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Th=day 22 Novenber 2{)12

Flood crisis: Implitations for agric and food security in Nigeria mncaninc Ihe

However, /Jdnwumi Adeslna. lllinislerolAgricultureand Rural De-

and benefit from a rood production lnIl:I'W51Iim1lOmaIJ&I: IhI!m n::!iWt tb*

atrady hem kJdgied


livesaod resumethdrlmniq::pracIic:ec.

miW!eJ III barde i..:k n:suIIin£ in

!ion on me pan 01 the ~ To this end. !he ~ S\N\lIlI inlO action with the aUoadon of

vdop:Dent.theagric minislel"rern;aIbd

CriIicism ~~-pound


imp&emental.... bas also surfac:aI..

musI protect fanners £rom lhe impM:2 of



eo-fOlUlcf d the Youth eon.oruum

endeaYotu. Swes were divided Into four allegories depending on the extent of damage and e5tim1,ed '-:I 01 need. For ~ A states. ...1Hdl lnduded Oyo. KogI. Bmue. Pbteau. Adamawa., BayeJsa andAnamlJra, N500 miI1ion perstate ",.. aUoc.ted. f..a&'oI, Edo.Imo, em. Rh-ef. ThPba. Kaduoa, Kano, 8auchi,

dima&I: chance and uhimaleiy prewnI a disasla al this rnapliIudI: from rmc-

1heJet-becnalq;ltionsofcuruptioo ---.; pubtic:~who ' dMn!:dalUb5larJlial,.. altJxi..ts to Ibcif p:nlIPlII podr:t5. III Ib)da. IbI:n!weft""~of..p dd: al tdid u.-r:i* b:r poIiIir:iaoJ.. 00 the c:anJpl. rt:IICIiuos u..c been miRd. WhilI: JOme u.e ~ nD!ipI oflood andodxndd fDiIICrilis inI::II.dnf;: t.mInc impII:I:III:oIs in 'Iluab.). 0Ihtn: ' - wu..,&ai..od tba tbqo t - DDl~ h imI-:t 01 lhetealoallcd miIlion5. tbeydo nor nICZiwllood lq;JIbdyarF ~ fOod ~ (with -1NNr)' as 50 peopIe~. t-.;alre).FarolbI:no the I1XIft: difIio* ~-=


_ olthc ptJpIn ~ for h Har.nbe Incut.or rar~.nd


OllSARD) lDtIMt.banlmbtml'=fl'o.orJ

Dood incidences thai ed our country 1eV-



nadonaI di:sasla'bawe been difficuhw~ ForOlIllI)'

who _

lheir mearu of IivUlhood


way IMs afbat" !he memories will be around for • whIle. lIoliItions remain dispiKed and residing tanpOrariIy in camps. &u with coIJ,ec:tM, swift and ~.moo. we can reverse 5OI:DI! of the long-lasting impactS of this


FAdicf this )'Nt !he N"JgCrian Meteorological Agency meased • reo pan "'~ about IDr'ft!DIiaI rainfaD and consequent f1oc:Iding. What W;lS unkmnoon then was that over 5,000 fann1andJwoukI bewasbedWlay. For limns IUtIUJId the teeming fbvef N"1gI!I' or linked 10 Irs 0"II:Juwies. the dfeas werelDOSl,;r.rve. hl ......111111 State. II was ftJ)OI'Ied thII CMfl.2OO heaan:5d rice plantation hIrve been washed -'ltY. Aa::ardinc 10 the Deita Stale c:ommisdoncr (or Agrio.1Itun: and lQrwa] Re-

1Io'i£a. Jipwa. and ~'a, which

rea wxSer~ 8, rec:eiwdN400 mfIlion each. _ did the Category C sta&e5 of Ahia. RiYert,

Ebonyt, ~

K""~11I and KIIrsfna. UslJ)'.theC.tegoryD$WeI-~

Ogun. Gombe.

