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61 NEWS Monday 19 November 2012



FG assures fanners on provision of fa nn inputs


oe ' 'cdcr.>I """"',menl weekend u su red farmers in 11ibla Malan LocaJ Goo.'t'nvnerM AmI of"".I..anfar.l or adequate &UJJPOI1 on b.m


1h1:: Minislcrol \~ Me

MJlII1ft, SantI Oddpt'. ~

the URIr.afta: whi~ speaking with f~mttl ann lhe laundjngol201Z/201J brill inll: .season at lhe 8a"~ori irripIion 1JR.Jim in 7~1fiInl. I I. 000 hectares will he utilised JIll the n...... hT~ lion prutea ru.- dry 5eaSCJn



Ochd:pr said that Ihl!' minblry 'os wtdint; in rot lahornlion witll tile Ministry or ~u~ and Ibrrnllk vdopmeot 11:5 well as o d trr ~de" 10 addreu tile



L·R Fran Algbogun. pobII5hefICEO. BuslnessOay. Adftola TeJumola. group CEO. TNS GIobBI. and Farni Chagombera. 8CC JIUflI dlrador, TNS GklbaI ailhi'! s-gnlOO of MoU on research coIaborabon between the IWo 0I'p'II5300ns in lagos Pic by Plus Okeostsi

BusinessDay, TNS RMS sign MoU on economic surveys USilltS'Oa y and TN~ RMS hnf'


slfi(nt'c.1 a Memo· mnchun

0( Untk-r ~lal1dlllK {MoUl

tlMI wtll




IW'Il\mUahoraIU,«btlht'COIl' dlle 11,1 \U1\'t'y, 10 produ('f' ,,~:tf(h IqlOfh

Ih.. MoU\\ tlllmn'K"d1tlci't

<;C'f"lothf'C'ondtK1,IlthtffM"i ('(l"".nk''illJu''t'AQuant'l~' 1kJ.qf~Confllknr.'f'St6w-y.a ( '~.l'Itan",,(nn(klnln'~

and a I'ow.". J't>tfunll.'lJl['e Sui \'t"\. "hlmw;U IIf' nmductnl tim" In • ~ar qarting in IIlI' f~ quanf't of IW'Xl ~"Nl. 1 ht' It'!ouhs of Ihe Con


\UIIH'r Confldrlll:(' liur\"e), will L'M' II-~ 10 product' Iht' eon.....nnn Conrldmn' Index

«(TI) WhKh \\'111 ddinf' lilt' df'JC'~ of oplimi~m In tht' ('t:'(lflOIll\fas"r'~~·ron

-RIIlY'f'liduuuftltIM·jr lK'mit1e5

as ~)('IkliI,«11M' n I will bt' annnurK't'd WlIf lif~ ~"I"f)' lT3f starting rnwn Fri.1JWlJ'V 2012. ~Ilh


nu~n~~ (;unf~

''''''Jwtll ai<;() beu~ to pm

dUCT lrHu'iin~{:onfrel«'

Indn: (HO) ddined u Iht' lr"\'t'l or busincs." ronfKimct' wilhin Iht' NlgerlBu reoi'll) IIlV co\TnllK Iht" arttvltlM or hu~in,.q Opt"f'llion and tl1t"tr r~IH'(1.t1otl' ba~ dn Iht' nllT'rtllualt"f.'Id ... ~n) 1'lt" R(] mults will aha 1Jt" an l\(1lll'1C1."dblrUII_r"\'I!I')')'t'ar Qartil'lgfllllnJ:ron.wyof2Dl2. TII(' "O\\,("f Prrfonnan('(" ~~, willnlt'asurr Ihr dt-ctriti~ Clruallun In tltt' roulluy andlr.ld ~. 10 dt"drldty, eit'ftJidlyuptilllC'S. suenglh or IW1I\Tf §lq'l'Jil' and pm:rjJOOIlS of tI\t" oYrfalJ ptJ"'t"f prdOf Illanef', TIlr I'owu !'t'rfOf malla indt'x (VPI)"in abo lJt" 1I.I\I\OUIICt'd four tllllt'S t'\'n)' ycal starting rmm r~hmary l\t"(l \'('at.

