Thur>day 22 No-;ember 2012
BUSINESSDAY: www.businessdayonline.com
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AdlsinllIiiDd this in Abu)a at ameedn8with pm-ateSI!!C' lor partners In the agrlcuJ ~ value chain c:om.'mItd to garner RIppon for the FederaJ ~'Wnment's AgricuIrural Tramlonnation Afmda
m~ng wu radii· by the ministry, the N"agt!tllIIl Eamomk Slunallt
.gonda. He promised to always
Group ,NI'SG) '"" "'" "'""'" Nallons l>e'\"e-IOrmnll Pro·
"""""" """" "'" """'' '
sector 110 lei up an adwcacy group that would liaise with the poemment in IemlJ of
Be lOki them 10 focus on fiscal policy that would enfOod production. Aying thai. the pm"ale seacr ....'M crudaI to the SIXCfSS of the lntnSronnation ~ local
truena"iththeprhoneRCtOr lO~thaI~was
gr.unnw (UNDP
mromt as ~ mainslayol the
The miniS-leT uplalned thai ~ idea WiU 10 mabie proceaoB 10 ~;tblish thdr processing planl. In areas "'hen" rood production "'as high. He Wavl' an a5surnnce thallhe Fcder.tI GoYmvnent would priorltise basic infrasuuc:ture in these ZOI"I('I,.
aJUntrYs economy. -All the reforms being made by the ~era1 GOYmunenl are geared. toward wealth aeadoo and job c;re.. adon; thai Is why we need the pm'one seaor in all we we doing. '"Unless po-errunents' change their apprcadllo the pm.'3teseclot WI!! can', create
Earlier. Emmanuel ""'" "'" """"' " (jew-
ere. the chairman of NESG. ~
that the ministry needed • reIlaI* priw&e secn to run /lJA. According to hIm.. lOme! FedmaI Gownunmt', agri~ rulrunol poIlcl<s In "'" . did not work due 10 the lad; of communkat;on ,,"1m lhe pri\Odeseaor.
fie wgOO the poernmml toestablish a bodvlhat would Inll~raCl with the private
sector,n-If the government had a body in place 10 talk to the pm,,!e IeCUX.Ihen wewID beabietolkMc:e~t
as the case may be: He expres.sed optimism that the value chain system would be uphekL No r(!W!!f than 60 IX!OJ>Ir
from the orpnJ.sed privlne teacr allended the meeting.
CenIriIII Bank d NFia(OIN)ooll.:s:by c:a1Jcd on the FedenI
a bodyoli"1 iiI! eqxns IMI will benaforth ..ec the bendllDld.oIOll1fd aid jXice .-.dlhoitbest*kixllrom.1idc::aI~_~
~ allepi Ib'lIal.e.
This po5itioP was one of tt",,~oltbe~
Policy ~ meetirII; f1I the OIN ~ nlCBII ' WIhea!1hy' debates on the S75 pel" I:a-Jft
2013 01 bmd.nad;;
and anemp.. by the ~ "-mbIy '0 r1IiIe iI .. bd-J S78.-.d S8Q. The O!N poanoL SaPusi I..amdo Sarui. said the CDIDnUnee considen tbis allempl _ dmirnmDllO the I:IIXDDIy
MPC realTtrmed R5 suppon
md price ax! lila sbcU:1 be
biodirli;buIb"liII::JII~ anddlr~~.
band ~ by \:be IKaI IUIbariIits aOO JXM:I dullI:* bas ber:ome C'IU1 ~~ in thI!lliFl mericImDe 1M Cdp.a pu;cc:rkDs tnIJ' t-1xa1
dawA a1d fiIIJ I doa't liz ...
a aIcd on dlC ij.HCi1aJR!Ul and the lUdonaI AsIa:nIJIy. . . . '--d. 10 bonoor io:D the 0JiIeim aprienat nb rqpnIlO !be aa.inc up 0I1be ~bk~
at the a-...lu¥t.,-*I ___ k~...:uur
lir.an:k. -"tanrCDdlirs !hal t - • mmmodily prio:
0Jk. t - t aD lhepriceafmppel; die blqp iJIDiIIlIe..:l1hii
is IDe. BuI: a.Ie t-IIJ inIIIiIu-
me Im£ em en;:o..,.dGDP. -n.ose prices ale dete..-
to the 20 13 budget.
numI:JI:r ..:II_"~
iI·aoIJ ..... ~wr
tv.e ,..,....,
nul ~
~lhI:f~al~ !he kq; ItDD price al ~
nU:d ilidcpow:b::c of pofIicII pnx:rs. So IheIe e.pa1S ...t b:aal0Q~'" ~ .-lid
at'" IbiJ • !he bend:t-
cood· ... ;..srAf~i5·
benctaoark bd: IbM bR is • 1rpII--.t b d!IaJaio........ ta.:t.n.I;..:I:III_ dcd!ioa if; !XII poIIicIt. ~~Ibe ....
_1lI'ea!d. ~ ~ lhe~uplOS4Ior-Sa)
__ t--...p!lOllliid
ibnpfy' inDn.w5 rbe - - . . of rmmI:'J_.~..tua:5 !be ___ 1bal_~;md .
i:Irmr-CdpuIunderprsbms..t.et--..,..nI dUI wilh the IuodL We_ 10kt _ NNJ'C bIS*-'r1oit ~)U.I~lOcip
rrducinc,... h:aI ~
JUW'' '
rapood 10
· Medica Emergency
Medica Rescue Service
Standby at Cocporate Events
Abuja Lagos Port Harcourt
· Site Coverage · Disaster Relief · Sporting Event
..... ~~ DaIpbiII ~ IIIot4il..agclls. -r.t: ""ss::sa.~ 1llif115Y322l. CIU775!!!I321-1 0IG77511U282., D8077932b:J -.......: ~ 'U..c- e.aaa: w::lI!911~ 5
Ik..... llulilwilbe'W!!lf
ames OUI wid! • number and
aid_ 11_ !bes..& Iorqpinf; _' - ' on
m. D:s ~
with respI'lCllO DKXaetary mit fiKaI ~ sio::e II wi! po5Sib!y inc:rease liquidity iD
IIJVmImml 5pmding while III !he same lime aating down 00
" . Idea
lbrtJucb .. bdJoic:;II dcaaed
InlOmepansoithe country. Akinwwnl Adesina. the Minister of Agrlcuhure
weaJth orjobl: he sakl5tteS5ing thai there was dte need 10 do:l thorough SlruCnm1I jobol the prh"llte IeClO(. The minister urged the private teClOr 10 MJJk eDdy ...mh the fannen' associations
"ill IOOCl eslablish staple aop proccsslng zones t
"II is the duty of the government 10 provide the basic amenities in these zones. We have Identified these zones and ....-e know what is needed 10 make things wort:
" " " . . . · n
CBN calls for independent body to determine oil benchmark
FG to establish staple crop processing zones