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InveSlmenl Opporlunily AgrIcultural InnovaUons are now creallng rea_) wealth for Investors In the field of agrlcullure. Business Day Agrlc segment will be unveiling these innovations in coming editions -Watch Out


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Wednesday 23 ~'ay 2012

BUSINESSDAY wwwbuslnessdayonllnecom

REMI fEYISIPO, IbalUn oyernor Rlu! Arelbe.ola of O.un SU IIt hi. opened discuAionJ with the ~n "lilt of Suony ARhall u part of the 'Ulle', delltrmin.,lon to funher bool! III comprehen.lve apicultund pros;runme.


Are,belola. wbo led I deleplion of lOp pn-emmenl

omell" saddled with the food produClion project of hi. admlnl'lrlllon to Ihe .alu In Germany, hIS upullion of hURl{er I. one ohbe Iix InlqraJ plaru orhls admmlln-adon. Aa:ordlnllo a IUllemmt from Semlu Oklnllwon, dlreclor, Bureau of Commu n Icatlon. and

Sualq)' In the Office of Ihe Governor, Areabesoll Ind his learn left NJgetU $alUrday nigluand Irnved In G~y

Osun opens bilateral talks with Germany on food production Int er.entlon Programme, and othen. In Noyember list yel(, Are,besoll allo hid led. deleplioo to Zambia on a drlye to tltlbU.h ahlUolr· baud mllllYe beef produclion proieci In Ihe

on SunWly [or the dhcuRIons biiluen.l re!aliolUhip. The lovernor reassured Ihe people of the lIale of hi. admlnluullon'. detemUnadoo 10 rum 0Iun 10 the food bukeloitbecounUJ. Hermanne Onlto Albn.. agrlcuhure mlniJler of (he Sllle of Suony Anhah, I. leadl", talb wflb ATqbeIoIa on how the IWO 'Ialet cln aplore area, of cooperation on agric:uInuallnVHUnetllJ in Oiun Stale.. rn company of Arqbesola II Wale Adedoyln , commiHloner for apiculture and food .ecurhy; Dele Olundlpe, coordlnllor of Ihe "lle'l QUick Impici 00


The beef production project, called O'Beef, ha. Ilready commenced In the ..lie with leadln, forei,n tIpt'-ru In bee( product1oD Irainln, lnlereited farmer" on how to produce beef In • project limed It en.urin, high Ioc:ome from lhev.:nlun!To reaIi.te the obfeai¥el 01 the ma.tvoe food production, the Idmlnisuadon hid set up

MAY 11 - 17 2012 Nlgena Commodity Index

'....... ....... .... ",..

Cassava growers send 50S to Oyo government REMI FEYISIPO, lbadon Q)os.-d:IIpad the NI&erla.n c:u.... Growen AIIocIltion (NCXA)!dm!he



dheniimen ....'ho~1hdr t.n.wiIb de" tadL WhOe wamina 01 possible communll dllh between them and the PWni herdImen If ,overnmenl doel nOI Immedillely intervene, the ~ p1JWtf11le panicu1ar abouc Jddo Loc:aI GcM:mmenc Area of Ihe IIlte In which their vice chairman.. Buhlru Adnlyan. Aid there wu !he UIJtd need 10 ICI and smp !he hmIImm bdore Ihe-'tuadon P aut 0Ihand. 1his " cominS • the stale m.pcu 0I1he Calftlh Fumen



Riledan alarm a--rWncClllllCl oIlh1:iand ~ t.w:.,oC1har


While condemn In, the

KIMcie$ 01 the fish Ihiews, lhe

Oyo Stale CAFAN disclosed ltw the tb~ USUAUy come



_ --he _ aha penanaDy affaud swed that the a1arm _ abo

neceuary II pretenl because the PJ¥mlUlmt wu doin& Its best 10 encoura,e rannln" espeaaIIyamorc!he)UUd».:Id IUCh hannIuI aafvIdes mipu


1heaaiofwollhehadlmm. he Aid had been rnaIdna !he goal of food lecurity of the chaI their aaivldn had became

10 ~

m.a !hey.amecirns

either lUlled farme ... who challen,ed Ihem or .poke I spedallanIuaF to WF t:hetr!hefarmcn. In h1I own cut. Adnfyan AId aboul 20 hectares 01 his CIIAVI !arm were dnlroyed recendy bJ the herdRnm and !heir cows. r15UItini InIo ialp Io.wiIhouIanyMcr!1


He Iiso mentioned Ihe case of another fannt'r who Inws&ed twndredIoCrhouIands 01 naira on h11 rum onty for !he henkman 10 offer I paltry N5.OOO. .. ~whera he _ lmlItod afit'f hlI herd



the Oun Rura~ Enlerprian AlriCI hural trolr.mme and 1M QUIIP ~ pan of the Yehldn 10 anvethe projecu. The 1"'0 .genclu had lupenllod .. ,rlcul!ure IIDd c earln" IlIrlbullon of Im1ro.ed .eedll ng •• fertllhera, I"d lOin. 10 fannerA ID akl. their pllndn, actfvld !L As pa , t of dfortl to make ..grteuhuTIC Inraclive I I .... e I, he lOyern menl hu as lured farmen of III read-m :II 10 aaruport their farm p-od..tee r- of ~ 10 lure CUlr"eli in La,o. Ihrourh III memorandum of uncen .. ndtnl with the N'!p'ria RaiIwayCooperation )


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