Husint'.~DBY and TNS KMS aha 10 carT)' (lO.11 1I1hrr 1Uf"\~ indudlll~ Ihe Nigt'rlan 8u'ln~ Em1mn


lIlt'tll Suf"\"')' aud NIgrriii'.1 00 Mo<;, Adtnlrt'd Companit"S Suf"\"'Yg,20ll "WI' art' Int~t'd b\ at' Bllng • cu hutt' or tracking ,lMformanct' ill ky W'C1on of Iht- tronofny 10 aid lnfonl1t'd

dt"ClslolI maldng chat ca n ~tiYdy hnpacr tht' ItYes 01 Nigerians: u,id I' Ai& bOP:UlI, l'uhllsllC'r/ fTO or ~I.sif~_

"\\ t' art: seUif18 lIl' • rWi hllt'lIigt'nn" unh with lhe mandalt" 10' • com ~!Wt' c:lataI.rast' and bld'-1lth tql(Xt... (lfl kqt lICCton of Ihr t'CQI'lQIlly. ~ rut' no 1oIw.-r Qtlsfletl wtlh tilt' '*-'1te of..ililatinn wtlCfe liuilc data is 3\":dI.aIMol1kt'ysatonoftlM" t"'conolllY for cril tcaJ invest 1111'111 dt"dsiolls: I\lghogull eqJlaint't1 forthC[. ,,\\'t" an' happy to ~ Inlo Ihill rclationshlp wllh tJusi reslJ.y Ihal wid crrait" iJlldIigentu~lt5into\italsrd.OB

of Ihe Nigerian ecollomy. \\'t'" 1'IIYt' ItO doubt lllal Ihl5 Is Iht" bt"gIlIlIing 0(" ~il t rrlalionstJil) Ihat wlU tt'SUh in tltt' IJruduClion vi t,---levarl! infonn...don 10 aid illmned dt"dsbl fnalitll!;_" poI'.:its !'\-·hilt'" IlfOtllOlillK domest k: and kMt"'ign lrtvetJnr!l1I btlo Iherounc~AidAdto&aTttu­

mola. Mil/ Cf:.Oof'fNSItM5.. BushtcS!iD..y is NIGftia's


l("RI\US ""-".. P Tf11 Irlt'tll h,n ordt"tf'(l. an. ~Inlh.. arnollnl 01 mont'\' a vna. bt.1!iI IlI"M upt'f1IIOf cOukJ llI" &urn

tllf'~·SlnJ.crufillill"la~"gem Ihal ha~ louched O\-rr J.5OO


fmm ti,e pilol

51l'18"lOdatt" (>O\.'t'flD'" 0tI1Uike

RodmI Am.t"Ch1 gaY(' Iht ordt"r at ~ In EI~ Local Council Art"a of the lillie during his rt'Sltmed Town I tall fI~ns ~"iththrordlnaryproplr_

The ""~ had ~ tilt' RMn Srntf' Mia"oftnanct'

~IC\" (fUhiA) 10 drk't'atdll \f)t1~ ~ IXJOI; wttinglllidt"

N2o;hillion.. InttiaJty, tt\t" fund illd IlOI ~II 10 h.....'t' f0CU5 untn Iht" ga'oTf11Of~lised dtt'agl'tl cv and broughIllI a nrw iUWlI It'd bv Innocenl Iyala l lany Tod."r,', RL\IA tIM JmW fundtd 0'I."e" l.5OO pmom from tlte pi \01 'ilIlIe lotlle fun-blown st.lIJ' aausrs thr23kro1 ttIlInCflUat5


Sr\-entI bt'lId1daries, In dudl"8 Azultuike Ogbonna. foundt'r a nd pres idem of

shun jlolilldans anti conttn u.t' 00 Iu manOOIt" 01 ~ivlng roral ooshlC5SM, .sayin« the poor ,Yt"ft drilcd by ~ of any bribe or poHtk::aI 0011" 1"d1IollldJre~fut.h..