Bomo. Ab.. Ibom. Oiun. Enugu. Wti, Yobe, Kebbi. and ZamfanI weft gM!D N2SO miIllon each. In addition. a oommJnee - the

National Committee on Flood Rdle! and Rehabilitation - was formed 10 support the goyemmem', mw and reIuiobilimlioo dIoru and raise .ddnkmal funds 1(M'lIIdJ 1hi5 prnfeCt. With thousands al riot, and other cup farms washed b'ay. thl: progress madl: In thMl: key SI:OOn ewer lhe past months in the m~ towuds sdf-illuf!k:il:ncy bas been SOJdy undennined. N put al the Flood Rec:cM!ry Food Production Plan, farmen WI:rI: to n!Cll!':lve ~ mid". food and sheilI:!'




BulIDIIX: membasallbl:sodety.-e

noll impressed. SQliQg thal!he ~ meflI nsponsI: muld haw: been I1XIft:

rWd. bJ declarinc a ~ SEMI: of bdIitate tbI: fC5ClII: and tl:bablUtation 0{ displaced penons and thdr propaty. 0Iba5, sum_!he ~ of the Dt:ba SlMe Ib&se of AsM:mbIy, haw:daaitx:d lhdr location. palttyaod IDsuf'fic:iem b-!he CMrtoildmlng chaDc:qop al rc:habiIitadon. And IOIJ'II: otben t - DOIfJd dlIIIl with !he N81 biDion budget aJ.Ioc:iIIbl for apicuhwe b- 20l3, Ihl: suca:s of run...- rdlabiliwion wiD be sevctdy limitI:d. f\uthennon!:. complaints t emt:rgmc)' 10


With discipline, careful administration

and monitoring. and adequate planning. prosperity for di;placed populations can still be won



till tha 1t'IoOInI:Dt, thtrt: are


that are okIer thaD lbe crashI:d 0anI Air MD83. whim "'. . 22)nB okL The h!O Bodn& VCzs..\$ - lopedficaUy oonJigured. bJgbJy CUSlOmbed Bot:ing 741-2008 s.erb a1raaft - cunauIy UKd _ lUI Fon:e 0nI: by PresidelI: Barad; ot.m. wre manufactund in 1990 (5aml:ycar as Dana's aashI:d MDI!I3 abaaft). r'Ol'"dIe m:ords.Air fooroeOneis die offidaIau ttaffic rontroI caD sign all UniledStM5Aifr-oroeairaaft~[IJl]Qlprariaru. the tenn rdcB 10 tht.e Air Force: uaaft ~ dI:signed. built, and used b Iht purpose 01 transporting thl: t. Several airaaIt have bI:el used • AIr fon% 0nI: iincI: the creatioo aI thr: ~ Beet. ThI: US AIr Force .Is Iookinc inti) replacing thf! two \-'C25 aiImlft With threI: replacemI!m airtnfi betjnning in 2ll17. by which WfIe thI:y wouki hwe hem openud b 'II years.


IhellNllb~alcbJbotaand m;daria - dul:IUtbl:bip:I~al

IIIIJIIIqUiIoesrm tbeampLAod wbiea

hem abetD IrsMe hOilDlp'and IIa1 their Ina ~ odx:n n:m;dn. Ild:Ii..n(I;: 10 RSIIIII: Iiu::minc ar olbe"

........... ID

response 10 the JRSO'l


ClDJ5and ~ dll:fiPW11*.iii!d dxJuId CIIIDI: up with • .tKn-. tDI!dum-mdk:Jnc-tmnpbnfar~­

Ufion. In !he st-t $I!nQ, ~ sin&fe nainaliDQll:dlDlbeSbIII5a1d~

must beaa::ounlCd b. ~

---...... .....

aukmae.-.:l . . dIeIIII_ 110 ~~

be rqJIIIired IU ~!be..-b imdioninc 01 the watue d:uia.. 'IlIe ....,........ 01 Cainfj aQd Sbiraro IlIn:s .ad ID be iIaapuftd _ ~

~SJ*m5_buik. Indlenrs. aa...~

m:ed ID buill in onb to ~ 1111: .apDsal~"'~ ___ :II


crisis. tJItimaIJdy. dIiI:

