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Monday 19 November 2012

The changing face of advertising OBOOO EJIRO the global COIIImunity .battles the fi nanclal crisis which has remained largely nabated, ad\'f'rlbIng has remained prominent In innuencing choice. Globally.


adveMins apendhure Is on the


bUI '" hal

Is changing Is the

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mUr; of O\Itlel, employed by brand

promoteR. AccordJnllllo AC Nielsen, advrrtlsing budgCL$ lOR by 2.7'\ In the first half or 2012 when compared wuh the IrmdJ ~ In the nrsl quarter. Most media tYllcS showed more conlalned growth during 1M first half of 2012 with the exception of If'Jmsion. The inlemet also remains a major advert route lhal the inlemC'lis still a force 10 tt"don whh Is IlOt new In lIle d~~loped world where rnearch shows that wllh Ihe advenl 01 tablC'1s lind other mobile devise!. mo~ a(h~lsers u.K' II as a malor medium, to roUie ad"....ns. wtllliisnewl.sdlllt Nlgerials fas1 ClItchlng up "-ith the ~I trend In II f1'a'ru surwy conducted by Uu,lnessDay on source, of the IlIOSI mn~tial ad\~ns. A signlfl caJltnunll.M'for~lJdnMll flOm varlousdD~ said th~' ha\T ~n Innuenced .<h'e11bt-mt"nt


on dtt' Internet ldevlslon wa, !dentined as one of the- most !nflue-rub! OJOurtt 'l of Ulflut'OCe ~pedallv for FMCG, Iikro food, drlnLs lind dally utili tlel_ For IHofe5slonai sNvlcros lib bankinfl, .nd In,urancro, U' sl'ondena said Nt-W5papeu ale 'lI1~rior Rill boards. IJOSlror, at 'lhOln and olht'r promotional 1I(,111~ recorded v;Jrlous dq:~ of


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Which advcrl medium Influences you most? ~


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Otilerflndll igs from





"'po" Global ad spend lotaled usn

5.9% ~

roffide-Ilcy{seechan II on )'t'ar In the- fir.~1 quann. saw a As mor~ Individuals get lie · 3.1 pmrnl ~se In MJvntbing cross to Ihro Inl{,fIIet, this Ill"nd In _~lr'ndlturn for the fiAl half0(2012Internet patronage for ad'"en will Television increased by 4.0 IJCK'rIII Incrroase Ind Ihose n~wspapef'l, In Nonh America. drh"ftl by a 42 bloggers and TV out lt'u which pen:ront U"ICI"f'M(' In advert spend Ihelr online IJOnlls more ulJI: from Ihro U.s. lhe MJddIco EASt &I eHenl,,,, "'ill atlJaCl the most 1M Africa saw a sigruflCanl illOl.'85e in tlOllag(' holh from nd\'enlse"" and Teieo.ision ad spend 0'30.1 perrelli durtr18the lint: half 0(20 l2. as [~lJC'S consumers. As of loday, Internet penell1l- B(k~ng rnarkn rrixxmdnI &om lion In Nlgerlalsallttl~alJovto~ ~ year's A.rnb Spring. but as Inrome and Ihf' IJOpuladon 80th Nf'wspaprors and MagaIpmn oldror thiS trend ",111 be ad lines, on Ihe other hand. 48W justed commensurately budget CUIJ during Ihro scoeond According 10 AC Nlesel's re· quartror. lhough Ne ....'5p:tI)('" 'ltlll search. Trolevislon advf'rthlng. trended positively for thro fine half which Incrt'ilSt'd ZJI percent )'t'M of2012 (.1.6,\).