Now, the governor has ~ tlte managrmerM oIdll'! lIIicrolln'''u agaq' 10 I1"CIb! uJlward micw of lu toan 10

~bcJtdidariesllo~lItote 1I1(11tq' 10 opand tltdr busi-



AmarchJ also

inbmed dll'! people da! p-

erno'" _


UnUJrl)'IgU r..ttdlcal Vemtre

privatt' nnn5 10 f"t'\'IUn,l Ihe

Coopmtrh't Soder)' In edit: Local Coundl Area. tt.d eatIk-r ~ RIMA to CXJnIir"aIt' 10

.,... '''''''''' O>m!_ Otom olto and Egbekr/Nwuba SchooI-lb-t.oo am.


.... """''''

Aa:onIing to her:. thr- lTd I" G~rrllnl'!l1l lllU a lSfi rdcascd ~ billion.o Ihrr..UI1

istryolAf;ricuklftI011IJd __ bnn klputsforfamwnxross tile c:ounITJ. "'he N9lillion is 10 I'm d"'-1C St"a.ftir!l;'iUId 00)('1' in pubanddi§l,illlIlll 10 bmJl.u


leading bosinc5!I II Is Nigeria'i 1JU:Sine5a rlt"\VSjJOP!" 10 pub lish rIVe Iinll':l 8 wm... Iklsi I~ 11M II $ln-. online IKnt"'llCe with 0Yn 900,000 IlfliqurpagevtewmtRXldlly_ 1111'! 1It"W'5pIII)('I' IIbo I_a R'p rrsnJtath't' oITil"'t" In Ghana. IlMS Is a full !It"fVk:t I " ~1' lch agellcv foondt'd ill 19&1, Owl" tilt" last JO ymn. tiM" ,~h.n gt"Cftm 10 lit' tlwl lf~alld ll"~

<"l.rht fCSt'an:h agnq 5CI ;,.;iIlS mo1I1Y lIIultifla'ion aIs f West and r..,.rnI Alri !:an rqions. IL\IS currently has mOl'l! Ihall 2SO penna tnlllllalT ",td IJWa 2.700 fdd cd

workttS in offi(r5 localed In Nigma. Ghana, &nq;:II. Call1t'''f'OOtl, DR Congo and ClIIt'" d"voire:. KMS pridt"S 1'-M'1f as West and Cen •.rnl Africa's rt'SeaKh spedall5l, which Is tdf c:vkk:rM ill wide




tilt' ntljorily or dlelilt' Africa.. markets and" teeming lisa of mllhillallonal dIoenlS 01' t"fDling ill varying bttsillC5S

"""" Rivers ord ers micro loan increase to grassroots business operators


Shl!'said dledlor1 '\';IS lIIIn of die 'Wk1tltnml '11lI1S OI"'m31Mm .-ooa to " tAXi mise apicuhlll1lf llOIcniai In

On 1.-tMsiorl or inmNnlCtllft"'. he said govt"mml'!n' wuuld aJI15lIIK1 OIokochol l,po UttllM!bulu Road. build health CttIlre '" Oruzu. and 111I1<;t wilh l!tdM!! Guv1:'11_,.,11 iw pruWiion 01 eIrlc.. trkity to rural communities In till'! I..GA_llte ~ 10 tile,oe r-eyi. had ClJlbinru dte ratio naIc bdtind die n5Umpioll 0I1hr 1bwn IlaD fIII'!CIing!lerb III)'Wlg dll!re _ nrrd 10 Inform die rmI* on puII:b. ,~mld aaMlirs..,ol govntlllMmt lIS ~U as llear from tile peDt>ie 10 coI~


