosUndard football field s mcuuring ~ J[ 250yudJ of land
werepbmed through oullhe fe§(!n"ed am Wllh controlled const ru ction activities lIowe:vct. the post ciVilian w.u cbys chant;rd aD these.. Drfort;Slatkm bepn alln .wming rate IS communlry member. belan fellinl tn<eS and erKtinl concrete .tru ct ures without proper enYironmenlal impact U5e55 menLAlong time the gull y erosion occurred due 10 t.d practtces. The Shagaril Ekw\JmleadJninb;tnltionput in pIKe broad lIonn WliIIler management .y.lem thlt lncIuded nelwork o f gullers. bOll: culverll and mini Cl tl..'lment pill. The effort silghtly halted !he ronlinued spread of !he guOy. Until rKently when the PlWl towards defores tat ton co nllnued around the IlIl1y
has been destroyed along with various types of cash <ropo.
This incident has instilled feu among in thecommunity mmlbers that. KUflytrOSion might erupt as. up! of more maulv!:! lands lides on the ~y
The Udonlwu gully erosion was Aid 10 have been stabdtzed foUowtn& dfortll by pa:'VIOllJ .tministrations.
The gully erosion prone
UtMhu Erostofl Three out o f the fOUl have mJpll!d u prtdlCaled AmakoT e roSIon gully erupted in ZOO8, Obu-Agu UlHthu eroston In 20 I0, and retently Udongwu Ubahu Eroston. 80th Qbu-Agu and Udongwu are rrporled to be eruptinl diUy in mini landslldrs since it fiut mJPled The Fedn.J Goo."eIllment in collaboration with the World Bank Is presently carrying out remedlal wolk at the Amakor Erosion The Anambra Slate p't:mment hIS also pUl theh belt foot forward. In June Ihls year, the Slale b1unched a sra tewidf! ground hreaklng landslKle. The Udongwu Gully II l!'e planting campaign uosion ,ile was among four in Nnewi, lt is worling in gully uosion utes predicated collaboration with Rural byRunl Com munll Y Commu nity Deveffipml!'nt Develo pment Outreach IS Outreach and IS gelling assislln<:e ITom the Nnew; KUfiy ftOSioM of COncml Other. are Isiakp u anu l North LGA. Over one Amakor ErOSIOn, Agbana million tr~es hIVe been Enugu Erosion and ObtJ-Agu pjantrd.
erosion, the activllY of Ihe gully WIS considrred checked. Tht' rrecllo n of Neros Sports Sc~tium at the edge of the gully millIOn did not help mallen. With Ihe commlsslomng of the sports niidlum earlier in June this yeal, lhe IUlly le ,occ urled Pff!5en ll y, the cashew trees at the Agu Cashew Ire beIng CUI down 10 make way for nrw structures to suppor t th e spotts stad IUm. Acrordlng toaneyrwlulCSS account, the lully has o f m::eru cxperkoced !!cries of nuni lanslides and the natives far that the mini bndslldci are .ymploms o f i larger
Goumandakoye "f'Ole ar I "The baSIC 'rnf'1 fnr all pthmngoimorelhanSOwmJf Afnan faith leadets.launctung falth!iIS~·drqr~ for (~h ("rritlon~ and Ih(' 26 10nK term rnvuonmenlaJ apP't'ClaUon of the dellGut' pIono. "And I think tIus rIIi onr area bal.. ncr and harmony that eD5I tn the functlOfl1ng nf thP drfirutety that I will nm:r '""' UfU\~ lIS l!'5tabiN1td by ..... we put " lOp or my pnonlJl5. - Cmllor. ToiMend.rdiplu' !.riders and envlfonmenlll The Omsum.. Mmlun and mtnlSlnes and orpnl5.JlIOIl" Ihndu traditions Ilunching an natural allIf!'I who shook! these strategic acUon plans alwayS worlloge,hrr: thr represen led more Ihan 18. pmnanent 'it'CJ"f!tan IIddI!'d millIOn followers m soml!' of The fatth pAm haYt' tilin the mOlt environmentally around 18 monlhs to put threItened pam or the planrt. togelher wuh Ihe ...'\tslillncr TIrymme£mmCMnnoon. of 1M UK based AlI .... ocr (lJ Ethiopia, Ghana. }..e nya , ReligIOns and (,on5n\"I"on Nlgena, Rwanda , South tARO· nus NGOwas SWtffl h-,. Africa, ranuma. Uganda f'nnce Philip m I qqs WIth ..... and Zimbabwe CO\'f'r a Wide ~ hopr that f;uth.~ m.gtll nmge of ecoklogkal acliVIties MIl' protPCt antrNI ~perif!$ mdudinJl, planting miIDons 01 f r o m_
'" """'"
Empowering our people to succeed
Over 7 minion Nigenans are unemployed At FCMB, we are helptng members of our commumties to acqUtre new skills and open bUSiness opportunitIes
My lonk ond"