. . . , bdptbe» Ihe..-m~ ~ I



me J spud"al~al~inh __ al atOIIbu dis:a!Im. As !be ~ '" • ap:nda Deb oIl..t job5 br:p'IlD beC1C11151 in tbeapiIDIuIaI indusIry, cIispbooI:d bd Iti1kd md~""'and~ sbot.*Ibe~ ••

s........ ,....,.-

Thi5 wiI. bdp Iba:a mil ooIrpia aDpo,mm:~b:in:m..ccsal 1 L • ~in Ibcif bD:D JI:IIIS 01 ~ or in IlCW ~ runI--. losuranct scbams . . 1Irma:J-.....:I . . . be.,. In dJc kq II:DD. ~.Iib; tbe NlMET bUd be ~ priority..t apiaall~ I'CIICVdt in n::bIiou. hi c::tirrwI: aDd ulii..Ji.aa:utOlll ~ DUIIInbm ~ poIic.y. ,... willllbrt.minc aid t..osinca p::x>lias to be nan'! ~ in the kq; run.. IV. !he end 01 tbe cbf, tbe CDID!DI$ 01 tbe m:me.:s and the_ YUlncnIbIe J;fOUp5 ;and SCldaaa:uD:



dismissed to ~ . . . ~ 10 odx:n who ~ willi irnplnry,

o:pIoiIed in oodG-tDaa:IicaIE:..-ny _ _ ~ .. tbe~


N,p:i.isalJk..l:Jodit!dc:ilbl:nslllU5l be

01 tbI: popubdoo.. FInnID Iboukt be

Ihc: faJI:WUI iIIk::raa ill ~

~~finiInI:iaI~1D hdp them pkt. up piI:as ~ thciJ


lives and rdJuiId their entaprise..

nle lines 01 ~ I.JcrwcaJ d.i5pIaa!d f.tnnus and 1br:ir SIak: p-. ~ dJouId be U:pI open. SirJr;r,

manyfarmlaods h;rvelJt,cQdcshuyaI.





[; must be p.Il in pbg:;

lheaodleas hiM: led rrmoyexpens 10 ~ that a food aisis- chanlaft!sed by the -=alation 01 pcweny. food ~ the rise In food prica ... is IrnminenI:lfpromptaaianis not w.m.. C>lhen ~ 5aid fhat IoUowtng the Iarge«:aIe reductim in the supply 01 homr-pown ~ produce..II famineislurldn&

AkP8ri, WI ~. wnres

UflIlCICICSSa}' adminisrrarivecnu.


soun:zs, MSm Ku~!he hardesI:hil ....'a'e the fish. pig and crop (such as C8SSII\"'I and ,u) farmers. Beyond the erosion ollOib and Iiumlands, the desuucDonoClI1frasuuaurebnportanl for the InaiIlleJance and disttiburlon of agrio.1Inual produce has also had




I:HIbie famcn find an lr¥anJI: 10 bnnin£. But tbc emphasis


JboukI DOl be Ddy ~ CXiUIlrII5dal tanners ., RJb5isIcoa! I;;u:mn:s: who

"1IIIr;;iq; 10 nansbm the RICIUr and IBiIeI" in de be ~ __



1alcn IU c:rasure Iba tbcte dram I:KJI u.ndc:nninod... Wim diK:ipIinI:. anSJI . . . . . . . . . . and a.riIar~ ... .tequac~JlIUIPdy .... diI;pI;a:Ir:d popuI;bJps an d be

,{bmnma - .. and IiIinr;

on-dship. i - ( CIinJI:) em be.aBl.


lheir bmllies bdo~ the o.-ts ~ atso w:ry vuInuabIc. FJJoru 5houId be m.dc: 10 ~ them into

Of Obama, Romney and Dana Air (2) Ld'Seva1focusoo CUI'Jallopalo' toni oO.1D831iroaft,. &om !be brgea

iRtgnanddammtic lIUd:carritlslO new JlaI1-up airlines and cbaner uptnWfS.Americ:IInAidinklpSlhtllst with a flee!: of 275lo11owed by DeJo Ail. a.I5o In the us. which opt:rat5 117 MD80881eries models. AIm1:her 74 ~ ClpI:r1Ued. bJlirltnI:s.a0s5 rope. Evm the.umdi: used bydle US


Republican pR'$idmtiaJ candktate. I1Iscarnpqn in the 2012 US pesidmdaJ dection ..... an MDB31ira1di nJafllIfMjured in 1990 (AIllI: year as Dana', ahpIanI:).11is Min Rorw1I:y. b



