I Monday 21
December 2009
Cassava processing centers benefit from CFC $1.6m fund Siern Leon e Agricultural Research Insowle and other
Remi Feyisipo, lbadan
ige r ia has benefi t ed
from che $1 .. 6 m ill ion Common Fund for Commodities
(CFq funded project for cuu'q production in the country. Sierra leone and Benin Republic are also (0 beneficiary of the project The project is seeking
value addi t ion to canava and to consequently boost production and generate ~Ith .
Cassava which is a food security .. poverty_
reducing crop
a boost
with the commissioning of
five new proc::euing centres in Siern l eone. This was made possible by the CFC, Internnional InHhute of Tropical Agriculture [IITA] and
The processing centreS, which are located In five di fferent c::ommu n ities includi n g Wuerloo, Bo District, NJ~l;iI Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), M~ktlnl Cl t y/ Teko, and Hamdalai In Slerra. l eone,Me part of a $ 1.6 milllon(CFC) funded project . "It will aho imp r ove livelihood, incomes of farmers and stakeholders in the ca.u~v~ enterpr ise," s~ys Lueef S~nni, p r oject coo rdin~to r, for the CFC funded projeCts . "Hore importantly, this will create m~rket and drive the production of Qn;Iva:' Since 1990, cassava production in Sierra Leone has be e n on the u p beat climbing from I 178,200 metric tons in 1990 to 1,2)6,852 mt in 2007. Alfred Dixon.~ doctOrate degree holder and directO('
Chariots unveils new brand of currency counting mac hine h3riou Informuio" S)'uems limited the leading provider of 113wlen communicatio n and office automuion solutions for growinz 3nd eSCIblished businesses has unveiled the Ioatest model of the Ronbon bnnd of currency ccuming rNchine the WJD-RBSOOE. This bank note counting machine can conveniently count Eum. US Do1l3t; Pound Sterlin" Yen, Rubies, N31ra 3CCUr.lltely with a counterfeit discriminatin, capacity 0170%
due to the incorpor.Ition of the double-m3goetic head eNG in iu uoique head design.
It is 3n eXport oriented model with 3djusuble eXtr3 br03d sp3ce th3t C3n ~ccommodilte various currency dimensions . It autonutIcaJl)' memorizes 3nd 3dds up previously counted qWontities. The Ronbon brand which U symbol of ludin, technology is tested trusted and h3s garnered wide 3ceeptance unongusen. "The WJD-RBSOOE model is scientific in nructure. elegant In design. eas)' to operate, high in efficiency, very durable, accur.ne and hlis the capability of counllng o ld and squeezed up notes. effortieuly. It provides the user with ~:,.~.:.~.n.teed COnyenlent 3
describing the reli3bility of this new model. The inherent fea.a.-es 01 this ISO 9001 ; 2000 Certified and lC compulsory certification model3re: Above 3verage counterfeit discriminating functionality. .Clear eXtr3 larse LED dispby thole is leuy to read. .Voice prompt ap3bllities. .Genuine m3gnetic he3d 3nd sensor. .&cera IH'oad (oreisn nude 31uminum 3l10Y cover that an take 30Y size of currellC)'. .Soft (ouch key cont rol mech3nism with adlustable head counter: .Its counting speed is 1000 notes per minute. The benefitS to the user Include the follow ing: . It comes with m3nubcturers' w.arn.nty. .Iu voltage requlremenu m3ke it possible for the machine to count even u Yery low currents of II OVolu. .It is very easy to operate 3nd h3ndle wim 3 body weij;ht ofakl· .It comes with 3 p3ck of serYiceable pans that ue readily avail3ble. .Due to its unique desi,n conception a~ efficiency. it an count o ld and squeezed up notes easily. The comp3ny which has several models of the Ronbon
general. Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute said the uti lisation of cassava and creation of p r o du cts such as Garf, a Nigerian.fntrOduced staple, has act ua lly creued demand
for the crop. Consequently, cassava is now second to rice as a staple with people eating both the leaves and tubers of the crop. Th e establishment of
the processing centers has spu rr ed Interest In cusava production in Ioal communities. Dorris Kargbo, a benefiCiary of the cassava centre in Hamdalai Village
Vin Udokwu, Imo stale commiSSioner o f health (left) and Chidi Chukwueke. chairman. Deep Offshore Community Affairs Groiup (DOGAG) speaking 10 reponers dur ing the opening ceremony 01 the Iree medical trealment proglamme In ISlala Mbano. Imo state sponsored by DOGAG
