6 FG to accelerate repairs on Apapa-Oshodi express road urd """' ......
last week when the tMk-
petroleum mnkcn and ocher ttucb, demolbhed shanties .ad ilepDyc:onlb'\Ol!d ItJuOus~chet:JridBes.riW ~IO rJlOUJI'iID. mmmUlrfS
md pun tBeB." nfficlOl'lletimes krpt peopir on the road b 1.Ip'\'aId 01 fM haws. lhe siruadDn. It would be nailed.
hldllhofon:edlOl'nebUIIIne!Js.. es within Apapa to rrloc;:at~ wh8c bandits hid sdud me opportunIty to rob and maim
_0I<0nI0-'-'..,..om..~rdc:.oc.dkw "~bcheEcorxxny, leadif18aFedenrl~
ddqalion comprisina Idril
RAlAO AV1NI.A,. Ab@okw
Eu:hanse CommlHIon (SEC). on Th~
.... unanimo<uIy""'-
oUo-.orin!!he lutORUl·
don sytlem recently adoptl! I by the Osun State Ministry of Flnance and the corslderable ap' prl!datio" If , the tut':S ac· cruable tu th~ state SO''ftfI. ment. esp«. ally from Per". sonal IneolT e To (PAYE), monthly InprnaUy lener· atedrev'enueOGR)KCrUInJ 10 the JO"'ft1,ment'l coffcn hu Inc~UI d by 143 per· cent to N2 biWon In April The Inldal monthly revcnue scncntion prior 10 May20llltcod al N742 million Induslwof land taks wi' h a debt proftJe of about NI7 billion, bur aft~r the M. , 29 5Wearins In oilhe Pral'fll adminfJtta+ lion or GOYl-mor Iblkunl~ Am05W\, IlK IGR has riSt'D 10 the 1IW1'III"' ofN 1.8 bW60n monthly, R)vwballInsIO N2 billion In A;JrU excludIng (andAle.. SpeaJ.Jn« 10 Ab~okuta yesl~rdav at the Inter mlDisleriall' rlenn81 marking Hnt annh--'uary of Ibl kunfe Amos.m ..tmlnlttnltion, the Commlulooer or Finance K 'mt Adeosun , dltclosed thai goverrunenl devised HI anclal Inltla · dyes whld Included au · Comatlon I} Ilem centrally localed 10 the OCf1ce or thc Acc:oun 'aRl Gen~raJ 10 block leaka3C1.
unopposed as chalrper-
IOn of the Mrican/Mlddle Ellt Rlellon.1 Commiltee (AMERC) at theannual con· f~ otthit' International Organlsation of Securities Commbslons (IOSCO) In Belli"" 0Una.. Allo returned unop· poled was the vice chair· man of the rqlonal com · mlt tee, Husan BouIablad · aJ.. who Is the chid e:ucutM omcer of the Moroccan apltal marke1 rqulatory authority In vtewofthe newSll'llte· pc dlrec:don of the fOSCO, 0I1th and 8ouIaknadalaUlOmalk:a1tybecomemem~
oilll Transitional Board. the highest polk)' making body oltheorpnlsadon. 1~ICn'I!d.d\ab'p«.
for a rwo-~ar term, Oteh had ~ the lnlC'ntion 10 re-contesl the pGIition . . anothe'"lIem1sfw!n thee:cpir.don of the InItlaI tenn. According 10 lome of the dc.leptC'l who partlcl. paled at the election, her unanimous return by the 22 - m~mber coun ulel or the restonaJ. commlne-e wu a direc t conlequt!nce' or tbe villona" leadership whk:h Ihe hal provided the committee Ilnce bt!comlll8 chahpenon In 2010
The 20.000 ".me Ions rice ptOCeSSing faclory buitl by the Lagos Slate government and c:ommrssIoned by GoYemor Babat1nie F,dhoAa In lkorodu, llIgos, on Tuesday 1" Nt: FahoI8 (3rd r). governor. l.agoIs State.. aJtIJng the ribbon 10 cornrrBIKlI'IlIl8 rtoa mil With him ere ~TianI (3fCf I). nnst8f of state for agricuIIure; Gbenga (2nd I), aeMlOf ,...,.,1Ing l..-goa EMt SenlIIOriaI Oistricl.~ (I), men'ber ofHc:luMot Represenl8.w., Gbotahan l..awaI (2nd r). corm Issioner for agna.«ur8 end cooparatlves, and ~ Fashota (rl. consuttant. nee pnx:euIng d .