266 billion In the firs1 halfo f 2012. 5huwing I 2.7 peraonl incrcoa§e o\Tf dleAl1lf' period In 2011, Inc~ were relalively comalned when compllre-d wllh the difficult finl half of 2011. rifro "'1d, natura! dl !aSle,"" political uprisings. and tile ripple roffec:u of financial crises In lJOth Europe and die United Siales. Clearly. bolh ad\'enlsers and consumer'l are luocerodlng cau liousJy In an Ullcronaln r'Conomk environment , where even KO nomie powrorhouses like China ar~ fadllg downward Gol' rm 510ns and unprecedl!nted adW'f' tlslng budget CUI.5. Acc(Jrdillg to Nielsen, global consumer COil fldence drocreased three Indrox I)(JII," In the Sr'COnd quaner to 91 amid worr)'lng KOTlOlIlic signals fTUm EurOIlr'. China. and a stalled U.S. Job markrol Thollgh advertising budgt't cuts continue 10 fUn mmparu In

Europe (down -2 .7'\ In 1112012 VI. 1112011), adVf'nlslng rXItt'n· diturt'S In Nonh Alllrorica sho""ed posithT trends In the 'iCCOnd quar ter, rondlngthe first hall 01 2012 "'ith a t24 perct'nl Inclease O\~I a rroar roarlier, lht' Increase b, 111 part atlribUlabw 10 a 12.-1 JK'fCenl InClt-IISe In Industry &I St'rvlces .d"....rtblng durinft Q2. whkh In dudes gtr\'emmenl and polilical ad\"ertlslfl8 In advance of Iht' u.s p~Id~llale-lmlon In ,...,avnnbn_ Emerging mllrkrots of latin America (UI) 6,9") alld thro Mid d1~ Easl'" Africa (up 211'110) 1e-tJ growth during the nut haU of 2012, though Ih~ Mlddlr hasts growth Is In pan duro 10 Ihe low hue of comparison agalnS! tht' finn half of 201 I - when the Arah ~I'ring rocked both IhroK(lIlOmlr'$ and ad\~t1sing marms of man) CGullulros In thro region lhough st'COnd quarter adW'rtlsin~ WO\\'th was moll" I~ml~rt'd IIu.n th~ first. Ihe 1I10nih of ,unt' 5howt'd Ihro hlght'S1 peKenta~e 81o\\'1h !fend for 02 {t3.1'\1.

In Lagos, a sea of Agric opportunities OBOOOEJIRO

vur day UM' 20 million petJJ*


",ho Ih'"t' in Lagos con\umf' an C'4I;maled l..5 ",lIillll Incis of waler and g~llt!fIlro 9000 rnrotIle lul'UW$ of wa'«e W"h a population dellSlly IIex, IfI nonf' on Ihro \\'t'S1 African COII5I.I..ttg0515 home 10 'IOrnf' 20 mlillon pt'Up1e llM' 'Clalro r~ntJ o""tutunill" which 8Je In mnst ca5e!I~'If'd.

Asoltoday.l..11p'5 acromnlUdaln abool 10.000 c::ommnctal ''''lIImes and headquarters lhe head ufficu of NJvri;I', mlljo/ corpK1Itions. Bill: "-1CCf"i.' In Agrk seem!! unI.i1dy ~ II~ I155Umed limiled !aIlMCllpt', but u.,;o. ~15 0I11S11lnllin« opponu nil," In ..mcuituJe l..III05hMcomparau~iidvalllage

for fiIh. vq;r1abw, poultry. piggesy. rirro production wllh 22'" walel CO'llftage and has made mnIIrt..a1M Impart In fish and \''"8etabiro farm · ~ Thr 1I.lro has (JYft JOO.OOO fish

fanners :lruduclllK ",illl lillie 01 no \'alueaddJtion, Two ","atro.. bonle 0IJIIO"ulIlIl" As thro n~ morl' ~ of prutroin increases. fish fllrmi~ has tlilen a new dimension In Lap 1Ilr'11' all" thousands of 1)(Jllds supP/)infllIS5Ofted fish 10 ~ metropo hs. In laJt05, fish farmers ~u11 hr.~ rhaileugt"l "ith 'lock and high rosl of Impoltins feNs which coukl bt' madelonIlv l)UlIIlS hao~lns seawns. Klul l, 'KImethues eqlefienced "'i!h little ,..Iue addllion Indeed. valuro Id dillon is lim'ted In cle;!ninlt- lherro Is haldly IIl1ndardlzed ol)propn;!le lIoragt' fadJlry fOI farmt'n. Th~ pp5 al1' oppoctunltle5ln lhemseha l'ulrolltilll 'maU scale invt"llUrJ can like advantage of Ihf'sf' ae · Ilvttief In !Itt' \1lIut' chain' ftnancinK InfrullllclUrrolploduCllon ponds. Hngrorllng productloll; hatchu)'. feed mUUng servk"e. Of processing faclltllf" and pacL.aglng (cannilll!: and flllr'llng).


