BUSINESSDAY \" ww ouslnessdayonllne (om
E-mail: ag@businessdayonlin •. com T.I.: 0803 124 0471 Wednesday 23 May 2012
Lagos commissions 10 farm access roads
JF6 has no choice but to evelop cassava'
Roland Ehigiamusoe, national preSident, Cassava Processors Association of Nigeric (CAPAN), and pro-chancellor/chairman of governing council, Universil) of Calabar, in this interview with GODFREY OFURUM, he reveals the im pofl ance of cassava starch in the textile industry, among others. Excerpts
O ~~?E
auch I mu.1O happen1 So, we are ~ that the
newl)'lletnwuuidnotprocm bthal.lflheypve room rorthal and kaYe ACred cows amons Ihe bantin& Inmrudonl. and Ibm it Is Pus 10 be another
an Inltlltlv8 '0 dlvenH, the counuy'~ K3t10my from t:USIIq derivl.IIIe'- But WI IniIialM fIItd. /1;11..,.. II _
and _ t.d
Anybody who ...". thai ow
'1 'IUJlPOfUnI
specie of CII!IS;M II: IIddk: Is I . . We hrYe manyvarimesand thai Is why I am IlJ*dllIO (ITA, noc becallMi 1-. I ~klnl 10 them. but becane dtey rmJIy tnIde cfJoru ., brin@;in m.1J varieties from Bfa:ziJ and CJIbtor parts 01 South Amerlc:a 10 develop with ow own. At I dme. our Ioc.l ~ apedeI Wf!'ft prodt.oeq: aboul 11 toni per hectare.. They developed many varIedes and I anatysed
lnIdtuOOns~tb ~
tr.on.ab~aJ~ llJTA).wbo~
were coRlUltan' J, were VU}'
delenYM<llo Ito m.aU. k.
The p.uldJnl at thll weI'}' erio\UI with Ihe p'OIQ.Jnml . but It wu unfonunlle da,' In N1aeria. ,o~mmeo l hi' nOI b«n lime was
ro.- IITA. lboIll 41 ..rledes. I
~"-WIP01ocs.~ the pIamI PfS"1mI. we ~
.wped the ones In IJdIu Ode. 0Kun Stale. Oeba and we
mlde 10 UDder >tend, hu • ~ "'-Mldheilioslmna thM~ldlcb.thoukl b,,,DO_ _
We dldn ', lUlow whl' hal~ed aI thr I lime. I bad h uge inveIunenIt IH d-. lime In ~ b • tIfI cake-ofJ dthe ~~ lu _were fnutnlled. Obaunjo made II compubol'}' ro. OUIJf tnillen 10 ~tM buy at.,..,.. lour Of Incorponllle In whut Dour. Of thq- wuukI boo AnCtionaL And thai nade Bour mmen
10 encou"'ItI (lS.Ava Dour procenor. III .c;;ale-up p-odudkIn 10 me:!t thdr neech. bea..- they m n td Wi th 2S peant~ O::M"lnduaion. When dtey __ fla t there_ nO( eooush c;:u;rn Dour 10 meet Ibm demlndJ, bccaUIe
they reduced it to 10 ~ and we _~ alj prepllJ'ftllo
T he prolmnlme waa aba n doned lt1medlatelJ ~Jd oIft-e.1t ' with the pernnH'nl and Ihe
fIour~ nottiR~ ..t~ir.JdtutJon&.
BUI IhIt timf> around. we Ire happy to bear Iha t the prfteIll ~mme:u Is tryinl 10 plull thoR h.;,11!S thar led 10 Ihe flilure of the ronn~ ~ Oneal the.qII me, IRWincIsID lepllerhb poky o/.lnaJrpontinc 01. . . . Dour In btHd. II is done In other cwntries,. bur J drn'l knowwbJ NigIerIIn5 ~ reIImnc il. SamICi A'f the (br Il6rs make more
en fum ac;;cell rOld. In LIIO. Stlte to(llIInl22.19 kllomelru. which were rehlbllltlted by Ihe IlIte Commrn:ial Agriculture
DeYdopmenI ProJect (CADP).
have been commmklned by GcM-mor Babahmde Fuhola.
The Ikorodu Fish FIrm &mll! ~ n:-I was cbo5m II the poiI'll of commJ:sWnirc lor aDlhe rehabibUiled roads,
spread across lh~ stilt' This " ' lit', which .ervl ce. 119 corrunerdal fish CarmeQ and prooe5IOl'$ with I producdon apac.ny of 294 42 nteUic 10m
of table fish per annum. has • len8th of 4 .65 kilome tre. The e5IIte also produt:el tJYft 100,000 impm'ed fingerlings (Osb seeds) per month Ind lO5.&gpn-~ o/.JmOted ftsh. In hi. Iddress, G~rnor Fasholl .tated. ·Our land is 100 P'ftn for us 10 be hwwy; chaJJmslng the youthlto be rndy 10 work in the farms. II
~., ~
the ~ IIouI;
many rdustd..t~ did noc We ~ ibis lime around. !he ~t
woukl noll .-uw1UCh 8CdonI. If Ihey do..t one Io!.~ ~ ou Ihaf ano4hs' Is malq more
poky. they-*t
Another alqt ~I .nou&d • 10 tnMft that If* propammewurbls.,aQIdhe fartnInc. Many fIrmm Ia'e not flnandaIy SIJOnS became !he t.nkin& S)'IeID ... Niprla ...