Ogun IGR Oteh re-elected increas(!S by AMERC chair 143% to N2bn ~ Oreh.Oirector Gener'8ll. Securltle.
and MikeOlwkt.ou ........ r.&iItt'r of Worts and Sytvester to1onye. 0YirrMn 01 the Pont Monitoring Commlnee to Lagos on Inspection of the cleared saki Prftidml GoodIudt)ofwt:..o _ " . sionate about ~ the obfecdve of !he pan rdonn wftkh Is auaInmeu 01_ 43-
Lagos boosts food pro_duction with 20,000 metric tons pia rice mill, others ·Woos investors to lagos Island West Redevelopment Scheme JOSHUA 8ASSEY
M'-~ _In""" """" . W1YCilIns
anain ldI·suf· producdoo reo
IxlOIIIn ~ n..e.Iay, wtth the of the 1We-Of. tht-u1 rice processinl mlll wich &he Cll&*i1)' 10 p-oduce 20.000 metric toni of r1c:e ~
onnum. " " " " " " _ .
dM! rice mOl ill estimated 10
".....,,_JSO,IlOO ..... 400.(0)
bsws oll'ice pel" ymr;
to addition 10 the ~, twoodeapopqeca.Pwluy fVm and Ash ESbUcs, ~ also lnaugur.lcd In whal ..
ecpeaed ID oo.tbemoraleol ~rannmln f...I8oI. pl. wnise producdon and m::atr
In lI@ricuIt~in ....... It would be recalled thai Presitknl Goodludr: Jona&han on Monday .. part or the
nosionnadon IIIIftlda. aet up Agrk:ultW1li TransIonnadon bnplemmr..ion Counc:I
lind Rural Dr:veIOpnlt'UI cHIclosed at the Inausuratlon aI&he I1c:e mW In l.ap:JI thai Nfseria's need (or ria: which Adly Is largc.ly supported .mh ~ wiD hkfM! mllIlon marie tons by 20 IS. LaloS State lovernor, 8abatunde Fa,hol .. com· mlsslonlng the three proj· ecu whk:h are aD Iocaled in Ikorodu. AId hit adrninIsm· Don ill CCInEiou:sty ~ a
agriculture, and .. ready to co8aboraae wilh the FedcnI ~\\brktBanir;:and
the private IeCCOf" In further
"We are buildlns a sus-talnaWe econom, around ~ In lagoI. and we an: ~ to do more. ~wtthtbeFcdcral
Wodd .....·1',,10010 ............. thai It was high time Jot*fOUths keyed Into the sovcmrnt:rJ('1 vision by~ in IUStalnablc and produe· M ~ on rarm SUll'S GoYemmMI and the
........,....,.- """"" ' -
Ity ol CRating addIdonai 20 million metric IODJ of rood Inlo the natlon'l domestic bod IUppty by me year 201 5 Tbblsas Bubnjanl. Min· IJIcr of Stale ror Afpicutture
_ . FuhoIo "'" there wat no n)()fR lOr 'arc-
youths must roll up their IIeews lind get 10 wod.COOlahan lawai. La«OI
... ..............
""""" ..... insan msw-1fCI
the rice mil.
flBt oIlls kind In South w~ Nlgen.. was built with KG· n!Ul~tothehistlell
oprmionaI standards to prooeII 20.000 lOOt of paddy rice per annwn, with additional 10.000 lOIlIiUJn!8efadllry and 45.000 tons capacity storaF
"'"~I\"e h.ve axnpleled the test-run or the ractory and are pDstd to repon thac the moIn pmdua (woO ,...,..., rice) a;xnpueI with the be5I quality rice &om any pan of the wodd,- lawai aakl Munwhlle, 8abatunde Fashola on Tuesday called on priva.te Inwston to hdp the SUiIe' sowmm~nl In the impIf:lhti..u1 ofdwe l.ap:JI
wesr. Re-developrnenl
Fuhola made the call in Lap III the 2012 LagoI ArchlleCtI Forwn orpnbcd by lhe t..pch.ptcrofN".,man Institute 0( An:hit«u (MA). The thm\e of the forum was 'L.agot 3.0: Urban Mus
HouIintand liomC'Iin~
Accordlns to him. this !. the way lhe __ poernmenI Intends to lead by example to encoun:ge Inwston in that fIdd to come m.. -n.e documentary pre· $ltf\ted here today on 'F'tnt Cities, Furnre oties' II I"!'I evanllO whaI the l.ap:JISUft 8QYeffimetll II doins In the ICheme. where we are hopIul lhaIatrno.:"althe~
would..,"""' .....
_ --_
what we call Usos flomes, whc:re d.e scale wanb 10 rep Ika&e a parUrular dtsisn Ihaf W'Iifles putkuw 6milles In a
-A block 01 four flallfwv Ins a whole £amUy In one
........ ......,."""""",he penmcnt Is dolf1I
Ing IOm~ other investors In the Rdd to c:orne in; fWIhola. who .... .."......,.,"',..,.,
... ..... ... ~ .............. U .....
aowmor Aid that the
~sakI thaI thr: focuI
pYmURcnt had I6pC'ClIOr
state.-nmcnt -1l)'inI
pcdaItymo.e In thcmnstJUe.
10 make some intC'l"Ytillions
lion and housinIlndusuy.
olthe fon..o _
ropk:aI_ the
proIcIIionab; in the 1l8le, C5-