lhe statf' govr>rnlltf'lll holl~ a key largr'l of stlmulallnK pruductJon 10 I.OOO,OQO I""on (NI RSAl.... In,.,ut'd 1 lu address the CUlfronl dendl of 168,SOO tOltno A.part from fish farm 111ft. thert' Iln' also 01'POf1un1ties to In\TII1 In han.'t'SlitlK IIKI pfO£'t'S5ing lUluatic plants. which are largely nqlt'CIled In lht' .AllIe IUceproduetion and pJ"UCU5lnll: Lap is one 01 the hlghst rk"ro consuminll: Slain In Nigt'111 De mand" abou1590,OOO lon5 bUI unly allCKltSOO IOtKtlJl" pmduatllc;Jcal}y 'Ihe ~ of l...aK.... it wftI wlted to sustain buge rice settlemerm but onty 250 IIKlares Is C"\.IfreI1t1y colll valM. Urhobm and B.lnls, disJodgt'd from their "'~ land!; by oU spillages.. dominate rict' f;!fllllngin l..agusand OgunlUlro According 10 Ihro Ilate KO\'ernmronl esUmales. thro yiekt pet hectare could bt' Improved from INIi than I Tonnt'!\ (20 bags) 10 .. Tonnet (80 blip) ~r heclare wllh Improved ctdli~,.tlon practices. mrochanizalion

and Irrigation facUlI~ Opporlunltie5 In rice 1>rodllCllun In I...agos reYOO'" around ocro prodtIC lion and I)lOCf'ssln& byproducu Lago. needs tire millilllt construe· lion, rice ba~III' and p~cL.aRinR manufaC::lu leTS and capacily build InRlllve'lmell1~. Apart from Ihro,t'. M'C'ds and agruchemicalsprmuion remain' a vii hie ronle'l)li~ro '" I Slate thlll an!lclpal~ In {'\'Ollltlol1 In agriculture

and olh~r Caribbroln ( ounu,ro, from prodUcing Coconui oil lind milk.. lite Cou fibrou, husk ohJM' pLant 15 used in a Iaq;t' numbt'r of warc, ropes. )'8.111'. aquarium filler" car wal ClM'fS, bt'at ul5waUon. bru<1~ hrislles. mallresse<i, dour m.11§ and mailing and rugs alt' jusl • I~ of Ihem. In ves tm en l 0ppo .. Junlt y In tueal With the growth In popuJation. thele are 0l)porumili~ for In~alla lion of mrochanll.t'd ahalloh. alld transporlallon or mt'al IIYJit'nk Imnsponalion of meal and rn"d{'rn cattle mallet nan~pofla"on arro InVftlm~t pom ltill walw1iI: 10 hitapped. Though Ihere IIrt' ",«ulll1101l. and bureaucratk bollk-necks" tuch slill exi511" Lagos. a«ordtnK 10 Iht' Oulng Buslneu rel)(JTI of I"l" Worl, Ban)., there is no dOUbt thai I "''01'' of oppor1Unhy stili await~ thoS who would Invesl in I'Krir. whol~e

Money ' pinning Irees Coconut Is 1I1f' most imllOrlalll cash crop In La~05 Thousands of flmlllt'5 df'pl"nd on coconul Irtts for livelihood. TIle stllie has coconul bt'lt which surotch" 180 km fmm Ihe Semt' Bordror through BadasIY, Ojo, Amuwo Odofin. Ell Osa Ind Ibt'ju leW. TIlt' alohal t'conomic Imro" Ilnee of coconut farming and plocroulnK cannOI be over ern phasized, CoconUi 011 and milk all come from Ihe coconut, compa· nles have bt'ron spuw In Il'lIIalea

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