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TODAY 35 Mond,~ 21 May 2012



Enterprise peo Ie SIAKAMOMOH

rc Nigeria Pic u already flying with the much publicized cauavi bread, 1Xll\Sllffiins65 meu1c: ION High Quality CAssava Flour {HQCF} monlhl,. BusincnDay can


UTC flies with cassava bread, consumes 65 metric tons HQCF monthly


Mer 92 triab and aImosI three months from date 01 hs imtial trial. the company, In February achieved a lustalnable commercia l recipe' for while bread and wheat grain bread with 20 percenl UQCP Inc!lulun. II hIS abo nandardiu:d a nd commcn:iall.u!d Its Cakes and <hlpsy bedRall redpewilh 3D pcn:alIllQflC Inclusion. These ~ were revealed )tilen:Iay by FoIUIO 0IanIyan. trI"C. chlef al the launch o(!he commerdallu:d high qualiry c:assav& bread at UTC'I plant in Uuptju.1..ap. Director- Genenl of Nadonal AgeDC;Y for [Food and DrugAdminisualion and Conuol (No\FDAC), Paul 0rhU. who laundled me bread and pageriesAid !he bread "tIISleS better dum other bfNd· and added ~ will make IUIe IbM Iheftourispre-mbzdandJOOd

inclusion, we may lose to an fmpend1ng inaease In the COlA ofwheadbJrfrun June I, 2012.She explained whea t flour Rill forms 80 pen:rnl of Dowc:ontent -in our standardised recipe, until we are able 10 achleYe the 40 percent HQCF Indusiondesndbythefedenl """"~C She added Ihll magic lolulions (er:l'tymes) In the rectpes have come 10 lITC al rela.liYelyhJgh oosudue 10 high freighting c;Q$!L Ihey are I neces5ily&om RlCt'ft5because of the absence of gluten In HQCF. Wediclt rorlhefc!deral ~enl 5UppCK1 in getting watven; on tile Import duty for bakeryequipment and enzymes pending the dme enzymes

findi ngs; Eunice Iyam u . I housewife and a mother 01 three ch1Idml AId, ~ bread is ~nior.. You can hanIly tpOf the difference from the regular wheat bread. II II • welcome development;" Obln na Okercke. a siaff of FiISl ClI}' Monumenl Bank (FCMB) said. '"The products are savowing. nice and very tasty':. And Bukola Osagie, I ronll1H:lOf ami housewife said, lhe cassava brNd and snadc Ire lusl perfect and since II Is I Nigerian made product It will really help to improve otU economy: The tm: bosa aid; -we intend 10 suy ahead of competition. Ind as such, we ha~ mowd on qUiddy 10 inuuduce the ~n range oIsnacbmadefrom HQCF. We are bold enou&h (0 give lOW disdosun: of oorlngn!dientsoo

can be locally 1TIIllufacnued. We also appcalw the federal governmenl to IUppOrt us with. markeling campaign which we, Ihe IIakeholden;, will actively particlpale In Ionnuhu:ing In otheI" to ~ rnufmum resuhs," It would be recalled that


for lactallvc mOlhel"l, we will make IUle II has tiM! nece5iU)' miaonlltrien~

-I encoul" III 10 eal h, II 11 Nigerian. it is NAFDAC-

appruved.- heaaid and lhbwu iillowed with ioudovaoon (rom



A sutYq' amducted II the !aunth gave the (ollowing

She called on President Good lu ck Jonathan to InlerVrne In the cost of wheat flour. ~Uie we what have saved !'rom 20 pernenl HQCF

How Ofada rice entrepreneurs are faring PrOpCom came In : I WIS nmnins an NGO. I have been running an NGO for close to four yean now and allO worIdns ror 5Omebody Jordose 10 10 yean: So. I have been doin& this business of woridns with rarmen for 14 yelTs. I Imow the filnner Inside OUL So, what IlelI the banks Is thai they should deal with me and I wID deal with the l'annm. TODlLllgot capacity It Is still W:rf small because offinancial ccnsuaInts.. Ills just abouilO lonI perannum I am looking al aboul 60 IOns per annumand &un theregraduate 10 120 100S: I am looking at the

bul wUI wanr 10 salW'lte the local marlel lim befOle going upon. I.OCl.! n l:e In Mgerll We do nOI produce more tban we ImporL The only reuon why we will be produdng more Ihan we impon is if all these problems we highlighted are solved. Take OUI tile Impurilies. make the funding available, Ind lei the land be available. I.e!: seed be lVililable, il U also Imporllnl. If ali thele Ire liken care of, we can meel demand. Why It [s thai Orada rice Is ntM anilable on sbel<ml in our stores! Every market you ,0 10 In Lago. you find Imponed rice. Our own rice Is not on the 5he1~ someone e\$C', rice Is on the sheillhi.i Is nOI a comfortable AlUalion. LoomlD, hunler We cannot say this does nOI concern U5: Whatever eIpOCIll'I8IU:I