never IUpported IISfkulture.. can uy thai with emJlha*. beau§e I can defrrxI Ie and I ' - been II)'in& II on behalf 01 fantwB..t ~ 1ha there Is no ~ IXJUntty I
In I bill waJ w1Ihou i belD, .......... by",............ So. IhIt dme around, the nn lnelal InJl it Ulion., the bankinillnstitulkms mIlS! be Iiort:ed (0 mppon il8fkulture h .. not I new thin&. They. It elsewhere!. The Nilt'rlln
prdmed IOpay~ and the .-mml!l'lldldnDldo~ ..tthalll:~ Whylhoukl
the FedenII Govmunmt allow
"'"""1.ucasAkapa. theCADPtuk learn 1eaIkr. who ~ted Frlnco!, Mlrlf!' Nt'III!', the \'Iorid Bank country director. apprecilted the IUpport of !he lApStI,e .-mmmlin the lmpimlentltion of CAOP In rhf!' stlte!. Abpa Mid Ihe IUppor1 had 5I&I'1ed 10 manlJest In form of Iludable projects such as the commissioned toad rdtabUitltion and enerr;y Inttcrventlon. 10 sup port Ipo-p rocesslnl tec:h nolOJY sub-protKu. The CADP task IeIIn leackor Ibm MlUmi tht'sovemmertt thlt the World Blnk wl1l ronlinue 10 parmer-me stIle In profeas Impkmmw.m. II one of Ihe m¥w componenu of CADP was supply of rural Infrlluucture to e nhan ce apkuItmaI comma I lindon
-"........,,,01 finn I('Ce$.J roads and rural
~I"""'~ ............
_ CJDUMt produc:e up 10 30 II:;d
- b y - _ .... ..t d1IIIi ~lhemain-."to ""'C!t-d. \\bt<lht!rthm!aremore . . - . to tb& we don't ~. At thIII lime IbM lI:w DourmiIt
he slTeSled hll commltmenl mnvl80flue apicultu~, 15 dwugh such &let- the MOon can surmount hs economic (0
lhere ~ manJ~ 0/. CISISiI'YiI. Peopk can choo!Ie the onetheylkr..lJTA"~
!bll We bave lhose thlt Ire ~ addle. which are prtJbtIbIy best b IndustrW purpI»eIL We t - .arne thM are not tlddk; we Ilso hive some thlt are atmoa nU In acidity and they are amorc thoee found In !he ~m ~on, wblch )'Vu can _ ordInariIy_So we haYe d_ In It'nnJ aI yfdd. we ~ "'Y many_J ~ 10 the ment of anal)'llnl the 41 varieties and can ...y wbk:h ones will be best lor alcohol, swch and ~ IlauLI., ~ 10 the e::omt 01 calculalqthequandry of alcohol or HtJ'ft of akoboI one an ... from I hecwe 011 JIIII1Io.IlM variety 01 c:aesava. II II not .uanpt thai aft~ the &ustndon 01 the previout ~. poIr;:J on CIISI'MII the iIrmen went bed: 10 thdr CMS Mh fMtnIicn IIowweva; we_~".~
or procesaora and powen.
n. oonsrr- wII hold lOOn In BenIn. £do SIaM. J went 10 the
., dIIo.a wtth Ibftn and I arn mw CXIrIYD:ed t . they _
IeriouR. The fedepI pomwnolI
Is"" toe)' emou. and ItwW 10 ~ GoodJud. Jonathan. he Is . . . bquId oAdaI ~ ID put pmoI1IIl emoIion no h pqpatIIJ1e Io.-.z.-hob,.
L formerly known.nd addre5ed I I Nwosl En now wish to be known ¥'d ad-
I. formt'rly known.nd addrHsed U Ojoko AM now wbh to be known n ad~ u Acbrm AU Joy .All fonnf!'t documf!'nu rr-
pte_ Ulte note.
rNIn 'II11d. Genefll public
dmsed u ~Jlmin Jutkla .All fomler documenb rrrNIn wHd. GenmI pubIk
I. I'ormerly known and «t-
AS ot.n.....ju Abike now wM to be known and ~ AS AdMns Omotola~ Abltl ~
....... ..... '""""" .All
""""""" tHe nme.
I. iOnnefly known and addrf!'SWd AS Mbs Ra.feb ChICHM now wish to be known .00 addrmed ;IS
Mrs. ballt. ChiotNI Ob... .All formf!'or donwnenu l!INin YJIid. ~.t ;IS(' Qkt!' notr