In onII!'r tI.... ~ don't ha\~ a food ~ In th! counuy_ 'hil B to illOI<f' the ot.rnI or dJO:CUlnmilment oCl'ftIrnIl CoO\'t'fl1II.,11 111M"" the k:Ittl er$JlipulGoodlut'kJonatlwL "'So, rann(":" should br ~.-.: 11 _ _ inputs 10 bt" IlIpplied and I belkn- tht'" Ministry of Agrkulture will 100I'I make a'lr.U1abIc SOlIit' of .",...: TIlt'" minis lt"" hOWt"'vf'r, ~id thai tile 'lUf~ oI.he IIIOdcmbe !tnd prorllOle acrI tUllttlO tl lCmerMIh3t d~ W'<df bt" MxI alffldmcy In



Sbr saidlhal tile ~la ,rnsabokla~ftdullNit;rria

....... ..

aports IOod instead


or im


JJfl'dbI!' IU Kllit:Yc dill!' ~ F..aiieI:.


IiIrmt"n who spoke lauded the 7..amIafli gpw:"_lw:Jlllin~b

tiIbcrs .. .muccd prien b

"""'Th<y. '''''''''''' ."xoaIed fordlt";itllCM:tIlJonoltll(";r"t'tl eraI Govnnn.,. irl lJltlVidinc odW'r inputs sudl as insft:Ii

ddes. hobiddcsandil':r1hn as wdlat rum machnery, Sulcrlill. GaladiuQ, a f.ann

a. Ad 1110'11 tlte Sla&c 8l">'t'"1!"11m h;td ~dinglttt8:scr

a "ffIlmI tlte....m I~

of NG,.tUJ. adding tha.

were ,lIf'tMIied on ........-Utq' uuly pr1J'ridt" 5ftd


1U1f;.Ilor UI on Soans. hut we buy h"mddes, II~ and bdhn. \~ IU¥I!' 10 buy Ihem and nlO5l. 01 tG OIIlnot afJonIm bt.lfdlO!W'inJluu~ 11f' Akl Iha l agkuhure: ....*1 bI!' 5ltll5idhrd lor k 10 I", sU('ces5ful addil'K .hal a JOr 01 rntDi!er COSb Nfo,OOO durint; tI.e rn.iny ~ and ~ IIOfIt"; lilat iI \tuuld

..... d""""


Ut'" also farnJ wilh chaJ~ 0( nlll.rkrtl n« and

storing uur produtt lxornuse \\'t' t'lmt"flliy lann ricr. Ilr'llltS,. Mlcat. rowpea. nazt. puca lOt'S ant.! bnrns, I......l Umatu N ....Dbc. £annrr., wanted r;ow-rmncm 10 MISKIIMl r..rtiIiser for f"arm ('r.I; and to pm'tidc OOn brm


..,he SoIwI:o Riln;a 8;Isin Ik\-doj:_ncnt AutllOllty 1-...0vilks rt"ftillsers rot- u .. and I wilh my I~ I (all" a/'brllo I.'Y"

I:':;:"d in

adt: Iw said

&-.0. Mohammadu KalJi.



launching \\ pmdllC cDl in IIIe b.-asin. Q)ing dt,ll p;vUdJxtoon 01 ~mefK officials ~hulIJc.I Itr t"fJCQUr


Abia agency completes 100 micro- projects in 11 years decu-mcadoll. wal .... IrallS I'ort, health anti ~ Njobl .said tlta( his ofr~ auqpised ill ~w:nc pbns, noting tlill.! rxt, ,.tan mrGinru ahoul d~ n*ro


Aaudil1810 him,lhcrearc

25OO"'CUlmllunil)'~ IIIt'I1I plans n:ady lor fundInt; ~ Ilstcd In tilt" 2(12)'Ci1f plan


"\~ arc in ninr b:ltIlJWt'fTlmelll areas and othe" art: )'t'llo ben..rll due 10 late ~I dirl& in sulf.l:ioll fu ' kr.hesaid. N'"....... who~

G<w<mo< """"""' '" adeclualely rundl"KO>ji of lhl'!


..-q, wgrd ttl("; berdiling COIlIIllllll ides 10 I!'I\JIlfe adeql~e !IIX\Irity d ~ In

I .... AkI da! dhdoplwJII was euily ac;hl~ when dte peop&e I~ ,tubIic ~.

adequaII!' teOriy lor dlerll.

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