Is hlppenln, out there wI.II definitely &eI to us; It iJ juA a quCition of time. So, we have to be pan of the soludon to this global food crisis. (fwesil on the fence a!)d say It does nol c:oncem us. we wUl TCgI'CI Ia'a Morounfolu Anlkeade Adeoye, I:hllrman, Rice Farmers' Anoc!atlon of Nigeria. RIFAN i am l.agos State's RlFAN chainnan.1 produce. prooestl and martet Ofada rice. OiaUenget Inhlall,., I had problem with the I.agol Stale lovernrnent because of my political affiliation. But ( 1m happy that the problem hal now been seuled Ihrough the inlervention of RIFAN 's South West chllrman. Bode Adeneltan, a putor. We are happy because recently the Fed~ Governmenl gave rice fannm N400 million. We are ~~onthemoWill~

of iharing this money. We are yet to know how much will go 10 each ltate. This money is for proc:e&Sinc and fII8Ib11ng Iince Ihls year's plaolln, season hu expired. It is I loan &om the Bank of Indusoy: l'<OpCom We thank God and we beUeve: PI"OpCom will taU tU 10 a levellhat will make our rice Iccep!:ed internationally. This Is li'IileR my 1n1CR$1 Is. I go to England every year on holidays: What we eal there Is Ghana's rice and prrl Why can't we have Nigerill'. Ofada In Engllnd1 PrOpCom Is living UI robust lupporl. I

Nigerian ccJpol'aIe bakm, who na...e~produaionor c:asAY:II

breEd. had~a1Ied

on the: fedeBI ~I to 11M Ihem lmpon dury waive on CD7:fll1CS (map: .oIutions) In high quality cassava flour redpet, which they claim are imported.arhlgh.~broughl

about by bWI &eightinc CXIQS, The COOS 0{ lITe Nigeria Pic, FolusJto Olanlyan and Food Con~pt5, DejlAIdrlyanju, bakers uf UTC Bread and BunMldd 1JmId~, revealed thil faa allbe launch or !he aMnna : hiked high quality as ~lv...·bl.Hd bread held receulfal the Presidential VIlla.Abuja.. Deil Akinyanlu Aid, "We rtquire.llv;l;lICrondutybbodi the equlptT..enl and Hl%)'ffic§ that we nend 10 bnpon from abRwl WI h minimal grants to fund additional equipmenl wewUI be able 10 aulOftlateour pr0ces.se5 ¥rucb ..iU Inaease oureffidenlicslndcapacryto ddiveJ 10 fc!din& proparnmes




am convinced that I will through PrOpCom, the link with the inlMlational ~ which I have laboured all these yean; Innin IOgel through the Nlgeriln Export Promotion C.,mcil MolAun conlenl It depends on where the rice II I:omlng from. In Lagos where I farm: our rice does not have the problem of molslure content. We dry our rice very well. Before I gOI 10 this level, I have lone 10 several workshops. I am thinking of doing pad:aging. I am stlll on the lookout for good

Unbeamb/c P/W:CS

.•. .".*





- ",itA spedalSilts Ill" fAe lil'St 20










I do not think we produce mote rice heft: than we Impact. In thl! ptil. we did OOt get any IUppOrt from governmen!. so how then can we claim that we produce more rice in Nigeria than we Impon1 We have the land for I'annInc. we have hec:taresln abundance. All we need is money. With enough, we will go places. Bad processing procedure is responsible for thepoorquallty obsftved In lOme Ofada.. The bad odour In some Ofad. comes about when proceAOn; IL'iClilUlleWliterllOlumc-.1 times. in Ise, Lagos. where I farm. we do neM do rucb thing. We use • particular quantity of waler once - we dlrow the watef ......Yf afreruse. Wedo no!: have stones In ow rice In Ise, even though we do not have de-stoning mlchlnl!. But we sun:Iy ....;u have one when we n:c:eM! die Bank of Industry's


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