UKd an okSa ~ of the MD80 seriei •• DC-9-32airaaA - AmI: age as his btnh.., ~inAfria 100, Air 8ud:inI and Mall U'le lhe MDeo serb ain:nIt 10 IcrJy AIr France pasliI:IlgeI1 going 10 potrus beyond C)'apioo 'P' and BImIko. and the UN U5eIlwnAorl aI tbe ain:rafi 10 HftNigler:ians and ocher troopsror~lI1i!i5kmsup tiD this mom&lL 1bI: MD80 is 1aKJI.,,'t]

aslhtwod:hofseal!heOoctfofu-airlinesaod tbt!y have bem SUD2S5fulyin ~ bmany)'tlh. 1heMDp!": of II! the MD80 aeries IIiraaII: ~ aIfn:ndyaisl globally" ~ (MS ZJ years. Apin.1et me ~1haI • • 00I equal to safety and safery is 001 t:ep..iaI: 10 . . WhaI. is mo5I important iii through • sysl&n ol w,;hly I"I:pIbled checb, the servk:e imegrity 01 an airaaft Is IDIimalned JuDy. in line with !be rer:onunc:ndations~ tt.:rnanufIclum:. no matter the . . Otber mntributmy


facIorslUwialicmsaietyindudeaioIDnship (~aI which kofu:n described as f'Do1 Error). depth of aiJiioI: me:nt aDd !hi: DpeI"lIIIing 1!fIYimnmc:nI; !hough govemcd by nature. mviroo-


menl 15 controlled by perun&ll5. An ~ aI fa..itun!, in this rqcatd is I ground t:qUipma1l bilure 10 provide ~ guidana! Of dcua inc.Im1mI


In spite of the acddmts n:aJI"ded gIobaDy hllbe las lew yean, J&IlisIia st'IlM'tbaI*mmsponationrenainsthl: P&-srntal'l'Callm¥dtod;Jy.Anddcspilc:


wdon~e Oaoa Air.::ddl:ot. ~" ~iudlmby"SliIIn&ed

da: Federal '&Ii5aJol ~ InIIIt.

hl(1Ion~._ wdl.lbe~ b.::tiam;~tbe~OriJ\wWon AudKDy(NCM.).byttJrJI • pi

am6I:II::ncealcbepublcirllheadOf: ~ ... cbe c:aI!II: 01 cbe )laM! 3 II%idI:d DDIl - t J a inpaII modu!ion..ttbr. b;-

0viI Aviation 0Jg.aniAti0n (ICAO) aod!he ' .......",ioraI Air Tmospm Associaion(lA1l\). A 1etteI" sipn1 by tbc ~ oI1CAO. Rotx:no Kobd! Gonzalez. $bortIy'afier the uap: :acc::idem or JunI: 3, 2012. Aid tba NilJ!:ri:lwasOlll: ~ die 13 aJUmJ:is Od 0154 in Africa whose: ~ o(9Jeaivc bnpwit1ltir


tion(l.El)oftbeei!tllc::ril:icill~ olJCAOAktr~ _~

the world


the t!IplI critical


lion. .. ,........... IICCbnicaI aa8' and

tr.min& tI!I:friaI~..t1ook, Iia:miq;.~~mn­

~ do IIIIB'lID fuIr~!be

hflbeAailk:d ~ a (AlB) musI be run,. ' ,I d;

.mine ~ DUll tI"! t;Mn die ~~""':'Up­ .-. b ~ alllCW ain:. ai. DIll ~"'al"""ama:ms

bd 10 enhance ~ aaaion ..t _ _ _ pdDbiiIy:- h NCAA


and CJIb7 ~ I1lU5I uphold the ~ tqet ... rbe induRry br ~

IOOpcroml~hf ~


and la"riI:z pmrickrs III aD

tiouous~aod~~ IOdcty~AsimibrItaa.Iffirm­


Inf:;tbl:AlElymd air leJClUrof~" _ _ _ _ br uampon~

lATA in ....,20l2.

AidiJ:le opc:c:;aon. !be NCAA and



)JftI'ridc:anawe yl6'tunia b- -.tines aod ..naicm

.-xs .,

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