ACCA releases report on climate change l)1eanyi Nwac hukwu With focus on the business world's response to climne ch3nge. AssociatIon of Chartered Certified AccOun t 3nU (ACCA) 3nd the Globa;! Reporting Initi3tive (GR I) on December l <t. bunched 3n in-depth. fourpart repon on "High Impact Sect ors: The Ch3ltenge of Reportin, Climue Change." The report provides an insighl InlO the degree to which 13rae comp3nies around the world from the I S most hiJh-impa.ct Indusuy sectcn h3ve begun to disclose meir ,reenhouse gas (GHG) emissions u well u their strategies for reduction. The study shows du.t less than half of companies swdied u the al0b31 level disclosed specific climue chanaerebted informa.tion,usin, GRI indicatol"$ in their comp3ny's sustainability reporu. The report which is split Into four sections, includes ACCA conducted research into over six years of the perlonmonce of 'high Imp3ct' Industries such as a,,+.u:ion 3nd
3n31ysis of ffi3ndatory and yoluOl.ary disclosure schemes currently in opention. The conclusion o f which Is that the disclosure web is ,rowlna tighter by the year for businesses_ In the third section of the report, GRJ·led research into the disclosures by businesses in the BRie+SA ru.tions (BnziI. Russia, India, Chiru. 3nd South Africa) concluded thu the deye loped and deye loping world need to work closer and co-operate. The last and firu.1 section of the report comprises interviews with business , fin3ncl31 and sustain3bility experts from Mervyn Kina to Lord Turner. 3bout their views on the corporate response to dim.ue change. ·limid .....sleepy .. and"not yet sufficient" 3re JUSt some of the commenu.
says. in her community ~one, about '10 fanner-groups have been formed for cassava production. E~ch of the
t~~:s c=~rises ~bout
The groups will ensure the steady supply of asuva tubers to the processing centre which will process the tuben Into prt. (oofoo. cassava cake and canan doughnut among others. ''This will create )cbs to our people, generate wealth and reduce poverty. It u our own s~tegy of contributing to poverty reduction in Sierra Leone," Kargbo says. Traditio nally, cassava tuben in Sierra Leone are harvested, boiled and eaten. The limited utilisation of casun often times resulu to glut during periods of bumper harvest. Kargbo. while expressing gratitude to the CFClIlTAI SLARI project uys the processing CentreS have created ~ marke t thu will mop up cassav3 in the future.
Sterling Oil &:ploration and Energy ~ Production Company Limited Operator of the Onshore Btock OPL 280 PSC
- CORRIGENDUM Subject: Extension of closing date for PreQualification for "INVITATION FOR PREQUALIFICATION FOR EPCC SERVICES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF BLOCK OPL 280" Sterlng Oil Ex~atio1 and ProctuctlOl'l Cernpany lmled (SEEPeO) pLilllshed adverusement on 8" December 2009 roc IOVIlauon for Pre-QualifJCation for ' Invllallon for PreQualifrcation for EPCC SE!f\'lCesfor Oevelopmen of Blodt OPl 280' win dosl"lQ date as 2t'" December 2009 for Slimissm of filled il Pre-Oualificafm tpJestiormlfe aoo aD the re<p..rited
SEEPeO hefeby extends the dclsn\j date ftJ submlSSlorl 01 filled III Pre-Quanficati:Nl tpJeShCl'lOart! and al the required
docuneots for both the EPee lenders (FacditIE!S and layl"lQ of
P~ne) from 22'" December 2009 to '9 December 2009 at 15 30 ooSS NIQ6fian Slaldard Tme (NST) AI other terms and condiOOns mentioned IfI prevtOUs ad.,,£11isament shall remalll <n:Ilanged
ReYie'wiI1l.ne report. Roger
Acb.ms. executNe director of policy at ACCA. suted thu "The interviews from expert commentators show th3t the corporate response nuy not h3ve muched up the seriousness of the issues . Developing countries 3re
Duly filled In prequalification questionnaire and ill the required documents should be submitted lenderwise in a sealed cover marked with "Pre-qualifi calion for
--;;;r;;;;",,;m;:;;;;-n;;;-;;..,IMention lIIe name of SeNice and reteience no.} 'Of onShore OPl 28er and deliyered
either by hand or by courier 10 reach Deputy General Manager· Contracts, SlerlinQOil Exoloration and Energy Production Comll'lnvl ;mil...r DI,,' 'iri'i: .....:~ ,~ 0 • •.. • • - .